Sign up to the no internet day pledge!
Can you live without the internet for one day?
I am challenging you to spend 24 hours over Christmas where you dare to tell your children they can't go on Facebook and other internet related items.
I floated this proposal to my 14 and 11 year old daughters...they agreed...with a little reluctance. Anyone one with teenagers will know only too well the tension created when our little darlings become surgically attached to a laptop.
Is it possible to spend a day having quality family time? Here is a list of board games suggested on the show this morning to while away a cold winter day. Buckaroo...Twister...Balderdash...Cluedo and Monopoly now using credit cards!
So here is the deal...Can you suggest some board games we might have missed out on...AND more importantly will you pledge to join an internet free experiment?
If you will join me and several others who have already committed to the cause please post a comment or email me
Dave in Tetbury has the most well behaved 15 year olds in Gloucestershire...if they leave any mess...are cheeky...or are back late then his wife threatens to take the Blackberry or laptop off them.
Robert from Cheltenham said it is a bad state of affairs if children can't live without computers and mobile phones
Ian says just disconnect your broadband from your end then no-one can get online!
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