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Friday 23 March 2012

Verity Murphy | 19:14 UK time, Friday, 23 March 2012

Tonight Susan Watts reports on the government proposals for a minimum alcohol price in England and Wales and we discuss whether such a measure is likely to be effective.

We look at the Florida shooting of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin and US President Barack Obama's decision to speak out on the issue.

We have a live interview with MP Eric Joyce, who was forced to resign from the Labour Party and apologise to victims after being convicted of assault over a bar brawl in Parliament.

And we have the latest on the A4e story.


  • Comment number 1.


    Some cultures get fat on the over-plied food, and others get destroyed by the over-hyped alcohol. The fabled Elephant is permanently hissed.

    Cleverness has yielded knowledge upon which to base conducive changes but we lack the maturity give up nihilistic pleasures - a prerequisite. We do not have the wisdom to espouse maturity; wisdom being the antidote to cleverness.

    The fuddled masses need wise management who meet in an environment of gravitas and sobriety - OURS MEET IN WESTMINSTER.

    Nuff sed

  • Comment number 2.

    Eric sounds like my sort of guy!

  • Comment number 3.

    Perhaps the proposed minimum price for alcohol has a lot to do with those 300k income over 150k a year nasty people from the stock market suspecting the possibility that poor people might be able to enjoy at least part of their usually miserable lives.

  • Comment number 4.


    Just what alcohol DOES TO HUMANS in and of itself, in the liver-space, going forward, should be the concern of a science reporter. Irreversible foetal damage, a high percentage of violent crime - NOT TO MENTION INEPT GOVERNMENT, can be laid at the door of alcohol's ambiguous molecule.

    Drinking solvent is on a par with foot binding and genital mutilation, but THE DAMAGE GOES UNSEEN, while The Ape Confused by Language EXTOLS ITS CONTINUANCE.

    Another Flood please, Jehovah.

  • Comment number 5.

    Our modern plague is excess. We buy every gadget that is around and eat and drink inordinately. These are things that are in themselves neutral - even beneficial. It is we who misuse them. When we drive we want to speed not just travel to a destination. We want to own lots of cars and are surprised that there is insufficient road and parking provision. Funny lot.

  • Comment number 6.

    "..minimum alcohol price in England and Wales and we discuss whether such a measure is likely to be effective."

    very effective, deaths due to alcohol poisoning are virtually guaranteed to increase (think Hogarth).

    you'd think that the expensive education enjoyed by Mr Cameron and his ministers would have equipped them to look at history (like the 1920s US of A) and learn, evidently, you'd be wrong.

  • Comment number 7.

    Russian Violence

    One wonders if our police force is up to dealing with people with sub machine guns?

  • Comment number 8.

  • Comment number 9.

    Dear Foreign Press:

    Can you help the people of the United States? Our president, Barack Obama, is illegally holding office and our media refuses to investigate (see the information below).

    Barack Obama is a man who has multiple aliases, , multiple identification numbers, , and refuses to release any of his personal documents, .

    Pravda asks: What happened to American media?
    Accuses U.S. press of 'deliberately hiding evidence' of Obama's 'fraud'

    It鈥檚 a twist of irony: The Russian news website Pravda has published an accusation that the American media is 鈥渢ame,鈥 afraid to publish news and is 鈥渄eliberately hiding the evidence published on the internet about [President Obama's] defrauding of the American public and the deliberate evisceration of the Constitution of the United States.鈥

  • Comment number 10.

    Young black man gets murdered in gated community.

    2 white English students get killed in Florida by a young black gang-banger..allegdly.

    Problem reaction?!

    Obama pulls out the race card. The 麻豆官网首页入口 salivate over it.

    You've got to stop doing that.

  • Comment number 11.

    Not long ago Mr Joyce was being paid to fight.

  • Comment number 12.

    re Yvette Cooper, interesting comment, rare to hear a politician make a plausible argument.

  • Comment number 13.

    I can't help speculating that the poor people minimum alcohol pricing is theoretically targeted at could lead to a situation where food is taken off the family table to fund the " habit " of parents, and that incidents of domestic violence are increased. Furthermore petty crime like shoplifting could also increase to fund said " habit " even if its not already a full addiction. If the government want to stop heavy drinking then why not decriminalise cannabis ( at age over 21 ), although the stereotypical heavy drinker would probably never go near it on principle ?

  • Comment number 14.

    13. "If the government want to stop heavy drinking then why not decriminalise cannabis.."

    watching the Family Guy episode where Brian campaigns for legalisation ought to be mandatory viewing for all decision makers, because it is very insightful and educational.

    agree with the wider points, but, ours is a culture where 'treating' the symptoms is mistaken for a cure.

  • Comment number 15.

    In the clip shown from Westminster on NN, Home Secretary Theresa May spoke about making cheap booze more expensive to help stop drunken behaviour on Britains streets.

    However, alcohol licensing is a devolved power in Scotland so Mrs. May was wrong to imply that her remit on this issue extended across Britain.

    Furthermore, the Welsh Government have consistently requested that alcohol licensing be devolved to their Government also but the request has been refused.

    No doubt somebody in Whitehall has decided that this devolution marlarkey has gone far too far.

    Meanwhile, Grannie's boozin' in the parlour, hic, you oughta see the gin go.

    She's still still giddy from George Osbornes plundering of her purse.

  • Comment number 16.

    Eric Joyce sounded like a sensible person who would leave us alone to our own devices. Now he is no longer in the Labour Party perhaps he could start speaking up for the vast majority of us who are completely ignored by the big state main three parties. That Conservative Doctor sounded like something from New Labour (not that you can tell the difference from the Tories or LibDems) who wants to interfere in every aspect of our lives and tax everything simply because it exists.

  • Comment number 17.

  • Comment number 18.

  • Comment number 19.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 20.

    ooh, thats interesting moddy..let me experiment.

  • Comment number 21.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 22.

    ok..let me narrow this down.
    I shall post one word.

  • Comment number 23.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 24.

    okeeey er..well I think I've cracked it..give us a minute:

  • Comment number 25.

    well, here goes moddy:

    I smashed my knee into the coffe table - marble, two inch thick -when I saw Eric Joyce on Newsnight...I could be a ** for life.

    Didn't Labour give us 24 hr drinking...I think they did.

    Labour's policy on drinking was as follows: give the masses what they want, they'll never notice how incompetent we are nor notice the vast sums of money going down the black hole of socialism.

    I suppose Eric Joyce is gonna be wheeled out everytime there's a drinking/alcohol related isssue to be pundited on. Only in politics can one fall from grace and start a new career in a fortnight...unbelievable!

    Pundited: Is there such a word...well if there wasn't, there is now. Get it used

  • Comment number 26.

    result ..High 5 moddy! :)

  • Comment number 27.

    25. "Labour's policy on drinking was.."

    you can lead a horse to the water but you can't make it drink. (pardon the pun)

    the British 'culture' appears to lack one essential -- appreciation of the value of self-discipline.
    how else could one explain the difference in drinking behaviour when compared with others, such as the French, whose per capita consumption of alcohol* is higher than ours.

    on a different note, love 'pundited' and shall try to use it often. :)


  • Comment number 28.

    'We look at the Florida shooting of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin and US President Barack Obama's decision to speak out on the issue.'

    Perhaps more pertinent is when those in high office choose to speak on one thing and not another. When you have 350M (7B global) wanting to be heard and 'spoken for', picking and choosing at a certain level can lead to disappointment and nothing miffs a voter like being sidelined.

    Mind you, when He does speak, it can be... well... you decide..

    When I see or hear Him, I think he could be just like one of my politicians.

  • Comment number 29.


    Booze and dark demons - where more likely than in Westminster?

    We went into an unnecessary war, unwanted by the people, craved by Tony, approved by IDS, and cravenly UNopposed by all but 15 Tory Puppets. Brown set up The Chilcot Enquiry (you might ask why) to LEARN LESSONS. I have pointed the Chilcot Enquiry to the root cause: WE ALWAYS GET OURSELVES ANOTHER ONE.


    Westminster is a travesty, self-honed over decades to yield a COVERT TYRANNY, topped by a sequence of delusional despots. While the Westminster Tyranny endures, England's ills will be unchecked - indeed, they will magnify. The Palace of Westminster is a CITADEL, a BASTION; its ramparts FACE THE PEOPLE.

    The Chilcot report will be A MARKER. If it only suggests tinkering, then our endemic corruption is secure. Should it address the UNDERLYING ISSUES, UNDER THE LYING - by which I mean the PARTY-filtering of prospective MPs for their 'Westminster Creatureness' and the elevation of the most Creatureful to Puppet Master - THEN AND ONLY THEN might the tide of corruption be about to turn.

    Politics: the art of self-deception wrapped in the craft of deceiving others for their own good.


  • Comment number 30.


    It fits the pattern Junkk - crass. They are mocked, just like us. D MOCK CRASS Y.


  • Comment number 31.

    Thank you for this comedy half hour. Emily's fury over the government's programme that had thwarted her unspent rage over the Budget and denied her time to rant about it was hilarious. Most of us had had more than enough of the Budget by then but Emily appears to have taken it personally. The decision to shoehorn in a clip of Yvette Cooper having a tantrum in the Commons was comedy gold.

    Incidentally, as you're searching around for murders in foreign countries, there is currently a trial going on in the US of the black youth who is alleged to have shot two young British men who made the fatal mistake of wandering into a black housing estate late at night. It might be more relevant to the British public.

  • Comment number 32.

    India bans its airlines from paying EU carbon tax

  • Comment number 33.

  • Comment number 34.

    '31. At 11:29 24th Mar 2012, MaggieL - It might be more relevant to the British public.'

    Ah, but... we are by our national broadcaster spoken at... er... to... no, it's 'for'.


    So relevance to 'us' needs running through that special filter first.

    Hence what is 'in' vs. what is left 'out'.

    That is, for some, another unique amongst a few too many already.

  • Comment number 35.

    '32. At 12:23 24th Mar 2012, Mistress76uk -
    India bans its airlines from paying EU carbon tax

    Maybe Rumpy-Pumpy, the Baroness of Apposite Inputs and the rest of the good time EU-crew can lean on George 'n Dave to pop an extra tax on space flights, which we still seem to be funding for them?

    Mind you, Richard Branson might get a bit snarky if the principle of looking at the impacts of vast corrosive exhausts for a few hours' Kodak moment for rich folks, is added into the overall CSR mix of coconut-driven aircraft.

    Sure Susan can explain, and it's only a nice long flight away to take a picture of a white tube on a desert floor to do so, again.

  • Comment number 36.

    On this blog, we have tip-toed around tax avoidance via Personal Service Companies but we need tip-toe no longer because there it is in todays Times.

    And who might be in the unwanted Times limelight - Paxman and Maitlis from NN amongst other 麻豆官网首页入口 'employees' (sic).

    For some reason the word 'integrity' popped into my head, as in total lack of.

  • Comment number 37.

    '31. At 11:29 24th Mar 2012, MaggieL - searching around for murders in foreign countries, there is currently a trial going on in the US of the black youth who is alleged to have shot two young British men who made the fatal mistake of wandering into a black housing estate late at night.

    Some are noticing the odd narrative obsessions that guide our national broadcaster, especially when prompted by an irrational obsession with a President who doesn't seem to know how to act Presidential.

    I'll hold counsel as facts are still emerging (not a problem to our 24/7 void media), but already have seen some imagery that suggest reporting has given way to PR story management already... in so-called 'news'. Though 'stories' seem to now be evolving as the knee-jerks again grasp that the end of the stick they grabbed might not be the only, or indeed best one.

    One might also wonder why a slow-burn story in the US听seems to have trumped the topical professional hit of a Russian banker in London, with sub-machine guns.

    I guess it is the twitter thing, as it seems pretty dominated by those who think only one thing matters, and that is not all sides of the story.

    The 麻豆官网首页入口 just gets more and more unique in its priorities daily.

    Lucky for them I can't opt out.

  • Comment number 38.


    And integrity suffuses our culture in much the same way that wisdom doesn't.

    And Dave comports himself like mature, competent leaders don't.

    And Nick uses his signature the way honourable people don't.

    And Osborn's figures add up the way 2+2 doesn't.

    NewsyNighty investigates it all fearlessly.

  • Comment number 39.

    I should point out that in regard of the Personal Service Company issue, where NN's Emily Maitlis was fingered by todays Times, she was, according to her Wiki entry, born in Canada.

    Therefore Matlis could be, in that term which always brings a sparkle to tax advisors eyes - a non-dom, and therefore more technically entitled to perform aggressive tax avoidance than somebody born here in England.

    That leaves Paxman, Fiona Bruce and Adrian Chiles to face HMRC's 'disguised employee' musak as per the Times article.

  • Comment number 40.

  • Comment number 41.


    As you may know Nolly, the teaching of philosophical thought, is now finding its way into schools (a DELICIOUS mismatch!). It will be interesting to see at what point in this 'dangerous' practice - under a tyrannical regime - the state will move to shut it down (or, more probably, sabotage it).

    Meanwhile, I still assert (to the goggle-eyed confusion of friends) that the PRIMARY HUMAN RIGHT IS TO REMAIN UNCONCEIVED. The obvious corollary is that any competent adult, has the right to choose to be dead. Now - the bit in between, a 'life' should be deeply respected by anyone who has sought power over the lives of others (so called governance) and there's where it has all gone wrong. The lunatics (MPs) have taken over the asylum, way beyond their brief. They totally fail to see that CONTROL, by Westminster, will always need more and more laws, whereas SELF-CONTROL, engendered IN THE INDIVIDUAL, minimises the need for laws - CULTURE is sufficient.

    What is a power elite to do when made aware that EMPOWERING THE MASSES is the only way to a stable, contented state? Exactly. If we don't DISMANTLE WESTMINSTER, 1984 will come to be.

    Nuff sed

  • Comment number 42.

    Bets now being taken on the name of this new conurbation

  • Comment number 43.


    With such respect for law, why then did they flout the "Representation of The People Act" in 2010?

    Maybe the answer lies here;

    Nuff sed

  • Comment number 44.

    '39. At 19:30 24th Mar 2012, JohnConstable -
    That leaves Paxman, Fiona Bruce and Adrian Chiles'

    Well, naturally, it would be inappropriate if they did, at least on this topic. But it seems Emily may have a hall pass to do so. If she chooses. And is directed to. And airborne Gloucester Old Spots are seen in formation over the M5...

  • Comment number 45.

    Speaking of the West Mids...

    '42. At 23:41 24th Mar 2012, ecolizzy wrote:
    Bets now being taken on the name of this new conurbation

    If properly sited (on a flood plain), and constructed (100,000 flushing and washing eco-nappies every other year as part of an affordable career path is fair start), it could serve the unique dual purpose of year-round 'how could this happen since records began?' for a moppet with a mic in wellies to be based there to interview 'I've lost everything and have no insurance' vox poppers.

    At least the kids can choose digging wells or watersports for employment or recreation, so none of that 'but there are no job opportunities due to the cuts' lark... with luck.

  • Comment number 46.

    @ Ecolizzy #42 - Building on greenbelt? I suspect within about 10 years time, we won't have anymore green left. Just concrete :(

    Ah, and Jeremy being called James by Lord Truro last week - here's why:
    "Paxman's brother James is chief executive of the Dartmoor Preservation Association in neighbouring Devon."

  • Comment number 47.

    At last!

  • Comment number 48.

    A hundred grand is apparently the bottom of the premier league. 200/250 grand is the top of the premier league. That bloke was in the wrong job...he thought he was negotiating football players weekly wages.

  • Comment number 49.

    What chance of access have I got then? I've only got thirty bob.

    I suppose it'll have to be nick Clegg then.

    Like brands only cheaper.

  • Comment number 50.

    When does perception become reality in politics?

    At the moment you perceive it.

  • Comment number 51.


    "There are laws against corruption in politics, therefore there can be no corruption in politics, and any document purporting to show that the Conservatives have issued a false instrument is - um - a false instrument." This is the word of Dave - hear it.

  • Comment number 52.

    So, the story so far. Labour can speak to Murdoch but Conservatives can't. Brown and Blair didn't have any friends so Cameron can't either. Lord Sainsbury can give money to Labour but he can't give money to Conservatives. If Brown and Blair meet lobbyists, industrialists and businessmen they are entirely innocent but if Cameron meets anyone at all there must be an ulterior motive.

    If you think any displays of dissembling on your part will distract attention from tax avoidance by 麻豆官网首页入口 presenters you've got another think coming.

  • Comment number 53.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 54.

    We must be mad, literarely mad......

    Hundreds of thousands of pounds to support a foreign terrorist....

    But a little English girl who needed some feet, can't have any money to buy them, her parents have to pay up............

    Where's the justice in that?!

    Yup I know it's the Daily Mail, (so rubbish) but that still mustn't make it ok, to not look after our own little children.

  • Comment number 55.


    But Dave has been rushing around like a cat doing good (and had to attend to a bit of urgent name-calling too) so we can't blame him.

    Did you read Stephen glover in the Mail? I posted a few months back regarding Dave's lack of judgement (of people) Tony was the same. I reckon Glover IS READING ME!

  • Comment number 56.

    '52. At 13:45 26th Mar 2012, MaggieL - displays of dissembling ... distract attention'

    I think the term is 'editorial'.

    They 'get it about right'. I'm told. If by them.

  • Comment number 57.

    #55 Barrie I found this child not receiving full NHS support absolutely appalling, especially next to the story of that awful man.

    Just why are the British people so badly treated by their own services they have paid for????!!!!

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