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Alain de Botton - last night.

Chris Evans | 10:29 UK time, Wednesday, 28 October 2009

V special man.

"The thing we end up wasting most of is our life."

Let's not do that then.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Christoph - man of few words but wise.

    Exactly how I feel - live life to the fullest - you are only here once.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Here Here!

    Go with the flow and enjoy the things that make you happy. You can't help how you feel so you might as well make the most of it.

    I know I do!

    x x x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris,

    I absolutely agree, of course. There's no time to waste - I wish I had known that when I was 18 - I would not have squandered years and years waiting for my life to begin!

    Seize The Day!

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning all

    Wise words indeed Christoph. I've just been contemplating whether I should devour a slice of home-made carrot cake with me cawfee. Decision made!

    Pen, awaiting the arrival of the sunshine!


  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris

    It is so easy to let life pass you by, especially when we are all so busy.

    I have times where I can find my "get up and go" and accomplish so much in a short period of time, but then other periods where inertia gets the better of me.

    I think as long as we have a happy balance, and are feeling that we are living life to the extent that we want to, then that's OK. Not everyone wants to run around at 100 miles an hour all the time.

    JG x

  • Comment number 6.


    Today's blog is more like a Tweet, given it's length (but the words wise and meaningful, so why not!?)

    So, a blog crossed with a Tweet ...... we have our first



    x x x x

  • Comment number 7.

    Couldn't agree more Chris......

    And I need to remember it a bit more often too!

    washing up - check
    Washing done and drying - check
    Boy snoring gently - check
    Morning's chaos tidied away - check

    think that makes it tea and victoria sponge time!!

  • Comment number 8.

    MOrning all!
    Be warned..have just discovered I can access the blog from my phone..I will apologise in advance for any typo's!

    Wise words this morning big chief.. live every day to the full, don't let the little things stress you and have no regrets.. works for me anyway..

    Hope everyone else is doin ok this morning..

    HAppy birthday to jumpy if you lurking!

    ANd big hugs to FLower..x

    Currently in hair dressers having the grey covered so i may be back!

    PEace and love..

    mSc x

    PS...know 4 quiz answers..and LOve flash forward! X

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning Chris,

    Why use a thousand words when you can sum it up in one sentance - very well put Chris and I whole heartedly agree.

    I always say that life is too short, not that I would do anything to shorten it by being reckless but I believe that each day is God given and I thank him for it.


  • Comment number 10.

    Good Morning!!!

    Wise words CLP, something to think about for sure.

    Haven't had a chance to catch up for a few days, but Hurrah and Huzzah I'm back in blighty! This means I will be having a little trip to a bookstore tomorrow in order to purchase "the book". Was most upset when the river flavoured online bookseller wouldn't deliver it to me over there. Well now I'm here and I can buy it! Hurrah!!

    Happy days to you all.


  • Comment number 11.

    Quiet 'ere, i'n'it?!

    Good morning Christoff and fellow bloggers!

    Just dashing in as the day has seized me and is shaking me at mad, telling me to get a wiggle on! Loved Alain on the show! Think he could get a regular slot in the Breakfast Club?!

    My baby lass, of the non-sleeping variety, just said our cat's name, clear as a bell ... Xander! Not bad for a one year old ... just a shame it was our other cat Ollie!! Lots of praise given anyway, followed by much repeating of Ollie leading to a very confused cat!

    Got to go!



  • Comment number 12.


    Short but sweet today - much like my other half!
    I quite agree on your sentiments, though some days it's more difficult to view it like that and achieve it.
    For those who have said they know answers to quiz questions, it's all very well saying you know the answers but you haven't said what you think the answers are, so hoe do you know you know the answers?!
    MC - I would hope you know the question about Manchester - no pressure!
    And finally, some good news for me - my job will not end this Friday, as there are things they now want me to do at H/O, so a stay of execution!


  • Comment number 13.

    And that should have been how not hoe - d'oh!

  • Comment number 14.


    The Manchester river question is an interesting one, as there are a few rivers, plus all the canals.

    The main two are the Mersey and the Irwell (which forms the boundary between Manchester and Salford) - I'm presuming the answer would be the Irwell as that's more central?

    JG x

  • Comment number 15.

    Fab job news Nic

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Nic, that is terrific news about your job - you must feeling pretty relieved!


  • Comment number 17.

    Well done on the job Nic!!

  • Comment number 18.

    Good news Nic xx

    I've just had to use the € sign in an email and rather than type the word EUROS I used the sign, never done that before. So thanks to whoever told me where it was and how to use it...hee hee. Very easily pleased.


  • Comment number 19.

    JG - told you all I was hopeless - I thought it was the Mersey !!! Doh !!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Re job - thanks and yes,I am pleased - 1 month rolling contract - don't know until when but gets me out of doing any decorating for a while - huzzah! lol.

    JG - Irwell is correct!


  • Comment number 21.

    Oooo, congrats, Nic!

  • Comment number 22.


    Didn't put the answers on here as I didn't want to spoil it for others.

    Fantastic news on the job front too - way to go dude!


  • Comment number 23.


    Can I add to that please.

    The only failure in life is failure to try.

    And, howya Chezza, I'd have said today's offerin' was more of a Bleet.

    Also, since I've still not got me act together with the Twit stuff, and given my Wigan roots, for now I remain a loyal Christope Lambpie's Old Gal.

    In other words, a CLOG.


    Right am off again; flies and blue bottoms spring to mind....


  • Comment number 24.

    Oooh Ali, that's a mystery that has eluded me for AGES, how to use the euro key on this damn lap-top. In fact it even has Damian foxed. Pray tell...


  • Comment number 25.

    Clodagh, I take no credit for it. But if you press Alt Gr and then the key where the € symbol is (it's number 4 on my keyboard) hey presto.



  • Comment number 26.

    Ok here goes. Umm.....

    € HURRAH oh €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€

    €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€44444444 €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€

    yippee €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ ah wait til I show that scaldy aul eejit Damian, ah €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€4

    Tanks a million Ali wa-hey €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€


  • Comment number 27.

    Ere what does Alt Gr stand for, is it Grrrrrrrr..

    And for that matter what's Fn? Apart from *eck*n nonsense.

    Ah jayzus I SO need lessons. What an awful gobdaw I am.


    €€€ hurrah

  • Comment number 28.


    #2 -

    TIGER, tiger, burning bright
    In the forests of the night,
    What immortal hand or eye
    Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

    etc etc.


  • Comment number 29.


    Fn is your function key on a laptop, normally to access the End, Home etc (normally shown in a different colour)

    Have no idea what Alt Gr stands for though!

    JG x


  • Comment number 30.

    Chris - thanks for having Alain on the show last night. It was fascinating listening to the pair of you. I read his interview with Lynn Barber a few months back in the paper and I loved the bit where he said that a friend in Australia rings him up and, without any preamble at all, just asks something like "What is shyness?" and off they go. You also have to respect the guy for relying on his work for a living rather than the money made by his family. A wise young man indeed.

    I think Highland Susan has hit on a cracking idea for the breakfast show - Alain as a regular contributor to "Philosophical Thought For The Day".

    Lots of love to everyone else - enjoy this barbecue Autumn.


  • Comment number 31.

    Greetings CLP & Each Blog Viewer/ Wreeter....

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP - Most thought provoking blog terdee, INDEED a agree we spend aloot of our time in life wasting our time.... Something a agree on ter a point but life isn't always az simple az this!!!!
    In fact terdee am on a BIG mission..... in fact a VERY, VERY BIG mission, that some'ow a feel might will be a waste of time.... but my positive attitude in life iz if yer don't try yer don't get & a very much 'ope it's noot a waste of time!!!!!!!
    If yer fail pick yersen up and try again, try again!!!!!
    A could really go off on one about this subject az alotta the time a find it's other people that waste my time, negative people.... with a negative attitude about everything.... love and dating springs ter mind!!!!
    But.... a know for sure if yer do keep trying yer do get where yer wanter be in the end..... that's if yerv noot given yersen the 3 ayches in the process; 'ernia; 'emorrhoids or a 'eart attack in the journey ter where yer wanter be..... that can lead ter ending up in the fourth aych.......... 'ospital!!!!!!

    Talkin' of wasting our bits of our life.... that brings me onter me story a mentioned yesterdee i'd tell all about when a goot inter a BIG mess on the mortoway.... and a getta feeling the 'ighways Agency were wasting their time too with a sign, yes a sign... which could slightly fit inter the category of 'Bingo Star's Signs The World 'as Gone Mad'.... literlally!!!!
    What 'appened, basically it's a long story, but a waz driving a long the M62 in 'relatively' thick fog but nothing ter do with any of me family aka relatives!!!
    A 'ad reduced me speed accordingly but noot too much, but noot too fast either - All waz going well until a saw a sign, yes a flashing sign!!!
    The only problem a couldn't see what the matrix sign said due ter the fog!!!
    So a slowed wreet down neck forward with the Bingo beedy BIG eye fixed most firmly onter the sign...... then az a goot closer a could see what the sign read!!!!
    It read....... 'FOG'!!!! NNNNYA!!! 'FOG' all.... yes the sign thatta could see because of... errr fog waz telling me that there's.... errr fog, just in case a didn't realise there waz fog even though a waz surrounded by errr.. fog!!!!
    The only problem.... it's at that point a goot 'it from behind..... all caused by driving too slow on the mortoway!!!!

    Tatty bye!!!!!

    PS CLP & ALL - Three things thatta find are never a waste of time that spring ter mind.... listening ter Wrightie's BIG show, CLP Drivetime gig..... and eating a banana!!!!!!

  • Comment number 32.


    Ali & Clodagh.... I like this very much!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 33.

    Good News Nic!


  • Comment number 34.

    Think I have to learn the art of not regretting living life to it's fullest. I'm working on it.

    Date #2 tonight in Covent Garden, should be fun....now where did I put my dating trousers?

  • Comment number 35.

    Ay up folks.

    Having a grand day in't th'office.

    Nic, havent a clue on Manchester Rivers, if its not running through the main shopping area then i wont have seen it . Now ask me about shoe shops and bars , and you'll get a list as long as your wot nots.

    Good news on the job

    MC xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Ah Bingo hurrah that's yous, me an' Ali votin' YES to Lisbon then.

    Am all €€€€€€€€€€d up now an' nowt to spend me €€€€€€€€s on.

    Am mad frustrated now.

    Anybody want a quick quote for summat?



  • Comment number 37.

    And tanks JG.

    Now if I knew what the hell me Function Key was, I'd be a happy woman. Is it to open a file on me invitations to somebody's weddin' or Welcome Home do from the Priory or Strangeways? Or is it a log of daily bowel movements? Either way yous have me perplexed.

    These things are the fruit of Satan. Designed to aggravate the Tourrette's and keep the window-repairers in business. It's a conspiracy.



  • Comment number 38.

    Sorry Clodagh, you won't catch me voting yes to anything European. Some lovely countries and people but I'd like to keep my pounds, shillings, and pence!


  • Comment number 39.

    Sorry Nic - totally missed your news !! Good one - bread on the table for a while longer then.

    MC - I just love you - girl after my own heart - no doubt about it. Shop till we drop.

    ééééééé by éck

    agree with you too Ali €€€€€ww :-( £ :o)

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 40.

    I just had a lovely lunch hour. Turned the music off. Turned the heater up, sat back in my chair and read CLPs book.

    Really fancy a reading duvet day day. Just me, the moggy, the book and some chocolate buttons.

    x x x

  • Comment number 41.

    OK, having evil norty thoughts here .....

    I just ate some healthy, good for me, dried cranberries. They were nice, big, juicy and very cranberryish.

    Now, what about if you were to melt some chocolate buttons down and pour the molten lava of milk chocolateyness over aforementioned cranberries.

    x x x x x

  • Comment number 42.

    Cheryl - You tiger you.

    MC - Did you know that th Manchester Ship Canal was built as a result of Liverpool imposing import tariffs for cotton arriving at their ports destined for Manchester - they built it to avoid the tariffs (thanks to Stuart Maconie for this fact). Scousers 1 Mancs 2! If only that were the result last sunday :(

    AliB - With you on the € - it is fun though isn't it? €€€€€ - enough now...lol...


  • Comment number 43.

    Aren't cranberries supposed to be good for something...it's err..now what is it - memory? Or is that something else?....


  • Comment number 44.

    Nic, I think you will find it's the "something else" option ...!


  • Comment number 45.

    and no, that's not why i was eating cranberries. my "something else" is in perfick working order, thankyouverymuchly!!


  • Comment number 46.

    There is some fruit that is good for memory - thought it was cranberries. Maybe not.


  • Comment number 47.

    It's Blueberries!! What a twerp I am...lol


  • Comment number 48.

    now they're nice covered in chocolate too .....

  • Comment number 49.

    Just breaking the afternoon silence.
    I'm quite nice covered in chocolate too ;~)

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Beezer! Tried that on an ex girlfriend once but my tongue got sore...


  • Comment number 51.

    Beez, you made me blush!


  • Comment number 52.

    Beez, That was a tea/screen moment! LOL xx

  • Comment number 53.

    TMI Nic !!!!!!!!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Sorry Ali :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 55.

    I think #50 is the first "cold shower" moment for a very long time .....

  • Comment number 56.

    Turtally agree with that Deev :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Beezer started it.... :(


  • Comment number 58.

    S O R R Y !!!!!!!!!!! Taken everyones mind off work tho' hasn't it!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 59.

    My mind wasn't actually on work to start with Beez. Other things occupying my mind. Other nice things. Other very nice things.

    Mange Tout!

    Smiley Deevs
    x x x

  • Comment number 60.

    Just popped my head in for a breather, and find you norty lot!!!!


    JG x

  • Comment number 61.

    OK Deev, confession - neither was mine - me baaaad ! On the other hand I could have just purchased shares in c@dburys (other sweeties etc).

    Beez xx

    pee ess - Anyone with little 'uns - (children that is) - there's a new Noddy book out !!! Get it ! - proper story and a happy ever after ending. aaaah.

  • Comment number 62.


    It wasn't me - I was led astray...lol...


  • Comment number 63.

    It's the dark nights JG - they make me think all kinds of nortiness ....

  • Comment number 64.

    ... although that doesn't explain what was going thru my mind at around 8am today ....



  • Comment number 65.

    Deev - you are melting your chocolate !!

    Hi JG - norty ? moi? erm........

    Beez xx

    Easily led Nic ? oh dear

    skipping off before I get in to any more trouble...................

  • Comment number 66.


    In THOSE heels woman!?!?


  • Comment number 67.

    I'm going to do some work now before you all totally corrupt me...


  • Comment number 68.

    Sorry, as soon as I thought I had a minute, the damn phone rang again!

    I need to finish a few things off here, and get off home, so might catch you later (using HIS notebook)!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    Afternoon all, Just waiting for a cake to come out of the oven so thought I'd drop in on you norty lot...

    Nic was going to say what an interesting wee factoid there at #41 until you ruinied it with your comment on the match last week (me being scouse and a red!) Well done on the job front anyway.


  • Comment number 70.

    Nic, Congrats on the new rolling contract.That happened to a friend of mine and he is still there 2 years on so fingers crossed.

    Alt Gr stands for "alternate graphic" if that helps anyone!

    Another useful saying is "Fact not emotion".

    Hope all are well.

  • Comment number 71.

    Gosh it's quiet on here today!!!

    Hello All and CLP

    Loving the thought for the day. I would occasionally like some time to waste though....but then again, just end up watching rubbish tv and eating too many crisps!

    Beez - i just figured out the ééééééééé. I loved our little lesson the other week on what all the keys are for, someone asked and it was duly delivered...should definitely be a weekly update on various keyboard techniques, ¬¬¬¬¬¦¦¦¦¦¦¦```````

    So what are the extra 7, 8 and 9 on the numbered keys for ie there are 2 7's and 2 8's and 2 9's on the keys???? And then the slash on the zero?????

    Loving the idea of chocolate covered cranberries....and other things mentioned earlier....:)

    Not managed to catch up on all the last few weeks of blogland, quick summary from anyone?


  • Comment number 72.


    You should find that there are also numbers on the U I O J K L & M and a * + - as well, they are for using spreadsheets, but I prefer a keyboard with a separate number pad as I spend most of my life inserting numbers into spreadsheets!

    I'm finding it awfully difficult to type on this little notepad thingy, everything is so small!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.




  • Comment number 74.

    Btw. Chocolate peanuts.

    Can pass on the cream cakes, the pork scratchin's, the spotted dick an' custard. But chocolate peanuts..

    In fact. You know that scene in Fater Ted with Sister Assumpta up to the fetlocks in chocolate? Well now that's meself if yous leave me unsupervised with a bag a chocolate peanuts.


  • Comment number 75.

    Ew ey up. How do you do the little accent? Can you do the little cedilla whatsiname too? And the little dotty accents like over Brunhilda? Oh yippee.


  • Comment number 76.

    hey all
    Another quiet day in Blogland!
    I'm quizzing tonight, shall I do same as Nic and post some questions tomorrow?
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Evening all,

    What a lovely day its been, and a great sunset tonight too.

    Nic, thanks for the interesting fact about the MS canal. Tis a big canal indeedy, which happens to be right outside my front door . Tis a cause of deep frustration to me on a regular basis. When a ship sails past , the swing bridge goes , and invariably i am on the "wrong" side of said bridge, for probably 20+ minutes, and probably dying for the loo . I would like to see it used for more useful things like water skiing and synchronised swimming , but things take a while to catch on up north.

    Didnt know they had two football teams tho , often wondered what that big red blot on the landscape was as i was driving into the city :-) xx

    MC xx

  • Comment number 78.

    I've been caught at that swing bridge a few times, and the one at Eccles a few times, take forever they do!!

    Another interesting fact is that the Ship Canal is actually the Irwell from Salford onwards, and then joins the Mersey. In all, there are 4 overground rivers in Manchester, and three that are now completely underground!! And the Bridgewater canal continues from the Ship Canal through to Yorkshire! (OK, I know, I'm being boring)!! LOL

    Salford Quays has a watersports centre now, with canoeing, sailing, windsurfing, triathlon swimming and dragon boat racing! No synchronised swimming though :(

    Can see that Red thing from my office, always wondered what it was!! ;-)

    JG x

  • Comment number 79.


    When the bridge swings, i get all excited , thinking its gonna be a big tanker or a some big freighter , so i get ready to wave at them all. To find its a poxy Mersey Ferry , with a mast two inches taller than the bridge . So why dont they just put a hinge on the mast , hence no need to swing the bridge and then we'd all be happy .

    Racking my brain cell to think if ive ever seen anyone wearing blue football shirts in the city centre . Nope , cant say i have .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 80.

    I loved Alain on the show last night - all that he sadi made perfect sense but the thing I will take away from that & change my life for the better is about our expectations and anger............remember? Why Sally was asking about loosing her keys. It was about expectations.......it will save a lot of anxst in my life - accpetance.

    I hope all of you have had a great day x x x

  • Comment number 81.

    oooh , the penny has just dropped . They must play the football thingy after all the shops have shut , thats why i never knew about it .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 82.


    Not alot to say, but I thought I'd pop in and see what was going on.

    Green Day are now but a distant echo - until Friday, they are on Jonathan Ross - so I figured I'd lay off them for a while as I had them on seriously heavy rotation over the past few weeks. So, I gave Buckcherry a whirl - OK actually, then the new Alice In Chains stuff - whoa, heavy going, and then plunged straight back in the 70s for a Ramones-fest. But what did I end up running 10k in the gym to last night?

    Yep, Billie and the boys.

    I'm defecting. Probably best you read that again, especially if you have had a glass of wine, DEFECTING. A couple of a's and we're in a whole new ballgame. After years of driving leaping cats, I'm moving away, for the time being, to Bavaria. I would point out though, that the model I am having has had indicators fitted, as most of these particular cars don't appear to, at least the ones that normally cut me up at roundabouts and change lane without warning on the motorways.

    The next couple of days sees me head to Cambridge and then Reading - Berkshire, not enjoying a chapter or two - a chance to give the twin turbo a last stretch of her legs.

    Then, a mercifully quiet weekend of cooking and chilling. Until the little brats - sorry, darlings - in their Munsters outfits come begging for sweets on Saturday night.

    Loving your work

    Peace + love


  • Comment number 83.

    Evening all

    Matt - stick with the Ramones fest ..... this is Rock And Roll Radio afterall my chum!

    Watching Jimmy at the mo, sacrificing the first 15 mins of the Arsenal game to watch him make bread. I met him a couple of Christmas's ago - I was working on a recycling roadshow at his farm (the Jimmy's Farm, y'know!) and he is quite simply gawjus in real life. 6'2" of blond toussled hair, blue smiley eyed loveliness.

    As for Saturday and the "trickle treaters" - lights turned off and ignore the wee blighters. Or kidnap my niece and nephew and go out with them ....

    Back inabit

    x x x

  • Comment number 84.

    Harrrrrooowwwww Every peeeps

    I ave doned my Alcofrol Abuse knowledge traing and am please to say we passsssssedddd

    Had to complete practical on way home. Glad I live at end of the line cos harder to miss your stop.

    I loooooooove you all


    Seza xXxXxxxxxxxXXXXXxxxxXx

  • Comment number 85.

    Evening ,

    No tricks here on Saturdyay am well stocked with treats and ready .

    Hope you've all had a good day .

    Deev hopes you feel better ,got to get youself sorted before The Pool.

    Your sober then Seza.xxx.

    Bridge. xxx.

  • Comment number 86.

    Matt, glad you've had the optional extras added ;-) Good luck in your new role!

    We are also planning to go out, or just plain hide from the little critters on Saturday - have already had some round, that didn't get a good reception!

    MC - LOL!!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 87.

    Ohh, Seza!! lol

    Hi Bridge!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 88.

    Hi tob you JG ,hows it going ???

    IS MfR talking about a new car ???

    bids .xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Oh, actually there was one other thing.

    Today, I was given a copy of a magazine.

    Nothing special there, I here you say.

    Well, this particular mag has a cover price of £50.00.

    Yep, you read that right.

    So what is it?

    I'll leave you to guess, but it is the second one I have had and the first had a couple of pictures of our own Christophe in it.


    PS Bridge - indeed, it is four wheel talk.

  • Comment number 90.


    Please say which car it is , I dont know what is made in bavaria, other than beer .

    Bridge , hiya .

    Seza, you been dwinking ?

    MC xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Hello Matt, nice to see you .

    So nice new car on the cards then ,when do you get it or is it not ordered yet ??

    The magazine I should imagine has got to be doing something with cars.

    Glad you enjoyed your Green Day concert .

    Bridge .xxx.

  • Comment number 92.

    Evening all,

    Chilli and post chilli coffee, date and pecan cake consumed, now feeling comfortably stuffed and chilled out. Have been on a day off today, did some cooking and some chilling, and some wandering around the shops looking for gift ideas ahead of the big C word, and best pal's birthday. Also successfully managed to bleed the radiator in my bathroom, so was feeling rather proud of myself.

    Don't get any trick or treaters round my way, but then I live in a block of flats with a secure entryphone so someone would have to buzz them in in the first place.

    50 quid for a magazine!!! And I grudge the price of most women's mags...


  • Comment number 93.


    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Me thinks it might be a car auction brochure??

  • Comment number 95.

    MC - it's a BM*W lol

  • Comment number 96.

    Boooooooooooooooooooo! I feel absolutely pants pals. Mr Deev gawn to bed already (mainly coz I kept him awake form ost of last night coughing!). I've Vick'd me chest, have hot water bottle to cuddle and am spending the night on the sofa so at least one of us (that'll be him then!) gets some sleepage.

    Matt - is it a copy of Heat signed by Jordan and Peter pre split?!?!

    OK, I'll get me coat ....


  • Comment number 97.

    Hi Rosie ,MC,Sezzza

  • Comment number 98.

    JG, you sure ? thought he said it had two a's in it , thas why I'm a bit befuzzled

    MC xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Tricky Treaters can come to ours as much as they like...........We're going to see Fleetwood Mac!!

    Tis boy1's birthday on Saturday so we taking him out to lunch then they're going to see Up with Nanny & Grandad.

    Think they are going to do a little demanding gifts with menaces but I'll not be there!!

    "Training" wearing off now. Just a bit sleeeeeeeeeepy


    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 100.


    Right on one front, but it isn't an auction brochure.

    It is a 'magazine', but it is the Ferrari Magazine, all yours if you are an owner, in the biz and able to blag one (me) or stupid enough to fork out £50 for it. Actually, it is 50 Euros, but I don't seem to have a Euro button on my typewriter and it is virtually the same thing nowadays.

    A steaming hot bath beckons.

    Take care all



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