The magic of May Hill
A wild night with the May Hill WI has persuaded me to issue you with a challenge.
For those of you who haven't climbed to the top of this marvellous mound I implore you to do so.
I will provide the answers to the following questions later this week...however before that can anyone answer the following and/or share your love of this hill to encourage others to make the ascent.
Why is it called May Hill?
For what occasion were the trees planted?
Which famous composer adored May Hill
Where can an impression of Gloucester Cathedral be found on the hill?
How many counties can you see from the top?
Post a comment with your answers or comments for those have still to experience this wonderful Gloucestershire landmark...or email me at
updated Wednesday 11th
Mark,May Hill looks a great place to walk around ..... might get the boots out.
Here's my attempt ....
Because of a ceremony that takes place on May Day morning
Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee
On a plaque on the summit
Thanks Dave...3 out of 5 !
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