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Pump It Up Baby - come on.

Chris Evans | 10:03 UK time, Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Not sure if it was what Elvis Costello was singing about but...

sure is the talk of our house at the moment.

God bless the breast pump and all who sail in her.

We have two weeks off soon and the first golf game of the year beckons. Natasha and I have a monthly game against two pals where we play for the annual awarding of what has now become known as The Enzo Memorial Trophy Challenge.

If Tash stands any chance at all of taking part breats pumpage will have to take place, otherwise we will be a five ball and that, according to the R and A is illegal.

Not looking good at the moment though, with a full forty five mintues of nipple abuse producing little more than a thimble full of baby. Ouch.

Ok us boys may be stricken with an insatiable and often pathetic lust for sex, sport and chemical tasting lager for most of our lives but you girls have it damn tough.

If I had to guess I would predict that the five ball will be more like a three ball come Monday but on the udder hand maybe a more veritable flow of milk is just a mere pump or two away.





P.S. I have no idea why the techincal blog things is up the swanny. Apologies.

P.P.S So glad I mentioned the marmite yesterday, I had no idea it was so good for you. Back on it big time this morning. Sorry birds.



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  • Comment number 1.

    Mornin Christoph
    Oooh yeah, I remember those days.... sore nipples or what! And then just as you're half way round the course the milk will start flowing of its own accord !
    Much love

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris.

    It often takes a bit of time for the pumps to actually get results, and for some women it just doesn't work at all.

    My sis-in-law had lots of problems getting started but she got there in the end.

    Good luck with the Golf.

    Hope the good weather holds out for ya.


  • Comment number 3.


    In the words of your golf bud, Mr Leatloaf, 2 outta 3 ain't bad.

    Sex and sport - check. But you can keep your lager hun!

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 4.

    Leatloaf? See. Distracted again ....


    Meat! xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Well, breast of luck with everything Chris.Soooo sorry, couldn't resist it, life is so dull for me right now!!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    Oh, by the way, the dog food tasting was the funniest thing I,ve heard for ages.
    Hope you've no ill effects today, the baby food taste-off will be a breeze compared to that!!! You need something far more evil for revenge on Jonny.

  • Comment number 7.

    Deev, the sad thing is, I read it as Meatloaf! lol


  • Comment number 8.

    Morning lovelies!

    Clodagh, loved your story about the joggers! Also loved the idea of someone forgetting to put them back on and walking out of the shop ..."Donald, where's your trewsers?"!!

    Is there such a thing as techno-blindness? I've had 2 days of training in this stupid computer package I have to use and on the days themselves I thought - yep, no problem, I understand it all now.

    A few days later - and it's all greek to me!


    I'm good at some stuff, honest!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning all, I think that you should give up with the breast pump and if you are going off for a day to just top up the breast milk with a little formula milk would do no harm and save all the pain, I know Iv'e been there, I'm sure Noah wouldn't mind just for once!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    Have been on my holibobs - and spent yesterday mining through paperwork to see if my desk was still there - so no chance of catching up on blog, but at least spring arrived while I was away and I havn't missed the daffs in the garden.

    Breast pumps - ooch awful things mine went in bin.

    Hope all good with you all.


    PS Marmite - love it!!

  • Comment number 11.

    I solely breastfed DS for five months with the intention that when I returned to work I would use a pump. Unfortunately me and pump didn't work out so I had to mix-feed him. He'd have formula whilst I was at work Monday to Friday and breast milk the rest of the time. He had no trouble switching between the two. He finally came off the breast of his own accord at 11 months when he had a really bad cold and couldn't breathe when he latched on.

    You're probably going to be bombarded with lots of advice on this one CLP. Just go with what feels right for you, Tash and Noah.


  • Comment number 12.

    aarrgh i dont know how to do this with out offending anyone.

    dont go down the formula milk road..you are all happy with small boy on the boob. can you take someone along as "caddie"who will look after Noah then he can be plugged in when he needs his mummy. mummy will be less stressed as she will know where her boy is,boy will be near boob.
    or is that not allowed in the game of golf..

    all ideas in the pot..so to speak

  • Comment number 13.

    i tried to use my breast pump again with baby number 4 after using it for number 3 with no problems.
    i put it together incorrectly so it wouldnt work. ( memory is getting defective and i didnt look at the instructions as i thought i knew how to put it together) took it apart put it back together and all was fine.
    so check you have it all the right way round.there is a little doohickey that i put in upside down !!

  • Comment number 14.

    Umm, ok.

    Golf - nada to comment

    Breast pumps - ditto

    Breast feeding - ditto ditto.

    Aw shucks, nowt to say.

    Insatiable and pathetic lust for sex...now we're talking!

    And to comment on yesterday - there is no bear in koala! Not even remotley related to grizzlies, polars or even teddies.

    Pedant signing out.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 15.

    what makes a bear a bear then ??

    i would have an insatiable desire for sex if i wasnt so tired haha..

  • Comment number 16.


    With you on all boob/feeding things, no comment, no experience.

    Isatiable lust for, well lust oh yes indeedy!

    Now Koala, I seem to recall being told that in the past, that they are not real bears.....old habits I guess.
    So what are they then, I was probably told that at the same time but some things get lost in the mist of time!
    Can you remind me - thanks

  • Comment number 17.

    Is atiable - n gone missing.

  • Comment number 18.

    Oh yes,
    meant to say the pet food thing was so funny, I have had cats all my life and, oddly enough have never once been tempted to try kitty nosh.

  • Comment number 19.

    Morning all

    Thanks for all the help with faceache yesterday. Now got loads of friends requests - nice to see you all there. Now got to find time to read everything and see piccies of all you gorgeous folk!

    So, sun is out - nice and warm outside. B****y cold inside as the air con is being serviced by good looking Steve!

    Boob pumps - with regret I couldn't do anything with GD and boob - just wouldn't work either way. So, bless her, she had to go with formula until cow's could take over.

    Deev - enjoy the match tonight. Might see you at Wembley someday!

    Beloved has said I can be a blue for the day on 19th April...so excited at prospect of just being there and being part of the 'crack'.

    Happy Paddy's day everyone by the way! Anyone for a glass of something dark and velvety!?


  • Comment number 20.

    Ello Ter The Christoof, The Tash, The Every Blogger...... BLOGGING......

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP - If yer need ter make up the three terrrr four, am available ter bring mesen and INDEED me dimbled balls along!!!!!!!
    In fact although me long game ain't az long az it should be.... due ter 'itting from the DAMN top and getting me late 'it early, aka nooot late enough thus losing vital yardage..... me short game iz MEGA!!!!!!!
    (Although a can MEGA 'it it 250 yards with a 'alf swing due ter getting more direct power due ter the late 'it being more correct... with a 'alf swing!!!!! Only problem.... it ain't go 'igher than 15 feet off the ground!!!! Good inter the wind though.... or for alotta run on 'ard dry fairways!!!!!)
    Back ter the short game bit.... In fact reversing a truck iz very close ter chipping and putting!!!!!!
    Think am jokin'..... read on......
    The Short Game iz all about guessing angles... good judgement of distance ter get it inter the 'ole yer aiming for.... EXACTLY the same az reversing a HVG, sorry HGV!!!!!!!
    When yer on the green, yuv gotta read the indentations, the curvature.... the speed of the green and ave found a MEGA secret which works for chipping.... BUT az for me putting.... well am noot boasting but a can putt az good az the top pros!!!!!!
    Think am talkin' crap..... well no The Secret shall remain a secret but if ever yer let me ave a game with yer CLP.... mmmmmnnnn... 'i'll reveal 'The Bingo Star Putting Secret!!!!!!!
    A partly learn't it by reading Tiger Woods's book, Earnie Els and me own experience and 'putt' (sorry bad pun) it all tergether..... and it works AWESOME!!!!!!
    In fact my secret iz so good a know a could putt at the MEGA FAST greens of Augusta with.... gusto!!!!!!
    In fact they make a BIG deal outta fast greens at Augusta but a wreckon it's easier ter putt on fast greens az yer can get better touch!!!!!!!
    A municipal course with noot too well kept greens and slow due ter poor maintainance and slightly too long puuuuuuttinga greeeeeeen grass iz 'arder ter judge 'the feel'... 'the speed' than at a perfectly manicured Augusta green!!!!!!@!!!!!!
    (When a say manicured.... for PC reasons... womencured maybe too... although from what ave seen most green keepers at Augusta seem ter be men - no offence ter feminists mean't) I think ALL women are beautiful!!!! ('ope this bit diffuses me manicured commentations).
    Mind you don't aloot of serious feminists 'ate men thinking women az beautfiul creatures... soz am getting confused now!!!!!!

    PS Augusta.... very soon.... normally in April!!!!!
    PPS Why iz Augusta called Augusta when it's noooot 'eld in August???????@?

    PPPS - Ave noot forgotten yer VERY good golfing advice CLP... "swinga... FAST.... come.............. last...... SWING.... SLOW..... WATCH IT............. go!!!!!!!" Nyyyyaaa!!!!
    Very true.... too!!!!!!!

    Now forgotten what a originally came on the blgo, sorry blog, ter say????...... Think it waz very important advice ter do with railway signals..... a moment a 'ad on a platform yesterdee with a signal...... might bang it on later if a can remember the exact details!!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA Ter..... Everybody!!!!!!

    PPPPPPS CLP - Ever thought of actually using Tash az the 4th ter make up the four ball and using Noah az the Caddy.... noot illegal with the R And A ter ave a 5 week old az a caddy.... can't find nowt in the rule book about 5 week old milk munchin' man!!!!!
    Mind you do that and ave just done mesen outta any chance of being the fourth!!!!!!
    Need a second caddy after Noah?????

  • Comment number 21.

    DAMN IT.... so close ter #22 but yet still so far!!!!!!!

    At least me blog terdee iz green.... should keep the eco warriors 'appy!!!!!!

  • Comment number 22.

    PPPS - Just realised iz it Paddy's Dee terdee???

    If so me green blog.... 'ow appropriate... mean't golf, but could mean Irish sentiments too!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Afternoon all! Long time no blog.........

    I'd love to join you with one Steffi, but it's a wee bit early for me. Might indulge tonight after battling round the supermarket for a long overdue 'big' shop though!

    Pleased to hear that the blog meet went so well at the weekend. I had a quiet time with family and enjoyed the sunshine - doesn't it help improve our general mood?

    Breast pumps - yuk! Had to use one when youngest was in hospital and a bit poorly but it never worked well - I found it really off-putting when strange people kept walking into the room. A bit more privacy and comfort might have helped.

    'Nuff said about that - as non-parents will surely agree.

    The pet food thing last night made me feel a bit ill and I was glad I was just cooking a veggie meal. Hope there are no unwanted after-effects CLP!

    Off for lunch now. Laters..........


  • Comment number 24.

    Like MW and Nicki-Noos above, I don't have any comment on today's blog as I know nufthink about golf or boob pumps and don't really wish to either.

    As for the pathetic lust for sex and sport - I could go for both of those, although chance would be a fine thing for the first one!!

    One thing does worry me though and that's the thought of you (CLP) having two weeks off!! Not that you don't deserve it, but the "next" button is going to get on my nerves. So I am bracing myself for it now - thanks for the advance warning.


  • Comment number 25.

    PS Chezza - Sex and Sport.... sounds like womens beach volley ball ter me!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 26.

    Happy Paddys day everyone!

    Have no experience and no idea about the whole breast stuff apart from to say it sounds mighty painful!! Tash, just do whatever feels right honey. I'm sure you'll manage.


  • Comment number 27.

    I realise this will undoubtedly count as too much information, but I was a dab hand with a breast pump. Just a little one-handed, manual jobbie. I could fill a bottle in 2 minutes. Could have gone into business. It soon became automatic, but in the beginning it helps to think about your baby while you're doing it.

    I even had to go to the bathroom and do it during my wedding reception, as baby teen1 wasn't there. A reet laugh in a wedding dress, I can tell you. I definitely won't be repeating that when I remarry in July.

    Keep trying Tash!

    Sorry if I've put anyone off their lunch!

    A x

    PS Diddleydiddleydiddley, happy St Patrick's Day, bring on the Guiness!

  • Comment number 28.

    Koalas are marsupials. Like kangas and roos. And wallybies. And possible sloths, but need to look that one up.

    Bears, generally, have the capability of standing and walking on back legs. Different shaped muzzles and dental structure too, which indicates that most are omnivores - except pandas that are vegetarian. Like the koala.

    But koalas are not bears. Winnie is though!

    And as for eating cat and dog food...I missed the show but will say for nowt, I will never ever put food designed for pets in my system. Oh no. Not on your nelly, or mine! I guess that comes with working with the stuff and being trained on what exactly goes into it.

    Road kill anyone?

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 29.

    they used to make lovely dog biscuits..shaped like bones.crunchy.but then they changed them to meaty varities and i stopped liking them after that but i cant remember for the life of me how i first tried one.. ho hum

    i hope Chris brushed his teeth before kissing his wife last night !!

  • Comment number 30.

    Not sloths. Possums and bandicoots

    And tasmanian devils

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 31.

    Apparently I used to eat the dog's biscuits when I started crawling. Not as bad as my brother though. His favourite snack was coal!

    My old grandad, bless his soul, once ate a tin of dog food thinking it was stewing steak. Apparently the label came off and he didn't spot the difference!


  • Comment number 32.

    I love watching sloths move - so languid and relaxed.

    Don't think I've ever seen a bandicoot though - except in a PC/video game!


  • Comment number 33.

    Thanks Mariella - memory all backed up now!!

    The lady on the show last night, re the pet food was saying it's perfectly OK to eat as all has to be by-products of stuff that goes into human food, oh that'll be the bits humans don't eat!!
    Each to thier own, after you, no, please, do tuck in!!

    I don't think so
    Got the urge to attack the garden, may get the shears out
    Nicki Scissor hand on the loose (lock up anything dangly)

  • Comment number 34.

    i just tried to use the telephone receiver as a mouse !! too tired to be allowed out..

  • Comment number 35.

    MW'a! - Whinnie is a top bear... my Booboo is also a bear though not technically obviously. I remember meeting a koala when I was in Oz many moons ago and being astounded at how soft he was, more like bunny fur as I recall and it gave me a hug... got to watch out for the claws though, they were sharp!

    & Booboo

    ps... diddlydidi xx

  • Comment number 36.


    last time I used secatuers I chopped the top of my finger nearly right off. I just missed behind the nail, so as I ran it under the tap to wash it I had the pleasure of watching the tip of my finger slide all over the place, then had to hold it in place on the trip to the hospital. Its back in place now, though has no feeling in it and is very slightly off central.

    Be careful out there!

    Irony of it is at the time of said incident I turned to tell my friends son to stay away from the chainsaw as they're dangerous.

    Oh well.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 37.

    Afternoon peeps.

    Ok - golf, I have a very tatty half set of secondhand clubs mouldering in the shed. Not a game I took to but figured it was about my speed - which is slow to stop!

    Breast pumps - had to use one 21 yrs ago when son and heir was a wee (7 weeks prem) baby in special care. Not an easy thing to use and this was an electric one in the hospital so very much akin to being on the farm! Only managed to stick it for a few days, but recall being told that can be enough to give your baby all the antibodies etc that they need to get from mum.

    Koals and marsupials in general - just enjoying the wildlife lesson!

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 38.

    that of course should say koalas!

  • Comment number 39.

    LOL Nicki Scissor Hands!!!

    I got a hedge trimmer for Xmas - the hedges tremble when they see me coming, it's very addictive!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    And as for the pet food, it really depends on which brand.

    If the label states animal derivatives that means unused parts of any animal. this includes dolphins that have been caught during net fishing. Meat derivatives is stuff like faces, feet, feathers, fur and other stuff that is left over from the human meat industry.

    Vegetable derivatives are no better. Often means sawdust, used as a filler to bulk the food out.

    Hungry now...

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 41.


    I undrstand and have done that very same thing myself, not through tiredness, just generally being a bit of a dope.
    However I think you'd have to go some way to beat my complete red faced, arse cringing cock up yesterday.
    I was in the garden shed (which is also a short cut to Narnia, apparently other routes are available) it's pretty dark in there, any hoo my mobile, which was stuffed in back pocket of jeans rang and as I was expecting a call from Mr N, I just answered 'Is that my very sexy man ringing my back pocket and making me bum wobble'
    Silence - penny dropping
    Polite cough from nice lady at recruitment agency, at this stage there is no point in explanations!! Well at least she laughed

  • Comment number 42.

    Nicki - I love it! You probably made her day.

  • Comment number 43.

    Ouch Mariella!
    Bet that 'urt.
    OK I'm done with the pet food thing it's just to grotty to think about, times like that I'm glad I'm veggie.
    Think I'll just scoff the rest of the Marmite Cashews.
    Must get on and do sumink - too nice to be indoors.
    Snip/chop/hack/followed a little later by hic!

  • Comment number 44.

    Nicki - just made me choke on my cheese toastie. What are you like? lol

  • Comment number 45.

    Nicki - That cracked me up. Excellent.


  • Comment number 46.

    Look at it this way Nicki - at least she might remember you now! Anonymity is not a good thing when you're job hunting.


  • Comment number 47.

    Morning, afternoon from sunny upstate NY. Hope you're all having a good Tuesday.

    Bingo re #25.....LOL

    Never really got into golf. I prefer sports with bigger balls (oo madam).....LOL

  • Comment number 48.

    Enough with the pet food stuff ...... lunch now not wanted.
    However, enjoyed the prog last nite. As for baby foodathon - thats for whimps! Mummies everywhere have done that and worn the t-shirt after struggling with their adorable mites. Sure we could think of something else for them to try on air, just can't think of anything myself at the mo. Slightly off food for a bit!


  • Comment number 49.

    steffi, well as they did dog food yesterday, how about cat food.......?

  • Comment number 50.

    Yep, cat food is a good'en. How about chewin the 'cud'?! (not sure of spelling - any farmer's out there?)

  • Comment number 51.

    Apologies for causing any stomach churning folks.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 52.

    wonderful bridget jones speaker phone moment Nicki

    animal derivatives mmm makes me glad i am a veggie

    burgers = lips and eye lids

  • Comment number 53.

    YO...... me again.....

    Bingo Star ere.......

    Ave just remembered me Bingo Star thought of the dee a 'ad with a railway signal yesterdee........

    'Ave yer ever noticed, standing...... standing at the end of a lonely railway platform (noot az a train spotter, but waiting for a train) on a beautiful sunny spring dee, with the birds..... singing.... singing a beautiful song chorus (A think it goes in bird talk.... "fancy abitta jig???.... Am sexier than the other bird in the next tree!")..... With the sweet smell of well used points grease.... the shine of the well polished rails from regular use.... thatta a RED railway signal... looooks.... abit negative.... bad... sinister....
    Butta GREEN railway signal.... looooks... feels... positive... bright.... 'appy!!!!!!!'

    Next time yer on a platform, see the light.... loook and compare the RED and..... the GREEN and see whatta mean!!!!!!
    Reminds of the well known song by Sting.... errrr Roxanne!!!!
    The words go "Rrrrrrrrroxanne, yeeew don't ave ter put out the red light... terneet!!"
    Written after the famous signalbox operatative Roxanne!!!! Whatta coincidence!!!
    Don't wanter upset any feminists again... but yer don't see many female signalmen... sorry signal operatatives.... Probally the VERY reason... what inspired Sting ter wreet about this special female signalbox operatative!!!!
    Very dangerous advice though if taken too seriously... Sting's advice.... sometimes yer need ter put out the red light.... for VERY important safety reasons!!!!!


    JLFB007 # 47 - Tarr about me #25!!!!!

  • Comment number 54.

    Wotcha Bondy!

    Re #49 - they did cat food too I think, but I stopped listening when my food was nearly ready in case it put me off!

    Lovely and warm this arvo - so why have I got work to do? Not fair!


  • Comment number 55.

    Woo Hoooo ... 2 hours and I'm outta here and en route to The Emirates.

    At what time do you think it would be decent of me to slip into my Arsenal shirt???


    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 56.

    Go for it Deev!

  • Comment number 57.

    greetings all!

    sunny and lovely down here today - St Michaels' mount looking stunning this morning on the way past!!

    anyway - CLP - pumps (will keep this as short as poss for the squeamish and non-parents out there)

    1. try doing what noah does - eg 3 short and one long suck
    2. try it first thing in the morning
    3. i could never do it with an audience!
    4. whatever you get, freeze!!

    or if all else fails would go with the "take someone with you to help and feed on the way" routine!

    back later after work

  • Comment number 58.

    Nicki- sounds like a quote from Brigit Jones absolutely wonderful! Made me smile too xx

  • Comment number 59.

    hi derbyfi.... I must have missed the cat food bit......

    CtD, is it ever too early to pull on your football shirt..... Couldn't you have worn it underneath something...LOL

    MW, no probs on my part, churn away...LOL

  • Comment number 60.

    I can't focus on anything this afternoon! Too many distractions to even begin to list .......

    What's a gal to do .... ? ? ?

    Up The Arsenal!

    Deev x x x x

    ps: have done something really nice for a friend at lunchtime. i hope it makes them smile as much as it did me x x x

  • Comment number 61.

    Afternoon all

    As others have said previously, no nothing about golf or breast pumps, so no comment.

    It's a beautiful sunny day here in southern parts, makes one feel fandabidozy, so gonna put kettle on and sit outside with a cuppa. Apologies to those of you at work!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 62.

    Ouch Penny.............

    Might join you in that cuppa though before I tackle the next task. Always helps.............


  • Comment number 63.

    Bit pushed for time , whats this Gym pumps, foot pumps oh no Breast pumps. I always use Coffee Mate myself.

    Bee I think you mean on the piste

  • Comment number 64.

    Howya Gobdaws and a very happy and safe Saint Paddy's Day to yous all.

    This is a bit wierd for me; first time in 6 years I haven't been in some eejit-infested outpost of Ireland on Paddys Day but there'll be wall-to-wall madness goin' on as we speak. I hope they've remembered to take the scaffoldin' down on O'Connell Street this year so as the floats full of massive heeds and donkeys can fit down. As opposed to St. George's Day over here, when the most entertaining spectacle in Wigan to date was when the Mayor of Wigan lit 'is fag in the wind and set fire to 'is moustache.

    Any road don't be mischeivous, CLP. Don't get us lot started on the breast pumps. I well remember my titanic effort on the business end of the breast-pump in preparation for the annual Farmers' Ball, when the father-in-law walked in and took me by surprise, and got a right squirt all over 'is glasses.

    The ex used to joke about how he very nearly put it in his tea; but I have to say this hazard was not nearly as tragic as the trauma I suffered when I grabbed a half-eaten Mars Bar off the shelf in the dimly-lit larder, thinking he'd eaten half and put it back. It was only when I emerged into the light and opened wide to take me second bite that I noticed the mouse teeth-marks.



    Ergo I was always tempted to spike 'is custard with it. But revenge is so bad for the Karma, n'est-ce pas.

    OK. Am off to make some nice champ for tea. And since it is Paddy's Day, I should just tell the tale about the origin of champ, which is from County Cavan, where the people are, reputedly, careful with their pennies. Legend has it that a Cavan man, on his deathbed, asked for a last portion of his beloved Champ. However, his missus refused his request, on the grounds she was saving said champ for AFTER the funeral.


  • Comment number 65.

    Get this on your i-pod...

    Chris Rea - Josephine (Remix)


  • Comment number 66.

    Hi Everyone

    I haven't been able to read the blog for a few days. Meetings etc.. all good stuff, I hope.

    Happy St Patricks day to all.

    I still can't really get to grips with face book.

    Cheryl *grins*

    Hellen x

    *lol* Clodagh, as entertaining as ever.

  • Comment number 67.

    I am indeed grinning Hellen!

    x x x

  • Comment number 68.

    Clodagh - brilliant as usual, in fits of giggles now!

    Memories of the breast pump come flooding back - oh what fun it is to be a woman! Seriously though Tash it is worth perservering if you can, and Chris would enjoy feeding Noah a bottle.

    Thanks CLP for the pet food tasting last night just before we all sit down to eat but what a great sport you are.

    Looking out of the window at this lovely weather, but freezing in the office with the air conditioning on - hate it...brr...

    Md xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Hellen, you and me both!

    I'm very envious of those of you out in the sunshine!

    Diva, get that shirt on girl!!

    T xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Prof - thanks you for #63 - very funny!

    Didn't have time to look at it properly last time you pasted the link, but it was well worth it.

    I have never fancied skiing myself - would be bound to be like that poor woman who got stuck on the lift and I'd be going round in circles forever until I died or fell off!


  • Comment number 71.

    On behalf of #65, can I just say that in the interest of fairness, other MP£ players are available!

    Tis a rather good listen tho.


    Born to be Wild.

    Shirt about to be donned ....

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 72.

    Enjoy it CtD!

    I hope you're suitably grateful for our beating of the Villa on Sunday? LOL


  • Comment number 73.

    #63 - I think I've just about washed my contact lenses out with tears of laughter. Very funny. Thank you.

  • Comment number 74.

    Hey df.
    The much beloved is very glad for the beating of Villa.


  • Comment number 75.

    Spreading the joy, steffi..................


  • Comment number 76.

    Lust and marmite - only two I could comment on today christoph! :) Yes please. Had marmite toast for lunch - next subject...........

    Prof - thats the one thanks - hilarious!

    St Patricks day - someone should have told Birmingham it's today not Sunday then they wouldn't have shut all the streets I needed to drive down - grrrr!

    Deev - time to get the shirt on - have fun x

    Mr B got his ipod on in office - boring stuff - I'm nearly asleep!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Blast him with R2 on the PC beesmum! That should do the trick.

  • Comment number 78.

    #63 that has yet again confirmed why I never want to go ski ing *rofl*

    thank you


  • Comment number 79.

    All Goonered up and ready to go ....

    I guess you'll never know
    The reason why
    You love me as you do
    That's the wonder ....
    The wonder of yooooooooooooooooooooou!

    Ciao bella!

    Deev x x x x x x x

  • Comment number 80.

    CtD, will be looking for you in the crowd as I watch the game tonight...... LOL. Enjoy!!!!

  • Comment number 81.

    Steffi just did a switch with my i-pod - failed miserably - Michael Buble !!!!! Radio 2 - good plan !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 82.


    Upper tier, right on half way line opposite players tunnel.


    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 83.

    Prof Plum - Brilliant!! have just come back from skiing - am hiding behind my computer screen giggling.


  • Comment number 84.

    And can I just say ... and streakers at The Emirates tonight will be nowt whatsoever to do with me.

    Not in this weather!

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 85.

    fantastic seats CtD, when the camera point in your direction, wave something at them so we can spot you in the crowd......

  • Comment number 86.

    Glad if anyone had a laugh. I have skied there too! Soll .

    Now you can't beat skiing, you always meet interesting people.

    Tobsterr good track.

    Cheryl honest, when you said you were going to the Emirates a while back I thought you were going on holiday.

    I'm not keen on football.

  • Comment number 87.

    LOL Plum!

    On another matter, linking 2 recent topics - I've just remembered that when I was young we had a cat who liked marmite. You didn't dare leave a plate of marmited toast unattended or she'd be there in a flash and licking it all off!


  • Comment number 88.


    Our cat also loved marmite and could smell it on your breath - not nice a cat tongue kissing you!!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 89.

    No - I can think of nicer things!

    Time to sort out my shopping list - have I a piece of paper big enough? And isn't my life exciting?!


  • Comment number 90.

    Clodagh has a spare shopping list - I'm sure she'll let you have it! lol

  • Comment number 91.


    Do you want to do mine, I have a big shop to do and I really don't want to do it.

    I should have gone last night, but managed to put it off and as I sit here and type I am thinking about how I can put off doing it tonight as well!!


  • Comment number 92.

    I'll say I'll let 'em 'ave it.

    As I will the cheeky monkey who walked round LIDL wearin' my Gap trollies.

    A fat lip that is.


  • Comment number 93.

    I love shopping - food or otherwise. AND as the beloved is away on the lab tour i will be visiting Mr sainsbugs (other multiple shopping experiences available) tonite to get my fix - on my own - without him or GD!
    Sad person me!
    So, pass on all the lists you like me deario's.

  • Comment number 94.

    Walking round a supermarket putting stuff in trolley taking stuff out of trolley to pay - back in trolley to car - out of trolley in to car and then out of car in to kitchen NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!
    Sit at your computer - click away at your favourites and a very helpful man delivers it to your kitchen - only way to go.
    Shopping is for shoes clothes etc etc.

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Have a great evening everyone.
    Laters maybe.

    Big hugs all round


  • Comment number 96.

    Prof Plum
    That did it, made me laugh and double treble convinced ski-ing is not my thing! I need sunshine and lots of heat.

    p.s I also thought Cheryl was off to warmer climbs, what I know about football you could write in Capital letters on the head of a pin!

  • Comment number 97.

    Thanks Steffi, I'll send you the list! Can you deliver to Kent?

    Beez, My local doesn't deliver to my area yet! Also living on my own, I don't think I'd spend enough for them to deliver. Plus I like to pick my own fruit and veg, I like to fondal and feel!!


  • Comment number 98.

    Ere. Don't get me goin' on the supermarkets. I've to run the gauntlet of Sainsbury's with Renee tomorrow; and I swear, leadin' Renee round with one a them trollies it's like chasin' round Planet Krapton with a rabid dalek in pursuit.

    And don't talk to me about fondlin' fruit either. What that woman does to sliced loaves, if there's ever any magistrates watchin she'll be banged up for life.

    Big breaths Bertha.


  • Comment number 99.

    This is my first time blogging but as a midwife - couldn't resist. Breast feeding and pumps, well, they don't work for all but remember that Tash will not be producing massive amounts of milk in one go - Noah probably takes small regular feeds and so the milk production will be the same until about 6 weeks when it's like the proverbial fountain! In the meantime, try having Noah feed on one side ,and then attach the pump to the other. Also, make sure Tash always has a drink when feeding herself. She may need a hand to manage everything i.e. you may need to work the pump while she feeds (seriously) but hey, I'm sure you're up to the job Chris! Be patient, just because the output is small now, it will get better the more you use it. If it's not good for a few days, leave it and try again. Tash's body will control what happens. As much as the pump is designed to immitate the real thing, a woman's body is not easily fooled! Good luck to all.

  • Comment number 100.

    Afternoon All,

    Been too nice to be inside today up here!

    I hate shopping, food or otherwise, and will only go clothes shopping when left with rags!
    In fact the shoes I was wearing today are 10 years old this year.........



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