The Prayer of Saint Mychal
According to , this was the daily prayer of the late , the former FDNY chaplain who was killed on September 11, 2001 in the World Trade Center disaster:
Lord, take me where You want me to go;
Let me meet who You want me to meet;
Tell me what You want me to say, and
Keep me out of Your way.
- Father Mychal F. Judge, OFM
A movement seeking the of Father Mychal is gathering support in the United States. He's already been canonised (as "St Mychal the Martyr") by the
There we go, PB: canon, closed or open? Why?
Even prior to his heroic death on 9/11, Father Mychal Judge was widely seen by many New Yorkers as a living saint for his deep spirituality and his extraordinary work not only with firefighters -- but also with the homeless, recovering alcoholics, people with AIDS, immigrants, gays and lesbians, and others rejected by society.
Fr. Mychal was also openly gay, though celibate. He blessed and supported committed gay relationships asking, 鈥淚s there so much love in the world that we can afford to discriminate against any kind of love ?鈥
This annoyed the Roman church hierarchy, but like his spiritual father St. Francis of Assisi, Mychal reported directly to a Higher Authority, as evidenced by several miraculous healings through him.
Mychal Judge is already a saint whether or not he is formally canonized by Rome. For centuries, saints were declared by acclamation of the faithful, not by Rome. The faithful already recognize Mychal as a saint and pray for his help daily.
For more information about Father Mychal, I invite you to visit: