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My goodness...

Chris Evans | 10:52 UK time, Monday, 20 February 2012

...That was a busy show for a meek old Monday in Feb. Pancake day tomorrow and Roger Taylor from Queen on the show with some mahoosive Queen news. Don't miss it. Have a nice day and don't forget today is Fat Monday as Lent is upon is in less than forty eight hours again.

Peace and Love and All Things Scrummy.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hi ...

    Am I no 1 xxx

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Ooh Chris I love pancakes in a variety of ways. Looking forward to tomorrow.
    Boy is it cold here today!

    Stay warm you lovely bloggers - don't think that will be a problem for Deevs & Nic where they are going. Have a great trip you two xx

    Love and hugs
    Susan xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Rots Billie you beat me to it lol xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning all tried to post earlier but had a message saying no comments available, tffffff! And then CLP does it again and posts a new blog as I am typing.

    Hope you all had a good weekend we are a bit grey over here in shropshire.

    Had a good weekend decorating still in full swing but light fittings purchased and going up in readiness. Its all go.

    Finished off with a lovely lunch in Alsager just outside stoke at a thatched roof pub, food wasnt bad, real ale was good had a pint of long last kiss goodnight and fabulous company.

    I love pancakes and my son adores them but this week we have cake fest here at work this week, 3 birthdays in one week could be chocolated and creamed out by the end of the week.

    So we could all be teeshirts and shorts by Friday this weather is just crazy at the moment I tell you....

    Have a good day everyone

    CB xx

  • Comment number 5.

    hi all

    what a lot of comments to come back to - great to see the chat but sorry - haven't got a chnace to catch up with all the news.

    I have no news of any note - sorry - although I have lost my voice so it is very quiet in the office today.

    So shrove tuesday tomorrow and then lent - have decided to give up cake and chocolate again - and this includes hot choc which I love! My church has also asked us to read a chapter from a particular book each morning as well, whjen we read the bible, but although I ordered my from the river site, its not actually turned up yet - which is a shame.

    We have booked our holidayt for next month, which means I am away during lent! Not the best plan but I am determind to keep to it, dispite the hot weather and relaxed nature of my holiday (I hope)

    Anyway, keep well all


  • Comment number 6.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Looking forward to Roger Taylor's Queen news tomorrow. And as today is Fat Day are we Fat Bottom Girls (and boys). Don't Stop Me Now!

    I like tossing my pancakes and I enjoy them the traditional way with sugar & lemon juice, also maple syrup. But when eating out I enjoy them with cherries & ice cream.

    I'm not giving up anything for Lent and I'm looking forward to my Easter eggs this year as I've now got rid of the chocolate allergy I aquired last Easter when in hospital.

    Summer will soon be here!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    afternoon peeps - lunchtime post from me.

    Odd day today as I had a late start (blood test at docs at 8.30) and it's thrown out my routine. We are creatures of habit, aren't we?

    Will also be having an early finish as the school where I am chair of governors is having it's inspection this week. I have to meet with the Registered Inspector from Estyn (Wales's equivalent of Ofsted).

    I know that all the staff have worked their socks off to make sure all the evidence is ready to be looked at - even giving up part of their half term last week.

    It takes a very dedicated, enthusiastic team to create a postive and happy workplace and learning environment and the school has got it 'in spades'

    And I don't just mean the teaching staff, but all the classroom assistants, the caretaker and cleaners, the lovely ladies who cook the lunches and the school secretaries. What a great bunch they all are.
    Good Luck, Alexandra!

  • Comment number 8.


    As for what I will give up for Lent, the jury is out. I may give up exercise .....Oh you have to do some first, don't you, before you can give it up!!

    D'oh (homage to the Mayo blog)

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Hello everyone,

    Well done to Billie for getting number one spot.

    Hello Baggy hope your voice comes back.

    Hello to MM, cockneybird and Susan :-))))))

    Loved the show this morning - Chris did sound a little hoarse tho............

    I have 10 bras with 2 in regular use I think!

    Looking forward to nutella filled pancakes tomorrow evening. I absolutely love pancakes and look forward to Shrove Tuesday.

    I am giving up facebook & twitter for lent. I will be blogging & emailing as I am not quite as addicted to the other two! I am quite nervous as fb & twitter are like breathing for me.....................I think it will be tough but self denial is what lent is all about isn't it?

    I'm having a really productive day, getting my finances, emails and letters in order. It is very cathartic!!!!

    Have a good day you guys.

    Love Catherine xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hello crumpy as well x x

  • Comment number 11.

    'Lo everybody

    Hope you're all ok out there and have a little sunshine as we do here!

    We had our pancakes last night as Tuesday is too silly busy for me to be standing flipping for an hour! (Although my frying pan at the moment won't flip!!! Need a new one but have silly cooker that only a few pans work on!)

    So I suppose that means Lent has already started for me!

    Apart from the usual giving up of chocolate, this year I want to make a few changes too!

    First is to stop my bad habit of getting in from work to an empty house and sticking the TV on "just for a moment" to see what's on!! There's never anything worth watching in the afternoon yet still I'm there, 3 hours later, brain dead and numb!

    So, different things will be done in the afternoon. If this improvement in the weather carries on, i think the garden may be in for a tidy!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 12.

    We've actually been super organised and got pancake bits ready for tomorrow!! I wanted to get cherry pie filling for my pancakes but we couldn't find it in the supermarket (well the fast store rather than our normal one) so I had to give up on that one.

    Maybe I have to go and have a look in the store on the way home. I'm presuming you can get still get pie filling?!

    Tomorrow I am definitely giving up chocolate again - there was originally a plan to go Vegetarian but I might just do Vegetarian Mondays through Lent.

  • Comment number 13.

    Cath, I was in trouble as there was no nutella for the pancakes! Didn't bother me as I'm a lemon-&-sugar girl!

    Crumpy, hear,hear!! Hope your school gets on well

    MM, I like cherries and whipped cream too! Maybe that'll be a treat for me to look forward to!

    Baggy, I like the idea of reading something special for Lent. I hope your book comes soon so you don't have to much to catch up!

    CB, well done on getting the decorating done. We've been looking for light fittings too but I might just have seen what I want! (at a price that won't make Mr Sezza faint!)

    Susan, are you all getting settled now?

    And Well done Billie - No 1

    And hello to anyone who's sneaked in while I was typing, posted on the last blog and I haven't said hello to and anyone who is just passing through!

    sezza xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Afternoon guys ....

    Gonna be on later ok

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi again,

    Sezza, I have a rule that the TV never gets switched on before 5pm, if I find I have an hour to fill I will always find something else to do, even if it is just taking the dogs a walk or something like that, I just hate doing nothing during the day, especially if it's not raining, I would always rather be outside than in.

    Hi everyone else.



  • Comment number 16.

    lovely to see your plans and lent ideas.

    We never have pancakes at home (MR bp doesn't like them) and so this year I will actually get a couple as apprently we have them in the work restuarant - woohoo!

    I try and start a good habit during lent as well as stopping bad things - this year I will make time to wash and mosturise my face properly every day as I am more of a splash with water girl and I am getting to the age when it will show if I don't look after my skin.

  • Comment number 17.

    Afternoon Each,

    I've got my lemon ready for pancakes tomorrow, although I've only got a big frying pan, so I guess it's big pancakes then...yum yum.

    Susan, I hope you are settling into your new home and are enjoying exploring a new area xx

    Baggy, Hope your voice comes back soon! I just spoke to someone in a call centre and she hardly had any voice, perhaps she should have stayed at home. Perhaps not the best job when you can't speak....lol

    Not sure what I shall give up for Lent, I want to say chocolate, but that might be very difficult. I like the idea of giving up a bad habit or doing something that I don't normally do. I might see how many books I can read in 40 days, as I don't read books very often. I'll switch off the TV more and read instead!

    Crumpy, Good luck to your school xx

    Hello to everyone else xx


    P.S. I'm hoping that one of the ladies in the quilting group might have a birthday, as I didn't bring any cake today and really fancy some :)

  • Comment number 18.

    Afer-noon blogpeeps!

    Shrove Tuesday... quite a big day here in rural Atherstone as it's one of those towns that have a mad "ball game" to celebrate the day. A large, leather ball made by Gilbert (of Rugby) is decorated with ribbons and then (once the pennies and sweets have been thrown to the "kids") it's thrown from one of the upstairs windows in the town high street and then kicked up and down the street for a while before at some point fully grown men pile on top of it and try to keep hold of it until the final klaxon when whoever is left holding the ball gets to keep it and use it to collect money for local charities. It's a really quite fear-some thing to watch, though plenty of townsfolk take their children to watch. All of the shops board their windows and afterwards the whole place looks like a ghost town.

    I shall be enjoying my pancakes with lemon & sugar and won't be venturing out to see the shenanigans in the town :-))

    & mini-man

  • Comment number 19.


    I've had a cookie and three chocolates, thank you Quilter Maureen for having a birthday :))

    Lyndyloo, Wow that sounds quite exciting!


  • Comment number 20.

    GeeGee, I knew I saw a new name and meant to say hello! (or are you a returner whoe had to have a new name?)

    Whichever way, hello!

    Joyce grenfell said in a letter to a friend that she tried never to turn the TV on to see if there was anything to watch as she always found something! She would only watch if she knew what she wanted to see!

    Lyndy, that sounds like oganised chaos!

    Ali, I like the idea of doing something for Lent rather than giving something up - seems more positive somehow


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Ali & Sezza- it's not that organised , it's complete chaos and it's very exciting if you're a teenager.... or a bloke (I think)... whatever the case I'll be staying away :-)

  • Comment number 22.

    Ok, I'll have the muppet of the day badge!!

    GG, i've just looked back!!! Hello Old Friend!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 23.


  • Comment number 24.

    Hello All

    I said I would come back...! Looking forward to pancakes tomorrow - I like lemon and sugar on mine, but Mr B likes maple syrup. I'm not giving up anything for Lent - I much prefer the idea of doing something positive. Haven't thought yet what that will be though - I've had a couple of ideas, like paying someone a compliment each day, or smiling at a stranger. Still mulling it over.

    Cathmel - good for you giving up FB and Twitter for Lent! A pal of mine did that last year - she found it very hard but stuck to it. I will miss you though, as I mostly 'see' you over on Twitter.

    Baggy - I've also been looking for a book to read during Lent.

    I watch very little TV these days - mostly just Top Gear and Call the Midwife, both of which are on Sunday. Looking forward to Blockbusters when it comes on, for obvious reasons... ;o)


  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon each!

    mmmmm...pancakes! The GM seems to think he doesnt like them but seing as though they are the same flaming ingredients as the Yorkshire puds he wolfed down yesterday I am yet to believe him! But I`ll make them just for me anyway cos I love them... by about the 3rd I`m regretting it though!

    Queen...yay, the bloggers anthem group. Have a soft spot for them as grew up to my Dad playing them all the time... and Fat bottomed girls is my ringtone on the GM phone (with my blessing I hasten to add!).. news should be interesting...

    Everyone seems to have had a nice restful weekend..with the exception of Debs being poorly..hope you feel better soon chuck!

    And Ali, good on there being a birthday girl today! All this talk of baking has made me decide to have a baking afternoon on my day off..havent baked since Christmas really. One little problem is that all my colleagues are all on diets and GM doesnt like cakes... oh well, looks like the neighbours and bro in law should do well out of it!

    GeeGee, like the new name and my belated condolences to you and D x

    Wotcha to everyone else...

    mSc x

    PS - I dont have religion in my life so don`t generall `do` Lent... but I`m going to stop eating crisps for my personal satisfaction and seems a good as time as any to start! Cath..good luck with the twitter/FB thing...V brave!

  • Comment number 26.

    Sezza-I have my own rule of never watching TV until 7.0pm except on rare occasions (I did start following Michael Portillo's Railway Journeys) but other people come in and break my rules LOL!

    The reason I'm not giving up anything for Lent is because I feel I've already had to give up enough already. Smoking, drin king (except on social occasions when I make up for it) and have only just got rid of my chocolate allergy. No will power to give up TV or this computor so nothing much left. I suppose I could do something nice for Lent but will need to think that over carefully.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi everyone:

    Lovely to see the blog ticking along nicely.

    Billie: hope you have enjoyed your day of peace and quiet!

    I can't believe it's Lent already. Last year, I tried to give up alcohol ... last a couple of weeks and fell by the wayside, I'm afraid!

    Susan, CB, Cathmel, GH, Baggy, AliB, Lyndyloo, Deebee and Scoobs: enjoy the pancakes tomorrow. I can't make them, so shall be doing without!

    Sezza: re: the TV. Oooh, it's a monster, isn't it. Every night I watch an hour of Come Dine With Me. I promise myself I won't, but I always do!

    GG: if the good weather we are promised really does arrive, I will go out for a walk after dinner every evening rather than watch the goggle box. I agree you do feel much better doing something.

    Lyndyloo: I just had to check that out on YouTube - good grief, it looks horrific! I certainly don't blame you for not heading into town tomorrow!

    Crumpy: I agree about being creatures of habit - last week I had to get the earlier train every morning - I was all over the place because of that "lost" half hour!

    Deebee: reading over the previous blog, did my eyes deceive me, or did you mention something to with L42???!!

    Enjoy the rest of Monday, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Okay whats going on with these comments today typed it all and it gave me an error message arrrrrgggghhhh!

    Chrissie you can buy pancakes ready made I know that the store that CLP does the voice over for definately has them.

    Off home in a minute and glad that the evenings are getting longer which means I can do some walking soon and get off the winter bulk.

    Telly dont get to see much at the moment way too busy but have to have it on if ironing or the radio depending on the time of the day.

    Have a good evening all CB xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Ooh..it went all funny and didnt show any comments then..how wierd!

    I agree bout the lighter evenings CB..its nice to not do everything in the dark!

    We dont watch a huge amount of tv either...usually goes on at about half 8 at night.. BUT, we are LOVING (it`s worthy of capital letters!) Inside Men on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú1 on a Thursday..last one this week and still dont know if they`re gonna get away with it!

    Anyway, popping off for the evening now so hope everyone has a pleasant one..hope to catch up tomorrow..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 30.

    Have been trying to post for ages ... very strange!

    Maddy: I did mean to say to you, too, enjoy your pancakes tomorrow! The perils of doing a list - it's easy to miss someone, and you don't mean to!

    CB: yes, good idea about the pancakes from the shop!

    Heading off home ... what a long day this has been. Have a nice evening, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hi all

    Nice to see everybody is still here (far too many to comment one). I too am looking forward to the Queen announcement, I might look on their website as the actual announcement is at 8pm tonight....

    I don't know if we'll be having pancakes or not. I haven't done them in the past (and I have no idea if I can actually make them...) but last year the OH said he would have liked them so I will ask and then get the ingredients in ELH tomorrow if required....

    As far as lent goes, I will (as usual and in common with CLP in previous years) be giving up lettuce. It will of course be a struggle but after all that's what lent is all about ;-p...(apologies to those who do take this seriously).

    I have now booked the Friday off from work for Edinburgh weekend so I will be booking flights soon and all that will be left is the train to the airport (which can't be booked until next month). Looking forward to seeing everybody - it's so far away....

    Quiz night tonight so I'd better get a wiggle on.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Thanks for the mentions guys xxxxx

    Have a really great evening everyone .

    Sorry but gonna watch wwe elimination chamber ( muscles and phoar ) lol xxx


    I be back on later ok ...... Xxxxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Oh and be making pancakes tomorrow ... Yummy xxx

    And be giving up cucumber for lent (lol) ..no way giving up choccy cakes etc !! :( too nice .:)

    Yes the M shop sells ready made pancakes ...

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Tried to post earlier, but computer said no...

    CB, one of the things I was going to say was to suggest to Chrissie to buy some pancakes. Athough they're not as hard to make as people think - you just need a good quality pan and make sure the oil is nice and hot.

    I'll be listening to the show with interest tomorrow. Son is a mahoosive Queen fan - we've been to numerous tribute bands (some better than others), 'We will rock you' twice, and he was so chuffed to see Brian May performing at Proms in the Park in 2010.

    Chrissie, you did indeed see me mention a L42 tour! I've booked tickets for 24th October at the Cambridge Corn Exchange... and I may have a spare...

    Good luck with the quiz, MTD!

    Hi to everyone else.

    Well, Simon's back on Drivetime, and he gave me a mensh for the first oldie. All's well with the world... *happy sigh*


  • Comment number 35.

    Paaaaaaaannnnncakes.... oooh... they HAVE to be one of my all-time faves; sweet or savoury, I don't mind!

    GuitaristHan - my mum used to get the cherry pie filling stuff from the "baking" aisle - it was in tins near the sponge flan-cases... When I was little I had a real "thing" for the "Jubilee Pancakes" (ones with vanilla ice-cream and cherries-in-cherrygoo) from Little Chef (other roadside eateries are available) - my parents still tease me about it even now, and I haven't been in a Little Chef since 2005! Old habits are hard to break... ;-)

    Baggy - sorry to hear your voice is poorly (not from telling off Mr. Baggy, I hope...?!) Hope you feel better soon, and that everyone else stays healthy. I'm succumbing to a bit of coldy-fluey nastiness at the moment, but I'm trying to convince it that it doesn't want to settle into my system properly...

    And I'm STILL loving the Man or Muppet song... I stand by my view that the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive...


    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Hello everyone

    Wow, lovely to see so many peeps returning to post... I haven't managed to catch up, and probably have no hope of doing so.

    I've booked the hotel for Edinburgh, just need to look out for trains now...

    Work has been crazy busy, even had to bring some home tonight, so just popped in while I'm waiting for the oven to warm up....I'm starving! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 37.

    Roo-I was thinking of The Little Chef when I mentioned the ice cream and cherry pancake, they do four varieties of pancake. I go to posh places!

    There's a lot about mobility scooters on TV at the moment. Just seen F1 scooter racing in Cornwall on the Carolyn Quentin thingy. Last night Top Gear did mobility scooters in shops and across the countryside.

    I'm beginning to feel very trendy!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    MaddyM - I thought our minds were alike - how FAB were their pancakes, eh?! (Actually they probably still are, unless Mad Genius Professor Blumenthal took his blow-torch to the pudding menu...!).

    One of our very favourite correspondents on Jasper's blog, the late lamented fabulous Angie, had a mobility scooter as she had brittle-bones problems. She used to bling-up her mighty chariot big-style. Pure class though; nothing tacky!

    Now I REALLY want some pancakes... D'you think, if I close my eyes and wish hard enough, a slice of a Basics/Value white loaf might TASTE like a pancake...?!

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 39.


    Today's blog is only slightly longer than the maximum size for a Tweet.

    Is this just a coincidence or are you trying to tell us that blogging is a thing of the past and that Twitter is the way forward?

  • Comment number 40.

    Oh my goodness INDEED..... A 'eard an advert on the commercial radio yesterdee and just now ave seen an advert on TV for a well known national bank/ building society.... Aka The Nationwide in which the new slogan is 'Nationwide... On Your Side'..... A nearly spat me tea out.... phhherrrr phhhherrrrrr phhhhherrrrr...... After all the banks and greed through the way the banks did business that bust the world economy..... On my side..... ON MY SIDE?????????????????????

    P one...... double five off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 41.

    PS CLP - Yes a 'eard abit of yer most nice show terdee.... and it was most nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    As for mixing me batter mix..... cooking and then tossing some pancakes close ter the ceiling.... Unfortunately it won't be 'appening in my new old 'ouse.... As firstly ave goot no kitchen as ave demolished it..... And secondly ave also goot no ceiling as ave demolished it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Only thing a will be mixing sadly is more morter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye!

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi everybody, late call from me!

    Love pancakes, and Roo.... Jubilee pancakes are alive and well in this house (but not tomorrow)
    Pancakes are for anywhen, not just for Lent!

    Had a power cut earlier, forgot where we left the torch, doh!
    Finally found the candles though and the old camp kettle, so at least we could have a cuppa, (using the gas hob, not the candles)!
    Decided to go out visiting and just got back to Blackpool illuminations and the tv playing to itself! Now all I've got to do is reset all the b****y clocks!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 43.

    Bingo - Nationwide is a building society not a bank - there is a legal difference and they do not have shareholders, profit goes back to the people who have money in the building society! PS (disclaimer - I do not work nor have any connection with Nationwide, it just irks me when people get banks and building societies confused)

    Sorry - I'm in a ranty mood - so I'll get this off my chest and hopefully you will ignore me (although I would be interested to see what the other Christians think)

    Pancake day - or shrove Tuesday is the day in the Christian calender when you use up all the yummy rthinks in your house before lent and a bit of self sacrifice to remember Jesus in the desert before rejoiving at Easter with choc eggs. Now I know all religious meaning gets watered down over the years, and not all people beleive that Jesus dies for our sins, but I think the act of giving up something we like, reminds us about self sacrifice and about people who have less than us and remind us there are more important things in life then having what we want, when we want it.

    Sorry to go on.

    My church has decided we fast between sun down tonight and sun down tomorrow - and not food if we don't want to so I will be giving up all internet fun activities (blogging/ tweeting/ fb etc) for 24 hours as I think that is a grand idea cath and will help me remember about those people who cannot take what we have for granted.

    And now I'll let you get back to your pancakes.


  • Comment number 44.

    Good morning all,

    Lin, had to laugh about your illuminations ,always the way eh!

    Baggy ,I'm a catholic ,lapsed one, but that doesn't stop me believing and yes ,always remember that him upstairs did sacrifice for us .
    I need to do something for lent so I'm going to have a good think and then decide ,as the list I have is a little bit longer than a shopping list .another thing Baggy ,I admire your open and honest comment .

    We did go to see our friend yesterday ,and took lunch with us as she had a hip replacement last November ,so just had to finish it off when we got there .My friend lives in a little place called Clapham ,not the London one ,there is one in west Sussex.

    Seems to be a lot warmer today and the sun is shining ,that makes you feel good just think about it doesn't it .

    Chris, heard your news re Queen ,must admit not a great fan of Queen, but I do like lots of their songs.Should I duck now???lol.

    Take care all and have a good day.


  • Comment number 45.

    Morning all

    is a beautiful day here today - light at breakfast time and birds singing first thing!

    Baggy, You put that very well. I like to take it as a time of thinking and trying to improve my self - control if nothing else!

    Have a good day all

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi everyone:

    Sezza: yes, it is just lovely to have light mornings again - takes us a little longer than you, but it is now light for me heading round to the train station!

    Deebee: ooooh, just how far is it to Cambridge from Glasgow?! I shall be investigating, and will contact you on the "other side".

    Baggy: I know how much your faith means to you, and I understand that you may think my comment yesterday was flippant. Truly, it was just meant to be a bit of fun. Having experienced some utterly devastating times in my life, what got me through them was believing that God is there, and I have always believed Jesus died for mankind. But, I am of the mind that it's more of what you do for your fellow man that counts. Yes, a little deprivation won't hurt any of us, and perhaps having a period of abstinence from something would be a good thing. Personally, though, I would rather share a train journey with a guy who would give a pregnant girl his seat, than know that he was giving up chocolate for six weeks. It's just the way my mind works - which we all know can be a little loopy at times!
    However, Baggy, I completely take on board what you have said.

    Have a good Shrove Tuesday, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 47.

    thanks for all the nice comments
    Chrissie - it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular - and I would hope that anyone would give up their seat to someone more needing for it, and wouldn't just do in lent.

    I guess I see the world around me, with people wanting stuff and having whatever they want not thinking about the consequesnces abnd it truelt saddens me that they ahve missed the big picture!

    And I for one would not judge anyone - I have plenty of things in my life I need to sort out first before I could look at anyone elses.


  • Comment number 48.

    Morning all

    Hope all is well and happy shrove tuesday to you all.

    Hopefully Deevs has touched down all safe and happy and is enjoying her time with her mum.

    Still grey over here in Shropshire.

    Got home last night to a house in pitch black last night and every drawer in the house turned upside down as he was looking for his soldering wire which was sitting on the table but he couldnt see it as it was dark and he only had a torch. I love a man with patience..... ha ha ha I finally sat down at 9.50 last night.

    I am sure I read if you eat less and move more you lose weight well I am sorry but I dont think that is right at all. I seem to be doing that but getting blooming fatter.

    So tonight is curry, pancakes and the brits, the boy and I sit together and watch the telly as I make comments about the songs not being tunes anymore and the girls will catch a cold in their scantily clad costumes whilst he rolls his eyes and tells me I am getting old. I love that night every year.

    Have a good Tuesday everyone

    CB xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Baggy, I totally agree - I don't think anyone can judge another person - I know that I fall short on many levels. Re: the train seat thing - perhaps it's just the line I travel on, but I have seen men and women behave like animals in their quest for a seat. Just yesterday, the train was a carriage short and no-one would move inside the train to let the rest of the people on - there were several people left on the platform. Of course, being me, I did ask the passengers to move inside, and one girl said to me: I'm not moving from this spot. Oh, yes, man's inhumanity to man knows no bounds!


  • Comment number 50.

    Hey guys ...

    Got over my drool fest ,;)

    Pancake day yayyy lovely ...

    Yummy yummy yummy sweet pancakes banana and toffee sauce .....xx:)

    This week is going good .. At least we not freezing and have the dreaded snow..!

    How's everyone ???

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 51.


    I was going to have my say but Chrissie you have put in to words exactly how I feel. It's good to be reminded of what Christmas, Easter and all other religions too are all about but personally I feel how we all live our lives every day is what matters. And I am by no means perfect and could improve my ways but I think I do my best.

    MM xxx

    PS If I use up all the yummy things in my house today I'm going to be in trouble!

  • Comment number 52.

    Good morning blogettes:

    Didn't you all play nicely whilst I was away the last few days. Great to see the blog so busy. Haven't managed to catch up on everything.

    Some of you will remember that my oldest friend was due for an operation. She had it yesterday. Email from her husband says operation has gone OK. He's not the most communicative of guys - so will have to wait until she is home to find out what ongoing treatment is required.

    Baggie: I do admire your sentiments and the courage to share them.

    Maddy Moon Whilst I was off, there was a film crew in my road. They were filiming with the weather guy - who used to jump on a weather map moored in the Albert Dock in Liverpool. I'm sure you know who I mean. Apparently on our ITV regional programme in the North West he does a feature 'Where's Fred?' If you watch it tonight it - may - I repeat may - feature my village.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 53.


    Thanks for that. Yes I remember Fred the weatherman on his floating map at the Albert Dock when Richard & Judy did This Morning. And I have occasionally broken my 7.opm rule and seen Where's Fred.

    Will definitely be watching tonight!

    MM xxx

    I admire your strong views. My parents were churchgoing people (my stepfather being a vicar) but I never felt the need to go to church (maybe I should) but I do stronglt believe in there being a God and an afterlife.

  • Comment number 54.

    D'oh! that second paragraph was to Baggy.

  • Comment number 55.

    I too do not go church ... But believe in god and an afterlife ..... There has to be a next level of existence .... .... Xxx

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Hello again

    Maddy Moon: I did manage to speak with Fred - who said that devotees visit the place that's featured on the following day. So hope my village is braced for invaders. The coffee shop and pubs should do well. Forgot to ask him though when it would be featured ! So may be saving it for another week.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 57.

    There's got to be a reason for it all aye Billie. I say to people who think that there can be no afterlife "Is it any more strange than us being here now?"

    What's it all about Alfie?

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 58.


    I'll be watching out for it anyway. Brace yourself for the invaders but as you say it will be good for business there.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Afternoon All,

    Nearly lunchtime....phew. Trying to hang on till 12:30, the porridge I had this morning is just about living up to it's promise of filling me up until lunchtime!

    Good to read people's comments on Easter and Lent, well said Baggy. Although thinking about God's sacrifice for us/me shouldn't be something that we do once a year. It should be a daily thing - but each to their own :)

    I think I might give up crisps and take up reading for Lent.

    #39 MBD - Quite agree, not sure how we are supposed to comment on blogs, when he really doesn't give us anything to comment on!

    Have a flippin marvelous day everyone.


  • Comment number 60.

    afternoon peeps - it seemed a bit warmer today, but someone sitting a bank of desks away from me has just opened a window and now I feel a bit chilly.
    Question ... do I ask her to close it or do I don the 'emergency cardi'?

    Hoping to have pancakes chez Crumpy tonight if Adam hasn't eated the last couple of eggs. Lemon and sugar for me. Bit of a traditionalist.

    Not going to get into the debate re church/religion as I don't attend a church/chapel/meeting house etc but do feel that there is a spiritual side to us all - believer or agnostic.

    Can someone tell me what the Queen news was this morning? I was out of the car at just after 7.30 so the last thing I heard was Sugar, sugar by the Archies!

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 61.


    I missed it too but there's a link on fb. Roger Taylor & Brian May et al will be playin g on 7th July at Knebworth Park which was the last place where Freddie did a show.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    MM your right Roger and Brian will be playing at Knebworth with Adam Lambeth (i think that was the name) fronting along with Roger and Brian singing as well. Tickets go on sale this Thursday.

    Another round of cakes in the office today and I can feel the calories piling on and I havent even had one yet.... tut!

    Have fun everyone.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 63.


    How can they say that this Queen when only two of the original group are involved?

    After all Queen was mainly about Freddie Mercury.

    It seems to be a bit of a money making exercise to me.

  • Comment number 64.

    The name of the dinger is Adam Lambert, he once came second on American Idol, Nuffield said!

    Looks like a nice boy, though.

  • Comment number 65.

    MBD thanks for that it confirms why I have never heard of him, I thought I was missing something this morning when they were talking about this wonderful talent that they would be singing with.

    There was only one Freddie and thats a fact.

    There is a guy who sings in tribute band up this end who has paid a fortune to get himself to look like Freddie even down the teeth and he dont arf, why don't they ask him to do it with them instead.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 66.

    I recall seeing Adam Lambert on American Idol - sorry sad telly watcher over the years!

    He was dressed head to toe in black with sort of goth make-up, from memory.
    What an odd choice to front the band. Isn't there a British singer who could do it?
    Didn't the bloke from Free or something do it for a while?

    C :o)

  • Comment number 67.

    Hi All

    Is the blog late today, or does Chris not write one every day? I'm a bit out of touch.

    Baggy, very well said! It's all very well all this talk of pancakes and giving things up, but it's good to be reminded of why we have Lent in the first place. Especially these days, living in a largely secular society when all things 'religious' tend to get sidelined.

    Chrissie - LOL! I think it's qute a long way... but if you can get a flight to either Luton or Stansted they're both about 40 minutes away from Cambridge.

    Crumpy - yes, Paul Rodgers from Free and Bad Company who sang with Queen for a while. They went on tour and recorded an album together.

    Oops - time to get back to work.


  • Comment number 68.

    Deebee: Yes can confirm Paul Rodgers from Free & Bad Company sang with Queen several years ago. Mr PJ and I saw them. Were excellent but I do have some sympathy with those who say they miss Freddie. He was irreplaceable. At the Mathew Street Festival I saw an Argentinian - yes you read right - an Argentinian Queen tribute band. They were brilliant.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 69.


    On the queen debate - well this is according to Mr bp when ever we have this discussion and he knows more than me:

    Queen the band was formed by Roger Taylor, Freddie then joined his band, therefore he owns the name and can tour with his band with whom he chooses - however I agree there was only one Freddie and we have not been to seem the reformed Queen with Paul Rodgers becuase of that fact. I haven't spoken to mr bp yet but it is unlikely we will go to this concert either.

    The concert I do want to go to is the closing cermonry concert in Hyde park with Blur - nuff said - and yes I do plan to watch the very sexy Damon (fancied him for 18 years and counting) tonight at the Brits.


  • Comment number 70.

    Heyya guys .....

    Just escaped the teens bedroom unscathed ... ;)

    Room re arranged ... What do teens do with all that stuff .. Surely we wasn't that messy :) ....

    Now she has a floor .. Not a floor robe lol ....

    She knows I am doing it but not how lol ...

    Not long till sch run ... Typically it's raining :( xx

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Taylor and May did form a band which Mercury joined and then the name was changed to Queen (can't think why). They were then joined by John Deacon, who I believe is not part of the current project.

    In any case whoever owns the rights to the name, Queen just ain't Queen without Freddie.

  • Comment number 72.


    Too true, I am glad that Roger and Brian are still plodding along but Queen isnt Queen without him.

    I remember watching the doc last year on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú 2 about Queen they had it really rough at the very beginning and it took a long while for them to break through but when the did, wham bam - who can forget him at Live Aid bringing the house down.

    I must admit I wish I had had the chance to see them. Didnt CLP say something about that once when he gave up a ticket to see them one of his regrets, did I read that or am I making it up.

    Cheerio for now comrades.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Ugh! Just finished cleaning all the dead flies and spiders out of the tube lighting cover.
    All I need now is for somebody to put it back.

    I know most people will disagree with me but I can really imagine John Barrowman doing a Freddie Mercury impersonation.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 74.


    Just a quick fly by before I head off to the barnet cutters (always think of Beez when I write that :)), well I'm not actually having it cut just the badger stripe removed!

    I may be opening a hornets nest here, but I have issue with these old bands coming back for one last gig/tour etc. To me they just do it for the money and it's not as if they actually need it, with the millions they have tucked away in the bank....i.e. The Rolling Stones!! Just how many come back, 50th anniversary tours can one band do?? But I guess if their fans are willing to pay a small fortune to see some aged rockers strut their tired old (ugly) bodies around a stage them who am I to argue....lol.

    Right back in my hole I go ;)


  • Comment number 75.

    Ali - Although I agree with you with some bands I do hope the Rolling stones do a few gigs as I would love to see them live - I have missed them at every other oppotunity being not born yet/ too young and I do think it would be a great show.

  • Comment number 76.

    I agree Ali that most bands are best remembered as they were when at their best and should just do clubs, etc. for those fans who still want to see them. But I think there are exceptions, yes the Rolling Stones and Status Quo amongst a few others.

    MM xxx

    PS We;re doing all right keeping the blog going, aren't we?

  • Comment number 77.

    And some of the 'old' singers are still going strong today. What about Cliff, Tom, Elton, Lulu, and Sandie Shaw's appearances are still as good as ever. Oh yes! The oldies can show them how to do it!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 78.

    I don't have a problem with older bands still playing, musical talent does not fade with age.

    I do find it a bit daft when men with a bus pass still cavort around the stage as if they were teenagers.


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