Tomorrow... (1)
- 14 Feb 08, 07:40 PM
Show two has come round already. Thanks to everyone who watched the first one go out.
I went out for dinner with some of the team on Tuesday and then we all piled round to the bosses gaff and watched the show with Lily.
Show two is looking like it's going to be just as much fun.
Martin Freeman, Lee Mack and Adele are all coming down, and we'll have a Youtube treat in the form of the Syncsta boys, famous for their 'gay barbie' song. Looking forward to all of that.
People are starting to upload clips to our Youtube channel which is great. All the emails we receive are cracking too. Thanks for them.
Still lots to do so better I'd better crack on.
Bye bye
Oh, before I go, I just want to embarrass Andy and Carol...
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The only way to come up with ideas is to dance to Billy Piper! Isn't that right Andy?
You should try it Paddy!
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