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Tidy Studio Means Tidy Show.

Chris Evans | 09:58 UK time, Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Today for the first time since we started at The Breakkie Show, I found I had time to clean up before we came off the air - almost as we went along in fact, like a conscientious cook might. And it felt damn good.

Then in walks Rabbi Pete and tells me there's a new moon and it's the Spring moon which is the one that symbolises a new start - hence the Spring cleaning theory.

So what has happened here, I think it's down to the caffeine-free, herbal tea/Prof Brian Cox constellation inspiration. I think the moon told me to clean up and now because I'm less full of poison, I was able to hear this time.

Or am I just full of something else and I should shut up ? Ha ha.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP et al.
    Great show as usual this PM. Desk cleaning to the fore.


  • Comment number 2.

    or even AM. I blame it on the caffine!

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Christoff

    Quick of the mark this morning.

    I think it could be the spring cleaning urge or maybe just that you're relaxing more into the cycle of the show perhaps?

    Its also that time of year for me to clear the desk before the finacial year end, seen parts I haven't seen since this time last year! ;)


  • Comment number 4.

    Morning Chris,

    Loved the bits of the show I got to hear, spesh the Van der Valk/Eye Level music!

    I'm hoping that the moon might 'speak' to the rest of the family and I may get a tidy house!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 5.

    It is truly a beautiful spring day here in Surrey. I was out running in the fields this morning and saw a family of 4 deer, a little later I paused to take a look at the beautiful view (ok, and to get my breath back before starting the hill climb...) and took in some deep breaths of cool, clean and spring like air. What a fabulous start to the day.

    Caffeine free - sounding good. I'm not a coffee drinker but would struggle to have day free of at least one cup of tea.

    Hope everyone else's day has started well and continues to get even better.

    Loving Life

    Beany xxx

  • Comment number 6.


    The Van Der Valk theme took me back as well, to being v young and my mother watching it. Unfortunately it also revisits too many 'junior strings' versions, which are painful to recall for my ears!

    BTW well done on the Mayo namecheck for the record last night.


  • Comment number 7.

    Morning all, again.

    The Spring clean bug has definitely landed here.

    I think its because it all seems so more worthwhile because there is more to look forward to, now THAT season is almost behind us.

    In fact I think everyone should give themselves a big pat on the back for getting through it. Looking back, we have all seemed to face some horror story or another.


  • Comment number 8.

    #6 Thanks Andy, had to listen to iplayer to make sure that he mentioned my name! (How sad am I?..don't answer!)

    Yes, I too, was very young when Van der Valk was on the telly!


  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris: I'll tell you what you are full of - inspiration! This morning's show was just terrific - loved hearing Eye Level which took me straight back to 1972 - lovely memories of being young, and being looked after by my dear mum and dad. xx

    Gail: I saw your message on the previous blog. Yes, we will have to liaise re: Friday 26th. I will try to contact you on FB!

    MTF: I agree with you - it is such a joy to have nice weather again. I am still finding it a thrill to look out of the window in the mornings and there is no ice on the car! It really was a miserable and dangerous winter.

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning again.

    Mcw - I did that for both my menshes a couple of weeks ago (I did actually miss them at the time though). Lovely sunny day here again, the only thing is it gets so hot in this office when there is a bit of sun - they can never get the climate control to work properly.

    I have broached the subject of Glasgow with his grumpiness, he doesn't want to come (well the offer was there) and I am now 80% certain I will come, just need to gauge the level of grumpiness.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning, good morning, good morning . .

    Big Chief CLP,

    hope you realise tomorrow is St. Patrick's day - remember Bono in the wee pub off Grafton St, all those many moons ago . . ??

    DtM x

    "Barman, . . . "

  • Comment number 12.

    Morning CLP and all bloggers!

    Hello from sunny essex! Not here obviously, chris - liking the spring moon, new start thing - just have to decide what my new start will be

    hmmmm, off to ponder - oh no I mean work!


  • Comment number 13.

    mtd: ah yes, one has to be careful around grumpiness! It can be a real pain trying to keep one's OH happy! I hope you can make it, but I completely understand the art of keeping our men sweet!

    Dan: oooh, how I would love to be in a wee pub off Grafton Street tomorrow!

    C xx

  • Comment number 14.


    You and Simon Mayo posted your blogs within a minute of each other today, yet he already has had twice as many comments as you.

    Does this signal a change in the blog dynamic?

  • Comment number 15.

    Has Debs gone?

    Right then, back to the monkey business that I mentioned last night.

    Did anyone hear the story on the news about baboons and their penchant for grapes?

    Not just any grape though oh no.

    (Whispering quietly, chardonnay grapes,)

    Apparently they are devouring tonnes of them and this is going to affect the availability of a certain brand of vino on our supermarket shelves.

    Now then, how do we break this to Lady Chards??

    It will have to be done in a gentle manner, any volunteers?


  • Comment number 16.

    MTF, perhaps I should do it, I'm good at handling senstive situations:

    Oi Chards. Drink summat else, you're pg off the baboons!

    Job done (until the mods get here). Anyone else got any difficult news to break?

  • Comment number 17.

    MTF: I'm sure you will agree - Carl handled that beautifully!


  • Comment number 18.

    Morning All - again. When you have finished your tidying up Christoph I have plenty for you to do.

    OMG Carl - just had to turn a LOL in to a cough (cos I'm not allowed to be happy whilst working).

    Lady Chards - check FB - and earlier blog - I've found your necklace.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Carl, if there happens to be a rotten apple harvest this Autumn, can you just break it to me with a tad more sensitivity :O


  • Comment number 20.

    Morning CLP and the rest of you I suppose!

    I can honestly say that with over a weeks worth of caffeine free thinking available to me.......Mmmmmmmmm Coffee!


    That I don't get along with 'moon stuff' too much of a closed mindI guess.

    You do have a blogger who knows loads about Mumbo Jumbo.....I refer of course to the Glaswegian serial fish murderer.
    I'm sure she'll have loads to say on it.

    In fact she could have written today's blog.....what's going on?!?!?!



    Who does feel better for a week without the bean.

    Seza - Max gets Top Gear c/w trading cards and is ploughing through Horrid Henry's collection, The Famous Five collection and anything he can find on the web about F1, England Rugby, The Armed Forces not to mention the word he typed into the dictionary on his iPod last night which forced us to have 'that chat'.

    He needs no more reading material!!!!

    Thank you though x

  • Comment number 21.

    Chrissie, that pat on the back I proposed earlier, how difficult is it to do with a frozen shoulder?



  • Comment number 22.

    Gah!!!.....Uncle Carl, where were you last night when my Son needed that talk?

    Actually! Could explain in your inimitable about what happens when a Mummy and a Daddy..........

    Sorry if that's not politically correct!



  • Comment number 23.

    Or - as someone who spoke English might say.

    Actually! Could you explain in your own inimitable way about what happens when a Mummy and a Daddy..........

    Probably still awful English but there you go!



  • Comment number 24.

    MTF - of course.

    Pears or nothing. Your choice.

    Happy to help :-)

  • Comment number 25.

    Greetings CLP & Each Blog Pal.... Blogging....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!! A feel the same.... something new iz 'appening ter me... everything... even though am doing all that a waz doing before when everything waz going wrong for me... everything seesm ter be changing... like out with the bad & in with the new too!!!!!!!!!
    In fact a can even say that my own personal moon seems ter be imporving since ave been going ter the gym alot.... me celulite is disappearing... so INDEED noot just the moon moon but me own moon is re---- newing - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!
    Noot that ave been mooning.... just in case Gingembre or any other PC's, on duty or INDEED off, are in this area of the www!!!!!!

    Must admit on a serious note though.... there's alot going on out there in the cosmos that we sort of now, sorry know, about but don't fully understand!!!!!!!!!
    The moon for exapmle 'as a VERY powerful influence on the earth... noot just from a gravitational standing... and 'elping ter pull our oceans in & out ter do with the gravitational pull... but the moon makes people go abit.... err mad!!!!!!!!
    100% TRUE ALL!!!!!!!!
    A should now, sorry know!!!!!!!!
    A will tell yer 'ow a now, know!!!!!
    Me uncle who waz in the fire brigade for 30 years plus working 'is way up from trainee wreeeet ter divisional commander... errrr told 'is sister aka me mother that it iz a well known fact that when there's a full moon (being serious ere... although am tempted ter bang a joke in)... when there's a full moon.... there's more trouble/ incidents around!!!!!!!
    The ploice, ambulance & INDEED fire brigade are extra busy when it's full moon!!!!!!!
    100% TRUE!!!!!!!!

    Next time yer see a fight in the street & yer keep getting cut by bad tempered drivers.... remember it's probably all ter do with.... the full moon!!!!!!!

    Talkin' of.... The Cosmos... a found clips of this MEGA gig a waz at in Kharkiv, Ukraine... Queen & Paul Rogers wrokin for free ter 350,000 people & live on Ukrainian TV... a tell yer it made me proud ter be British!!!!!!!!
    A waz there.... just a shame a goot dumped 3 'ours before the concert waz due ter start by me Ukrainian fiancee aka Inna!!!!!
    But even she couldn't ruin this gig for me... probably the best a will ever go too!!!!!!
    And it waz free all ter do with AIDS awareness!!!!!!

    Check it out & enjoy... The Cosmos Wrockin' by Queen & Paul Rogers >>>>>>>

  • Comment number 26.


    Personally I think you should have had 'that chat' the first time he typed England Rugby into his search engine.

  • Comment number 27.

    I am sure there is a pair joke about to appear, go on someone, make my day :)


  • Comment number 28.

    #25 @ 12.12.... a like this very much!!!!!!!!

    Just 'ope the blog ploice allow all a writted... it's all meant ter be nice!!!!!!!! 'onestly!!!!!!! 100% TRUE!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 29.

    Hi Bingo, you'll be here in a minute.xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Ripples - that has just reminded me -
    Dreamer if you are there - my week of looking after neighbours fish - one must have been called Vanessa at least - they came back to more than they left - baby fish !!

    Chrissie/Gail - loads of messages on fb about Glasgow

    Beez xx
    fish keeper extraordinaire

  • Comment number 31.


    I can only imagine `that chat' involved you asking him why you spent £150 on an iPod when you could have got him a proper dictionary for a fiver?

  • Comment number 32.

    MTF: you are so right about the shoulder thingy! I just had to picture in my mind's eye the pat on the back!

    Rips: You could be on very thin ice with Dreamer, but I know you like to live dangerously!

    When my older sister gave me the "when a mummy and a daddy" chat (when I was 11, the youngest of six) I screamed at the top of my voice "are you seriously trying to tell me that mum and dad did THAT, six times???"

    Took me years to recover!

    C xx

  • Comment number 33.

    How long do the mods get for their coffee break?


  • Comment number 34.




    The baboons are eating my grapes!!!!!

    thanks for breaking it to me MTF- and of course sensative as ever UC! LOL

    Chrissie - lemonade screen moment!

    Beezles - seen FB message in my inbox, cant reply due to work poleece - thanks dear, hang on to it till glasgee! not long now hey!

    debs who is off in search of baboons....

  • Comment number 35.

    MTF - it's probably lunch time !

    Chrissie - I was well in to my teens thinking exactly that - obviously wasn't listening properly!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Debs - it will be returned to the cavernous handbag it was found in and will wend its way to glasgee in 9 days time !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Barney - Did you enjoy the Wales match on Saturday? I think England Rugby came up when he typed in Winning World Cup Team! :)
    I'm going to pay for that!!

    Carl - That is a very good point.

    Chrissie - so innocent!! Oh and Dreamer just talks a good talk.....

    Right I'm not here if anyone sees her!



    Who never had that chat.

  • Comment number 38.

    Gosh Beez, hadn't noticed the time, head in oven morning, again!

    Debs, calm down dear, we are all here for you.

    Beez, just did a retake, thought you had got a carniverous bag!!


  • Comment number 39.

    Debs - take Dreamer with you on your baboon hunt. She's good with animals :-)

  • Comment number 40.

    Helloooo, modders (taps on screen as if that might wake them up) - We'd like to know what Bingo said please. Can't you stagger your lunch breaks to give us an uninterrupted service (like banks etc....)?

    (Crawls back into hiding in case they decide to pre-mod me).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Afternoon folks,

    Today, we have sunshine in Shonksville . I must admit, everywhere looks so much better , and people seem almost happy in the office today. I'm not sure if it's down to the weather, or the fact that i am about to buy a load of cakes to get us through the afternoon ;-)
    Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes , its so very much appreciated.

    Right, had better go , I need to take everyones order for the bun fight.

    Lots of love
    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Happy Birthday MC, We had cakes yesterday, whoever's birthday it is has to buy everyone a cake (don't worry there are only 5 of us). We have 1 in January, 2 in March, 1 in April and 1 in early May, then no more cakes till the next year - Bums!


  • Comment number 43.

    Posties just been.

    Wow, a special invite to a furniture store, you know, the one with the sale that must end Sunday!!!

    Did they not log all the complaint letters I sent about the last heap of junk I bought from them, do they not remember the times they had to come out and restuff said junk??

    Maybe I should go along wielding the axe that I used to dipsose of last heap of said junk!

    Dont get me started!!


  • Comment number 44.

    Misteltoedipper - Yeah a think the glog ploice must be on their lunch break until 13.00!!!!!
    And a don't blame them at all!!!!!!!

    That's on ething that upsets me the most about failing ter getta job on CLP's Breakfast Gig..... Visting the Beeb Canteen at Western 'ouse!!!!!!!!
    A mean can yer imagine it.... spending the whole morning on air... then researching with talented people in society reading for yer following dee's show.... and then come lunch teem.... up stairs ter the canteen... or acutally a getta feeling az the broadcasting gods operate from above... aka the 6th floor... then the canteen must be downstairs!!!!!!!
    Any way can yer imagine it..... eating a jacket potater..... and who's sitting at the next table..... Wrightie eating a egg n cress sandwich (one of 'is favs - a know this all).... complete with spilt tomater soup in 'is moustache.... while discussing factoids with Janie Lee Grace!!!!!!!
    A wouldn't know if a should ask Janie Lee Grace aka Colaboy... for 'er 'graph.... or if a should politly tell Wrightie about the split soup... which if said in the correeect way could lead ter a spot on 'is research team or even on 'is show!!!!!!
    Then imagine it..... a few tables away.... yer could easily see.... Marlyn Manson (without make up)come in ter do a bit with Jono Ross... Both of them eating a custard tard complete with latte ter wash it down... while discussing the format for their interview!!!!!!!
    Then yer could easily see Cheryl Cole... soz Tweedy (a always prefered Tweedy mesen!!!).... At the next table.... come for a quick bite.... After picking 'er all time fav tunes on The Bruce's show.... And we all know 'ow she might be VERY available at present!!!!!!!!!
    I'd struggle noot ter ask 'er for 'er graph.... and i'd struggle even more noot ter ask 'er out on a date!!!!!!!
    Maybe London Transport Museum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Na... a tell yer all.... a do noot at all blame the blog ploice for aving a lunch break!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 45.

    Happy Birthday MC :-)

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Dozymac,

    Well , next time we need to recruit, i will way up the gaps in our cake calendar and appoint accordingly ;-).

    We have a vast array of donuts , which will probably see us through the next half an hour or so . We play who can eat them without licking your lips, we should really be on Manchester's got talent . Right , got to dash, the first packet is ready and waiting.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    You certainly know how to party MC ;-).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Hello All,

    #25 - Uncle Carl, I can confirm what you say or rather my Hubby can. He works for the Prison Service and says that every full moon, there is always more 'incidents', fighting or smashing up of cells,etc.

    And 'ere...why is it whenever people talk about the Public Services the Prison Service never gets a mention? Not getting onto at you Uncle Carl, just an observation, is all!

    Mrs S

  • Comment number 49.

    MTD, yeah, who says its grim up North ?

    MC xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Afternoon CLP and all (well 'cept maybe some poor English rugby fan!)

    Chris - the moon is definitely a force to be reckoned with. I could wax unlyrically about our planets and the moon and how much effect they have on us, if we listen to the rhythms of them all, but probably best not! Sufffice to say that keeping off caffeine, which is tough in a modern world, will help us listen to our own bodies natural rhythms.

    Beez - please can you bring one of those baby fishes to Glasgow with you? No?? You don't think it a good plan? I promise I would try my best to keep it alive for at least the duration of the first round....oh yes of course that's not too long is it?

    UC - please can you not use baboon and dreamer in the same line!? I know I have a few difficulties but I am working hard at my fish hostilities.

    Rips - the very thin ice has cracked, take one more step if you dare!!! Also, when giving 'the chat' you did of course explain that the references to 'lashings and lashings' in the famous five was nothing to do with 'it'!? And more to do with Enid Blyton's desires!


  • Comment number 51.

    Happy Birthday MC - hope you have a lovely day x


  • Comment number 52.

    And MC Happy Birthday - and Happy donuting!


  • Comment number 53.

    Afternoon all!

    Can people stop talking about cake!? I now am craving a nice slice with (dare I mention) a cuppa!! Happy birthday MC by the way!

    I think the moon cycles have more influence than we think! I know I have been doing a lot more tidying in the last few days - or maybe I've just noticed my mess more...

    Half way through my working week as have got a lovely friday off - will be able to listen to all of CLP in the morning for the first time in ages, although half of it will be whilst at the dentist - stupidly booked in for an early check up when I forgot I was off work. D'oh!

    Bring on the sunny days... Rx

  • Comment number 54.

    MC - quick happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    my little tash buddy - bet you cant stop yourself from licking the sugar off that can you! (mods - that is not a rood joke)

    MC has a little black moosetash like me


  • Comment number 55.

    Afternoon all

    All this talk of baboons and fish and Bees, more like a zoo this pm!

    For those on fb I have now uploaded some poor quality mobile pic of the new addition for those aunties on the blog!

    Hopefully I'll get chance to add some decent pics from the 'proper' camera soon.

    Best do some work now!


  • Comment number 56.


    I guess I left myself open to that.

    To answer your question, no I didn't enjoy the Wales game on Saturday, unless you count alternating between hurling abuse and sobbing uncontrollably as enjoyment. Despite that it could at least be described as a game of rugby without fear of being prosecuted under the Trades Descriptions Act.

  • Comment number 57.

    MC - you forgot to take the cake orders from the bloggers!

    Chrissie S - funny!

    Baboons & grapes - MTF, thought the monkey business was going to be a bit more excting than that!

    Debs - you could always go for a Sauvignon Blanc, after all a change is as good as a rest! BTW hope the eye is healing nicely after the slip up!

    Tidy desk - will take more than a new moon for that to happen here!

    AS x

  • Comment number 58.


    Don't they say a tidy desk is the sign of a sick mind!!! I can't stand clutter and tidy my desk at the end of each day, in fact I have three neat piles on it right now.

    Hope everyone is enjoying this sunny Tuesday.

    MC, If you are offering aound the doughnuts, please can I have a custard one xx

    I can't remember what things in particular, but I have chuckled this afternoon at some of the blogs - thanks for that.

    AF (where are you haven't seen you on here for a while, hope all is ok) -Nugget of niceness today, my boss just told me I was invaluable, bless him.

    And just in case you were interested with regards to my time off in the autumn - it turns out that my sister-in-laws cousin runs an orphanage in Zimbabwe, so there's another possibility. I'll keep you all posted.

    Over and out


  • Comment number 59.

    AliB - how lovely of your boss to say that, beats my boss who told me last week my value to him is in answering the phone and door to clients!

    AS x

  • Comment number 60.

    Definitely something in the air. Just done about two months filing and I am not hot, bothered and very dirty.

    Andy - what a munchkin - on way through to wash hands, couldn't resist having a peek at laptop what big eyes you have little boy !!

    MC/Dozy am very pleased I don't work in a big office any more. Used to have to get 30 or more cakes - didn't ask what they wanted, just got an assortment and first come first served. Good job I worked on the top floor - 3 flights of stairs to burn off the calories.

    What a lovely thing for boss to say Ali. Keep us posted on the autumn decision though.

    AS - I would make sure the next door was shut in his face. What a grump. Sooner you move the better.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 61.

    What am I on about - not hot - course I'm hot - as in feeling warm before you say anything Carl.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Sorry Ripley - I mentioned cakes again. Never mind - nearly home and eats time.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Beez - no worries on that score as I am too tired battling the effects on man-flu to make any double entendres of any type. Bizarre really, at eight o'clock last night I was ready to take on the world, by eight thirty I felt like the world had fallen on top of me.

    If I was able to comment, I'd think I work on something along the lines of you being very dirty, but as I can't I won't. :-)

  • Comment number 64.

    Chris, is your tidy desk example going to spread through to the rest of your team? Remember, we've seen their desks!!

    Love the way Pause for Thought and all it's Thinkers feel such a good part of the show and the team

    Debs, Those naughty baboons!! I heard this yesterday and, strangely enough, I thought of you! Maybe one day when you're up Darn Essex I'll take you to colchester zoo and we can tell them off. Mind you, they always look a bit scary! Maybe that's because they're the worse for wear drinking your chards?

    Ali, nice boss!! Look forward to seeing you soon and you can update us on all your plans, Link to the orphanage in Zimbabwe sounds promising

    Bingo, good to see you back on form and i agree entirely about the full moon effect, have seen it in action, not least with my friend's son who has fits and always has more around full moon that any other time. Stands to reason that if full moon has this effect, new moon must do something?

    Rips, sounds like your son & mine would get on well, just leave them in a corner with a heap of books and they'll be happy

    Everyone else, Hello

    Going to look at a house in a while, not sure why as ours is still sitting here but feel we need to show willing


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Afternoon all, am typing this on my brand new shiny laptop!!!

    Well done on the tidying up CLP, could you maybe find a bit of time in your schedule to come round to my place for a bit mroe tidying action?? No??? oh well, never mind..

    Liking all the talk about Enid Blyton, I was a voracious reader when I was a child and loved the Famous Five and Mallory Towers books. My parents could barely keep me supplied in books, and I'd never be able to wait until getting home before starting a new one

    Right, have had a mad busy day (not least setting up the new lappy) and am starving (and brain dead!) so off to start rustling up a nice curry for tea.


  • Comment number 66.

    Hi Everybody Peeps, Congratulations CLP on the caffeine free - just wait for the mother of all headaches - it will get you!

    MCW - Wanted to congratulate you on your mention on SM's show last night. I had a mini mention ages ago when he was sitting in for Chris on the drivetime show. I was sooooooo chuffed to here Patrick Hernandez 'Born to be Alive' - my all time favourite disco track that I was compelled to text in - couldn't believe it when the text was read out. Didn't listen to i-player tho'.

    Bingo - well done on getting through the bad times without the assistance of chemicals. Something to be proud of I should say.

    Soz folks - in a rush AGAIN. Have to ring my elderly Mum before I head out to pound the streets of Lincoln. I will try to catch up with you bloggers later.

    Btw, it's been a gorgeous day in Lincolnshire - I can here the wee birdies singing their hearts out as I type.

    Cheerio for now.


  • Comment number 67.

    Actually , I was chuffed to HEAR Patrick Hernandez - just before you wrong bong me. ;)

  • Comment number 68.

    Howaya chaps!!

    Yous are definitely full a summat else, Christoffe. Still. As my aul Granny usedta say when faced wit a rowdy an' belligerent eejit. Empty Vessels Make Most Noise.

    Anyway. Am back in Blighty as of 3am today, am feelin' a bit boat-lagged after 2 hours a sleep, 3 nights' runnin'; and now look. The GD, insistent that she get to see her mummy after a 3 week absence, is currently stranded at Southampton airport, flight to Liverpool delayed by 5 hours if you please, due to land at 10pm. Now, much as I love the bones of her, am lookin' at me jammys, me bath an' me bed an' am contemplatin' puttin' 'er into Care. An' what with the sleep deprivation an' subsequent water-boardin' this mornin' by Renee wit the bucket an' yard-brush, I'm wonderin' if I actually made it home at all, or if I took a wrong turn off Anglesea an' landed in Guantanamo Bay. I'll be ruddy cross-eyed an' dribblin' an' thinkin' I've bats in me belfry by 10.30. Jayzus.

    Anyway. On the plus side, havin' been rudely awakened by Renee an'the hoover at 6am, I did at least get to hear the show, which I reckon is going from strength to strength. I was also amused to hear how your car can keep yous fit, and am compelled to pass on how mine, cheeky monkey, upon bein' left on a large multi-storey car-park in Dublin, went an hid itself. Oh yes. Ergo, said car bein' the most borin' colour known to man, it took me a good 15 minutes to find it, an' them damn ramps are KIllers. I've legs like Wile E.Coyote after 'is Acme Leg Muscle Vitamins now; good job harem pants are This Season's Must-Have. In the leggings they look like a pair a black parsnips.

    Any road. Hope yous are all well this evening, am off to make a cuppzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzpfff pfff pfff zzzzzzzzzzzsnortzzz



  • Comment number 69.

    Evening all

    Sorry for the disappearance last night! Had my tea and started catching up on 24, and then fell asleep!

    Well the work thing seems to be doing OK, a few teething issues though! Mainly IT related!

    Basically, our department has been turned into it's own little Limited Company, so there has been so much to sort out over the past few weeks and especially days, my head's spinning!

    And so many issues with who can still do what, due to data protection stuff....

    Anyway, we are getting there!

    Rosie, good luck with your apartment!

    Beez, I'm glad you found going back to the manual version OK, I may need to do the same myself for a day shortly, and was dreading it!

    Bingo, glad your Mum is feeling much better!

    Rips, you should know better!!

    MC - I hope you are not reading this and are out having a meal or something! Happy Birthday!!

    Am in danger of a huge Bingo-like post, so "Hi!" everyone else

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    Thank you x
    Ha ha ha , have just logged on , 1000% true .

    Have had a nice bunch of flowers tonight, not to eat,just to look at you know, off Mr Mc. He also buys the most beautiful cards.

    Decided to go out at the weekend, and combine shopping and eating ;-)

    The donuts went down well, and we all felt ever so slightly giggly with the sugar rush .

    Hope you get things sorted at work , its a bit quiet in our office and i am rapidly running out of sensible time fillers, we may have to resort to playing snap with P45's or pin the tail on the director.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 71.


    MC, sounds like you had a good day, you need to watch out for those doughnuts.

    JG, not sure what's been happening at your work but hope it goes ok

    OI CLODAGH!! Don't forget your taxi run!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 72.

    MC, please don't eat the flowers, stick to choccies and cakes! Much better for you!

    Glad you've had a good day though, not so sunny in Manchester all the time today, but definately warmer - I managed without a scarf!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    Well, I can't say too much, but suffice it to say my job's still safe - as safe as it can be anyway in this climate!

    It's too complicated to explain, but basically we've been partly sold off!!

    Still sat at the same desk, same 'puter etc etc...

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    WHOA.... wha.. ew Seza, hiya babe zzzzzzzzzzz zz zzz



  • Comment number 75.

    Hi Clodagh!! You can get another hour or so snoozing in yet...ZZZZZ

    JG x

  • Comment number 76.

    zzzz Whoa.. eeeeee yawn stretch eeeeee looka the time..

    Ah looka that. I look like a slightly concussed chameleon. In a Doddy wig. Jayzus I'd startle a police 'orse, ah NO. 'Ow did this 'appen.

    Right shrup am off. The GD'll be genuflectin' when she sees me. Where did I put that crucifix.

    A bientot.

    Clodagh Kruger.xx

  • Comment number 77.

    I think we're going to need to send Clodagh all CLP's unused caffeine from this week!

    failing that, Clodagh dear, just imagine what the GD will say (and do) if she's left standing at the airport!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 78.

    i was about to nod off then as well...better go out with the dog, or I'll be asleep!

    JG x

  • Comment number 79.

    Hello, anyone??

    Just back from another mammoth trek around the counties of Devon and Somerset.
    (no, no mammoths to report)

    Quick catch up on the posts, sorry it wasn't that excting AS, still it brought about a bit of jovial banter.

    Now what have the rest of you been up to??

    Back as soon as I have found out.


  • Comment number 80.

    Hi MTF, hope you are well?

    Shame about the mammoths, would have been interesting!

    I suppose I'd better get the dog back in, he's been checking the fences and under the shed, so Spring must be in the air!

    JG x

  • Comment number 81.

    Hi my fairy friend, how is cream tea country today?

    It was lovely here, even the postman was in his shirt sleeves, not shorts yet though

    JG, did you take the dog out or fall asleep?

    And how about Clodagh? Antone know if she made it to the airport?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Hello guys...

    had a lovely day today .... beautiful and warm ...

    Bills xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Hi Ladies, hasnt it been beautiful. have just come down from the lab, which is 4 miles uphill from here, then I am at sea level.

    Spotted on the way back down ( in the dark) three badgers, one hare, two owls and a roe deer.

    Who needs springwatch??

    Eagerly awaiting the bats and swallows.


  • Comment number 84.

    What do you reckon Finlay is sniffing out JG?

    See you heard the baboon report too Seza!

    I think it is only affecting the South African supplies.

    ALI, yes please keep us posted.

    Hi Billie glad you are ok.


  • Comment number 85.

    awww thats lovely MTF..... wish we had views like that ... lolxxx

    Jealous Bills xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Seza, I popped out with him, and then left him in the garden and snoozed!

    I need to get him in now and go to bed! I've been leaving the house at 6.45 this week to get into to work early, and it's already catching up on me!

    Night all xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 87.

    How did that happen??

    I put a line, after the Finlay enquiry saying that there are a lot of rampant frogs about at the moment, it vanished. Guess I pressed something I shouldn't have done, doh!


  • Comment number 88.

    MTF, yes, it's a mixture of toads and frogs! We get both in our garden

    JG x

  • Comment number 89.

    MTF, haven't seen any frogs up to stuff in the pond yet but think we are still a bit colder than you

    Went out at the weekend and still snowdrops in the woods and no sign of the daffs yet!

    Has been lovely today Billie, have you been working?

    JG Take care of yourself

    seza xx

  • Comment number 90.

    It is lovely billie, but I do go through some very remote places at all hours and it can get a bit scary if you break down.

    Have been up on the moors with no phone signal and not a house for miles.

    Every noise makes you jump out of your skin!

    Every light in the sky is an alien following you too.


  • Comment number 91.

    Sorry late chaps - all hell broke loose last thing at work - don't know whether my e-mail hadn't been working or something but suddenly a box full at 5 !!! Joy!!!

    Just off to catch up

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Gribbit Gribbit .. lol xx

    Bills xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Wild garlic is now in bloom. I love the smell of that as I come back down through the woods in the evenings.

    I think we might get everything coming out at once. My bluebells arent far behind the daffs.


  • Comment number 94.

    Beez, get a move on!!

    Used to love Johnnie Walker playing that clip.


  • Comment number 95.

    Shhhh stop talking about the f and t words (hoppy things) you'll frighten Miss P away again.

    Yes it has been a lovely day here hasn't it Billie - shame I was in work all day..... :-(

    We get our share of wildlife here as well - I was driving along one of our main roads yesterday lunchtime and saw a pheasant pecking away at the grass along the side of the road - not unusual you might think but this was adjacent to a residential estate no farmland or real countryside around.

    Oooh - nearly time for a cup of tea and some chocolate - I got some of that toffee apple bar of plenty to try (I got the nutty one as well coz it's on special offer at elh). Hope it lives up to your recommendations.

    See you all tomorrow.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 96.

    Heya . no no work today and had a great day .. it was lovely to put washing out on the line and it DRIED ......... love the smell of fresh clean washing ... xxxx

    ive never been to the moors down your way .. but know what you mean .. we went on hols to north wales near snowdonia .. out in sticks and was lovely but creepy at nite thou ..

    Bills xxxx

  • Comment number 97.

    Thanks for all nice commentations sent me way... will try ter reply termozza!!!!!
    Don't mean ter be rude but just goot so much on me plate.... just in from 5 'ours of maths on top of 2 'ours at the gym & know, sorry now ave gotta 'elp me mother set up 'er new & INDEED first ever laptop... in fact first ever computer... god 'elp 'er!!!!!
    God 'elp me!!!!!!!!

    But the main reason am quickly blogging... just 'ad a quick glance & noticed it's The of der 'ouse's birthdee terdee!!!!!!!!

    So can a just say..........

    Manchester Calling.... 'APPY BIRTHDEE IN ALL AREAS & INDEED ALL WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@@!@!!! (but only in nice ways.... just in case the blog ploice are analyising me blog for possible noot niceties!!!)
    'ope yerv 'ad a great dee... soz about being abit late in the dee with me Birthdee Greetings MC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 98.

    Back to nature watch - just caught up. Didn't see the fro - oops f word message though MTF - sorry Miss P. Where did it go? We will be going through the alphabet soon you with the F word, me with the C word - Deev with the S word (8 legs for those who don't know)

    Anyone watch Hammond's programme tonight? Brilliant stuff.

    Hi Bingo - dare say we will see your comment shortly!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Not tooo long now before I come down for my Devon fix (and my week long gossip fest with my buddy)

    Will be there end of May bank holiday week and that's really late this year so is really first week in June so hopefully will be good weather.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 100.

    The trouble is, once someone tells you not to say frogs, spiders or Christmas, you can always guarantee, some idiot will come along and do it!



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