BLOG 372
Afternoon all. To be sure, here's what's up today. "How to pack" by me... you know we is a moving and a grooving, home, that is.
Now, I love to de-clutter, however this time it's more of a massacre than a de-clutter. I refuse to move any more of the stuff I only ever see when I'm moving one more time. Did you understand that ? Even I had to read it again.
Every morning I go back to the same cupboards and wardrobes as the day before and dig a little deeper, grow a little more mercenary. One hour a day as opposed to an eight hour slog. It's a theory that is working - up to a point.
The thing is, as you are faced with the stuff of many years of western style hoarding, the items you want to keep, you also come to hate, which means, of course, that yet more things have to go. This is good, very good, but it's still not enough.
Further, more stringent measures, therefore have to be introduced.
I figured, what with work, wife and life, there is very little spare time to wear that much and play with that much, so, four boxes, that's it - four empty boxes, eventually filled will be all that comes with me to the new house. You see the process is all the wrong way round. It shouldn't be a question of what am I willing to get rid of but rather what is it I really want to keep.
Already today, as a result of this more acute action, I have charity shopped many things that before you would have had to tear away from me. Even some of my old Don't Forget Your Tooothbrush frocks. Any regrets ? Not for a second, in fact as I type, I am salivating at the thought of another massacre tomorrow. Yum yum.
P.S. Looks like it's going to be a caravan with an awning. Thanks for the steer.
P.P.S. Naughty Nic won a Sony award last night as part of the Russell Brand show. Hurrah Nicky Boy.
Comment number 1.
At 13th May 2008, clakie wrote:Has he massacred the blog?
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Comment number 2.
At 13th May 2008, DWNB01 wrote:that is all good and well, until a couple of years down the line you think.. where did that "SUIT/ SHIRT/KITCHEN SINK" go that I held on to because SENTIMENTAL /USEFUL / MEMORIES / SELLABLE / CHARITY.... and then you remember.
I know I know.. it's only things. I do have major clear outs, and I guarantee you, that within the next 9 months, I say "oh wow..... I wish...",
but hey - what's to stop you nipping out and buying a new one!
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Comment number 3.
At 13th May 2008, CrimboDeevs wrote:clakie - do you refer to Russells blog. Weird innit? Maybe Interactive Ian needs to have a peep ....
CLP - I'm gonna go home tonight and do some de-cluttering. Then, once I've de-cluttered I'll be able to buy some MORE CLOTHES for summer! Yippeeeeee!!!!
Well done to Russell, Matt, Mr Gee, Noel Gallagher, Naughty Nic etc etc for the Sony Award. The RB Saturday night show (podcast) and Drivetime are worth the licence fee alone!
I feel really happy today - kinda sorted, if you know what I mean!
Lots of love, for now my friends for I'm sure to pop back later ....
CtD xxxxxx
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Comment number 4.
At 13th May 2008, lilacsuemary wrote:O how I wish I could be like that - I have promised myself that if ever I move again I would be completely de-cluttered. My friends almost fell out with me the last time after helping me move boxes and bags up four flights of stairs to my current flat after the removal men abandoned me at the bottom. In fairness they had been there almost all day! There is the likelihood that I will be moving over the next 12 months so guess what I will be doing over the May bank holiday weekend?
Good luck
Sue x
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Comment number 5.
At 13th May 2008, meandjumpingbean wrote:Oh de-cluttering... we tried, really we tried, when we moved last summer.... but half the boxes of stuff are still at my parents' house...
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Comment number 6.
At 13th May 2008, meandjumpingbean wrote:And I know that there's stuff at the bottom of the pile of boxes that I actually want, but have to go through all the other boxes to get to it...
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Comment number 7.
At 13th May 2008, B-sMum wrote:I really wish we could move and then I could de-clutter. I swear if I had a garage sale we could pay the mortgages for 12 months. Got wedding presents from moons ago never even used and as for clothes and shoes!! I've seen pointy toes come and go and come again.
It is however, sometimes nice to find something in a cupboard you forgot you had bought!!
One day!!!!
Beesmum xx
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Comment number 8.
At 13th May 2008, NewChrissieS wrote:Chris,
We moved house almost two years ago and have an entire loft full of boxes and bags that we have never looked at since the day we moved in.
I really will try to make an effort to do something about it ...... wish I could get your energy!
Of course, I can never part with my Osmonds' World magazines and thanks to meeting up with the lovely Amanda from the blog last Saturday, I now have ANOTHER Osmonds book I must keep! But I love it!
C xx
P.S. Clodagh - JW played "Just Walk Away Renee" this morning - and I thought of you. xx
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Comment number 9.
At 13th May 2008, B-sMum wrote:The bolt hole in Wales has all our "ex" computers/printers - what is that about!!! and "ex" stereo stuff and records and cassettes - I think we need help!!
Beesmum xx
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Comment number 10.
At 13th May 2008, Paulyboy72 wrote:Afternoon CLP,
Decluttered/Declogged a while ago, and even though it's memories gone, it's not a bad thing!!!
Onwards and upwards as they say! Better things to come! I'm sure you'll make the most of the caravan and awning thing!
All the best from the sunny Black Country!
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Comment number 11.
At 13th May 2008, gingembre- wrote:as I've finally killed my old TFI Friday tshirt... you have one in your cull?
It'll go to a great home if so??????
Yours in anticipation, with fingers crossed
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Comment number 12.
At 13th May 2008, Littlest Hobo wrote:greetings and Salutations from Vancouver, Canada,
Well, as I sit at home with my morning coffee, I am almost eating my own fist with anticipation as my flight is just hours away.
With packing complete, no work today and a few hours to relax, I really am as happy as a Frenchman who just inherited a cheese factory. I will, naturally, arrive at the airport early to afford myself the luxury of a post check-in libation and an hour or so of people watching with my beautiful young lady. Bliss.
Well, I will be in Blighty tomorrow evening so shall try and stay awake to listen to Mr.Evans at "drivetime". Novelty indeed.
Take care, one and all, and have a fine day.
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Comment number 13.
At 13th May 2008, alright_flower wrote:Ooh, tough job CLP, but I like your attitude! One question - four boxes??? Is that just your personal stuff, or is that for the entire house I wonder... Fairly sure your house would be bigger than mine, so you'd have more stuff (cos everyone knows that the bigger your house, the more stuff you have to have to fill it), and I'm just imagining fitting my house into four boxes. Hahahahaha.
Have moved twice in four years, second time was easy as you can't build up a good store of never-to-be-used-again stuff in two years!
First time wasn't really too bad either - split with the ex so could only have half the stuff anyway!
AF x
ps Beesmum, just the odd nutter shareholder - they do like a good rant!
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Comment number 14.
At 13th May 2008, CrimboDeevs wrote:AF - he doesn't say how big the boxes! For all we know he could be talking 40' container "boxes" - not common ole tea chests wot you and me would pack into.
But yeh - 4 doesn't sound many!
You could make a profit with de-cluttering: things like concert brochures are always up on online auction sites ...... now, where's that Duran Duran 1984 souvenir brochure ..... ? ? ?
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Comment number 15.
At 13th May 2008, CrimboDeevs wrote:Hey LittlestHobo1 - have a safe flight and enjoy your time back in Blighty!
I guess you're used to CLP as a brekkie show, eh?
Tell the pilot to drive safely!
CtD xxxxx
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Comment number 16.
At 13th May 2008, B-sMum wrote:Tee hee Ctd never thought of the size of box - 4 x40ft containers of course!!!
MIL hoards old curtains from her many moves - No I don't think they will go with any of my stuff thank you!! aaargh!!
Beesmum xxx
AF know what you mean!
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Comment number 17.
At 13th May 2008, yorkshireEm27 wrote:Wow that is first time I have looked at the blog since the new security!
I dont mind too much clutter, I have heard the rule if it is not useful or beautiful get rid of it! I can understand this especially because my husband hoards all kinda nonsence! But the other day I was looking for something and came across some letters my husband first sent to me when we first met! They were so cool I swear I fell for the guy all over again!
Then again, when i do throw a load of stuff out I get a sense of calm too! Selective de clutter must be the way forward!
This weekend I am actually doing a car boot, my junk is anothers bargain! Wish me luck I am broke!!!!
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Comment number 18.
At 13th May 2008, Littlest Hobo wrote:Thanks Cheryl,
It does indeed take me back to my University days when Chris was still presenting his Breakfast Show. Granted, 'twas a touch earlier but it does seem as if life can be quite symmetrical on occasion.
I will indeed have a good time in Blighty. May even pop to The Mulberry if it doesn't take too long from London. I can hardly wait for my first pint of bitter tomorrow afternoon. Oh sweet nectar, come hither to my lips...and pass me the crisps.
Enough of that...
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Comment number 19.
At 13th May 2008, Errol wrote:Hi Chrisoff and the gang,
Moving house is the best especially when you sit for hours contemplating whether or not to charity shop all those items you probably spent years searching for, always looking for a reason or space to keep the item, I know, I have done it so many times, but now I hope to stay put forever.
An hour a day as opposed to an 8 hour declutter, yeh right, who ever stops after an hour lol, just doesn't happen but its all good fun.
Looking forward to the show on the way home but even more looking forward to a week Friday, finish work and off to lands afar for 19 days................... hope you're not in a caravan when I get back Mr E but I hope to have some awesome news when I do, A massive blog will be the order of the day, thats for sure (he says confidently) watch this blog.
Oh well, back to work, n a kiss for MW if and when she reads this XXX
Errol x
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Comment number 20.
At 13th May 2008, Littlest Hobo wrote:For anyone wishing to hear a positively fantastic example of eloquent, passionate public oration, this is a must:
I have long been an admirer of Stephen Fry, his fine acting and utterly stupendous novels and this is yet another example of his towering intellect and scintillating wit.
Dr. T
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Comment number 21.
At 13th May 2008, CrimboDeevs wrote:LittlestHobo1 - you need to find a good CAMRA beer festival!!!! How long are you over for? There's one in Colchester w/c 27 May ........
CtD, lover of all things CAMRA (inc cider!!!)
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Comment number 22.
At 13th May 2008, Debbie C wrote:Good evening
De-cluttering is very therapeutic. Started clearing out cupboards and drawers when I gave up work, not even half way through!
Little man has been filming with CBeebies today and it was so lovely. At first he wouldn't even look up at any of the crew but by lunchtime was leading them around the wildlife centre and holding their hands.
At one point he was to wave to the camera and say hello, but he wouldn't. He said he didn't have any hello's left. When the researcher asked what she had to do to get the hello's back, he told her she had to climb a tree. And she did! Great stuff.
I am so proud of him and I can't wait to see the end result. Considering he is only four I think he did a wonderful job, but then I would!
Nite all
Debbie x
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Comment number 23.
At 13th May 2008, cathmel wrote:debs how lovely x
CLP please please please find gingembre a new TFI t-shirt.
Littlest Hobo safe journey
Hi em27 x
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Comment number 24.
At 13th May 2008, cathmel wrote:I love a good clear out. It is very cathartic.
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Comment number 25.
At 13th May 2008, U11733592 wrote:Evening one and all
Oh Caravan’s you are very brave Mr Chris…… Chemical loo’s and all that.
I don’t really like parting with things. I never got over somebody throwing away my stamp collection and congratulations letter from Blue Peter for winning a badge.
Does Littlest Hobo sound posh or what. Reminds me of Joseph Mc Crumble some how.
Steven Fry is just amazing I think.
Glad you liked my webcam video Gingembre /DWNB Me bow’s a bit tarnished now.
Debbie sounds a fab day you had with your son.
I don’t know why my commas come out as questions marks. Is anyone else afflicted by this?
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Comment number 26.
At 14th May 2008, VaughnJess wrote:My parents decided to have a de-clutter not long after I moved out, so I got no say in what got binned! So now I'm worried that they threw the old Atari out, even though I haven't played it for years, and probably wouldn't play it again anyway. As long as she didn't throw out my old stuffed toys, then I suppose I'll live.
VaughnJess from Down Under
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Comment number 27.
At 14th May 2008, lazykev wrote:sounds like you have been really busy again.....qoute trinny and sue, if you havnt wore it in twelve month you never will,so bin it/charity shop it,another school appeal today hope it goes well....fingers,legs,everything crossed.
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Comment number 28.
At 14th May 2008, gingembre- wrote:morning team
wow Debs, sounds like a star in the making, you must let us all know when his tv debut is so we can all watch?
I love to de-clutter, MrsW is the opposite which is great because at the weekend she dressed our daughter in an outfit she had kept from when #1 daughter was a toddler. It was the outfit she'd first ever walked in, I was so touched. I'd've thrown that out probably.
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Comment number 29.
At 14th May 2008, gingembre- wrote:hmph, been bingo'd
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Comment number 30.
At 14th May 2008, gingembre- wrote:cathmel - can you start a petition for me to get a new tshirt please???? ;)
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Comment number 31.
At 14th May 2008, gingembre- wrote:Off to the surgeon this morning for my 4 week check up
Bonnet de douche
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Comment number 32.
At 14th May 2008, gingembre- wrote:hope Dr T arrives safely and enjoys that first cold pint
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Comment number 33.
At 14th May 2008, gingembre- wrote:and his MnS sarnie!
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Comment number 34.
At 14th May 2008, meandjumpingbean wrote:Morning all, wonder if I'll be Bingo'd again today...
Debbie that is so cute of your little boy - climbing a tree to get the hellos back! Genius!
Gingembre good luck with the checkup, but it does sound like you've been a good boy with the exercise so should be no worries there eh :)
Safe journey LittlestHobo xx
And how's that for a news story, "sorry, you can't have my boots, but here, have my car instead and I'll pay for a year's insurance too" oh my word!!!
Happy Hump Day
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Comment number 35.
At 14th May 2008, meandjumpingbean wrote:woohoooo!!
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Comment number 36.
At 14th May 2008, meandjumpingbean wrote:Lazykev - I went through my summer wardrobe yesterday to find only one thing actually fits me at the moment :( devastated. On the other hand it means I'm starting to show which is quite exciting :) No way am I throwing it all away though, I'll be back to normal size by next summer - or else!!
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Comment number 37.
At 14th May 2008, tallgirl73 wrote:Morning all -
I do love a good de-clutter - bought my first house 2 yrs ago and am decroating so taking the opportunity to throw out a load of stuff that has just appeared!! (How does that work!!)
no sunshine here today! :(
xx TG73
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Comment number 38.
At 14th May 2008, Super Bagpuss wrote:well TLOML is a mjaor clutterer so much in fact that we have filled a three bedroom house between the two of us.
Have planned a car boot sale this summer - just need to find a free weekend and book it in - we go to the giant one at Denham if anyone is local.
When i was a student I moved around a lot and had four boxes of stiff - now I have so much more - it is the case that you expand to fit your space.
Fo those not on fb - or have missed - we are meeting at the mulberry bush on sat the 24th May for a drink. me and my man will be there and it would be great to meet you in eral life - Don't worry we are not axe murderers and you are only invited if if you are not - bingo I'm looking at you :-)
CTD - shame you cannot be there - we will have to meet up later in the year.
Super bagpuss x
ps - yes I will be sat there wearing a pink cat so you know who I am ;-)
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Comment number 39.
At 14th May 2008, Super Bagpuss wrote:oh - and Chris - I suggest you ebay all your unwanted stuff that me be worth something or auction it on your CiN quiz night as that would be great for the charity - just an idea? ;-)
first dibs to all bloggers thought :-)
super bp x
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Comment number 40.
At 14th May 2008, Debbie C wrote:Good luck with the check up Gingembre.
Not sure when little man is on tv, they said that they would be in touch and email me.
My lounge is very cluttered today, can you put old ladies on ebay? Only joking (honest).
Happy Hump Day all
Debbie x
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Comment number 41.
At 14th May 2008, U11733592 wrote:I was thinking Radio car boot Sale with a difference.
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Comment number 42.
At 14th May 2008, CrimboDeevs wrote:Morning all -
CtD xxxx
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Comment number 43.
At 14th May 2008, all-powerfulrosieroo wrote:I found a top in my wardrobe I hadn't worn for ages and resurrected it. It's like having a brand new garment. Decluttering can be great but finding an old gem you never thought you'd wear again? Priceless.
Bit hungover today. 6 bottles of chilled lager worked like a charm last night followed by the remainder of my friend's red wine.
Need a can of Cherry Coke...
Rosie x
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Comment number 44.
At 14th May 2008, emma-m wrote:Hi all,
I am a terrible hoarder, what was that programme where they used to put all your possessions in a local park and make you get rid of most of them? I should go on that, I'm going to be one of those awful old ladies who keeps every newspaper she's ever bought, because you never know if you might need it!
Debbie - how exciting re your little boy, been a bit out of touch lately what with childminding and my ofsted inspection, has he done any TV work before? How did you get him involved? Saw your pics of him on fb, he's very cute. Don't tell him I said that though, as the little boy I look after says, "I'm not cute, I'm strong!"
Gingembre and missy - let me know where the shop is and I'll pop in too!
Oh, and re the camping in the garden blog, I think tipis are the way forward - I really want one!!
Em xx
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Comment number 45.
At 14th May 2008, missy_alex wrote:Debbie- WOW! That souns a fun day out! Were you all dressed up like 'I'm the stars mother!' Wearing big black sun glasses and tottering around in heels?! Go you!
Gingembre- i don't know what song is was as it was on an MP3 which has a bout a million songs and we put in on the random setting!
Off to the fella's later to continue the chelsea garden. Here is a little Chelsea Flower show face, George Harrison's wife is doing a garden this year inspired but her late husband. Will look out on the TV for it.
Take care all and enjoy the sun while it lasts xx
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Comment number 46.
At 14th May 2008, U11733486 wrote:CLP - Go for the caravan but it's gotta be a Winnegago! Surely a man on your 'ourly rate could afford one - it's the only way ter go!!!
Aye ere's an idea when yuv finished yer.... errr could rent it out ter hte listeners - an very good business venture - know what am sayin'!!!!
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Comment number 47.
At 14th May 2008, U11733486 wrote:Cathmel - Comment #24 - That's 'ow I feel after too many prunes or laxatives!!!!
PS ALL - I'm still aving problems with me new car.
I gooot a friend of mind around who works for the 'AA' aka alcholics anomononminious....
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Comment number 48.
At 14th May 2008, U11733486 wrote:'E used ter work for the RAC until 'e was found drinking windscreen wash on the job...
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Comment number 49.
At 14th May 2008, U11733486 wrote:Anyway ave been told that although I was told by the salesmen, sorry salespersons, although they were men that a '51' plate is the latest year....
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Comment number 50.
At 14th May 2008, U11733486 wrote:And also it's 'ad a vigorous 68k pre delivery test. All of which am advised never 'appens ter a new car.....
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Comment number 51.
At 14th May 2008, U11733486 wrote:Am off ter trading standards all!!!!!!
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Comment number 52.
At 14th May 2008, U11733486 wrote:PS I'll tell all later about an article ave read in me local paper about the Society Of The Short Sighted!!!!!
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Comment number 53.
At 14th May 2008, U11733486 wrote:PS CLP - BIG congrates on the 372 blog!!!
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Comment number 54.
At 14th May 2008, U11733486 wrote:PPS I 'eard yer interview with the 'airyman - Is 'e from Newcastle... YI MAN!!!!!!
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Comment number 55.
At 14th May 2008, Mariella-Wolenski wrote:Morning all,
I find decluttering very therapeutic, but mine isn't about the material stuff. My little house is full of crud but in the last 18 months I have rid myself of a junk job, a junk partner, a junk self esteem and plenty of junk debts. My mind is decluttered of worries, woes, negative thoughts and pessimistic views.
The clutter in my house shows my life journey and I am really quite proud of it all, though I would like to keep it in a more orderly fashion.
Having decluttered in this way I found space for a beautiful man that shares my passions and gives me the best of him, and I give him the best of me (and occassionally the worst).
I intend to continue to clutter my house as each piece is a memory, and the idea of filling my house with new memories makes me smile all over.
MW, a!
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Comment number 56.
At 14th May 2008, sparklesparklytinsel wrote:MW-a - I want some of what you're having - well done!!! I suppose I've done the same thing really, albeit sometimes involuntarily - (apart from the debts, wish I could declutter them!!) - and I do feel happier than I ever have before.
Debbie - ooh, you and CLP's mummy will be meeting up at awards ceremonies soon to coo over your genius sons!!! Let us know when it's on!
Have been away for a few days and now we have the auditors in - I say we, it's only me, so it's kind of stressful - will my systems make the grade???
Happy Hump Day all, downhill to ARF now, woo hoooo!!
Oooh by the way - great day out if anyone lives oooop North - Crosby Beach, go and see Antony Gormley's fab installation, Another Place. 100 six foot iron men standing looking out to sea. Stunning!!
T xxxx
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Comment number 57.
At 14th May 2008, MwK-Glasgow wrote:Hi All,
CLP I cannot stand clutter, I'm a bit of a tidy freak. It's a great feeling when you have had a good clear out so to speak :o)
MWa! - Congratulations on your new found happiness xx
Dr T - Have a fab time back in blighty xx
The happiness is catching even I'm going through some happy days, not a feeling I get to experience very often but boy does it feel good when I do! Makes sure appreciate it even more.
I've had some very special prayers answered recently and for that I am eternally grateful and I'm happy with my lot! Now it's time to focus on some of my nephews who need their Aunty's wee prayers for some important days ahead. Two have job interview's and one has his driving test tomorrow.
Any spare positive vibes would be greatly appreciated.
Good luck to all the teenagers taking exams xx
Take care
Mary xx
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Comment number 58.
At 14th May 2008, MwK-Glasgow wrote:of course that should have read.....makes you appreciate it even more!
Mary xx
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Comment number 59.
At 14th May 2008, CrimboDeevs wrote:Goodness - you can tell the sun's out: it's not been this quiet in blogland for AGEEES!
Debbie - aw ... bless your little fella. Real cute! BAFTA's next year then ...?
Tried reading a bit of marian Keyes at my desk at lunchtime. Mission impossible ... talk about interruptions galore. I would go outside into the garden area but some of the lads are working out there: power tools, shirts off .. you get the picture. Not very nice really!
Apprentice tonight - yippeeeee!!! Who's next for the Pointy Firey Finger of S'ralan?
I love the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú2 sister show at 10pm too - Adrian Chiles is a real darling!
Right, lunch over (10 minutes ago) so best look busy til half five. Very quiet here too (apart from in the garden with the power tools!)
Toodle pip one and all
CtD xxxxxxx
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Comment number 60.
At 14th May 2008, CrimboDeevs wrote:Mary ..... feeling happy is amazing. I couldn't agree more!
C x x x
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Comment number 61.
At 14th May 2008, sparklesparklytinsel wrote:CtD, all I can say is Raef to win!! He's cute and he's got manners!
I'm so glad the two Jens went last week, couldn't STAND them!!
The Apprentice just gets better and better - i just love S'ralan.
I have to admit I'm also getting a bit of a crush on Lord Andrew Lord Llloyd Lord Webber - am I ill???
T xxx
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Comment number 62.
At 14th May 2008, MwK-Glasgow wrote:Good luck to Rangers tonight xx I bet the atmosphere in Manchester is amazing!
Mary xx
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Comment number 63.
At 14th May 2008, B-sMum wrote:Yabadabadooooooo!!! Tell later.
Beesmum xx
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Comment number 64.
At 14th May 2008, Debbie C wrote:Hi Em, thank you for that and I do tell him that he is cute!
He hasn't done tv work before but my dad has done loads. In fact he is filming again tonight at Tiggywinkles. Basically the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú got in touch with my dad and asked if he knew a little boy that could film with him for the day, cue little man.
Very proud of him today, thanks guys
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Comment number 65.
At 14th May 2008, gingembre- wrote:MwK - I'm with you....come on the 'Gers
Rosie - what has cherry coke ever done to you?
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Comment number 66.
At 14th May 2008, Debbie C wrote:Em, sorry I didn't mum and dad run a wildlife charity.
Must go and pick him up from school now x
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Comment number 67.
At 14th May 2008, U11733486 wrote:I'm in absolute full agreement on every point raised!!!!!
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Comment number 68.
At 14th May 2008, CrimboDeevs wrote:T - Lord Lloyd Webber .... hmmmmm. Can't see it on the loks front, but he does seem like he'd be good company. I quite like Gordon Ramsey and he's all wrinkled too!
What about Apprentice Alex. Lovely lips ....
B-sMum - you so can't leave it at that ...
Just done a stationery order. I love stationery. So much of it. Different colours. Styles. Sexy stationery ...
Right, must focus on work.
Oh, I give up today!
CtD xxxxxx
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Comment number 69.
At 14th May 2008, CrimboDeevs wrote:Aw Debbie - when I was "between jobs" I did the school run with my best friend (I'm god-mother to her 6 year old angel).
I was terrified. The school gate mafia know no boundaries!!! Last time I saw something that scary was in the Next sale on Boxing Day (other high street fashion chains are available ....)
Work's way easier than facing the school gate fraternity every day. You have my thoughts and bestest wishes.
CtD xxxxx
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Comment number 70.
At 14th May 2008, sparklesparklytinsel wrote:CtD - Totally agree re school run!!!! Running the gauntlet, horrendous!!
And as for Gordon - well phwoar - he is GAWJUS!! Gordon and Jose, I think the attraction is pretty obvious??!! But AndyLW, (as his friends call him) - squished up face, very strange expressions, but something rather cute about him? I think it's cos he's passionate about what he does, always attractive in a man I think!
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Comment number 71.
At 14th May 2008, B-sMum wrote:CtD sorry for delay, been emailing family. Looks like both me and gingembre were hospitaling today (hope your check up was OK KW?)
Nearly conked in 2004 and for 2 years in and out of orspittal and awash with 2 lots of chemo. YUK! Since then had 3 monthly very unpleasant checks but today my lovely consultant told me I could now go to 6 monthly checks so no orspittal until November!! The relief is unbelievable!
Beesmum xx
wee wee wee all the way home if you get me?!!
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Comment number 72.
At 14th May 2008, B-sMum wrote:CtD I love stationery too and order my stamps by post on internet. got a real dishy stationery delivery man!!! runs his own little business so we just HAVE to support him don't we!! tee hee
Beesmum xxx
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Comment number 73.
At 14th May 2008, B-sMum wrote:Went with my sister on school run once - v scary!!
We will all be watching Cbeebee when he's one - let us know and whens prog on?
Beesmum xx
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Comment number 74.
At 14th May 2008, B-sMum wrote:that should be on and how do you spell Cbe whatsit?
BM xx
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Comment number 75.
At 14th May 2008, sparklesparklytinsel wrote:Beesmum - that is FANTASTIC news, congratulations :-))))
T xxx
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Comment number 76.
At 14th May 2008, alright_flower wrote:Fantastic, Beesmum, you must be chuffed to little meatballs!!
What are you going to do to celebrate then??
AF x
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Comment number 77.
At 18th May 2008, gemmak500 wrote:I've moved so many times I have it down to one small car-load...the rest I can live without!
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