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From Mike Chappell

Graham Smith | 14:20 UK time, Tuesday, 5 October 2010

"I have been interviewed by the Radio and Newspapers this past 24 hours as well as announcing on my own Radio Station that I shall be in attendance at the Rally at saltash on Sunday and urge One & All to be there and to avail themselves of the transport being organised via Mayor Killeya's team.

"I have also confirmed that should the Boundary which has been extant for 1,000 years be ignored by the evil alliance of a Government then from that day I shall not eat food until it is restored.

"Many have questioned my loyalty to Kernow down the years but let it be known that although I have a beautiful woman in my life again, Kernow was, is and always will be my first love and I am prepared to give my all to her.

"Not the words of a maniac but of someone who has spent many months preparing himself for this.

"Please please I urge you to support rally. After that, if the wicked people in London ignore us, then I shall execute my promise to the full.

Kernow bys vykken !



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  • Comment number 1.

    "announcing on my own Radio Station"?

    "evil alliance of a Government"?

    "wicked people in London"?

    "Not the words of a maniac"?

  • Comment number 2.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 3.

    It may be a "long haul".
    According to my reckoning, this Bill has 8 more stages before it gets Royal Assent?

    The Bill was introduced in July this year and is at the Committee stage in the Commons now.

    I think Mr Chappell will get his turkey dinner this year.

  • Comment number 4.

    Perhaps he needs a history lesson like the rest of his gang Kingsand and Cawsand were the borders of Cornwall n Devon just over 100 years ago and they are both on the WEST BANKS OF THE TAMAR. Like the rest of the propaganda sent by these people it is purely fictitious.

  • Comment number 5.

    Peter Tregantle wrote:-
    "Perhaps he needs a history lesson like the rest of his gang Kingsand and Cawsand were the borders of Cornwall n Devon just over 100 years ago.........."
    when they were "RETURNED" to Cornwall.

  • Comment number 6.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 7.

    Mr Chappell say,

    "I have also confirmed that should the Boundary which has been extant for 1,000 years be ignored by the evil alliance of a Government"

    The dictionary says,

    "Extant: in existence; still existing; not destroyed".

    P_Trembath says,

    "Perhaps he needs a history lesson like the rest of his gang Kingsand and Cawsand were the borders of Cornwall n Devon just over 100 years ago.........."
    when they were "RETURNED" to Cornwall.

    See the problem folk have with all the rhetoric about "Athelstan's sacred,sacrosant and inviolate border", P_Trembath?

  • Comment number 8.

    Quote Cameron "It's the Tamar, not the Amazon, for Heaven's sake."

    We know it's not an online book retailer Dave

  • Comment number 9.

    "There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come about through encouragement from someone else. I don't care how great, how famous or successful a man or woman may be, each hungers for applause."

    (George Matthew Adams)

    Very apt, I thought.

  • Comment number 10.

    Can someone let Graham know his "It's the Tamar, not the Amazon" blog is a mess

  • Comment number 11.

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  • Comment number 12.

    Quote Cameron "It's the Tamar, not the Amazon, for Heaven's sake.

    He seems to have the same script writer as Winston Churchill. I just hope he does not take us into war like the previous two incumbents did

  • Comment number 13.

    I see from the WMN site that the "Cornish pagans" are backing Chappell.

    That should help.

  • Comment number 14.

    Seeing is believing Dave, no doubt a few idiots will get arrested trying to block the bridge with rovers and tractors. The Nats have tried to hijack this thus removing support rather than encouraging it. 50 tops.

  • Comment number 15.

    As it is obviously such a non-event in your opinion, one has to wonder why you devote so much time on it.

  • Comment number 16.

    I hope they all have a lovely day out on the Tamar. The forecast says an "Indian Summer",(if that phrase is permissible in the Republic of Cornwall?

  • Comment number 17.

    You know tremmy 20 seconds on the keyboard paid for by my boss is not much effort, it is the least I can do to reflect true stance and meaning to our quiet part of England. I am not driving up from the Neanderthal west in a clapped out old rover waiving an invented flag and wearing a kilt singing Celtic sea shanties

    'Cause her hair was green as seaweed
    Her skin was blue and pale
    I loved that girl with all my heart
    I only liked the upper part
    I did not like the tail

  • Comment number 18.

    Peter Tregantle wrote:-
    "You know tremmy 20 seconds on the keyboard paid for by my boss is not much effort"

    Says it all really.

  • Comment number 19.

    I liked the poem about your wife though.

  • Comment number 20.

    Republic of Cornwall

    Slims its a duchy for some, nation for others and home for me. If it makes them happy they can call whatever they want. Shame so much effort is expended chasing flies, when we are about to be hit for six

  • Comment number 21.

    "Its a duchy for some, nation for others and home for me."

    Should be Cornwall's motto, Andrew.

    I have been looking at the various "nationalist" sites on the Net. Their political rhetoric ranges from Marxist/Leninist on one extreme to High Tory "nimbyism" on the other,(with, it seems now, a little paganism in there somewhere?).
    They all share one thing, however. They all think they "own" Cornwall.

  • Comment number 22.

    Dear oh dear Slimmy boy, you missed out the Anarchists, there are also a good few Feminists, and the Greens, they'll feel so left out.

  • Comment number 23.

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  • Comment number 24.

    I also forgot to mention middle-class landowners with an alternative agenda.

  • Comment number 25.

    Well, it would be a shame not to complete the list.

  • Comment number 26.

    Oh, that is not the complete list, P_Trembath.

    Not by a long chalk.You could add to that those that daub xenophobic graffiti, threaten law-abiding business-folk and think they are justified to make the security services waste time and vital resources, just after the atrocities in London in 2007.

    As a "prank".

  • Comment number 27.

    What we have are the "intelligentsia" feeding the impressionable with stories of the glories of their past, their "stolen heritage".
    They are careful, however, in avoiding "manning any barriers" themselves.
    Empty rhetoric is their stock-in-trade.

  • Comment number 28.

    Such a lot of different groups, political ideologies, and all that.
    Kind of makes the "12 old men" claim look rather silly.
    Oh well, Gaza will have to think up another ridiculous claim to make.
    Ugh ugh.
    What What.

  • Comment number 29.

    Whilst your comment is "awaiting moderation"

    I will leave you with a very poignant reference from the First World War.

    "Lions led by donkeys".

  • Comment number 30.

    "Such a lot of different groups, political ideologies, and all that."

    It is the "all that" that triggered my contempt for the "nationalism" that seems to be highlighted by xenophobia,contempt for those seen as "incomers" and even "D.N.A.-ism"

  • Comment number 31.

    Surely the (Revised) Stannard Parliament is "24 Old Men"?

  • Comment number 32.

    Slimslad wrote:-
    "It is the "all that" that triggered my contempt for the "nationalism" that seems to be highlighted by xenophobia,contempt for those seen as "incomers" and even "D.N.A.-ism" "
    The funny thing with that is that it is not the nationalism that I see. In fact, I see xenophobia and contempt for others holding a different opinion, coming from those who wish to discredit Cornish Nationalism.

  • Comment number 33.

    "Discredit Cornish Nationalism", P_Trembath?
    Do you not think these "nationalists" that "dressed up" did a damn good job of that anyway, without any help from others?
    They are the lowest of the low, yet were treated as "martyrs" and hide behind the law they were so contemptuous of.
    Yet you never addressed that. I wonder why?

  • Comment number 34.

    The "pride" of nationalism

    There for all the World to see.
    We even have an elected Mebyon Kernow Councillor posting graffiti photographs.

  • Comment number 35.

    Oh dear thousand of people failed to turn up for the protest, the show of strength turned out to be a nut festival, 100 tops most of them were conservatives

  • Comment number 36.

    1/ Me thinks your numerical ability is poor.

    2/ Conservatives, all waving the St Pirrians Cross, bedecked in Cornish Tartan and Cornish Rugby shirts, typical Tory wear. Get used to it Gary, the whole political spectrum of Cornwall was represented there today, there was even a speaker from UKIP, Trevor Coleman MEP, who supported the campaign. All speakers spoke in support of maintaining the 1,000 year old National border that runs along the East bank of the Tamar. It seems that it is you, and your fellow naysayers, that are fast becoming "12 old men".

    You should have come down and made yourself known, I'd have brought you a pint of Betty Stoggs in the Yacht Club.

  • Comment number 37.

    "Me thinks,(sic), your numerical ability is poor."

    No,, P_Trembath, methinks you build up a non-event. Unless you think the B.B.C. are part of the "E.I.S.", But of course, you do). Anyone wearing a balaclava?

  • Comment number 38.

    "More than 200 people held a rally in Saltash on Sunday over plans for a 75,000-voter strong constituency which would unite parts of both counties."

    (B.B.C. Cornwall)

  • Comment number 39.

    Do not presume to think you know what I think.
    Either it's Gary, or the 麻豆官网首页入口 that can't count, which is it?

  • Comment number 40.

    I will "presume" all I wish, P_Trembath.
    In a democracy, I am allowed.

  • Comment number 41.

    I will double the B.B.C. total, to 400 people.
    With 400,000 voters in Cornwall, this comes to 0.1% of the voting population.
    Which I would call almost total apathy.

  • Comment number 42.

    For it to mean anything they needed tens of thousands. As for MC trying to hijack it, yet again I think it had the opposite affect and no doubts the Torys will be asking why they allowed MC to grab the headlines. All in all very predictable as is the fudging of figures

    Does anyone know how much money Killeya wasted on this?

  • Comment number 43.

    Peter Tregantle wrote:-
    "Seeing is believing Dave, no doubt a few idiots will get arrested trying to block the bridge with rovers and tractors. The Nats have tried to hijack this thus removing support rather than encouraging it. 50 tops."

    From "50 tops" to "tens of thousands" in 3 days, talk about moving the goal posts!
    Does your boss know how much of his time and money you're wasting on reading and posting to blogs such as this?

  • Comment number 44.

    1% does not a protest make, freak show is better phrase

  • Comment number 45.

    What percentage of the population turned up to the average Poll Tax protest?
    Or an Anti Fox Hunting protest? Fuel protest? Gay rights protest? etc, etc, etc.

  • Comment number 46.

    Let's just say, for the sake of argument, P_Trembath, that there were 1,000 people there, shall we? Never mind what "percentage of the population" turns up for other protests. This protest was an embarrassment to all those who expected thousands. At least the weather was nice.

  • Comment number 47.

    "What percentage of the population turned up to the average Poll Tax protest?
    Or an Anti Fox Hunting protest? Fuel protest? Gay rights protest? etc, etc, etc."

    No doubt the nats were there lead by there leader Mike

    I would imagine any major elected MP would be able to muster a few hundred people, comprised of friends, relations and party activists; the protest showed this and was not a protest just a tea party

  • Comment number 48.

    Slimslad, as I understand it, the organisers of this event were looking at around 500 attending, not "thousands".
    It was not me that started the percentage comparisons:-
    Slimslad wrote:-
    "I will double the B.B.C. total, to 400 people.
    With 400,000 voters in Cornwall, this comes to 0.1% of the voting population.
    Which I would call almost total apathy."
    It is amusing that when shown that your percentage dig actually works against you, you wish to drop it.
    The organisers were expecting about 500, they had catered for about 500, and, according to Graham Smith, whose blog this is, they, as near as makes no difference, got their expectations fulfilled. Hardly an "embarrassment".

  • Comment number 49.

    I asked:-
    "What percentage of the population turned up to the average Poll Tax protest?
    Or an Anti Fox Hunting protest? Fuel protest? Gay rights protest? etc, etc, etc."
    To which Peter Tregantle replied:-
    "No doubt the nats were there lead by there leader Mike"

    What's the matter, can't answer the question?

    Peter Tregantle wrote:-
    "....was not a protest just a tea party"
    Tea party's have a tendency to get results;-

  • Comment number 50.

    Graham any chance you can confirm who paid for this.

  • Comment number 51.

    "It is amusing that when shown that your percentage dig actually works against you, you wish to drop it."

    Not at all,P_Trembath. I am happy to oblige.

    1000 people is 0.25% of the voting population. One quarter 0f one percent.

  • Comment number 52.

    As you well know, I was not commenting on your maths, or the figure you give for the "voting population". I was commenting on the inferences you, and others, were attempting to make from them.
    What percentage of the population turned up to the average Poll Tax protest?
    Or an Anti Fox Hunting protest? Fuel protest? Gay rights protest? etc, etc, etc.
    Would the turnout on such protests be anywhere near as high, as a percentage of the voting public of the geographical/political area they claimed to represent, as the turnout at Saltash on Sunday?
    As I said, your percentage dig works against you.

  • Comment number 53.

    "I was commenting on the inferences you, and others, were attempting to make from them."

    I made no "inferences",P_Trembath. Even with the media coverage, "Keep Cornwall Whole" site and a Facebook site, Members Of Parliament and local politicians attending, the turn-out was small.

    You state:

    "The organisers were expecting about 500, they had catered for about 500"

    I am glad the pasties didn't go to waste.

  • Comment number 54.

    "I am glad the pasties didn't go to waste."

    The Chavs from the council houses have stocked up the larders along with tremmy at the expense of tax payers. No doubt they are converted to protesting, so long as it is outside there homes and not too early

  • Comment number 55.

    And the offensive snobbishness of some goes on.

  • Comment number 56.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 57.

    It's a shame my last post was "removed", P_Trembath.

    It was a quote from Mr Chappell and would have shown you what "offensive" really means.

  • Comment number 58.

    I do not think Trembath has learnt, to him he is fighting a war, we tolerate him and yet he no doubts is reporting everything he can, just do like others and say what the comment was about, I have had a few recovered doing this.

  • Comment number 59.

    Guys Mike is crossing dangerous waters fuelled by the air of publicity, he represents a handful of people has a radio station which is listened to by the same amount of people, banned from most web sites, even a paper he writes for and is now pretending to starve to death encourage by two known extremists Tony and Richard, should the press just ignore him?

    I also agree Trembath never learns, so long as Slim was not rude his comments should not be removed.

  • Comment number 60.

    Slimslad wrote:-
    "It's a shame my last post was "removed", P_Trembath.

    It was a quote from Mr Chappell and would have shown you what "offensive" really means."

    Slimslad, if I find something offensive, I complain to the person or organisation that was responsible for it. If Mr. Chapple, or anyone else, has said or written something you find offensive, then raise that with him. If he said it in his capacity as an official of an organisation that he is a member of, raise it with them. If you receive no satisfaction, then, by all means make the matter public, explaining what you found offensive, and the response you got, so that others can then make up their own minds about it.
    To use a comment made by someone on one "side" of a debate that you consider to be offensive to either, excuse the offence caused by someone on your "side" of the debate, or to tar all those on the other "side" with the same brush, is offensive in itself.
    I can agree that there are different "degrees" of offense, some things are more offensive than others, but to deliberately set out to cause offence, of whatever degree, is wrong.
    To deliberately insinuate that those living in social housing are all lazy chavs, living on state benefit, is offensive.

  • Comment number 61.

    For all those who support the idea of more independence for Cornwall it must be a problem having "loose cannons", "firing off" comments, views and opinions, and taking actions that the majority would not, and do not, agree with.
    It must also be a "chore" hearing the same old litany of "Stannery,Duchy and the Foreshore and Submarine Act 1897",(or whatever).

  • Comment number 62.

    Quote -To deliberately insinuate that those living in social housing are all lazy chavs, living on state benefit, is offensive.

    All the evidence is they aspire 2 B CHAVS and this is what we refer to as a stereotype created by the media and our own experiences and is not offensive as it human nature, all humans form opinions in this manner of different social groups. Does anyone else here think Trembath lives off us in a council house on welfare, no offence just an observation based on his behaviour. It certainly explains the lowest common denominator here

  • Comment number 63.

    Andrew Jacks wrote:-
    "All the evidence is they aspire 2 B CHAVS..."
    What evidence?

    Your "observation" regarding my "behavior", is a clear demonstration of "the lowest common denominator". Never mind Mr. Jacks, the only way for you now is up.

  • Comment number 64.

    It certainly explains the lowest common denominator here

    So true, a person unable to know what offence means, even though the vast majority of the people he seeks to defend find his opinion highly offensive and bigoted, even those from with nationalists views

  • Comment number 65.

    It is a sad fact that there are people who are unable to debate an issue without resorting to abuse and personal insult. It is usually a sign that their case is weak.
    Mr. Tregantle, there is a retort that children use to comments such as yours, I am sure that you will understand it, as it is about your level.
    "Twinkle twinkle little star, what you say is what you are".

  • Comment number 66.

    Tremabth said "Twinkle twinkle little star, what you say is what you are".

    I can only repeat what I have said many times before juvenile and pathetic

  • Comment number 67.

    Case proven.

  • Comment number 68.

    I hear Mikes trying to contact the Chilean miners, to help him find out how to get out of the hole he is in.

  • Comment number 69.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 70.

    Mike Chappell
    My Doctor is considering sectioning me to hospital and I have tokld him that I will reists this.

    You always knew this Mike, you knew your life was never in real danger, because you would be sectioned before it was too late, sectioning has always been your safety net.

    Good show while it lasted, not forgetting you can fool some of the people some of the time etc etc

  • Comment number 71.

    Ah well he's called it off "on medical grounds" which makes the whole venture as farcical and idiotic as most of us predicted it would be.

    Another own goal for the nationalist clique.

  • Comment number 72.

    "..My Doctor is considering sectioning me to hospital and I have tokld him that I will reists this.."

    Like to know how, I suspect his doctor has never seen him, its all an act to stir trouble

  • Comment number 73.

    Yes believe it or not Mike contacted his doctor to OK it before he started his hunger strike venture. Mike knew he was on safe grounds and nothing unto warding would come to him.

    Now I suppose this self inflicting episode will be left to the NHS to get Mike back into good health.

  • Comment number 74.

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  • Comment number 75.

    I wonder if he's on intravenous pasties now?

    What an embarrassment to Cornwall he is.

  • Comment number 76.

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  • Comment number 77.

    Let them be Martyrs, its no losS to Cornwall

    Agree, they are the only ones impossing fake ideals

  • Comment number 78.

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  • Comment number 79.

    "...It is very good that Mike is up and about again so soon after his fiasco,..."

    That is, if you believe he was ever down.

  • Comment number 80.

    Judge the level of cornish nationalism from the below quote

    Marhak 禄 Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:30 am

    Mike's hunger strike achieved something very important, which was being denied by the mainstream local Press and media (who never said a word about it). It was mentioned in the House of Commons debate by Tristram Hunt MP (Lab.), and brought attention to the matter and to the strength of Cornish feelings.

    It was heard by Parliament and, in turn, by everyone across Britain who were watching on TV or iPlayer, so now there is wide awareness of the issue.

  • Comment number 81.

    Mike Chappells little escapade certainly may have brought some kind of 鈥渁wareness of the issue鈥 but at what cost? What does the person in the street really think of these unelected self seeking people now? The nats are sure to give the impression that everything in the garden is rosy, because they need to try and glean something out of MCs prank.

  • Comment number 82.

    Has anyone else heard of person quitting a hunger strike on health grounds before?

    Who do they think they are kidding LOL

  • Comment number 83.

    "That is the sort of thing that makes sheer nonsense of the situation. Indeed, I believe that someone in Cornwall is on hunger strike because of their objection to the proposals."

    Chris Bryant MP (Labour, Rhondda), Shadow Justice Minister.

    Anyone hearing that, and it was the only mention, would believe that the politician disapproved of Chappell's self promoting; "I'm going on huger strike until I feel ill," protest.

    I wonder what Chappell's next stunt to get his name in the papers will be? I wonder how many of those in the Nationalist crowd will blindly follow him this time.

    Word is that many are now seeing him as some sort of plant by the state, whose stupid and childlike protests are being done to discredit the nationalist cause.

  • Comment number 84.

    "A senior memnbber of the Cornish s\tannary parliament has accused me of being a traitor and an undercover agent in th pay of the state."

    (Michael Chappell, C24)

  • Comment number 85.

    For those of you who are new to this blog, visit the following, and make up your own mind.
    Post No's:- 43, 59, 63, & 64.

  • Comment number 86.

    "I never "lurk" anywhere, let alone in the shadows."

    SO easy!

  • Comment number 87.

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  • Comment number 88.

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  • Comment number 89.

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  • Comment number 90.

    Dave the rave
    鈥淲ord is that many are now seeing him as some sort of plant by the state, whose stupid and childlike protests are being done to discredit the nationalist cause.鈥

    This would be giving the nats more credibility than they deserve 鈥渟ome sort of plant by the state鈥 indeed, the nats are more than capable of discrediting themselves without any help.

    Just look at the failed projects of the nats since The Rally Of Recognition, I will let you fill in the rest to save the nats any further embarrassments LOL.

  • Comment number 91.

    I have a right laugh with Graham about your comments here. In fact we met up for a chat at the 10 10 rally and I helped him set up his 麻豆官网首页入口 kit. I still write for Northcliffe by the way and haven't been banned from anywhere now. My 11 day fast got mentioned in the Gin Palace and you just wait till the next stunt - you'll love it !
    Thanks for all the crocodile tears. My business is fine and I am now purchasing yet another residential property for rent to locals at a reasonable rate. Exasperating isn't it ? Almost as exasperating as seeing the comments deleted from here left right and centre. Hey ho. Your silly comments mean nothing to me and as I say Graham and I often laugh over it. After all, I am kind of making him work really aren't I ?



  • Comment number 92.

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  • Comment number 93.

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  • Comment number 94.

    My parents saw the antics of this person and a few comments I printed from C24, they are now very sceptical about the Cornish movement. For the record they donate about 拢30,000 a year to various charities

    Hasn鈥檛 he done well!

  • Comment number 95.

    Sorry guys, I should have expanded. My parents are or were keen nationalists. I help them allocate money I can see the more worthwhile RNLI getting a Christmas bonus. I am moving towards an Irish free Cornish culture & appreciation. White, yellow, brown or wholemeal welcomed from the four corners of the globe

  • Comment number 96.

    Mike Chappell wrote:
    and you just wait till the next stunt - you'll love it !

    Yes that sums your actions up admirably Mike 鈥渟tunt鈥 something to attract attention or publicity.
    How about a copycat 鈥渟tunt鈥 of Lady Godiva that should go down well now that you have lost some weight.

    But please leave things like hunger strikes well alone, because you are only making a mockery of those who have gone on before you.

  • Comment number 97.

    拢30,000 - peanuts! Today I was able to employ three CORNISH people in my business, to buy yet another property for affordable rent to CORNISH people, to have media students from the University attached to me as researchers and this evening to enjoy a glass of CORNISH champagne in celebration. Yes my next stunt. I don't read the news, I make it. I don't talk about money, I earn it. And for your information, a few days ago donated thousands to an event in Kernow next year. get in my way, and I am afraid you will be knocked over. I now have politicans asking to come onto my radio programme. They know that I am passionate about Cornwall so I suggest that you tell your imaginary Cornish Nationalist parents where they can place their paltry 拢30,000 kid.

  • Comment number 98.

    YC I do not recall Ghandi showing off and not once did he resort to stunts!

    "Yesterdays news" does not appreciate his antics may catch the headlines but only for failing on two levels

    1. To sell a message
    2. To add credibility to a movement that is considered a joke

  • Comment number 99.

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  • Comment number 100.

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