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My Name's Chris, I Am A Man And I Have A Cold.

Chris Evans | 12:25 UK time, Sunday, 5 December 2010

As James May said in the paper on Saturday: you are allowed to have a cold if you are a man and it doesn't have to be man flu. Of course just by saying this, a guy runs the risk of falling into the category entitled " he doth protesteth too much, therefore it must be." Well no, not really, in fact no not at all - as the mountain of snot reinforced tissues next to my bed might serve to prove. Those - along with the weirdly satisfying rock hard, dark green balls of phlegm that I kept coughing up every five minutes or so.

Having said that, there is something far more friendly about a cold than flu. Nothing hurts for example. I just feel bunged up and a bit weak, no more. Whereas sometimes flu can make you feel like you actually might prefer to be dead.

As illnesses go, you can do a lot worse than catch a decent cold. More of a way for your body to confine you to forty eight hours of recharging than anything else. I may be a little groggy come Monday morning, but ultimately I think this cold is doing me a secret favour.




P.S. "In sickness and in health. . ." A boiled egg, toastie soldiers and a cup of tea on a padded tray !


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  • Comment number 1.

    Afternoon Chris.

    Hope you feel better very soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Afternoon Chris, Yay, a Sunday blog!

    Poor you, I hate having colds!

    Stay in the warm, and get the vicks or olbas oil out, you'll soon feel better!

    JG x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris - every cloud they say. Nice to have an extra blog.

    Hope you feel betterer tomorrow morning. Take care of yourself and keep warm in the meantime.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    I too have been suffering with a cold which has been lingering around for the last week. It really annoys me when people say, "oh he's got man-flu" as if I am somehow making more of my cough and runny nose.

    I took take 2 days off work, more to prevent spreading my germs to others than anything else. I'd much rather just get on with things than mope about feeling sorry for myself. It's other people who insist on forcing a stereotype on you that really winds me up.

    With that said, I hope you are back to full fitness soon!

  • Comment number 5.

    Afternoon Christoff

    Ta muchly for the graphic details, it's right put me off my lunch!

    Seriously though, hope you feel better in the morning in time for your show.

    Snow almost gone here, but still mighty cold!

    Pen xx

    ps Happy Birthday Mary, Lyndy and Mr Mtd, hope you all have a great day! xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Hello Chris.

    Hurrah for the Sunday blog but boo to the cold.

    As I've said to others I didn't feel nearly as bad when I had my heart attack as I've done when suffeBring from the flu or even a bad cold. But or course, the former is life threatening and requires more attention.

    You're right to eat Chris, lots of good food for a cold.

    At least you've got it out of the way before Christmas and hope to hear you tomorrow!

    MM x

  • Comment number 7.

    Chris,Thank you for the detailed discription of your cold ,nowt like it .
    just keep drinking lots of fluid and a Hot Toddy wont go a miss either .

    Seriously look after yourself and dont give it to Tash and Noah ,and most of all Minnie .


  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris: just absolutely lovely to hear about your tissues, etc! And, yes, your cold is making you get a wee rest for a change - you have been a very busy boy lately! Hope you feel better tomorrow. xx

    I thought I would pop in to say to my lovely friend Mary: Happy Birthday! Hope you have a really lovely day. xx

    And I see birthday wishes are due to Lyndy and Mr mtd: have a great birthday, both of you!

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Hello Chris,

    It might be just a wee bit too much information about your tissues ;o) I hope your cold is better soon, and yes it's probably your body asking you to slow down a bit. You enjoy your rest today and we will see you in the morning xx

    Chrissie thank you for your lovely birthday message xx

    Thanks also to MtD, Bids, CSN, Maddy and Penny for my birthday messages.

    Happy birthday Lyndyloo - have a great day xx

    Happy birthday Mr MtD xx

    Take care all
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 10.

    'Lo everyone

    Aww Chris. Sorry to here you feeling poorly. Although we know a cold isn't really that bad and it'll go soon, it does feel rotten whn you're in the midst of it

    Bet you're really pleased to have you family back together and you're all tucked up warm. Have you got that Christmas tree up yet?

    We've got little signs of Christmas creeping in although we'll do the tree and stuff next weekend.

    I've just got a few cards left to finish but all my chores are done so i can sit here and play for the rest of the afternoon

    Hope you're all ok and starting to lose the snow - mostly all gone from here now

    Sezza xx

    ps didn't switch puter on yesterday so havenm't caught up with you all - sorry

  • Comment number 11.

    Ew Christoff. Cheers for that. Dark green rock-'ard balls a phlegm. Just as am about to tuck into Renee's barley stew wit spinach dumplin's. Bearrrth.

    Any road up I blame that flannin' yous got on Friday. That Kylie one is nowt but trouble. I'd be givin' 'erself a wide berth in future, or at least keep the colander on an' a chair in front of yous at all times.


    Bless you.


  • Comment number 12.

    Oh dear, poor you Chris. Good job Tash is back to look after you. You need a good strong spicy curry to clear out all your tubes - works wonders in our family.

    Take care.

    Happy birthday Mary, Lyndy & Mr MTD xxx

    Susan x

  • Comment number 13.

    ive had the lergy last week, over the worse of it but I wouldnt stand too close when I'm blowing my nose

    Roo - thanks for the song on the other side, plese have a look at my post near the bottom and feel free to suggest something

  • Comment number 14.

    Afternoon all,

    Thanks for the Sunday blog.

    Oh dear CLP you do paint a picture......... I hope you feel better soon! That man flu, women just do not understand do they!? LOL

    I traded my car yesterday and I pick up my new (to me) toy next Saturday. Happy Christmas to me! ;-)

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 15.

    Oh and how rude.......Happy birthday Mary, Lyndyloo & Mr MTD xx

  • Comment number 16.


    Snot's a great word isn't it!
    Nottingham was originally Snottingham, ruled by Snot. I wonder if he wore green...!


  • Comment number 17.

    sorry, happy birthday dear bloggers

    Get well soon CLP

  • Comment number 18.


    Thanks for taking the time to blog on a Sunday. Hope you are feeling better soon. Dont forget "feed a cold" its a great excuse to indulge :-))

    Many Happy returns to Mary, Lindy & Mr MTD , hope you have all had a lovely day.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Greetings Ter CLP & ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP 鈥 A was gonna write on the blog a Bingo Star 'A 'ope Everyone 'ad A Nice Weekend... A Didn't' blog... In fact a can 'ere that just like the way Sir Tel's.. 'Janet & John' is introduced... yer know where the Sir Tel backing singers... err sing: 鈥淛anet & Johhhnnnnnnnn!!!!鈥

    Where was a? Oh I yeah, looks like am not the only one 'aving a bad weekend (A will tell all in a moment!!!)
    But first CLP man, all a can say is yerv got me biggest sympathy going... In fact a feel so bad for yer... that am more than willing ter fill in for yer termozz on The Breakfast Gig if yer too ill ter work yer mixer!!!! (this could be me big moment)... (not that am trying ter take advantage of The DJ's ill 'ealth) ('ope CLP doesn't read this bit as 'e might think am feeding of 'is misfortunes... stooping ter being lower than the lowest parasite!!!!)

    Any way... errr yeah CLP or 'ells Bells Of 'ulleading this... if yer too ill CLP with the man flu... and yer can't do yer show.. and yer can't get The Madley or Rich Al ter fill in... am ere for yer CLP!!!!!! Am 'ere for yer friend!!!!

    PS CLP 鈥 My advice as always get yersen better with bananas & Lucozade... works for me!!!!!

    Get yersen better too soon... BUT not too fast if a did end filling in for yer!!!! (not that that would ever 'appen) (the me filling in bit... not the getting better bit!!!).
    A 'ope yer pull through & make a full recovery from the man flu... Two weeks should do it!!!!!
    Well all 'ave gotta be cheeky try ter getta R2 gig!!!!!!!!!
    A few momentations at The O2 gig is the best ave 'ad so far!!!!!!

    Seriously though joking aside, 'ope yer feel batter ASAP CLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok onter me telling all about my weekend going incorrect >>>

    (intro in the style of Janet & John!!!):

    Bingo Star's 'ope Everyone 'ad A Nice Weekend... A Didn't:

    Basically a attended a wedding on Saturdee... A momentous occasion of the joining of two 'earts.. Am not talking 'eart transplants but the marital 'armony of two 'earts becoming one!!!!!!
    The only problem the groom was terrified... terrified!!!!!
    So much so that 'e asked my advice what with me being an up & coming international comedian!!!!
    A told 'im the best way, many say, of calming nerves when speaking in front of an audience is ter imagine everyone is naked!!!!!
    The groom agreed & said 鈥淏ingo.. yer right... I'll give that a try!!!!!鈥
    A told 'im ter be careful though as a once tried it at a comedy gig... And instead of me being able ter tell jokes on stage... every time a imagined the audience naked... A could do nothing but burst out laughing!!!!
    So much so... the gig ended up me the only one in the room laughing, when it should be the other way around... and the audience staring at me with straight faces... like a was a NUTTER!!!!!!!
    Yes... A NUTTER!!!!!!

    Where was I?
    Oh I yeah... So the groom agreed to imagine all naked during the service!!!!!
    The only problem.... 'alf way through the service... The groom called off the wedding!!!!!

    A later asked why do you do that????

    'e told me... it was after 'e imagined the bride naked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 20.

    PS Mary & Lyndyloo - A 'ope yer both: 'AVE A GREAT BIRTHDEE IN ALL WAYS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sagittarians - One of the nicest of all zodiac signs... A should know!!!!!!!!
    Nelly Furatado is one for starters!!!!!!

    Bye again!

  • Comment number 21.

    Oh CLP ...... yah boo sucks to having a cold - but did you get the Christmas tree up!?

    Just a quickie to say that Window #5 was a ....


    And now to dance class!


  • Comment number 22.

    Deev ,I dont believe that .I've had that every day and the day I change it ,up it pops .OH !!! well .


  • Comment number 23.

    Evening each

    How nice Chris - a Sunday blog. A tad too much information on the snot front though. Hope you feel better soon.

    Happy Birthday to everyone a year older today.

    Deevs - for tomorrow - a snowman.


  • Comment number 24.

    Deevs, sorry i forgot to choose something for Sat and Sun, so here goes for tomorrow ........ a rocking horse.

    So today, Mr MC and i travelled into town together and then went our separate ways to do our crimbo shopping . Every half an hour or so he would ring me to see which shop I was in, to ensure avoidance. I was horrified to see him walk into Boot$ just as i was buying some stuff. So, I hid behind a display and couldnt come out until he had gone. I even transferred my purchases into a decoy carrier bag so as to disguise the shops i had bought stuff in. Then , just as we were about to leave , I nipped to the ladies , and left my shopping with him..........

    MC xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Chris Evans a top answer on Family Fortunes!

    A famous Chris!

    MM x

  • Comment number 26.

    Annie, Annie, Where are you?

    It's ok!! It's safe to watch now!!!!!!


    Sezza !!!! xxxxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Sezza - I just had to have a peek - Yippeeeeeee indeedy. Now I can watch again.


  • Comment number 28.

    just ket my hubby know the bad news, if your celebtrating what I think you are, its the only reason he watched the show

    PS Matt baker to win, sexy as always this week

  • Comment number 29.

    Baggy. Yeah Baby!!!

    Boy1 now moaning at me - don't know why, the deafness in one ear is almost certainly temporary!!

    I have tried so hard to remember it's only a TV show and it doesn't matter but it would have been so unfair if a good dancer had gone out

    Welcome back Annie!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Evening CLP, just popping in to say get well soon Chris, hope you're feeling better in the morning!

    Hope everyone has had a good Sunday


  • Comment number 31.

    Evening Christoff!

    As Samuel Butler said, 鈥淏eing ill is one of the greatest pleasures of life, provided one is not too ill and is not obliged to work until one is better.鈥

    A word of advice, dinnae cough & snuffle all over your good lady & cute wee lad as Highland Hubby has done to us for the last two weeks .... this Highland lass and the smaller Highland lasses are really so very not appreciative of him sharing his germs with us!

    And can I advise, as I often do, a good old hot toddy before bed ~ double shot of good single malt if it's a bad one! Just add honey, fresh lemon juice, fresh pulped ginger, topped up with hot water & stirred with a cinnamon stick. A great cook like yourself is bound to have those ingredients in your cupboards!

    Stay warm and cosy, and I know you'll pull off another great show in the morning!



    PS I'll be back later this evening to catch up with you gorgeous, amazing bloggers and blogettes! Have a couple of lasses to persuade to sleep! x

  • Comment number 32.

    WoW! Didn't expect that result in X-factor!

  • Comment number 33.

    So nice to see you back HLS.


  • Comment number 34.

    Not knowing what has come before, my advent guess is a stab in the dark, so it's a star, Deevs!

  • Comment number 35.

    Bless you Annie! Was thinking of you yesterday on the snowy streets of Aviemore!

  • Comment number 36.

    Woo hoo - the return of the Highland Lass - welcome back Susan, it is sooooo good to see you here.

    It was always going to be between Cher and Mary as far as I could see. I think 1 direction will win if not Matt.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Bums and bottoms. Just seen the weather forecast on 麻豆官网首页入口 website - more snow tomorrow. And my car just got dug out yesterday.


  • Comment number 38.

    Just seen on 麻豆官网首页入口4 now-Stephen Fry:Wagner and Me!!

    They've got that out quick! That must be what Wagner's been doing all week!

    HL, Good to see you. Give those girls a big bloggy hug - that'll help them sleep

    Mtd, hope you travel plans are going well. Are you going around the Med?

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Highland Lass ,welcome back and really nice to see you .and I'll have one of those Hot Toddies of yours if I may .


  • Comment number 40.

    Evening all.

    Back from a day in Brizzle, restocking Gd with essentials, as you do!

    Is that A HLS I see? Nice to see you chuck.x

    Settling down to a good old night in with Abba.

    Will pop back soon.


  • Comment number 41.

    Awww, thanks blogettes! Lovely to be back! Now, excuse me for a couple of hours ... smallest Highland lass is running round starkers with big sis's wellies on (yes I have photographic evidence for the 1st boyfriend visit!) & eldest Highland lass is tucking into bacon! Will hug them very tightly to get them off to sleep!

    The hot toddies do really work! If you don't like whiskey, raki works just as well!

  • Comment number 42.

    Holly, eh, Deevs? OK - we'll see your sprig 'o holly and raise (for tomorrow) you one Christmas Pudding.

    Christophe - hope you feel better very soon. If it's any comfort, "man-flu" isn't just confined to human males. Jasper, despite being a fit and muscular Staffie, is notoriously prone to bouts. Even his vet said that Jazz was a "bit precious". I never believed in 'man-flu' until I got Jasper (my mum won't tolerate it from my dad!!). It only took one mildly gyppy canine tummy to convince me. And this only eighteen months after losing a 7 year-old female dog to cancer after her truly heroic and spirited battle with it (her decision, not mine - as long as she wished to fight, I supported her. Her last trip to the vet came only ten minutes after I saw in her eyes that she'd had enough). I was ashamed of Jasper.

    But - hey - he's my boy and I love him; whining little g*t though he can be. I wouldn't change a single thing!

    Just imagine poor Tash if Noah gets sick too - a man-flu-double-whammy!!!


    Top advice from Highland Lass (hello!) - There aren't many problems in life that can't be solved with a hot whisky toddy. I'd offer Jasper one... but I'm not sure I could cope with the man-gover in the morning...!

    Keep smiling!
    Roo and Jasper xxx
    P.S. Who got kicked out of X-Factor? I don't have a TV.

  • Comment number 43.

    BTW, I thought Wagner had been forced to sign a gagging order? What's he up to with Fry?!

    R x

  • Comment number 44.

    Hi Sezza

    A bit further afield than the med (round the horn of South America) Madrid is where we change planes. No change in plans yet - waiting to hear from the TA tomorrow morning. It is looking better though as Spanish air control are back at work and the backlog is clearing.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    No rocking around the Christmas tree as people keep on interrupting the ABBA songs! Just one favourite song at the end, will it be Dancing Queen! Or Thank You For The Music.

    MM x

    PS Roo, surely you won the advent calendar whatsit as you suggested that MTF put a sprig of holly in her brand new combine harvester?

  • Comment number 46.

    Evening all,

    Thanks for all your lovely birthday wishes on here and FB.

    HLS - good to see you on the blog xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Mtd, D'oh!! That's what you get for making assunptions!! Have a wondeful time won't you

    Roo, have you got any of us as frinds on FB yet? Can they introduce us?

    Just watching prog about Operation Mincemeat - cunning plan to misinform the Germans about some invasion plans in the 2nd world war. Very bizarre but very clever!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Roo ,great post my lovely .sorry to here about your other little ,no fun is for them as they can't tell you ,glad you saw the look though ,words in themselves eh!!!

    Sezza nice to see you ,did see you morning posts ,getting ll your chores done ,and same as you on the tree front ,next week .

    Hi Annie ,

    MTD ,good luck on the flight .you just might scrape through .

    Did I just see a fairy fly past .????


  • Comment number 49.

    MM - oh YES!!! Thanks for that! I forgot!! Deevs, cash prize can be awarded via Jasper's and my Paypal account - new year's shinding in Waikiki for me and Jazz! Yaaayyyyy!!!

    Cheers Maddy - there will be a shiny 50p in an envelope for you... ;-)

    Roo x

  • Comment number 50.

    In the meantime... I really ought to go and wash my hair... but I'm SOOO cold and not tempted by the thought of damp hair adding to the mix (never found hairdryer since moving house and heating seems to be on blink :-( Grrrrr...). Come on Roo...



  • Comment number 51.

    Guys. ..

    Just a warning. . If you have cartoon pic as profile on your f.b. . Please change it. .. There is a warning posted ok. ....

    I have. ..

    Hope everyone is ok. ..???

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Euw!! Licorice toffee!! That is just worng!! hiding in with all the nice toffees to ambush poor unsuspecting bloggers!

    Bids, I am feeling good because I have done all my chores, washing up to date - almost! and I have finished all my special cards today and I am very pleased with them!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 53.


    I was just about to change to a cartoon profile and then stopped as I became suspicious. No one knows who started this!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Roo, there is no way you would have got it without my combine harvester guess.

    For tomorrow, I reckon on a deckchair. Place in it what you will :0

    Sezza, I am a huge fan of licorice toffee, it keeps me in work ;)

    Marj, I'm with on the annoyance involving the interruptions.

    Super trouper


  • Comment number 55.

    Here too Sezza,I''m getting all my stamps tomorrow and seding them off .
    washing up to date ,ironing done this afternoon ,sewing finished and cutains returned to daughter ,and have now got my dining room back.


  • Comment number 56.

    Maddy moon. .

    Nor did i .. I thought it was ok. . Till the warning. ..

    So i thought i would let everyone know ok. .

    Hope you ok. ..?

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Billie - no-one can trace you through your profile pic alone, and neither can they become friends with you unless you permit it. The warning is a scam in itself!

    Anyone with any concerns should check their security settings...

    I hope everyone's had a good day, and Happy Birthday to Mary, Lyndyloo and Mr MTD - sorry I'm so late!

    JG x

  • Comment number 58.

    Oh Bids, did you have to mention the ironing!! I have to say i have enough roned for tomorrow!! good enough I hope!

    MTF, don't mind the treacle toffee or the mint toffee so I'll help you out there

    Deckchair on the verandah I think Darling!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Ok. .. Thanks. J.G

    Still not a good thing thou. ...

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Bids, giving my wings a rest. Am cream crackered, I almost fell asleep in the car on the way back from Brizz. That never happens, ever!

    I wasn't driving btw.xx

  • Comment number 61.

    NSPCC have just tweeted that although they didn't instigate the FB thing they are grateful for the attention to the work they do. That is a good enough reason to have changed the profile pictures in itself.

    Susan x

    Night all

    PS. guess for advent calendar - mistletoe xx

  • Comment number 62.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 63.

    Hey minty toffees. . Where. . I adore em. ..???

    Billie xxx

    whats the guessing about? ?


  • Comment number 64.

    I've just sent a warning to GD JG as she has joined a group that 'likes' change your profile pic?


  • Comment number 65.

    Roo. .

    You can add me anytime. . And that goes to all of you. . Except plumby

    billie xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Oh, OK MTF. 50p for you as well. A deckchair, eh? Well, you wouldn't want a sprig of holly in THAT. A fresh mince pie, then, to keep one's botty warm in this cold weather.

    Bad luck Sezza - licorice toffee; no-one needs that kind of shock. I have a nut allergy. A bag of Revels was like a game of Russian Roulette for me (I think they don't have any nut ones these days but, much as I like the coffee ones, I'm not brave enough to have a go. Anaphylactic Shock just isn't as much fun these days as it was when I was 11...). Will fight you for the mint toffees though, hehehe.!

    ROOO - HAIR! NOW!!!

    I'm still procrastinating. Honestly, I'm my own worst enemy.


  • Comment number 67.

    Roo, I'm sure I'll catch up with you

    Meanwhile, the medicinal chards that byoy2 dispensed to help me get over the shock of Scott being in the bottom two is having effect

    So I'll bid you all goodnight, sleep well and sweet dream

    Hope Chris is well enough for the morning, we'll have to send lots of healing vibes


    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Ro, Mint toffee - screen!!!!


  • Comment number 69.

    Thanks Billie - heading in to FB now! The guessing is for what's behind the door of Deevs' advent calendar. Glittering prizes to be won*!!!

    Roo xx

    *actual prizes may not be based in reality.

  • Comment number 70.

    Hey hey hey. .. Those minty lushness of toffees are mine. ..

    Id even arm wrestle ya for em. ..


    billie xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Sezza, have sent you a friend suggestion for Roo...

    MTF, joining groups isn't wise unless you know who is running them.

    JG x

  • Comment number 72.

    Hence my warning JG.

    I think she only 'liked' it but have raised the alarm.

    I am cutting my fb right back. Too many people that I have never have contact with, so it must be annoying for them when I keep popping up with my equally annoying posts.


  • Comment number 73.

    I've just poured myself a brandy ,I'ts what I had last christmas ,just may last another week then start over again .not bad eh!!! mind you the red doesn't last that long .


  • Comment number 74.

    Mtf. .
    You never annoying. ..

    Thinks i will cut mine back too. ..

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    Bottoms up Bids.


  • Comment number 76.

    Hehe Billie - thanks for confirming me (thanks also to Kate for suggesting Sarah; have done the necessary!)

    See you in sweetie court over them minty-toffees! A few years in Holloway is a small price to pay for creamy minty toffiness...


    Jasper stole a toffee once. He was very smug with his prize - until it glued his fangs together and muggins here had to ungum him.

    Sleep sound Sezza; sweet dreams. xx

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Thanks Billie.

    How many have you got?


  • Comment number 78.

    Time for me to love ya and leave ya. Yawning and eyes drooping here.

    Night all

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Goodnight and good sleep MTD.

    Chin-chin Bids. Will join you in a l'il nip - after I wash my hair (nope; STILL not done it.)


  • Comment number 80.

    Roo, what you need is 'Vitapoint!'

    Come on, who can fess up to remembering this?


  • Comment number 81.

    hey guys. . Thats ok Roo. .

    Mtf. . I have soo many. . Lost count. . Will cut back. .

    I win the court case on minty toffees as im an everton fan lol xxx

    hee hee xxx

    billie xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Mtf. .
    Ive heard of that. . But its late at nite. . So need a memory jogger. .

    Lol xx

    billie xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Everton? Do they play football there?! I thought that they only played at Anfield in Liverpool. How odd. I always thought that Everton was some kind of ballet-school for men...

    But then, I support Southampton (well, these days, you sort-of 'tolerate' rather than support them....)

    Vitapoint wouldn't be that dry-powder shampoo, would it?! I... um... read about it somewhere... ahem...

    Anyway - hair washed the traditional way now, yayyy (WAS cold though).


  • Comment number 84.

    Vita What ?????

  • Comment number 85.

    Hey. . Now now. . Everton are not a bad team. . Lol ;-) xxx

    southampton.. Are ok. . Xxx

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Nice try, Bids... We ALL know you know... Don't try to pretend you weren't "The Voice of Vitapoint" before you achieved worldwide fame... ;-)

    R xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Well, that's very kind of you Billie. Southampton WERE OK... in @ 1989...! They did lift the FA Cup in 1976 though... the year my l'il brother was born.

  • Comment number 88.

    As we on about old producty stuff. .

    Anyone remember those sweeties called spangles. .. They was lush. .

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Roo ,OK i give in LOL.xxx.

  • Comment number 90.

    I have no hard feelings towards the saints as they are called and Matt. LeTissier is ok. .

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    If I have to support a footie team it has Got to be My home team Pompy .


  • Comment number 92.

    But I don't do football so I'll pass on this if you don't mind as I don't want to take sides


  • Comment number 93.

    Ah, Matty was the legend (when he could be bothered)! He should have had more of a chance with England - he and Shearer were a great double-act at the old Dell.

    Spangles were a bit before my time - but I think they had a relaunch not long ago. Refreshers - now THEY were the sweets of the gods. xxx

    Dearie dearie. Gonna have to tear myself away now and do something else for a bit. Laters Potaters!

    Keep smiling!

    Roo and Jasper xxxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Hiya bids. .

    No sides taken ok. . .

    Hope you ok?

    billie xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Hold on there just a minute! Pompey!!!!!!

    No, Bids, no!!! Turn AWAY from the Dark Side, my friend - TURN AWAY!!!!

    Pompey?! I'm going to have to go out and burn this PC monitor now.

    Dear, oh dear. Bids - examine your conscience.


    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 96.

    Nite Roo. N. Jasper xx

    billie xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    I'll soothe myself by thinking about the Ashes and how we're scything the Aussies down like wheat... ;-)

    Bye again!

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Night night Billie.

    Sweet (toffee?) dreams.

    Roo & Jasper xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    I'm just fine thank you Billie ,and not really into footie whoever it is .
    Roo ,that's OK like I've just said to Billie I don't really take any notice of football ,but I do know that some of the girlie's on here love footie .Deev for example loves it .

    I'll stick to domesticity .if that's Ok .


  • Comment number 100.

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