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Hey people please tell me it's as beautiful this morning where you are as...

Chris Evans | 10:40 UK time, Thursday, 10 September 2009

...it is here. A stunning stunning day and Thirsty Thursday an' all.

Had a Chinese last night whilst watching the footy, loving Fabio by the way - a real cool dude - anyhow suddenly realised after years of being here that I love the starters of a Chinese, but am not fussed at all about the mains.

They always seem like an anti climax. Adversely it's the other way round with an Indian. So from now on we are going to be a combo family and will be ordering a Chindian!

More effort but ultimately more satisfaction, plus two halves of lager whilst I'm waiting, not just the one.

Toad In The Hole tonight on the show, can you believe, not only have I never made it, I've never had it.




PS: Post your suggestions below for All Request Friday tomorrow! We're looking for the biggest, brightest and most belting tune you can think of to kick start the show and the weekend...


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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Christoph

    I'm liking the idea of a chindian. I also love toad in the hole, one of my specialities!

    Blue sky here although a tad chilly, what with the wind!

    Hello to everyone else

    Be back later with my ARF I've gotta have a fink!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Zunny in Zummerset.


  • Comment number 3.

    Toad in the hole is awesome, you will enjoy.

    Probably been requested a million times, but is the perfect summery song to start perhaps (hopefully not) the last weekend of summer.

    The Cure - Friday I'm in love

    And CLP congratulations are being back where you belong - cheering the nation up in the morning.

  • Comment number 4.

    OOOOOHHHH have been reading this for months but only just joined and found a name no-one else has already nabbed!

    I love this and read it every day - congrats on the big move - I will have to rejig my entire daily schedule to make sure I catch all of the new show, but it will defo be worth it!! (Btw, I knew you were the natural successor to Terry and have been lobbying for you to take over CiN if ever there is a vacancy there)

    Can I suggest the song by Chumbawumba that I can't remember the name of but is about alcoholic drinks?

    Cheers, love Cb

  • Comment number 5.

    Oh and (Friday I'm in Love) id for Joanne in Walsall

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning CLP and bloggers

    Yes, a beautiful day, not exactly crisp sunshine, but bright and almost sunny!

    Toad in the hole - I have never had. Always didn't like the name! So never followed up by checking out whether or not I would like it. So what is it?! Maybe I'll cook it tonight!

    And love the chindian idea. Chinese main courses are always disappointing, although I do enjoy Indian starters, the problem is once you have indian starters you have no room for the curry!! We have only recently managed to hold off on the starters and are enjoying our curry much more.

    ARF to follow!


  • Comment number 7.


    Looking forward to your move to the mornings, will no longer have a Come Dine With Me conflict! Have been looking at rumours of who will replace you, there are so many message boards sprung up about the whole Radio 2 rearrangement, what is really shocking is the number of entries beginning 'I've never posted before...'! This is an issue more important to people than anything else in the news how funny!

    We get our halves for free while we're waiting how nice is that?


  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris,

    The best I can say about the weather in Glasgow is that it hasn't rained for the last two days - something of a miracle! Take-aways: I think they are always a disappointment - but curiously, keep getting them!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    How can you have never had toad in the hole!!
    You will love it I am sure. One of my favourites.

    Off to sunny Portugal for a long golfing weekend.

    Have a great ARF and a brilliant weekend one and all.

  • Comment number 10.

    ....and well done England last night and good luck to the England Ladies in the European final. Go girls. Spoil the German celebrations!!

  • Comment number 11.

    As I said earlier - blue sky and sunny here for a couple of days now.

    Me too had chinese t/away last night - ex the lagers though.

    At Brizz meet I had indian starters - bad move - very bad move - full to bursting does not even come close to describing !!! Twas yummy.

    Thinking cap on for arf - be back later

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 12.

    The sun is shining here but the wind is making doing the washing a fab idea!

    Have to ask though - how have you missed out on having toad in the hole! Hmmm there's an idea for my sausages. mmmm sausages!

  • Comment number 13.


    The solution is to go to an Chinese buffet-style eaterie. I too love the starters and the duck pancakes, so at buffet its just a case of sesame toast, mini ribs, seaweed, won tons til they come outta your ears, pork dumplings ..... and maybe some noodles and squid. And ice cream. For afters.

    I had a chinese too whilst watching the footie.

    ARF? Hmmmm .... let me give it some thinkage .....

    x x x

  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Can't believe you not had toad in hole. It is scrummy

  • Comment number 15.

    As it's Proms In The Park on Saturday, and as I am meeting up with the wonderful MW,a! and Errol, and as we are taking picnics, and as it will be a totally and utterly fantabulously Divalicious evening with Sir Tel of Wogansville hosting, and as that American fella is headlining, ARF for me has got to be


    I have my yellow feather boa primed and ready for a good auld shimmy in Hyde Park!!

    Much love

    Deevs, her name is Lola!
    x x x

  • Comment number 16.

    Tis lovely here darn Essex. Blue skies & fluffy little clouds.

    Now I'm confused, don't know if I want Indian, Chinese or Toad in the Hole.

    Have to go away & think about it while I eat my little salad for lunch. :-(

    See ya Later

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Have had think for something different on Friday; given your blog earlier this week about how blessed you are I suggest 'you can get it if you really want', Desmond Dekker. It feels good, it's as big and bright as the volume button makes it!

  • Comment number 18.

    Tango: re: Tuesday's blog #200 - yes, the post was meant to be serious. But it was so pompous, so huffy, that it just cracked me up. It's the tone that Chuffer uses when he is outraged, of course, and I just thought that Chris would laugh at it which, really, is all it's good for!

    C xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Just gone back and looked at that post.
    I would guess that the person (other words available if required) have not listened to the drivetime show in a while.
    Pompous doesnt do it justice!

  • Comment number 20.

    Yes Christophe it is sunny here, and deserves a suitably sunny first song for ARF, how about Shiny Happy People by REM?

    Happy Thirsty Thursday all.

  • Comment number 21.

    Morning each!

    1: Raisin clubs but Viscounts are better!
    2: Best kids book..Each Peach Pear Plum..brilliant!
    3: Was an Indian for us last night with the footy..on first name terms with our local takeaway..is that bad?!

    So..everyone well? Sort of kept up over last few days but day off yesterday was taken up with hairdressers then lazing about in the sun for the afternoon...hee hee..

    Beautiful in South Yorkshire again today by the way.. hope it stays for the weekend!

    And have just gone back to read post 200 on that blog..brilliant! Heres an idea for the author...listen to something else! Job done!

    Anyhoo..off out for some lunch and to buy GM something to open for his birthday next Sat.. he`s already got his main pressy but need to have bits to open dont ya!

    Love to all!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 22.

    CLP it's absolutely gawjus here as well in sunny Manchester, hardly a cloud in the sky!

    I'm not fond of chinese or indian main courses either, I love all a starters though. Especially those starter platters, the ones you're supposed to share, all to myself and skip the main course!

    Toad in the Hole is one of my all time favourites and I've been using the Yorkshire pudding recipe from the show a while back for it and it's always successful! Delicious with peas and gravy! Mmmmm, feeling hungry now just thinking about it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 23.

    Teenage Kicks by The Undertones or Roots Radicals by Stiff Little Fingers

    Not enough Fingers on R2 in my not so humble opinion :-D

    Steve :)

  • Comment number 24.

    Hello everyone on new blog!

    Chris - I have noooooo problem with Chindian - DONT DO CHINESE and now DONT DO INDIAN after the hotspiciness of the Bristol meet dins - fanning your tongue with a fork I have found VERY ineffectual.

    So for me - it is toad in the hole all the way!


  • Comment number 25.

    PS - ARF - Blur - the whoo hoo one please (soz dont know what its called - Song2?)
    ta muchly

  • Comment number 26.


    Bat Out of Hell - Meatloaf

    Thank you

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Good morning,

    Was sunny here in Ayrshire first thing but has clouded over now, please - no more rain!!!

    I also love Chinese and Indian starters and always eat far too many of them, then cannot eat my main course.

    ARF - Walking on Sunshine, Katrina and the Waves.



  • Comment number 28.

    Debs - please do not remind me of the fan with forkage action, i can't afford to get another giggling fit on Saturday night proportionage!

    JG - why didn't I think of that - bag a share platter and don't share!!


    LolaDeevs, smiling
    x x x

  • Comment number 29.

    Seems I am in the company of good people, thoroughly enjoyed my chinese last night with a romping good game of football. And its a jolly nice day here too, so much so that I'll be spending some time gardening, probably a good half hour or so! After that it'll be tea drinking and chatting with fellow female family members.

    Anyhoo - ARF

    Superstitious - Stevie Wonder


    Much love, and hugs only on Saturdays!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 30.

    Only on Saturdays MW,a?!

    Surely not?!?!


  • Comment number 31.



  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Chris

    You may like this link re SNORING!

  • Comment number 33.

    Good afternoon CLP,
    It has turned a bit dull over here on the river Lagan - I'm about to nip for a swim over luchtime - but I think I'll give the river a miss today - we started off sunny again though - first time in a long long "summer" . . .

    Thirsty thursday but we're still recovering from four weeks of non-stop stag do's, weddings & holliers - the sleep is only starting to return to even kilter . . .why does alcohol affect your sleep pattern so much?

    The bbq was lit last night since about 6 weeks ago, what a shame of a summer, but it was still as enticing - peppers, burgers, sausages, salads, cous-cous . . .mmmmmmmmm

    ARF ALERT . . .

    Can I please have Def Leopard - Bad Medicine

    Mucho gracias, Monsieur . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 34.

    ARF Don't stop me now - Queen. Always a good one to get you going!!

  • Comment number 35.

    For some reason all the talk of chinese & Indian has made me fancy a bacon butty. daddies sauce mmmmmm.

    ARF: Tequila-Terrorvision

    Haven't ventured outside yet but I think it's nice here in Kent :)

  • Comment number 36.

    Chris...re the chinese thing, we discovered that only this year too......so now we do only starters, then the shredded duck and pancake thang.....then possibly one or two main dishes with rice and or some noodles.

    It doesn't work if you apply english food law, starter to get going, then BANG a fab main course.....

    Why did it take me 41 yrs to discover that??? Doh!


  • Comment number 37.

    Hi Chris,Lovely day here in Bedfordshire,sunny and warm.
    My grandsons love toad in the hole, their coming for T tonight so i think thats what ill be cooking yummy.Dont do Chinese or indian.
    Yes i think ARF you can get it if you really want it.
    love to all.xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Thunderclap: yes, pompous was the wrong choice of word. But what these nutters want is for someone to rise to their bait, and I ain't doing that. The best way to deal with these people is to scoff at them -well, that's how I see it!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend in Portgual!

    C xx

  • Comment number 39.

    TB - would be happy to lose out to your ARF - TOP TOONAGE!

    Deevs - stopped giggling yet? :-)

    Pee ess - bootiful darn in Bristol too


  • Comment number 40.

    Afternoon all

    So agree with you on that one CLP. Maybe you could buy a pub and only serve Chindian. By the looks of it you would have a lot of takers.

    ARF Dakota by the Stereophonics.



  • Comment number 41.


    it just has to be Wake up Boo after the events of the last week

  • Comment number 42.

    Deevski....ARF??? What were you thinkin....you can't have Manilow at 5.05 Friday nooooooooo? The requirement is bright, big and beltin.....

    We were lucky to get The Carpenters the other week.....CLP won't permit Bazza to open the show....shirley?!


  • Comment number 43.

    Just had a change of heart.

    I only requested Superstitious because it was currently playing through the computer.

    Now, if I may I would like to request


    After all, you are, it is and you did say it was one of your top ten!

    For the words of the prophets were written on the stereo wall.

    OK, not just on saturdays...

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 44.

    Don't you think the saddest thing about poster 200 is they are living their life, being miserable & petty on a daily basis. Poster 200 has my pity in that respect.

  • Comment number 45.

    Toad in the hole... oh yes had that many a time and with the fail safe recipe for Yorkshire pud on the show a while back can't fail.

    Lovely day here in Wetherby, just had a walk around the prision yard.

    Could I add my Arf choice. Elvis-Jail House Rock.


  • Comment number 46.

    Beautiful day here in Rutland! Not sure you could do it when you first replaced Johnnie Walker but you proved me wrong by being downright brill and now I love the show and the blog so keep on rocking my friend - you are now the only one to replacr Sir Tel! ARF - Gordon / Golden Brown by The Stranglers

  • Comment number 47.


    I am 100% serious. I have never been more serious in my entire life.

    ARF has to be

    Copacabana by Lord Barry of Manilowville

    I've even bought a yellow feather boa!!

    Debs - Beez is making me giggle now. The wench!!!


  • Comment number 48.

    Beautifulwarm sunny weather here in tropical Lytham St Annes, just been listening to the Eagles.."all she wants to do is dance" sets me up for the afternoon, hope you all enjoying this crazy weather.

  • Comment number 49.

    Yo CLP And Each Ere..............

    Bingo Star.... Also Ere......

    CLP - Yes a most momentous occassion last neet for footy in England.... talkin' of most momentous sport occassions.... check this link out >>>>>

    A tell yer... this weekend is the biggest moment of Fisi's career.... and if 'e wins in A Ferrari... in Italy.... life in Italy.... it's gonna be mad for Fisi!!!!!!!!!!!

    My ARF choice - The Manic Street Preachers and Motorcycle Emptiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS ALL - Ever noticed 'ow when Wrightie is on 'is 'olidees, 'e always 'as a DJ/ celeb filling in who's abit.... errrrr..... yer know on the otherside of..... errrr things!!!!!!!!!
    A think it's 'cos Wrightie iz frightened that if 'e goot a male DJ/ celeb who's definately on the straight 'n narrow, 'e might steal all of Wrightie's female admirers - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!

    PPS ALL - Also goot me thinking.... wonder if The Norton's preferred e-mail address in @...... hot mail.... get it hot male!!!!!!

    Soz they get worse!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA 2U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PPS ALL - Wonder if Wrightie iz on 'olidee or iz 'e stuck in 'is BIG Range Rover in 'is small garage again?????@@@??@????

  • Comment number 50.

    ARF...how about a bit of Hendrix..All along the watchtower or hey joe? good for the digestion!!!

  • Comment number 51.

    Its is lovely and sunny here in Kent AND its my birthday BUT Im working never mind though hubby is taking me out for tapas tonight.

    Chris, cant believe you have never had toad in the hole - its yummy especially with mash and onion gravy

    Record to play: U2 I'll go crazy if I dont go crazy tonight - awesome!

  • Comment number 52.

    Bingo Mate,

    How Steve Wright pulls the birds beats me.

    Must be his sense of humour and that something special I guess.

    Wish I had it best I could do was a marry Lil, Lilo Lil they call her.

  • Comment number 53.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi Chris

    I am loving all this debate about your morning takeover - great news for me!

    ARF: Elbow - One day like this

  • Comment number 55.


  • Comment number 56.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 57.

    Mr Croc - Ave yer ever met Wrightie?????

    A tell yer man, ave met 'im and the charisma and radio stature 'e 'as is frightening..... a waz frightened!!!!!!!!

    Plus it was weird.... when a spoke to 'im it was like 'aving a conversation with the radio.... Ave yer ever spoken ter the radio?????.... And the DJ answers back.... it was like that!!!!!!
    Wrightie 'as exactly the same voice az on the radio.... a tell yer it freaked me out.... but in a good way!!!!!!!

    A think that must be 'ow 'e gets the ladies!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 58.

    Hi chris

    Have a good day & show late night last night with app news still it was a good night . Cathy went out for a chinnse on saturday with a load of crazy marys in st Albans & she said the starters were fab but main no good . Yourself & the team keep up the best show on the airways .

    Best wishes Stewart the chauffeur

  • Comment number 59.


  • Comment number 60.


  • Comment number 61.


  • Comment number 62.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 63.

    My My
    looks like my imates are now writing too. ( John Worley) He robbed a bank with a water pistol.

    Bingo it's all in the voice I think.

  • Comment number 64.


  • Comment number 65.

    Jules #44: absolutely right. What is astonishing is that "they" went through all the rigmarole to join the blog, only to leave such a pathetic message.

    And speaking of pathetic, we have a new nutter to contend with!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Get back to your cell John , Nivce folks on here not for the likes of bank robbers.

  • Comment number 67.

    Hey all,

    It's a lurrrrvely day here in sunny South Wales too! I'm posting a quickie then going to take my sarnies and sit in a Physic Garden I found near here yesterday. It was full of school kids doing an art project yesterday, I'm hoping it'll be empty today so I can sit and daydream in peace.

    I do like the occasional Chilli Beef from the Chinese, but prefer a curry by far. Obviously I like my food hot and spicy! ;-)

    Ta-ra for now,


    PS: Found a bit of excitement in the new temp job, I appear to be involved in a bit of fax flirtation with one of the site guys! Who needs mobiles eh, when you can draw and embellish your own smiley face :-D

  • Comment number 68.


  • Comment number 69.

    Chrissie I think it's me. I seem to attract nu**ers despite my best efforts & I started posting again after a gap of a year or so this week. The blog has gone downhill since my return......or am I just paranoid ha ha

  • Comment number 70.

    Hello all, no doubt i'll be having an Indian at some point this weekend, stag do!! Woohoo, not mine you'll be glad to know but a very good friend of mine. Canal boating up to Bath for the weekend, can't wait, although hope we actually make it past the first canalside pub, haha.

    ARF - Supergrass 'alright'


  • Comment number 71.

    Rusty - stag do on a barge! recipe for disaster????

  • Comment number 72.

    Time for me to get back to my cell now, Johnny the toupee joke was a killer.

    Everyone good afternoon.

  • Comment number 73.

    Hi all

    Think I've just received my junkiest piece of junk mail for ages

    Bearing in mind I work in a sheltered housing scheme where everyone is over 60 & the majority are in their 70s & 80s, a brochure advertising the biggest, loudest fireworks you can set off at home is not going to be much use here!

    Anyone else had anything good today?

    Seza xxxx

    PS Do you think we can persuade CLP to hold the annual firework display on the radio next year as Tel will be gone to carry on the dry stone walling?

  • Comment number 74.

    Greetings CLP

    Again your bang on with your observations I too prefer chinese starters than the main and LOVE Indian more than I begin to write about.

    As for the ARF how about Hotel Yorba by the White Stripes in my humble opinion a fantastic song by a brilliant band.

    Ps I too had my Cholesterol checked this week but have to wait for a week for the results fingers X you know the 40yr MOT..

    Catch you later my ginger friend.

    Philipe Phlop.

  • Comment number 75.

    Did anyone see the Derren Brown lottery stunt last night? He predicted (alledgedly) all of last nights lotto numbers!!! How did he do this? Do we believe it? I'm not totally convinvced but I'm not a non believer, so any opinions to help me make up my (own!) mind please?!


  • Comment number 76.

    Dreamer - I didn't watch it, but did see it advertised. To be perfectly honest, he gives me the heeby-geebies a little bit.


  • Comment number 77.

    Dreamer..i saw the show before it but fell asleep before the lottery bit! Have NOT a clue how he does it but he is amazing,would love to see him live to see if we can spot it!

    mSc x

    PS - Welcome to all the new and returning bloggers by the way..very remiss of me not to say hi!

  • Comment number 78.

    Know what you mean Deevs, but it does intrigue me! And if he can in fact predict the lotto numbers then I'm interested!!!!


  • Comment number 79.

    Heard him interviewed on the radio once and he came across as seeming quite shy and reclusive..which didnt seem to fit with his shows. Apparently a huge classical music fan too... which has nothing to do with anything but its th bit i remember from the show!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 80.

    I went to see Derren do his stuff and he got my sister on stage. All I can say is she was spooked by him! Fab show!

    ARF Disco 2000 by Pulp.

    Gorge day in South Wales but i'm stuck in work roll on the weekend!

    luv me.

  • Comment number 81.

    mSc - somehow I can imagine him being quiet and a bit shy....I think I'd like to see him live, but I know I'd be really scared!! The first and only time I got my tarot done it felt worse than a first day at high school, or job interview. I guess I must believe more than I think I do otherwise i wouldn't be so bothered.


  • Comment number 82.

    Hi Chris,
    Agree totally about the indian/chinese startery thingy, going to Lords on Saturday where hopefully we will beat the Aussie's (can't let them win 4 in a row!!) then for usual discussion with hubby re: indian v chinese! Maybe somebody should open a Chindian...???
    ARF belting starter, I reckon LAYLA has got to be hard to beat, the only way to listen to it is FULL BLAST...!!!
    Have a great weekend
    Nickynoodledoo xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Seza...that's true junk mail 4 sure, what NUMPTYNESS.

    Scoobs well done for welcoming the new/returning bloggers....that was remiss of me too.

    Lisajo- DISCO 2000, I got that one as the ARF back in May..so good luck to ya!!!!


  • Comment number 84.

    Have you tried Indo-Chinese?? It's absolutely fab! Tnx for the show

  • Comment number 85.

    Similar to the unsuitable junk - I used to work for an online job board and once took a call from one of our competitors asking if we were interested in using their site for our recruitment needs. D'oh!

    Said yes though and asked for an info pack to be sent, so we could check out their prices, but they obviously sussed their mistake at some point because we never received it!


  • Comment number 86.

    Hello again

    Me and t'other half are the same with chinese/indian but we like all starters... Nothing beats Chicken Satay (on skewers) with a side order of Onion Bhagi(sp).

    Here in MK there is a fusion restaurant serving Chinese, Indian and Thai - would you believe we actually call it the Chindian??? The only problem is they don't deliver :-(.

    ARF - Can I put another vote in for Layla - but could it be the full version with the pianoeee bit as well???? - mind you I always turn the radio up full for Bat out of Hell so I would second that one as well.......

    Thanks for the welcomes etc

    A xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Ok Chris. ARF - Big, bright and beautiful - SUMMER LOVIN' from Grease.
    To get us all singing along on a lovely sunny day!


  • Comment number 88.

    Hi Chris

    My 8-year-old son Oliver was on your show on Wednesday, and I don't think it's quite sunk in that he was playing his guitar live to 5 million people. It's a shame that the guitar wasn't plugged in (yes it was an electric guitar!).

    How about kicking off Friday's show with 'Thunderstruck' by AC/DC to show Oliver how it's supposed to sound? It'll also give him an opportunity to practice strumming along!

    Russell Harper

  • Comment number 89.

    Jules #69: the blog, of course, is terrific, most days. Just every now and then someone appears who has a gripe with Chris, or indeed the people on here. I just love that CLP accepts that there will be good and bad on the blog - the guy is a diamond.

    Seza #73: due to the trauma regarding TW this week, I have, in desperation, been reading some of the messageboards. Someone suggested that perhaps when Chris is on holiday, Terry could stand in for him - now we're talking! In this regard, perhaps CLP could invite Terry to join him for the annual fireworks extravaganza?

    Dreamer: it's easy to say that there is a "trick" to what Derren Brown has done. The sensible side of the brain says it must be a trick, but the more inquisitive side says ..... well, it could be true!

    SWF: we get phone calls from the Staff Agency right next door to us, asking if we need temps, etc. These are the same people we meet every morning on the stairs, and we discuss the fact that business is slow and we are not expanding!

    C xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Russell - young Oliver was an absolute star. I was weak with laughter by the end of the call - he was such a sweetheart. Please tell him thanks from me for brightening up my day.


  • Comment number 91.


    Footloose Kenny Loggins

    Beezer xxx

    (Sorry Hazel love )

  • Comment number 92.

    ARF - in view of this week's momentous news 'Getting Up With You' by the Yeh Yous.

  • Comment number 93.

    Hi ya

    Yep, lovely here in Sunny Hull (by the way, I wonder if I ever knew Lady Helen??)

    Toad in the hole has to be accompanied by mashed potato and lashings of lovely gravy - mmmm very nice indeed.

    Can I suggest 'Let's Gp Crazy' by Prince please. Done this lots of times before and it's never worked so fingers crossed this might just be the week!

    Cheers sweetie. Love ya loads. xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Oops, not 'Lets GP Crazy' - some kind of mad medical professional - but Let's GO Crazy!!! ha ha xx

  • Comment number 95.

    SWF......long time no hear......hows the fax flirtin going then....any joy???


  • Comment number 96.

    OMG it is gorgeous here in the High Peak, going to walk over Craken Edge with loads the girlies later when kids in bed, is there a better way to get exercise, walking in the hills with some great company??

    After a fantastic Beatles week at the Beeb surely ARF should start with a cracking tune from them, I suggest 'Hey Bulldog' as the footage of PM and JL doing impressions of dogs into the mic was one of the highlights for me?? Love the show xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Sadly I am a pudding man so give me a pub grub apple crumble and custard any day. Do love Indian and Chinese as well so you can imagine the waistline battle!

    I think Fabio has earn't all our respect. Well done him and good luck England. Thought the interview with John Terry and Frank Lampard after the game was excellent since they both showed real awareness that this was no time to get complacent and there was still much work to do. All seems very positive right now.

    I would like to suggest an all request Friday song for you Chris - Genesis Follow Me Follow You - since I sincerely hope that you get the best support from us lot in you move to the AM slot.

    Lawrence D

  • Comment number 98.


    Totally agree I really don't understand why people has to voice their opinions on here re broadcasters be it Chris or anyone else. They all do a superb job.

    I suppose though like many public websites you are always going to get the Good, Bad and the Ugly.

  • Comment number 99.

    Hi again

    Everyone ok now? Good

    Chrissie, I was trawling the message boards earlier looking for something I thought I'd seen when I found the hottest board around. Never mind the discussion on actual/potential R2 presenter, you should see the discussion on the Allotment Tales board on whether it's ok to take fruit from your neighbours plot! Didn't see Diva's Lotty mentioned but then I did have to look away before I was overcome by the drama! lol

    TB I was thinking the £495 Rocket Riot pack. D'you not think i would go down well? (or up as the case may be)

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 100.

    Seza....with medics on stand by....yep that'd work!!!!!

    Would love to see that go up....not with you of course...

    BTW....firework 'cakes' (not the ones u cook) are the ONLY way to go.....once you experienced them you will never, I repeat NEVER go back to a misc. box of fireworks.

    TB (aka Guy F)x


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