

Ask the people running the planet

  • Tim Weber
  • 22 Jan 07, 02:36 PM

Ok, now here's your chance: Put your question to the people in charge of this world, and they might just answer.

The 麻豆官网首页入口 has joined the , linking up with the organisers of the , plus , the newspaper, and .

Send us a video with your question - don't worry about the technology a webcam recording will do - and the Davos organisers have promised to put a selection of your questions to the presidents, prime ministers and top company bosses coming to Davos.

, including handy tips on how to use your webcam.

And if you are camera shy, simply join our online debate: Have Your Say on ""!

Comments   Post your comment

What will be the purpose of this forum to help Latin America and the different nations inside North America? Will Davos give results or will it be another publicity generator with all talk and no action.

  • 2.
  • At 07:14 PM on 22 Jan 2007,
  • Sergey wrote:

Would the Forum express obvious condemnation on Mr. Bush and on what the US masterminded in Iraq with thousands of Iraqies, Americans and other nationals keep on dying in endless bloodshed.

  • 3.
  • At 08:58 PM on 22 Jan 2007,
  • scottr wrote:

Can you envision a way that western-style real estate laws can govern land aquisition in the middle, replacing guns and other weapons of force?

  • 4.
  • At 10:03 PM on 22 Jan 2007,
  • Marla wrote:

In the western countries there is a significant gap between the qualifications needed for jobs and the amount of talent available. Resulting of this increasingly Asian talent is being hired for top and even entry positions. China and India's governments are extremely active in creating talent (scholarships, quota for minorities, high funding of institutes like IIT and IIM). Isn't it time that Europe and the US also refocuses, invests significantly more into its youth and adapts its education levels to international standards?

  • 5.
  • At 10:11 PM on 22 Jan 2007,
  • Rosemary H. Kommer wrote:

I think the following words: globilization, a new world order, one world government,human settlements, decentralization, redistribution of wealth, global governance, one international law, loss of a countries sovereignty, Global Urban Observatory, are menacing. As I listened to the speeches given at the UN a few months ago, the theme was for one organization to control world events and population resettlements, using the premise of making the world a better place, with a world government through the United Nations. It chilled me to the bone and filled me with fear. Is this what they are planning? Hasn't the world been through this before?

  • 6.
  • At 10:14 PM on 22 Jan 2007,
  • Dany Raponi wrote:

How can the price of real estate be moderated, so that next generations will not find themselves "out on a limb"?.

  • 7.
  • At 02:33 AM on 23 Jan 2007,
  • Rosemary H. Kommer wrote:

I think the following words: globilization, a new world order, one world government,human settlements, decentralization, redistribution of wealth, global governance, one international law, loss of a countries sovereignty, Global Urban Observatory, are menacing. As I listened to the speeches given at the UN a few months ago, the theme was for one organization to control world events and population resettlements, using the premise of making the world a better place, with a world government through the United Nations. It chilled me to the bone and filled me with fear. Is this what they are planning? Hasn't

  • 8.
  • At 02:48 AM on 23 Jan 2007,
  • Patrick Sullivan wrote:

Africa is in a terrible state. The is no governing body currently that is effectively dealing the myriad issues involved. Perhaps instead of using one big governing body like the UN, what if a developing nation was paired with a successful nation; like a big-brother/big-sister program for countries? Let the strong help the weak directly, instead of relying on under-funded NGO's and mis-used IMF loans.

  • 9.
  • At 11:11 PM on 23 Jan 2007,
  • Rosemary H. Kommer wrote:

What an excellent idea proposed by Patrick Sullivan. This really has merit. Imagine each successful nation concentrating on one developing nation and helping them to grow and prosper in a true spirit of friendship. Wouldn't that be wonderful? The only problem would be some of the corrupt dictators who control some of these countries. It's an age old problem throughout history; power and control by the strong over the weak. How does the World Economic Forum think they can make the world better by controlling eveything? The results of people being controlled are evident in the world and they live in despair, poverty, hunger,and hopelessness.

  • 10.
  • At 09:20 AM on 24 Jan 2007,
  • Richard wrote:

Simple. Lets act and act now, not tomorrow. Compulsory reduction in waste from source(force packaging to in of 1 type and 1 cover per product and biodegradable), Compulsory use of green energy generating systems per house hold, linked to grid networks for power sharing. Forced import restrictions on energy wasting items, electrical and vehicle. Compulsory selling of only energy saving devices, I.e.. only sell energy saving light bulbs. Turn off every second street light in the country during quiet periods at night (Also helps kids see the stars).Make people more aware but make them change now, not just as a suggestion.
What happened to car free days, like in Italy.
It is up to us, the modern world to help the 3rd world to improve pollution. Don't shift our problems to some one else's door step like we do with china.

  • 11.
  • At 11:06 AM on 24 Jan 2007,
  • Lenka wrote:

Are politicians really concerned about global warming? Judging by all the talk on the subject I would say they are. However as far as taking action is concerned what measures are going to be introduced to tackle global warming and avert the imminent risk posed by global warming? It is an acknowledged fact among the vast majority of researchers that climate change is real and poses high-security risk to the Earth and humankind alike so we had better stop procrastinating.

  • 12.
  • At 01:43 PM on 24 Jan 2007,
  • daisy and jordanna wrote:

IS nuclear power here to stay ?

  • 13.
  • At 11:40 AM on 25 Jan 2007,
  • Chris Daws wrote:

In answer to #9 this used to be the case, although it was called imperialism.

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