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Eddie Mair | 05:45 UK time, Tuesday, 14 November 2006


  1. At 07:20 AM on 14 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    Palm trees, hammocks, beach bar .... everything

  2. At 07:25 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Morning Coffee anyone? I've drunk all the first lot I made earlier, two posts haven't appeared yet and oops, sorry to be moaning already.

    Weather's looking good though, I'll go for quick dip (must be all the Costa Rica)

  3. At 07:33 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    I'm going to feel more than daft if all the posts I've been adding since 5.50 suddenly turn up at once - it'll look like I've been wandering around here for an hour and a half talking to myself.

    Ffred, you were over there on Stand By ages ago, and you know we're not supposed to encourage the use of stand-by, adds to global warming don't ya know.

    Right, the coffee's making me gibber, I'm going for a lie down. Wake me when you all get here? Calm, calm.

  4. At 07:53 AM on 14 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Valery ... Valery.... VALERY....

    There are dolphins in the bay. c'mon and see!

  5. At 07:56 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ah, ValP, but I didn't stay "stoodby". I switched off (not enough coffee) until now. I must agree, Eddie's found a nice beach for us. I especially like the purpose buiilt stables for the camels...

  6. At 08:26 AM on 14 Nov 2006, pinklefish wrote:

    Someone tell Eddie this isn't a nudist beach. I'm trying to eat my muesli.

  7. At 08:31 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Whisht wrote:

    mornin' all.

    unlike me to be up and out so early, but just thought I'd say hello.

    and congrats to Big Sister for being 1000.

    You don't look a day over... ah, no energy to complete such a lame gag!!

    cheers Eddie for the new beach. Perhaps you can create other new "places", such as the dining room or new office, or carpark...

    ugh, on second thoughts, it could all go downhill from that suggestion...

  8. At 08:35 AM on 14 Nov 2006, John H. wrote:

    Hooray for the new beach! Since the old one was Dayone Beach, is this one Millennium Beach? Or, in the tradition of "naming" everywhere, simply The New Beach?

  9. At 08:41 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I say, this is jolly spiffing isn't it!

    Especially the all-day barbie.

    Mrs Tre-e-e-e-e-e-elli-i-i-i-i-is!!!!! Yooo hoooo!!!!

  10. At 08:51 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    John H:

    No, its a mooring point for The Beach. Always The Beach. "New" is the name of the mooring.

    And in case you think I'm being fanciful: Some years ago, as many of you will recall, the Belle Tout lighthouse was moved away from imminent demise as Beachy Head continued to crumble away (see
    Now, the engineering required to tow the island was, relatively, straightforward, since, once the underground drilling work had severed the island's tenuous link with reality, it was then a straightforward operation for it to be towed to another mooring, all courtesy of Eddie, patron saint of Froggers.

    So, while doubtless the move will enable various developments and improvements (although I'd question whether the latter would be entirely necessary? No matter.)
    all those wonderful features we've come to love remain unaltered.

    Speaking of which, I've just got to rescue that camel over there whose trying to eat a rocket tail .....

  11. At 09:05 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Ah, see? This beach was easier to find. I won't take it personally that you all moved as soon as I found the other one.
    It's a bit nippy though out here, isn't it? Does anyone make swimming costumes with in-built heaters?

  12. At 09:18 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Vyle Hernia wrote:

    12 "Does anyone make swimming costumes with in-built heaters?"

    Battery-driven? I suggest the use of a wet-suit might be a suitable compromise.

  13. At 09:18 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Charles Hatton wrote:

    I'll let you all into a secret ... my surfboard is just for show. I haven't the faintest clue how to use it. I can just about stand on it on the beach, let alone in the sea. Looks cool though doesn't it?

  14. At 09:22 AM on 14 Nov 2006, anne wrote:

    oh hurrah, a beach my machine lets me access. Hiya everyone. Do weknow who them man with dog is, because if he isn't a frogger should he be here? unless he's the man who looks after the camels for us and the dog is for herding them perhaps?
    Anyway I need to go back home now 'cos I've got
    a meeting this morning and I'm going to have to walk through a gale to get to it, courtesy of a) the weather and b) brake pads that need imminent replacement, but I'll swing byu later and see how you're all going.
    And of course I'll bring a bottle of 25 year old Highland Park (other malts are available, they just aren't as good, and that includes younger HP)
    see you later,have fun

  15. At 09:22 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:


    The island is still warming up following a slight drop in temperatures due to the process of being towed across a stretch of about 90 days. This wind chill factor will soon be negated by the warm feelings of the froggers, plus the process of the August climate catching up with us here (if you see what I mean).

    BTW, another spectacular sunrise. This augurs well (as long as you're not a shepherd).

  16. At 09:29 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Stephen, Leader of STROP wrote:

    Its definitely chillier hear than on the Day One beach. Hold on, if I fit this heat pipe from day one to here.....

    That's better, now just need to warm the water a bit

  17. At 09:36 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    I do see, so the August climate has been stopped at customs temporarily?

    Surely if we are at the beach, then the red sky in the morning should be sailor's warning? ;-)

  18. At 09:36 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    As befits my early training as an historian, and in the hopes that folk memory will be more persistent than the blog's memory of who I am, I have employed a team of scribes to record the entire history of the Day One beach.

    I have placed the parchment roll, wrapped in oiled linen, in a small amphora and sealed it with beeswax from the hive in the second hollow tree to the right of the small beach hut.

    The amphora is now lodged in the arid conditions of a small cave well above the water line and marked by a large boulder with my initials on it. A small vanity I know but one would like to be remembered by history if not by the blog....

  19. At 09:45 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Eddie and all froggers,

    While I'm impressed by the new place I have a couple of observations of the grumpy old man sort.
    1. It's bloody cold here in November.
    2. Purpose-built recreational facilities, while very nice and tidy and all thet, somehow don't have the charm of 'discovered' and slightly illicit ones.
    3. Is that proper camping coffee, made with the grounds in the jug, or something from a fancy piece of Chinese-made kit?
    4. I'll have a cup anyway, thanks, with refined sugar please.

    Are fires allowed on this fancy beach, or is the driftwood all gathered up and sent to the county facilities for 'proper disposal'?

    Is that an electric pizza oven I see? Grumble, gripe, grumble.

    Coffee's acceptable, though...

    Who's for a walk in the wood?

  20. At 09:47 AM on 14 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    anne and Valery

    anne Excuse me, but the "man with the dog" is me.

    Valery, he is not "a doddery old dog" ... he is a sprightly ten-year old springer.

    I'm all upset now.

  21. At 09:47 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Stephen, Leader of STROP wrote:

    *** ITS PARTY TIME ***

    see this for why. I have a Sovereign of champagne here to toast our success. Please help yourselves!

  22. At 09:59 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    An appropriate cocktail for the new location.

    5 PM
    2 cl Dark rum
    1 cl Cointreau
    Fill with hot Tea
    Mixing instructions:
    Pour rum and Cointreau into tea cup, fill with English hot tea and top with milk (to taste).

    I've left a tray of them on the bar-top, help yourselves. Don't leave them 'til later, they'll be cold. Sticky buns too. No, I said 'buns' dear!

    Wonder if you can dunk a Rich Tea in this.....

    I like the camels here. They don't have an urchin attached demanding "Baksheesh", and they like being tickled under the chin. They don't spit in your face either.


  23. At 10:07 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    It's nice to see the camels weren't too disturbed by the move :-)

    Cheers one and all on reaching the 10k mark. I'll only have half a glass of chanpers now, Stephen, as I have to get back to a desk in an office shortly to catch up on non-island stuff...

  24. At 10:09 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Hey, Belinda, it's already warming up, don't you think? Thankfully, I'm not sailing anywhere today - and in our bit of the hemisphere, the old adage doesn't hold.

    For those of you who missed it:

  25. At 10:18 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    I think the old dog was mine ..... Robbie and I walk our two on Fido's Run every morning. He's the chap, my dog's the dodderer, I was probably crouching down looking at shells, and Robbie's spaniel probably frolicking somewhere.

    Does that clear it up?

    BTW, Robbie, I forgot to return your hip flask to you, but I've left it on your lounger.

    A word to all those who seem to be worrying about the climate post mooring: as I've already explained, the temperature 'fell' temporarily as a result of the breezes created during towing. Remember, too, that this all occurred in the early hours, when air temperatures are lower, so the effect was more pronounced.

    Some of you are talking as if the temperature on the beach is now similar to that experienced by us in November in the UK. What an absurd thought!

  26. At 10:19 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Mutter, mutter,...

    Typical! The software's got problems, using up inordinate amounts of memory and processor time, so what's the solution? Throw the old beach away and make a new one.

    When I were a lad, we used to be thrifty and make stuff to last, mutter, mutter, ....


    Is there more coffee (and a drop of that brandy wouldn't go amiss) And one of those pastries? Thanks

  27. At 10:25 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Hey Big Sister, it is warming up nicely now! I may have a bit of a paddle later on but I'll steer clear of any sailing today, unless someone brings a little rowing boat along.

  28. At 10:34 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Calm, calm, Ed I. I know how you feel about change, but quick look, some things stay the same. He's still recycling straplines, look up in the sky, Fifi's done it again!

    Funny thing is, before 6 this morning when I logged on and found these two entries, it was Eddie's Time Commander strapline that was showing. I thought you techies had a theory that it changed with the calendar or something? So who was messing about in the middle of the night?

    Simon, those 5pm's taste wonderful, what with several cups of coffee, some of Stephen's champagne from over the way and now one of those, I'll never get started on the new job today

  29. At 10:39 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Ed: Don't fret. The "shadow" of times past still lingers on Day One. The Beach moves with us. We and the beach are one. Just no longer Day One. Though, of course, we can keep calling it the Day One Beach, if this is the consensus. But, remember, the use of the Day One bit was primarily to help people find their way back. It served a practical purpose. Now, I guess, the Beach has mutated into the 14.11 Beach. Or Eddie's Beach? Or the PM Beach? A rose is a rose is a rose, ergo: the beach is the beach is the beach.

    In these days of energy conservation, we had to move with the times by moving the beach. It is the same beach, just more energy efficient. It is THE Beach.

    Eddie has performed a miracle. He has brought The Beach forward, thus enabling us to frolic without a care - and, more importantly, without having to wait ten minutes between postings.

    If froggers carp (!), Eddie might feel we are an ungrateful lot, and might not be able to help us out again. There was a problem which was upsetting some froggers - It's been fixed. Eddie'll fix it. Give the man a medal, not grief!

    So - Be of good cheer. Have another pastry.

  30. At 10:45 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Kate O'Mara wrote:

    Phew! It's warm.

  31. At 10:49 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Wow it's lovely here isn't it and so quick to get on it!

    Sorry I'm late but we had the AA Hotel inspectors visit. Typical that I was late down to serve breakfast but needed to see the end of Will and Grace ;-()

  32. At 10:53 AM on 14 Nov 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    So Kate's put a look in, has she? Could this actually ........ (Look of horror!) be ......
    Kate O'Mair????????

    Eddie, do you have an alter ego?

  33. At 10:59 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Jonnie! Lovely to see you! I'd wondered where you'd got to ..... Now we know.

    Hope the visit went better for you than for Basil. What a laugh!

    Was that a yawn you posted?

    Grab a glass of champers and join the fun ...


  34. At 11:00 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Hi Kate, I should've known you'd turn up as soon as I read Fifi's strapline!

    Welcome to the New Beach, hasn't Eddie been kind to us. You'd think he didn't have a day job to keep him occupied wouldn't you?

    Do you think we'll populate this beach even more quickly, since it's so wonderfully accessible - I hope we don't have to restrict posts?

    Popping back to November to get some work done. If only I could save up for a laptop, I could bring it back with me. No, no what am I saying, hush my mouth. Why on earth would I want to work on the Beach?

  35. At 11:05 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Oh allright, Sis and Val.

    I didn't mean to sound ungrateful, and you're right about us oldies not liking change and all that, and I'd already made a start on a bigger oven. There's even a large pile of firewood already stacked and drying.

    It is getting a bit warmer here, though and the company's good. Anyone seen BreakingNews? Can we plant a few trees here to provide a bit of shady woodland? I can see a wee patch around the burn where the remains of bluebells and wild garlic indicate it was once native wood.

    Thanks to all the backroom crew and Eddie, of course. Do we now go for 100,000?


  36. At 11:17 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Aaaaah. Nice.

    Hello Everybody.

  37. At 11:27 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Dear Ed,
    Less of the 'oldie'.
    To me you will always be a strip of a lad.
    Now, eat your pastry like a good boy!
    That oven already looks really good.
    How are the rest of the froggers?
    Sultry enough for Kate?
    Or Eddie?

  38. At 11:31 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Hi Chrissie,
    Pull up a lounger and let me pour you a glass of champers.
    What a day - and only 11.30 already!

  39. At 11:39 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Thanks Sis,

    But the oven's half-built in the wood!

  40. At 11:51 AM on 14 Nov 2006, anne wrote:

    oops, sorry to both re the dog thing. Thing is, since I couldn't really get to the old beach much I have a lot of catching up to do. Tomorrow I will look out for you and pat the dogs heads - if they don't bite and I am up early enough.

    This raises the question - who IS herding the camels.

    Anyway here is the Highland Park as promised. please, if you must dilute it with lemonade don't let me see you doing it as it hurts.

    The pastries are scrummy and particularly welcome since I had no breakfast. Now if that's an empty hammock over there I think I'll just go and make a prat of myself trying to get into it.

  41. At 11:52 AM on 14 Nov 2006, anne wrote:

    and I also meant to say, Val, don't go near 'Stand by for a new beach' posting 8-ish? Eddie's anyway.

  42. At 11:54 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Big Sister (30): a sudden flash of deja vu.

    I thought we thrashed the revival of Jim'll Fix It weeks ago!

    Val : yup, I saw the Time Commander strapline earlier today, but thought I must have been hallucinating.

    Note to self: must drink champagne more often.


  43. At 11:58 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Is this so-called beach in the Southern hemisphere? Otherwise, going to such a place in the colder part of the year would seem to defeat the object of the exercise.

  44. At 12:14 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    See this daft grin?

    I've just been sent a very, very funny email about condoms and straplines that would never make it through the frogerator.

    As I don't know how to put it on our website for you, I'm a bit stuck.

    All I can think of is, if you visit our Guestbook and leave your email contact there, I can send you the joke direct.

    Dr H (44): 'so-called beach'????


    Any more of that sort of talk and I'll not take you paddling with me this afternoon!

  45. At 12:26 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    I thought it was in the blogsphere and therefore immune to cold winds and gritty sandwiches?

  46. At 12:32 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Sorry, that should have been Frogsphere really. I'll hop off now.

  47. At 12:51 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:


  48. At 12:55 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I'm just worried that at the rate the postings are growing on this new beach, it won't be long before people have problems accessing it in turn. Look how many have come in this morning. Guess that's the price of popularity.
    I'm also puzzled at just what exactly Eddie used to do with his time in the office pre August (!7th? Day one anyway). Given that now he must spend a lot of time blogging, putting postcards on the blog, applying for planning permission to move beaches etc, how does he manage to keep the show running too?I'm sure he thought he was busy before, but now it must be ten times busier.
    Glad the camels made the trip safely.

  49. At 12:57 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Hello! Dry white wine and soda with ice anyone?

  50. At 01:28 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hang on a minute.... I seem to remember Eddie saying some time ago that we weren't far off the 17,000 mark for the frog in total (when we first started talking about whether the old beach location would get to 1000). Now it's only 10,000? hmmmm I think someone's been nicking our frog!

    I'll have a white wine/soda/ice, thanks Appy :-) I've got a bottle of 18yr Macallan for this evening when the bonfire has burnt low and the stars are out...l

  51. At 01:31 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Rosalind wrote:

    Hey wait for us. I think puppy is intending to herd the camels, its in the genes, he likes to catch things, he's a labrador, and they like to keep active. So i have to.

    Beach is brilliant, lots of rock pools to keep us interested.

  52. At 01:47 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Annasee (49): Now you know why we catch Eddie emailing and frogging in the wee hours!

    Anyone fancy a dog-walk along the beach? My friend's red setter is in desperate need of some exercise and it's hissing down back in November.

    A stroll along the strand would be much nicer, and he can meet Fido & Pluto if they're free.

    Just give me a minute to get my flip-flops on.... see you by the jetty, if you're coming!

  53. At 01:51 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Hello, all! I never found the Dayone Beach, but I'm tickled pink to be here at last.

    Bit nippy, isn't it?

  54. At 01:59 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Okay, my mistake. I just checked, and Eddie said that we were about 1,700 away from the 10k. Oops! I think I need a drink to get my brain working again :-p

  55. At 02:05 PM on 14 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    I'm on my way. Come on Fido, let's go

  56. At 02:14 PM on 14 Nov 2006, BreakingNews wrote:

    There has been a puzzling development in the Dayone Beach saga that has left many commentators short of words. Less than 24 hours ago it seemed that the beach residents were determined to remain in close proximity to the beach, relocating to the woods that back the dunes. However daybreak today found the beach and the woods deserted with not a single sign of any recent occupation.

    The disappearance of the itinerant population did not however render speechless Ivor Grype, of the newly formed Save Our Dayone Emergency Mobilisation. “厂翱顿贰惭” said Ivor, “will not be stood down until we are sure that these people do not return. We will monitor 麻豆官网首页入口 communications to ensure that no attempt is made to encourage reoccupation of the Dayone Beach”

    A short statement issued by the 麻豆官网首页入口 said that it was aware of the developments and expressed satisfaction that the matter seemed to have been settled to the satisfaction of all parties. The 麻豆官网首页入口 made no mention of the part played by their relatively popular broadcaster Mr Eddie Mair (Monday-Friday, 5pm - 6pm – not repeated).

    Reports also suggest that the camel population has similarly decamped the beach and dunes. Conservancy Board Publicity Officer, Preston Firmlie, expressed some regret at the development. “Whilst we had some initial reservations about the camels, we feel that given time, they could have added a certain ambience to the locale.” Mr Firmlie did raise one concern. ”We have had no recent sightings of the rare silver-fox. It is our belief that this timid creature which makes only occasional and brief forays into the open has been disturbed by recent events or worse still has been taken by the former beach residents.”

    The only other sour note was voiced by Sub Postmistress Ivy Crauls. “Yesterday we had ample supplies of postcards in the shop. We came in this morning to find the stock completely cleared out. I don’t know why people act like this - It’s pointless … pointless.”

  57. At 02:47 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Charles Hatton wrote:


    Too many lovely entries to read and no time!!

    My head is going to explode ... or at least blue-screen requiring me to regress back to the womb and learn everything from scratch again.
    Why didn't I backup my school days!! Why didn't I get a hard copy of my first sexual experience!! Why didn't I RAID5 my kids ...

    aJHFREewreq3tj345(&%?12 ...

  58. At 03:29 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Eddie Mair wrote:

    Nice here, innit?

  59. At 03:35 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Frances O (54):

    If you want to sample the magic that was Day One, here's the link.


    All very quiet now but hugely entertaining from about 450 onwards.

    See you back here for a sundowner and a walnut whip once you get back.

  60. At 03:38 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Another joke but I think this one will sneak past the frogerator:

    Here are some (alleged) genuine extracts from the files of Birmingham Housing Department. (from tenants). Utterly juvenile and a bit rude, but very funny. Other housing departments are available.

    "My bush is overgrown around the front and my back passage has fungus growing in it"

    "It's the dog's mess that I find hard to swallow"

    "My cooker has backfired and blown my knob off".

    "Their 18 year old son is constantly banging his balls against our fence"

    "I wish to report that there are tiles missing off the outside toilet roof - I think it was the bad wind the other night".

    "My lavatory seat is cracked - where do I stand?"

    "The toilet is blocked and I can't bath the kids"

    "The toilet seat is broken and I can't get 麻豆官网首页入口2"

    "I request permission to remove my drawers in the kitchen"

    "I want to complain about the farmer across the road. Every morning at 6.00am his cock wakes me up and it's getting too much for me at my age"

    "The man next door has a large erection in his back garden which is unsightly and is frightening my kids"

    "Please send a man around with the right tool to finish the job and satisfy my wife"

    "I have had the clerk of works down on the floor six times now and I still have no satisfaction".


  61. At 03:38 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Sue wrote:

    I do like a good beach. November isn't too cold for a paddle. Might even go for a dip. Where's my nice fluffy dressing gown for afterwards?

  62. At 03:45 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Eddie (59):

    It's a fine solution to our technical problems. But some of the steam-dialup froggers haven't found it yet.

    Could you perhaps give the location a mention in a future newsletter? (Sorry to raise a painful subject...) That might tempt them back for a look.

    * flutter, flutter *

  63. At 03:51 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi Sue!

    The dressing gowns are in the changing huts. Some are white, otheres blue, and I believe there's even a few black ones lurking around somewhere...

  64. At 03:52 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Alan wrote:

    Aaaah! getting late enough, so I'm bunking off for a lie in the approaching twilight with something relaxing.

    No, Eddy, not you!

  65. At 03:55 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Stephen, Leader of STROP wrote:

    The old beach has been closed. You can still visit for a look around, but it won't let you pitch a towel any more.

    Sneaky I call it, entice us to this new beach and erect a fence around the old one once we're all off!

  66. At 03:56 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Ahhh a new beach. Lovely, simply lovely. I was so disappointed to miss the big 1000 on the dayone beach and congrats to Big Sis for being the winning frogger. I have been trying to catch up with all the gossip on all the different threads and my head is spinning now. Teach me to desert the blog! Damn reality, always intruding in my life.
    Right, I'm off for a swim and by then the wine should be nicely chilled.
    Oh I just realised how easy it is to get to the flip side now. Wonderful. Cheers everyone I missed you all. x

  67. At 04:34 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    OH No!

    I'm a bit nervous ;-(

    I've just had a call from the 麻豆官网首页入口 World service and they want me to be a contributor to the programme called 'Have your say' which goes out on Saturday.

    The nice lady would like me to talk to Reg Hunter who will be live in the studio. I gather it goes out live and Reg will be on between 18:30 - 18:45

    I'll perhaps need a few pointers as I'm not exactly lord Mair when it comes to talking live.

    She found me on the blog and says she thinks it's a wonderful blog and loves the interaction that Eddie puts into it!

  68. At 04:53 PM on 14 Nov 2006, BreakingNews wrote:


    I could put you in touch with the lady from the 麻豆官网首页入口 Press Office, Helen Earth, if it would help.

  69. At 04:53 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ummm... I just went back to the old beach for a nostalgic last look around, and there's missing posts! The last post showing is the last post frogged, but it's listed as number 942! So the whole thing about reaching 1000 and 1024 now look slightly stupid. Lissa, any chance you can talk to the techies to find out what's happened? It would be a shame to see the beach slowly being eroded like that...

  70. At 04:58 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Jason Good wrote:

    I just want to know how they managed to attach the glitter ball to that palm tree and install that lit disco dance floor into the sand... Do they *seriously* expect us to dance in white nylon suits in this heat?

  71. At 05:01 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Jason Good wrote:

    I just want to know how they managed to attach the glitter ball to that palm tree and install that lit disco dance floor into the sand... Do they *seriously* expect us to dance in white nylon suits in this heat?

  72. At 05:16 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Somebody has stolen 86 posts from Dayone!

    Big Sis is now 914 rather than 1000, and the SODIT folk have apparently closed off the access.

    What's the world coming to?

  73. At 05:33 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Ivor Grype wrote:

    You're right Ed - we're in control now.

    And you're behind the times - its now SODEM.
    The Save Our Dayone Mobilisation Force.

    We control the beach.
    We control all the access roads.
    We have boat patrols at both ends of the bay.
    You're never getting back!

    P.S. Have you got our silver-fox?

  74. At 05:50 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re: Breaking news (69)

    Thanks for that -- but I think it's tonight in less than an hour so I'll have to busk it. Only heard the show once before.

    If I get the chance to air a view I'll go for the

    'It doesn't offend me BUT what is Reg's viewpoint to the members of the black community and others that it causes offence'

    Any other contributions welcome.
    Wish me luck, and while I'm here I'll finish that bottle that Mrs Trellis has been hogging! - while she's commuting back from the beach that is - xx

  75. At 05:55 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I think we may have a caes for title to Dayone Beach by right of Adverse Possession.

    On Property, according to Locke:
    "But the chief matter of property being now not the fruits of the earth and the beasts that subsist on it, but the earth itself, as that which takes in and carries with it all the rest, I think it is plain that property in that too is acquired as the former. As much land as a man tills, plants, improves, cultivates, and can use the product of, so much is his property."
    --Second Treatise on Government, 1690
    And, from William Ogilvy:

    "All Right of property is founded either in occupancy or labour. The earth having been given to mankind in common occupancy, each individual seems to have by nature a right to possess and cultivate an equal share. This right is little different from that which he has to the free use of the open air and running water; though not so indispensably requisite at short intervals for his actual existence, it is not less essential to the welfare and right state of his life through all its progressive stages."
    William Ogilvie of Pittensear;

    And surely that's SODOMF, and I wouldn't tell you if I did know the whereabouts of the Silver Fox, so there!


  76. At 05:55 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Fifi (61), LOL - must forward these to my mother immediately. (She'll cope with the smut because the humour is so "us".)

  77. At 06:16 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Okay, I'm back from Afghanistan now. I even fired off an email to the prog about it ... will it be read out on Friday I wonder?

    I really enjoyed the dogwalk along the sand earlier. Max the huge red setter enjoyed it too, although I'm sorry he has never learned how to play with other dogs. He wants to be friends, just doesn't know what to do with them! Rescue dog. Bless...

    It was funny when that young camel came over to say hello. Not much bigger than Max, and I think he might become a regular on the dogwalk circuit!

    Hands up, all those in favour of calling the playful baby camel 'Bonzo'?

  78. At 06:21 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Jonnie (68):

    My advice is, jot down a few bullet points before you start.

    What seems obvious now will fly out of your head if you get nervous.

    But actually, you are so articulate and thoughtful, I don't think you'll have a problem.

    It's a huge compliment, and I'm proud of you just for being asked.

    (Also extremely jealous!!!!!)

    Break a leg, sweetie. Let us know how it goes.

    And the rest of us ... it seems Big Auntie is watching us! ;o)

    Lovely to have you back on the frog, Mrs Trellis (67)!

    Here, have a swig of this g&t-with-a-hint-of-lime; I can't decide if I like it or not.

  79. At 06:21 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Ed and FF,

    Just as well I got the scribes to record the history - see (19) above.

    I think it's complete as it was saved before the moths got at the records.

  80. At 06:24 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    And it had the Time Commanders strapline.

  81. At 06:30 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Dear Ivor Grype (74):

    *We've got a better, faster beach now.

    *We've got all the camels.

    *We've got all the planning permission and licences we need.

    *We've got a trained PR person (me, complete with the CIPR after my name) and a professional 麻豆官网首页入口 broadcaster (Jonnie, on the World Service).

    *Silver-fox was never 'yours' and is here as well.

    * We've got Lissa and Eddie posting regularly on our beach, unlike you who has nobody at all.

    And OUR beach is getting better all the time. Whereas yours seems to have eroded quite a bit since we stopped maintaining it. Oh dear.

    Read 'em and weep, Mr G. Hah!

  82. At 06:35 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Aperitif (76): Ah, great to see you again! I was beginning to think you were avoiding us after last night's entertainment.

    But SMUT? I don't do 'smut'! I bypass smut and go straight to 'filth' normally. It's just that we have to appease the frogerator around here ... if your mother likes 'smut' however, I direct you to our website's guestbook, where you can leave an email address and I'll send the much, much funnier condom joke.

    My mother, on the other hand, wouldn't find any of this remotely funny. Not sure she'd even get the double-ententres.

    (Should that be doubles-entendres, Val? Or double-entendri?)

    More tea, vicar?

  83. At 06:53 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Well done Charles who had his comment read out to the world :-)

    I guess I'm (off the hook so to speak) as the phone has been silent

    I'll post the audio out soon for those that want to hear it.

    Mrs Trellis,

    Really sorry but I owe you a bottle -- I'll pop down with one around midday!

    It was very warm wine incidentally -- hope Fred's dog wasn't lurking near it

  84. At 06:58 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Hi Fifi, I heard you calling. Did you listen to humph last night? Wonderful as ever.
    Right. To business, I have wine red and white and a rather fine appletons rum with plenty of ice. Life on the beach is goooood!

  85. At 07:09 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Oh and can I just say a big thank you to Eddie for providing this wonderful beach for us to cavort on. Perfect.

  86. At 07:16 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    I must say, the old beach was never this busy! But, to quote the bard:

    "Nice here, innit?"

    Big smile.
    Big Sis.

  87. At 07:20 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Ivor Grype wrote:


    Things are progressing here as our movement to defend OUR Dayone Island and beach gathers pace.

    For your information the Save Our Dayone Inheritance Trust is now in alliance with other, to date, disparate groups.

    So now its, SODITALL.

    We have no time for your treatises on possession. We say that possession is 9/10ths of the law and we have possession!

  88. At 07:22 PM on 14 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    I'm confused. I thought you said it was live on Saturday. And then you said it was tonight.

  89. At 07:23 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    Ooof! I thought I'd try cold turkey for a couple of days so's to prove to self that am not unhealthily addicted to you all, but apparently I am . . . o well.

    I shall await my compensation.

    It's good to be back, even if today's multiplethora (oo. Now THERE's an accidental good word. It's pronounced 'multi-plethora', of course, not 'multiple-thora' because that wd just be silly. But am sure other pronunciations are available) of threads is a tad confusing.

    No change THERE, then :-)

    Goodness. David and Ruth are having such a shout-up in my kitchen.

    Anyone fancy a bit of extreme knitting? Tho the sand wd get everywhere, I spose, and the Factor 15 wd tend to make the yarn a bit gloopy.

    Speaking of typos (which somebody was earlier), my keyborad always types Norflok, and I just found 'yearn' above instead of 'yarn'. I haven't had a gloopy yearn for ages . . .


  90. At 08:04 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Fifi (83) "more tea vicar"
    No, but I'll have one of those delicious looking choir boys!

  91. At 08:11 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Camel name (78) I vote for tee-total. One of us has to be and baby camels cannot imbibe the grape!

  92. At 08:16 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Jonnie, just be your normal frogging self and you will be a star! Congratulations its one thing to get an email read out but to be actually on the air! Phew! You the man.

  93. At 09:13 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Lady Pen (90)

    Extreme knitting - count me in. Here try yearning after this cashmere.

    While we're at it can someone help untangle this skein.

    There's a glass of home-made elderberry wine in it for you.

  94. At 10:06 PM on 14 Nov 2006, BreakingNews's Employers wrote:

    It is with some regret that we report the news that BreakingNews will no longer be reporting to this Blog.

    It appears that BreakingNews has been leading a double life - sometime reporter and othertime regular frogger on the blog.

    We apologise to everyone on the blog who has been deceived by this imposter. Our formal disciplinary procedures have been invoked and will run their course.

    厂濒á颈苍迟别 mhath

  95. At 10:19 PM on 14 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Well I trudged all the way down the Dayone beach. I couldn't find anyone except an officious chap calling himself Grype. He was very rude and called me a drunken harlot! He said he had my number ever since I spoke out at the Council meeting. He recalled me saying something about going to bed early and made some scurrilous comment about why the residents might be tempted to jump into the sack before time!

    After I had picked myself up from stumbling over a shell (that's my excuse - nothing to do with the white wine I had been tasting earlier) I gave him short shrift. Actually what I said was SODIT, you're rubbish. He wasn't amused.

    Anyway suffice it to say I found the New Beach, via a rather extraordinary diversion which took me via Afganistan (rather like the sofa I have from IKEA but that's another story).

    I'm exhausted but here and in need of something soothing.

    I seem to have missed the gorgeous Eddie again, but as I'm not looking my best (again) it's probably just as well.

    Hello to all the beautiful people here.


  96. At 10:31 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Well, Fifi, RobbieDo, Breaking News, and of course Mrs Trellis, all a bit of an anti climax!

    I'll make this brief as it probably makes boring reading. However first things first!

    Mrs T, As said I'll bring a bottle down in the morning but please don't leave your dregs near Fido, cause I think I picked something up.

    Fifi:- Thanks so much for the support, I'm sorry I have no audio to back it up :-(

    RobbieDo et al: This is the summing up:-

    Anne telephoned through on her mobile saying she'd read the blog and that they loved my comments on Reg Hunter. Looing back on the thread I'd said very little!

    Then I got this e-mail:- with a bit of stuff after it about what I could or could not say re: the N-Word.

    Hi Jonnie,

    Great to talk to you earlier - thank you so much for agreeing to be on the programme. One slight amendment, we will be discussing the play after the news at about 6.30 - 6.45 if that suits you?

    Reg Hunter is definitely coming to the studio so feel free to ask him any questions.

    Below is some more information about the programme and link to our blog. I hope you enjoy it, and thanks again for talking to us.

    All the best,

    Anna Stewart n Producer, World Have Your Say, 麻豆官网首页入口 World Service
    Tel: 0207 557 0635

    After looking on the links at the foot of her e-mail I realised it was tonight so hence the wrong info that RobbieDo picked up on.

    I'll continue with the funny bit on the next post as this may be too long

  97. At 10:49 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    So, Mrs Trellis, you're yearning after the choirboys (again). Am not sure this the sort of behaviour up with which we will put. After all, other sorts of behaviour are available. I may have to propose a motion to the committee.

    (Speaking of which, I was listening to 'Good Read' this afternoon, on which the chap who wrote Artemis Fowl was talking about the lack of toilets in the little house on the prairie. Or was it Katherine Whitehorn? Anyway apparently there was a well, but no loo. Pass me a spade, someone . . .)

    Anne P - I'd forgotten you were a knitter. Is there a special word for the soft fluff lovingly combed from the underbellies of camels, or will we have to make do with FFred's?

  98. At 10:51 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:


    So I got nervous and asked you all for suggestions and moral support.

    Simon my (SO) got very miffed and went upstairs, I tuned the Freeview box on to world service and hit the record button and dwelled on Fifi's comments re: constructing the comment.

    I typed into word, a well thought out comment which basically said that although I didn't personally object to the n-word I'd like to ask Reg how he felt about the offence it caused others and also built in a comment or two from the Frog, and a plug for all of us including Eddie (and Big Sister, Fifi, Whisht and RobbieDo)

    No phone call - just a strange lady who sounded a bit like one of Eddies Friday women reading Charles Hattons remark straight of 'OUR BLOG' !! The cheek of it.

    7'oclock came and I was relieved, albeit missing the gym and a trawl through the beach but realised I'd missed a call from our egg delivery lady. I hunted back through the received call log on the phone and accidentilly dialed the producer from the World service instead of the egg woman! She understood in the end and enjoying a drink in the pub.

    "Oh Jonnie, did they not ring you! I'm so sorry" Bless her - very nice lady.

    So there we go - the fun of Eddies blog eh !

    Night night for now xx

  99. At 10:59 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Ah, back to the beach at last, it's been a lo-ong day. Shouldn't have started with all that coffee, then of course, the champers, then Si's 5pm, kinda downhill from then on. Me supposed to be on top form today too. Ach well, tomorrow's another day, maybe I'll get it all together then....
    Who's for a nightcap?

  100. At 11:03 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Lady P - Lol!

  101. At 11:05 PM on 14 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Lady P - you raise an important point here. I too listened to A Good Read. Are there latrines on the new beach?


  102. At 11:08 PM on 14 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    It’s really great to see you here.

    I thought BreakingNews was very insensitive in his reports of the council events. Please have this special cocktail I’ve prepared.

  103. At 11:10 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Ah lady P you have me all wrong, that was what the vicar said, not me. Perish the thought! ;o)

  104. At 11:16 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I'll join you as my last post didn't pop up. another wasted 15 mins ;-(

    I'll settle for a little amaretto if there is one going - I'm not used to this yet, I used to have a little hole next to me to put the glass on.

  105. At 11:33 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Hello - got bogged down in some surprisingly innocent-looking quicksnd on the Dayone Beach so extricated myself and came gere to recover.

    Have you still got that walnut whip, fifi?

    Good for you, jonnie.

    Oh, it's getting near my bed-time. Might have to eat the walnut whop under the covers.


  106. At 11:34 PM on 14 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    I should also have said that that the "Mr Grype situation" has been dealt with. You will definitely have no further concerns with regard to Mr Grype.

  107. At 11:41 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Now I have had enough!

    Not Amaretto
    or marymary
    or any of you

    but I managed to hunt down Charles Hatton and linked the audio with it and the whole thing crashed!

    Only good thing happened today is the beach! and Mrs Trellis and her generous warm wine.

    Really sorry marymary to have slurped out of the generous offering that RobbieDo gave you but I needed that !

    see you all in the morning, I'm not used to this new beach yet :)

    Is that a Wolf or Fred's dog ?

  108. At 11:48 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi Frances O

    Any Walnut Whips are mine as Big Sis will NOT need reminding.

    Sorry Frances, You popped up just as I was putting the lappie on to Hibernate :-)

  109. At 12:00 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    At 05:50 PM on 13 Nov 2006,

    Fifi wrote:

    The offensiveness or otherwise of the n-word can be debated any time.
    To discuss it in the context of this cynically chosen show title is patronising PM's listeners.
    What it isn't, is the other n-word.
    * News.*

    Hey Fifi:

    It probably was the other n-word actually, but I do love and appreciate your help today. Only a quick joke after browsing through us froggers.

    And after all it's a beach


  110. At 12:12 AM on 15 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Robbie Do, lovely cocktail but someone else seems to have slurped up my dregs!

    As far as Grype is concerned he's welcome to Dayone. It was lovely whilst it lasted but his is a pyrric (sp?) victory.

    I'm worried though about the tear in my sarong. I keep stumbling for some strange reason.

    Maybe the knitters can make me something more appropriate.

    Oooh! That cocktail has had an intersting effect on me. Think I'll just lie down here and ........


  111. At 12:29 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:









  112. At 12:32 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    whoops! for the astute ones :-)

  113. At 12:42 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Jonnie (113) isn't it time you went to bed? You'll never be up in time to get those breakfasts served otherwise, & Simon will shout. Does he still see this as a waste of time, btw? Or has he been converted? Just wait til we appear on Feedback- he'll eat his words then.
    Isn't it fun to see the strapline change at midnight? Or maybe I should just get out more, if I'm thinking thats "fun". Probably time for bed, I think.

  114. At 01:17 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Oh Annasee,

    It's all that you say - but I've just done something really stupid!
    And when it becomes general knowledge no one will ever trust me again!

    I know someone will spot it in the morning but for the record:-

    It was only a bit of fun ! and I'm really jonnie, nothing else!

    Annasee I love your harp and I have your CD so you can always pop up and tell everyone can't you ?

    Motto:- Never trust a laptop you don't usually use ;-(

  115. At 01:31 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Look Froggers who know me!

    Annasee et al:

    I feel really awful now but need to go to bed with a clean conscience.

    I can lie in, in the morning, first time since Easter, as we have, for once, no people to cater for at the Hotel.

    Because I got a little bit merry on various leftovers some of you may have realised that I have the same address as Patricia Elliott !

    Well she is my Mum and just visiting :- )()()()(


    As mum always says though:

    We wouldn't be here now but for the previous generations.

  116. At 08:43 AM on 15 Nov 2006, John H. wrote:

    Yep, spotted that jonnie/patricia Elliot (112) - I was going to "out" you but you did it yourself. There are some very insightful people on this frog, me thinks.

  117. At 08:48 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    jonnie, Please don't worry as your posts are always a joy and a rose is still a rose which ever name you use ;-)

  118. At 08:54 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    Swoon thud - am today's strapliner!! Ooooooooooo!! How exciting is that? I must go and knit myself a tarara so's to make a Grand Entrance later on.

    But I promise that the honour won't spoil me.

    Fifi (61) - these are great fun. You said they were juvenile, and they are, but the one my 16-yr-old son laughed at until he nearly fell off the chair was "The toilet seat is broken and I can't get 麻豆官网首页入口2" which just goes to show that the adolescent mind (or at least one adolescent's mind) isn't quite as one-track as might otherwise reasonably have been supposed.

    I think Anne P and I may have to knit Jonnie (aka pElliot, for heaven's sake?) a hangover cure or something this morning. After we've put him down the well, that is.

    ValP (100 & 101) - am glad to have made you laugh after what sounds like a trying day. I hope this one is less fraught.

    Has anybody filled up the hot-water bucket yet? I need a shower and last time I looked it was empty . . . and we need some more shampoo as well. Did somebody give the staff a day off?


  119. At 08:56 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Jonnie (68 and others),
    like you I got a call from Anna re: the programme on the World Service last night (World, have your say). She got my details in the same manner as yourself, via the website link that goes with our posts.She mentioned your name as she'd already spoken to you. Like you, obviously, no call.

    Damn, my 15 minutes of fame gone forever!

    A mate who listened to the discussion said it was very anodyne, pretty inconsequential really. I not only don't have a PC in the evenings I can't get 麻豆官网首页入口 WS either, so couldn't listen in myself.

    So I'm going to recline hereabouts today and dream of my missed opportunity at international stardom. The champagne's gone flat, so I'm just going to nurse along a succession of Long Island Iced Teas to drown my sorrows.


  120. At 09:26 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    119 posts in just 27 hours! At this rate we'll be moving the beach again by the end of next week. And I'm only just getting used to the lifestyle here.

    Oh well. Variety is supposed to be the spice of life.


  121. At 09:29 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Jonnie & Si - don't fret, your chance will come again. Now that the World Service has discovered a new source of opinionated smartypantses, we're probably all due a call or two from now on.

    Mrs Trellis - delighted to have you back on the frog.

    Oh, and by the way, there's a catering pack of walnut whips in the fridge, so no squabbling please.

    Dribbling is fine. ;o)

  122. At 09:39 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Lady Penelope ... can it ... could it be ... is that YOUR strapline we're using today?

  123. At 09:45 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Marymary (111) - the trouble with knitted swimwear is that it streeeeetches.

    Perhaps I could do you a nice cashmere shawl for cooler evenings on the beach.

  124. At 09:59 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Simon (121)
    Just misread your posting as 'Valery is the spice of life' !

  125. At 10:16 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Anne P (125);


    Valery 'spicy'? She may well be, who's to say? If so, then can we expect to see some exotic behaviour on the beach?

    Suggestions (on a postcard? Better not, they're bound to get lost in the post!).


  126. At 10:26 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Sue wrote:

    I wonder if I can sneak this black dressing gown back on to the hook before anyone notices I took it home last night? So warm I can hardly bear to be parted from it.

    Fair trade organic Assam, and some toast made over a driftwood fire, served with real, salty butter anyone?

    If only the kids knew I was spending the day on the beach when I told them I was going to work...........

  127. At 10:38 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Jonnie - it's not so bad. I never thought Patricia Elliot was real. But you captured the tone of Mrs Busy-body so well you probably should incorprate her into a radio series. Perhaps she & Mrs Trellis could be a duo act?

  128. At 10:56 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    All, It may illuminate my characteristic gullibility, but I still believe in Patricia and suspect Jonnie was engaging in a bit of temporary identity theft.

    Harmless, really. I'm a bit mor worried about Mr Grype, though

  129. At 10:57 AM on 15 Nov 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Good morning Froggers!

    I was down on the beach much earlier this morning but there was no sign of the doddery old dog (NOT a reference to the absence of Dr Muir today.....)

    I'm back at home early on account of 'having to stay in for the boiler man' and I wondered if we have any Lepidopterists amongst the visitors to the beach?

    We found a little caterpillar the other day which crawled into the kitchen and put it in a well-aerated jar with some greenery. It has now 'pupated' but there is a small defect in the pupa shell, so you can see inside. Does this mean that he/she is dead?

    May pop down for some champers later.....

    PS Anne P - how extreme does the knitting get?
    PPS Carolyn are you coming down for a dip?

  130. At 11:02 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:


    Where are you finding the Walnut Whips?
    Jonnie will never forgive me if I don't get one to him ..........

    Oh, I've just remembered, you're north of Watford. Drat!

    Jonnie - I'll keep trying, honestly!

    Big Sis x

    PS I'm beginning to wonder just what it is about WWs that I haven't quite grasped?

  131. At 11:08 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    annasee (128) Hey, that's not a bad idea, we could be like a modern Hinge and Brackett.

  132. At 11:10 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Anne P

    Knitted swimwear - how well I remember it!

    My mother, when I was a child, knitted some trunks for my Dad. I was very, very young, but still managed to be very, very embarrassed to be around him when he came out of the water .......

    My mother and her ideas! She also insisted on making my school uniform when we were living in South Africa. Well, that wasn't so bad, but I was condemned to wear the same uniform when we returned. I well recall how, on our return, me aged 9 (and having grown a bit since said uniform first made - i.e. over 18 months earlier) was wearing the knickers (green, incidentally, and not stretchy, ergo no 'give') when, in PE, we had to do forward rolls. Inevitably, the knickers split. It was a mixed sex school, the kids were all lined around the mat whereon we rolled, and the humiliation of the event was enormous.

    I love handmade things, provided they (a) fit an are (b) appropriate.

    Did I 'reveal' too much?

  133. At 11:15 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    On the subject of walnut whips I used to love the plain chocolate one but unfortunately they stopped making them years ago. The act of eating one always seemed...naughty!

  134. At 11:46 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Apologies again for being over heavy on another thread. Have only just looked at your link. What a lovely harp. My daughter has an early-ish Erard Gothic, but decided not to make music a career - still plays occasionally though.

    Big Sister (133),
    My children were very happy to have home-made clothes until they reached a certain age when suddenly it had to be shop bought like their friends had. Same with the home-made bread. All stopped when I went back to work full-time and then suddenly in their teens it was "why don't you make your lovely bread anymore?"

    As for 'extreme knitting' gossipmistress (130), - tends to be things I have designed myself and inflict on the family and then wonder if they really meant it when they said they loved it....

  135. At 11:58 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Phew! Hello all,

    But what's this. It's all fixed up. Bar, hammocks, the lot.

    Hum, best keep my set of plans in father's toolbox, which I'll keep handy for the future just in case. Anyway, I'll just relax here for a bit, catch up on the gossip and the like...

  136. At 12:09 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Sue (127): good to see you here! Pull up a deckchair and have one of these bacon butties I've just made. (Other butties are available.)

    Big Sister (131): I make my own Walnut Whips right here on the beach, in the kitchenette at the back of the bar.

    It's not easy, but it does explain why the whip part ends up enormous while the walnut stays the same size.

    Tactful of you not to mention it.

    If you're a good girl I'll show you later, after I've had my swim.

  137. At 12:13 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Stewart M wrote:

    I've got a lovely hand knitted Icelandic jumper. I need that on this bit of beach today! And Ed I've got my Venison Steaks now.

  138. At 12:13 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Anne P:

    Well, coming from a household where all clothing was handmade (see previous posting), with a grandmother who was a professional dressmaker, and having been taught said skills myself from a young age, I have no problem with knitting, dressmaking, or any similar skills. And I gather there is currently a bit of a revival, at least in knitting. So, no doubt, your kids will soon be asking for your help there.

    I do, however, maintain that not everything can be successfully knitted. My poor Dad's trunks did him no favours. My knickers are another case in point. Equally, a knitted wineglass would be - well, inappropriate and useless.

    Are you familiar with the lovely yarns produced by Colinette in Powys? These are truly inspirational ....

    As for home baked bread - Can't be beaten, just as long as the baker is sufficiently skilled. That counts me out as I can't 'knead' very successfully these days.

    I think your house must be a very happy one.

  139. At 12:27 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Ed, I have some wonderful sauce to go with venison. It is a red wine, chocolate and chilli sauce and perfectly compliments the flavour of the meat. Anybody care to try some? I can mix up a batch for all interested.

  140. At 12:34 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Have you heard the latest? It's all happening over in Afghanistan and Sequin Sequel today!

    1. A presenter has just said 'common as ***t' (unbleeped) on You & Yours. But don't bother listening now -- IDS is droning on about class.

    2. We think we have unmasked the elusive silver-fox! Thanks to an unguarded comment .. perhaps intentionally .. from the fragrant Ms Quinn, depping for the Mairster while he flaunts his ermine at Whitehall (one assumes).

    Pass the mustard, will you John W? This butty is lacking the required 'kick'.

  141. At 01:00 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Sara's SO wrote:

    Dear Frogs,

    I think you ought to know that my wife, your erstwhile companion, is in a bad way. She had been overworking so as I am generous to a fault I took her away on an extremely expensive weekend holiday despite her protestations that she did not want to miss your millennium beach party.

    She has a lot of work to catch up with now that we are home and there are of course all my shirts and socks to be ironed and neatly folded too. But no - she insisted on going down to your beach - Dayone, I believe it is called - and when she got back she looked quite distraught and required a large dose of the medicine she keeps in a carton in the refrigerator.

    She tells me that someone has stolen the first ever comments from the beach, including No. 1 which was from a Mr Mair and very precious, and that everyone has gone away.

    After a further dose of medicine I was persuaded to allow her to leave the ironing and proceed to the woods, but no-one seems to be there any more, either.

    She then started running round the blogosphere like a headless chicken trying to find you all. I even had to open a second carton of medicine to sustain her.

    By good fortune she has discovered this new beach and was desperate to join you all again when unfortunately she fell over.

    Do any of you good frogs happen to know where comment 1 on Dayone Beach has gone? If it could be found, along with the other missing early comments so as to restore the millennium party for posterity, I think she would be sufficiently restored in health to join you and maybe then to finish the ironing...

  142. At 01:07 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Wow, quite a lot happened yesterday.

    By the way, all, I've had a look, and I see that so long as a new mooring is created, the bar et al can all be moved with very little effort wherever we need. I'm impressed. Wonder if Ed "borrowed" my plans for a bit - never mind, it's just what we need.

    Not been back to Dayone yet, glad someone thought to preserve all the records before it was too late. If the erosion is that bad, SODIT will have egg on their faces - no beach left at all soon (that'll serve them right for complaining about the breakwater that was made of empty wine bottles - remove that, the beach erodes away)

  143. At 01:23 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Sophie wrote:

    Ah, I get it. we come back here for a bit of R&R when we burn out from being super bright on the other threads. I still want to know if my puppy can join.

  144. At 01:56 PM on 15 Nov 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Anne (135) I'm a little disppointed.

    I had imagined you upside down on a bungee whilst negotiating the sleeve of an arran jumper.

  145. At 02:06 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Yes, Deepthought, you're getting the drift.

    By the way, I sneaked a look in your toolshed just now ....

  146. At 02:07 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Thanks for the sauce Mrs T. It's delicious, and does perfectly compliment the meat. I should point out that, due to the lean nature of the venison (due to all that exercising by various dogs, I've added some beef suet to keep the Bambi bangers juicy. I've also brought a few Bambi burgers, and the sauce is even better with them on a bap.

    Can I have the recipe, or is it just made up with proportions to taste?

    The Guinness is getting low, perhaps another barrel from our Irish friends?


  147. At 02:13 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Sophie (42);
    re: your puppy, see the following thread


    comment #42, where Big Sis explains the facilities available for dog owners on the beach.


  148. At 02:19 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Sophie (144): That's it, you've got it. And yes, your puppy will be very welcome. The next beach along is named Fido's Walk, and there the dogs take priority over the humans.

    Everyone is very friendly, the dogs all get along fine, and it's a great way to socialise the dogs.

    Dogs on the frog eh? ;o)

    My fat cat Daisy is joining us today. She won't trouble anyone as she sleeps most of the time -- it's just that she misses me if I'm away from her side too long.

  149. At 02:27 PM on 15 Nov 2006, KnitWhipped wrote:


    "Whipping up your own WWhips" eh? What a spectacular sight!

    Can we knit them, do you think?


  150. At 02:28 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    gossipmistress (145) - Sorry - no head for heights!

  151. At 02:29 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Might be able to knit the bungee rope though....

  152. At 02:40 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Valery? You here somewhere???

    Be a love ... pop back to Afghanistan would you, and help us agree over the use of the word 'phenomena' as a singular?

    Ever so obliged!

  153. At 02:58 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Fido's Run, Fifi, Fido's Run ......

  154. At 03:31 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I see 'that' episode of Coast is on again tonight.

    Just for once I won't complain about the number of times the same programmes get repeated on the 麻豆官网首页入口.

    Those legs.........!

  155. At 03:48 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Fifi (153) Does this help:

    Phenomenon is the only singular form of this noun; phenomena is the usual plural. Phenomenons may also be used as the plural in nonscientific writing when the meaning is “extraordinary things, occurrences, or persons”: They were phenomenons in the history of music.

  156. At 04:04 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Sorry Big Sis ... I was feeling a little tired by the time I got there yesterday. Fido -- or rather, Max -- ran, and Fifi walked!

    I lounge corrected.

    Correctedly, sorry Val! ;o)

  157. At 04:04 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Everyone will know that Ed I and Breakingnews were particularly exercise over the Dayone beach/SODIT debacle.

    However, Ed I (147) , and Breakingnews's employer (95) have both signed off with the same word in Irish. Is there a connection?

  158. At 04:34 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I must have mis-remembered then, which when it comes to words is unusual for me.

    Weeeee bit obsessive about 'em!

    Thanks Mrs T. Always there with a word and a glass.


  159. At 04:39 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    I need cheering up. Any funny stories?

    I like that one on the 6pm news last night about the Scottish ornothologists identifying an incredibly rare bird which they thought was extinct in Britain. As they were celebrating and excitedly telling other birdwatchers about their find, a Swallow Hawk came down and ate it.

  160. At 04:50 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Looks as if the erosion really started once Dayone got to posting 1025, as FF (I think) actually suggested. It was a nice place, but this one is swish.

    Mind you, the commenting blockage seems as bad as ever...here and in Sequin's sequal

  161. At 04:56 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Sorry but

    Phenomenon (along with Manama) always triggers that Muppet song in my head.

    all together now...

    Do do di do do
    Do do di do
    Do do di do do
    Di do di do do do do do do do dum.

  162. At 05:12 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Errrrm Fifi, I hate to tell you this but there is a bit of a mess at the back of the bar.

    I think you left the Whips to close to something hot as they have turned into little brown walnuts

  163. At 05:25 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Deep (158)

    No. None but fraternal admiration.

  164. At 05:25 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    jonnie - I've just realised why I didn't think P Elliot was genuine. I might have accepted her first email ok, but something in the response she then sent made me think of another slightly familiar character, & only today did I identify her. It was Mrs Doubtfire. Now it all makes sense!

    Anne P - I too started on an Erard gothic, which is still in NZ with my parents. It is very possibly the worst example of its kind in the world, more of a percussion instrument than a harp. But at least it stops my fingers going completely soft when we are there.

    Just listening to Carolyn being very firm with a guest -"Let me make the allegation first then you can respond" Go for it girl!

  165. At 05:49 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Deep (158)

    I think you may find Ed's was actually Scottish gaelic not Irish gaelic. They do look similar.

    It's all in the accent. In Ed's case, a very pleasing American one (I think?).

    If there's a connection anywhere, it's between BreakingNews and Robbie, the wee minx!

  166. At 06:17 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Fifi, which episode of 'Coast', and who's got the legs?

    Can I have one of those veniburgers, please? They smell so yummy...

    Slainte mhor


  167. At 06:18 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Chrissie (162) You are, of course, absolutely right :-) In fact, I believe in the dim and distant past (when we were just frogspawn, rather than fully matured froggers) I made the exact same connection...

  168. At 06:26 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Jonnie - was it not when Patricia Elliot became patricia Elliot, that the smooth handover occurred? That's always been my presumption anyway; though I hadn't pinpointed the author. I'm the world's worst/best conspiracy theorist. I have a theory about Mr I Kew too....

    Fifi - sorry been bogged down all day and missed your pleas, but I'm glad it's been sorted. I'm bound to say that that's what I would have said if I'd been here, thanks Mrs T! Fi, I think you were thinking along the right lines in remembering that the plural ending could break the rules (ie phenomenons instead of the technically correct phenomena), but got it back to front, or summat? I'm waving my hands around here a lot in trying to explain that, but I'll just have to hope you follow me. It's been another long day.

    Simon - "spicy" ? - well sometimes, but usually on a Friday, if pressed. Ask Drinks, she'll remember!

    Right, I'm off for a dip, I well remember the swimming cotume I wore in the 50's which was made from I know not what, but was elasticated into little squares ( more hand-waving and gesturing) which stretched out when you put it on. The net result though, after wearing it in the sun and sand all day (ah those were the days when the sun shone all day every day in the summer, and we used to poke the tar out from between the cobbles - well not on the beach obviously), was that the flesh beneath was tattooed with a rather fetching chessboard effect. Totally charming I seem to recall.

    Can someone please open a bottle of something chilled for when I get back?

  169. At 06:30 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Ok, in case you were searching for it, here's the s out of cotume. It jumped out at me jut a I wa ubmitting.

  170. At 06:42 PM on 15 Nov 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Chrissie (162) Where I work we also have another version of that song

    do doo di do do
    do do di do
    etc etc

    I'll spare you the details........

  171. At 07:00 PM on 15 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    So I can't have a knitted swimming costume due to the stretch factor, a shawl would be nice though. If it's a very big shawl then it can double as a sarong.

    Re the missing post (no 1 of Day One), I suspect Grype. I anticipate a ransome note any day now.

    Oops time to listen to the fallout on the Archers!


  172. At 07:25 PM on 15 Nov 2006, RobbieDo aka BreakingNews wrote:

    Deepthought (158)

    Fifi (166) has correctly outed me and she is spot on with the Irish/Scottish Gaelic distinction.

    Ed. Thanks for copying BreakingNews comments to the current threads - I tried to do it several times but they never appeared - don't know why.

    Slán agat

  173. At 08:00 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Valery P - thanks for the cd plug! I did think Sara's SO seemed to be a bit keen on the ironing business - better by far if HE were to do the ironing, leaving her to play on the blog at leisure. Actually his comments so far make him my ideal customer. There is a "review" inside the disc case from "Men's Journal of Irons & Ironing" which says "When my wife did the ironing to this cd she seemed less grumpy than usual" And I thought I'd made it up!

    I'm wondering if Carolyn's interviewee tonight was the same person who wrote on the blog yesterday. The phrase "gutter journalism" seemed to spring to his lips quite frequently. Not normally a phrase one hears in conjunction with the bbc.

  174. At 08:20 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Phew - just got back from Tai Chi and a quick re-viewing of those Palnackie legs. It's taken ages just to catch up on all the new posts and I've only been away for three hours, you have all been busy.

    **** fans self to cool off ****

    Fifi/Big Sis - I'll be in touch about the blog rules/history.

    Jonnie - thanks for your offer I think it's been overtaken by the other suggestion, perhaps you can join us there.

    Now I think I'll just settle down with a glass of mango juice and relax. Have one yourself, won't you.

  175. At 08:23 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    Hi everyone.

    Oooh - my head hurts. But seriously, SO did give me a nice weekend away. However, he can sod the ironing. And if he ever dared kick me ......

    Deepthought (but I much prefer Deepthroat!) on Sequin today seems to think we can find somewhere nice to go quite easily and that our wonderful Blogmistress (not to mention the dashing Richard) can give us links which stay in place.

    It was a shock to go to the Dayone Beach and, landing as I usually do at the nearest end, to find that Eddie's superbly put, heartfelt, first ever comment had disappeared! Do you think they can put it back?

    Could there not be an "archive blog" which contains everything we can no longer post to - but which shows it as it was? Congrats to Big Sis for being 1000 - but I wouldn't have known if it hadn't been commented on. I think it should be there for posterity. Living history. Etc.

    It is soooo nice to be back - sorry I missed Fifi and Appy's duet. Funnily enough, I wasn't too far from Belvoir on my weekend away - but got involved in other things. Hope the gig was good.

    Hair of the dog is called for (and not some from Fido's Run!). So I've brought along some more Barolo for us to try - should go well with the Bambiburgers.

  176. At 08:56 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Annasee (174), I thought the same thing; but then, look at the comments from a couple of Froggers who were contacted by the World Service for "live" interviews. Perhaps that's how he was located, and invited to be on PM tonight for an alternative view.

    I also noticed that J Straw consistently called Carolyn "Caroline".

    I might even have to look at that ironing CD, any gizmo that does the ironing better than I can.

    Sara (175), don't you start as well!

    RobbieDo, (173), I was away yesterday, and had a lot of gossip to catch up, I must have twitched on something, but landed on the wrong line.

    Anyway, this the beach, glasses out for this Cabernet Shiraz

  177. At 10:12 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    Very quiet on the beach tonight. Not like the old beach.

    Dear Deepthought/Deepthroat - either will do, but I quite liked it when you were simply John.

    I am getting a bit confused about what is to happen to this blog - not being a technowotsit. I just like to have a friendly place to go. Like all of us, there isn't always enough time, but I like to catch up on what everyone is doing and sometimes be in touch. You are all such a nice lot. The daily blogs are also good if you feel the need to comment on something current - it's good to be a bit serious from time to time.

    Oh well. I think I will just knock back the rest of the Barolo and drift into sleep. Has anyone seen AndyC lately? and maybe I've missed dear Fearless?

    Eddie's back tomorrow. He'll sort it out.

  178. At 10:40 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Andycr! Hello!

  179. At 11:09 PM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    ...or even back to John W?

    What will Aperitif think?

  180. At 11:39 PM on 15 Nov 2006, whisht wrote:

    awww.... jonnie is P elliot. or p Elliot. Or Patricia Elliot.

    or her sister.

    I spotted the cransley link but just thought you were having fun with the name after the event.....

    so all my wasted words.... aww, me balloon's been popped so often recently i hadn't realised there was any air left to leave....


    ah well, its christmas soon and that nice fat gentleman in his big red suit will hopefully bring me something nice to cheer me up....

    wha? huh? whaddya mean..? oh nooooooo.......

  181. At 12:20 AM on 16 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Perhaps someone will come along and wave a magic wand, then we'll all revert to what we once were? The frog is ephemeral though and should perhaps just trail behind us like clouds of stories.


  182. At 12:45 AM on 16 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Valery P - ephemeral and clouds of smoke - I like that.

    That's how it should be. Yes I'd like a nightcap

  183. At 01:28 AM on 16 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Yes, I know it should have been clouds of stories - but I'm tired........

  184. At 08:59 AM on 16 Nov 2006, Humph wrote:

    Hi all

    I just wondered if you wanted to have a game of "Late arrivals at the NewBeachBall?" You know the one, from ISIHAC.

    Will you welcome, please, Mr & Mrs Withanay and their brilliant daughter Lissa Withanay.


  185. At 09:25 AM on 16 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    As a service to my fellow froggers, I can reprint here Eddie's first blog (which I had archived as part of my attempt to do a Blog Guide - and Fifi, haven't heard from you yet .....!)

    Day One
    · Eddie Mair
    · 17 Aug 06, 12:22 PM
    Testing, testing.
    If this works I'll think about actually writing something tomorrow.
    Thanks for dropping by.
    Eric Muir

    I hope the mutants don't remove this!

  186. At 09:36 AM on 16 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    I'm confused over this jonnie/p Elliot thing - who is who? When did who become the other who? where does jonnie's mother come into this? Is he a twin, or she a twin? Am I a twin?

    It's a tad foggy on the beach today. I have my bucket and spade so watch out for the big hole I've just made.

  187. At 09:50 AM on 16 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Oh yes Humph!

    Will you welcome, please, Mr & Mrs Viewplease and their talented harpist daughter Annasee Viewplease

  188. At 09:51 AM on 16 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Will you welcome, please, Mr and Mrs Crotch and their irritating son Sandy Crotch

  189. At 10:06 AM on 16 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Will you welcome, please, Mr and Mrs Pan and their flighty daughter Flashina Pan?

  190. At 10:14 AM on 16 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Good morning all, despite the late night/early morning nightcap with RobbieDo and the others, I'm about to burst into action in November, so I thought a few laps back and forth across the beach would get me invigorated.

    Another beautiful sunny day? ahhh, it must be summer, no need for the hand knitted glove then? At school many years ago, we were taught to knit during the weekly sewing class (no not 19th century but close), and in the time that most of the others were churning out pairs of pockies (Scots will know these are sort of woollen boxing gloves) by the dozen for Christmas presents etc, by the end of term I had managed one, one glove still sans thumb.

    I've had a few attempts since then, in fact it was once known for me to take a piece of knitting with me to Corfu, in order to get it finished and wear it whilst on holiday (yes it was in cotton), but what with the heat, the sweat and the sun tan lotion, I just dumped it quietly in a waste paper basket.

    See you all later.

  191. At 10:20 AM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Oh crikey, I've slept in in November! Quick catch-up required here:

    * 167 Frances: It was the episode of Coast where they had a flashback to an early Ed Inglehart in groovy shorts at low tide, tramping flounders at Palnackie in the 70s. I have it on video now, as I was busy rehearsing at the time it was re-shown. Not sure how to stuff the VHS tape into the computer but willing to give it a try if someone will give instructions!

    * 176 Sara: Belvoir is still available. This year's festival was in May, but there's another next May. And I will be there on Sunday Nov 26 singing as a Jam Tart in the Regent's Gallery as part of the pre-Xmas frolics. So you haven't missed a thing. ;o)

    * 180 John W: yes, come back as the old you John! Deepthought was never the same, at least not for me. Go on, you know you want to...

    * 186 Big Sister: I've got your emails (and those from Anne P and Rosalind and the one I'm not supposed to mention, shshsh) and will be circulating everyone's comments just as soon as I finish this unfeasibly long message!

    Thanks everyone.

  192. At 10:29 AM on 16 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Will you welcome, please, Mr and Mrs Actbehindthedunes and their wilful daughter Courtney Actbehindthedunes

  193. At 10:38 AM on 16 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Will you welcome, please, Mr and Mrs Allthewalnutwhips and their greedy androgynous child Harriet Allthewalnutwhips

  194. At 11:19 AM on 16 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Will you please welcome the Duke D. Mayor and his son Lord Ed D Mayor?

  195. At 11:25 AM on 16 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Hmm, have noticed that it's already starting to take a while to get back here from the current thread.

    Hope Eddie's Big Plan will help address this.

  196. At 11:39 AM on 16 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Will you welcome, please, little Ms Sonthebeach and her Big Sister Sonthebeach.

  197. At 11:51 AM on 16 Nov 2006, anne wrote:

    as some of you will know from one of today's other threads I'm not well and am feeling far too sorry for myself, so I'm just going to take one of the duvets from that pile, wrap myself up in it in a hammock, knock back a couple of paracetamol with a glass of that very nice Graves I found on the top of the bar and sleep. I would so like to feel warm again. Please wake me up if anything really exciting happens. otherwise feel free to use my hammock as a volleyball net.

  198. At 11:54 AM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Rob (173) You're more than welcome, and as to the mystery of why you couldn't forward and I could, blame third-party moderation by foreigners.

    Fifi (192) I'd love a digital copy if/whenever...but please try and avoid the intrusive 'n' ;-) Someone can probably tell us how to capture a wee segment from the online video while the 麻豆官网首页入口 have it up.

    P.S. I can move my ears, too. ;-)

  199. At 12:04 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    For anyone interested in the frog archive thingy ...

    The project team is growing: currently AnneP, ValP, Big Sister (and one other) as well as me, Fifi.

    Feel free to join... just email me your email address, c/o my website email. I won't reveal your details to anyone unless you ask me to.

    So far, Big Sister has drafted a Beginner's Guide: an attractive patchwork of early Day One beach postings, a little comment, and a cast list. The file is less than 70KB as a Word document, or I can convert to PDF... email me via LS (see above) if you'd like me to send it to you.

    Andycroak and Deepthought have both kindly offered web facilities, much appreciated! Further discussion is needed as to what, exactly, will be needed ... and how much time anyone should be expected to devote to keeping it fresh ... and indeed whether the 麻豆官网首页入口 might resource it instead!

    Please, everyone, keep adding your thoughts -- this is YOUR frog, we're just trying to make it easier for new froglets to join in, not form any sort of clique.

    I will further updates on the first thread of every new day. Today's is called 'Perhaps you're'.

    Hope that meets with the approval of all.

    Now.... would anyone like some redbush tea? I'm brewing up, prior to a lunchtime nap in the shade.

    Fifi xx

  200. At 12:08 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Anne, you wrap up warm and I will put a very relaxing cd on. It's Sigur Ros and quite wonderful. Hugs and sympathy.

  201. At 12:10 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Humph wrote:

    Will you welcome, please, Mr & Mrs JolayNouveau-InTheBottlesAtTheBar and their rather attractive shepherdess daughter Are little Bo JolayNouveau-InTheBottlesAtTheBar.


  202. At 12:45 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Anne 197:

    There, there. You sleep it all off, and when you awake, there's a lovely flask of hot chocolate keeping cosy under the hammock.

    I've laced it with rum, so don't even think of driving anywhere afterwards. :o)

    I'll just play some gentle guitar music, while you drift off . . .

  203. At 01:02 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re; Belinda (187)

    Belinda watch this , that's is follow with your eyes.

    When I count to three you will not associate me ever again with p.Elliot -- you will forget any association!


    Fifi: It's a great idea, I had a similar thing in mind a week or so ago and hence got this domain

    However I realise I don't have the time to index things, like pics and Flickr serves us well.

    My Forte is audio and the domain has 500MB of space so I could stick audio stuff on it from the blog as that certainly needs to be sorted and organised.

    Any ideas welcome

  204. At 01:27 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    When I count to three you will not associate me ever again with p.Elliot -- you will forget any association!


    See, it worked!

  205. At 01:30 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Will you welcome please, Mr & Mrs Bennett-the-camels-have-got-loose-and-are-eating-all-the-chocolates, and their son....


  206. At 01:41 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Jonnie (203),

    Surely you could post Anne's copy of the Dayone archive. It's apparently in the htm format.

    Just as a visitable archive. It would possibly be a lot quicker than it was when 'live'

    just thinking

  207. At 01:51 PM on 16 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Ed (199)

    I viewed the progamme on-line on the 麻豆官网首页入口 player or whatever it is called. It allowed me to select the two minute clip on the flounders and enter my email address. It is supposedly on its way to me.

    I don't know when it will arrive or what the quality will be like.

    You can also pick the whole episode but the possible size put me off.

    I'll keep you posted.

  208. At 02:03 PM on 16 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    Further to may last post which I can't see on the blog yet - I knew it was too good to be true.

    The only thing that arrived was an email with a link to the programme player that I had already seen - it was the whole programme and not the small bit I selected.

  209. At 02:12 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    Hi Froggers - I was going to say Good Morning, but it's already well into the afternoon and I've got lots of work to do so mustn't stay too long. Am just about to email Fifi (to whom many thanks for all she's doing) to ask for the document(s) Big Sis has prepared. Excellent - can't wait!

    However, I also think we should all stay here on the blog somehow and from Eddie's comments today it looks as though they might be developing something for us with sufficient links to make it all a bit easier than it is now. For example, the new beach has dropped off the recent comments, which is a pain when you try moving to and fro. At least, dummies like me need to have it made a bit easier!

    Just time for a quick swig of Anne's chilled graves (if I may, please Anne, and if there's any left) before I have to trek back to November's grindstone!

  210. At 02:25 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re: Ed (207)

    Hi Ed,

    Of course, I have all this fancy Dreamweaver stuff which I need a year to learn but can meanwhile do a little publisher site and stick it on.

    No probs

  211. At 02:36 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Fifi. Have just emailed your website to offer support. Please try not to be too shocked by what you find there.

  212. At 02:53 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:


    Hi yoursel'

    I visited your domain at

    Pretty impressive and comprehensive, but I expect that calling the bbc server is why it's just as slow to Dayone.

    It seems by that method to keep itself fully up to the minute with the 'official' version. Clever stuff.


  213. At 03:23 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi Ed,

    No it's only pointing somewhere - and what better place than the beach, still I'm playing with publisher and may be able to stick a few clips up soon..

  214. At 04:07 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:


    After all that anticipation I can't email you just yet because our email system is down here and will be off for three days whilst some techie is playing with it. Fortunately it is not affecting internet access otherwise I wouldn't be able to come down here.

    As soon as I'm back on email I will be in touch via your website.

    Meanwhile, I'll just lounge around here for a mo before getting back to November.

  215. At 04:19 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Sara (210)

    Yes I agree entirely, all I had in mind was a storage area, no comments and no interaction whatsoever, mainly just a dumping ground and an organised layout for audio clips (from the blog)

  216. At 05:04 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Happy Birthday Fifi!

    Jonnie, You're on the right track bei mir.
    Robbie, It ain't all that important is it? Just ego.

    Beer and sausages

    And malt later.

    When chapman billies leave the street,
    And drouthy neibors, neibors, meet;
    As market days are wearing late,
    And folk begin to tak the gate,
    While we sit bousing at the nappy,
    An' getting fou and unco happy,
    We think na on the lang Scots miles,
    The mosses, waters, slaps and stiles,
    That lie between us and our hame,
    Where sits our sulky, sullen dame,
    Gathering her brows like gathering storm,
    Nursing her wrath to keep it warm.
    ... from the Burns unit, o' course!

  217. At 05:59 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Um... if anyone finds a large, wet airedale who (sometimes) answers to 'Smudger' here on the beach,
    please keep him.

  218. At 06:12 PM on 16 Nov 2006, anne wrote:

    well guys many thanks for hugs, commiserations and also the thermos of hot chocolate - how welcome was that. Great stuff. I woke up early enough to listen to the great EM at 5 - v. good queistioning of the man who thinks his signage is over regulated - ?que?

    back now to the real world, in November but I'll just arrange for that duvet to be cleaned and go and tickle my favourite camel under her chin before I go.

  219. At 06:28 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Ahhhh the relative sanity of the beach. All these clues from Eddie hare starting to make my brain ache.
    Time for wine I think. Hmmmm, red or white?
    Red I think tonight. Perfect, Cotes-du-Rhone, anyone fancy a glass or two?

  220. At 06:29 PM on 16 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    In connection with nothing else...

    Many many years ago accompanied by youngest daughter to the local supermarket. Daughter on getting separated and unable to find parent, did as trained and went to a checkout operator and reported missing father.

    Supervisor called to help.

    Supervisor: Who did you come with?

    Daughter: My Daddy.

    Supervisor: What's he like?

    Daughter: Beer and football.

  221. At 07:02 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ed (1990:

    ... digital WHAT???

    I'll put it in the post if you like.

    But I have no idea how to do any of that digital stuff with a VHS video.

    It's a Blue Peter Badge I've got, not a degree in Teckity.

    Email me your snail mail address via the other route and I'll dig out a jiffy bag for you.

  222. At 07:05 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    The strapline! It's back!

    Congratulations Lady Penelope.


  223. At 07:09 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    A childish riddle for you all:
    If you weigh a whale at a whale weigh station,
    where do you weigh a pie?

  224. At 07:29 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Hey lady P, excellent strap line.

  225. At 07:33 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ah, you are all so sweet. Here, have some of this shiraz ... goes so well with the sausages!

    Jonnie (204): thanks for your support. If you don't mind, I'll stick to the communicating bit while you tech-heads do the clever stuff. ;o)

    Sara (215): in the absence of email....
    1. Go to my website by clicking on my name
    2. Click on Sign my guestbook
    3. Post a message, remembering to fill in your email address and identify yourself as Sara
    4. I'll email you Big Sis's document, so you'll see it as soon as you're up and running again!

    Mrs T (212): Ooh I'm all intrigued now! Have to be patient though. Messages via that route have to be forwarded to me by our punky hunky bass player, who's currently out at work. :o(

    Ed (217): I knew this would happen. Thank you very much for the birthday wishes, my friend, but ...

    FIONA !!!!!

    Je suis Fifi, known to her drinking companions as Fifi la Tourdefrance, or occasionally Fifi la Bonnetemps.

    My name IS, of course, Fiona. But froggy Fiona is not I. I is Fifi. It's Fiona's birthday we're celebrating today (look, I've brought a cake).

    Mine's on the 24th though, and I'll be celebrating it at my regular acoustic night, hopefully being showered with free drinks and kisses by all the hairy*rsed folkies!

    * hic * Oops, sorry. More wine anyone?

  226. At 07:44 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Mrs Trellis (220):

    Ooh, that looks lovely. Lighter than the shiraz I was going to start with.

    Here's my glass, look.

    * cheers everyone! *

    Who's for a singsong?

  227. At 07:59 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Mrs Trellis (223) I believe the answer is somewhere over the rainbow....

  228. At 08:11 PM on 16 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Ah! Strange day at work, lots of interruptions and odd people to see. A trip to the supermarket, and a seafood pie in the oven now.

    So if anyone fancies a bit of seafood pie you're entirely welcome.

    Mrs Trellis I usually drink white wine but red is nice for a change thanks.

    Sara never mind hot chocolate with rum, have a hot toddy with some good whiskey, honey, lemon and hot water. Never fails. Have it as well as the rum laced hot chocolate. You should be out for the duration of whatever ails you.

    Fifi. I will email you, but with no constructive suggestions just because I want to be part of it.


  229. At 08:55 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    FF. Right as usual.
    Fifi. Please don't get you hopes up but I have included my email because I really enjoy the beach/blog/frog family so anything that you send me will be gratefully received.
    More wine anybody? I have another couple of bottles stashed nearby.

  230. At 09:24 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    I know that I am being incredibly anal but the picture of Eddie on the header is really bothering me. It's not so much Eddie himself (although the top half of his head is missing! I mean, come on guys) It is more the clock in the background. the problem that I have is that the minute hand is on the five whilst the hour hand is nowhere to be seen. Now, PM runs from five until six PM hence the name. However, for the minute hand to be showing on the five but the hour hand to be nowhere means that the time shown must be about as far from the five thru six slot as is possible to be.
    Oh dear, I think I may need help! Nurse!

  231. At 09:44 PM on 16 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Mrs T. The big hand is on the five. It should be the small hand.

    Otherwise it makes not sense.

    However given that I still tell the time in big and little hands what do I know.

    Now, where is that calming large glass of red you were offerring.


  232. At 09:53 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Mrs Trellis, I feel your pain re the unsatisfactory clockface. I fear the 麻豆官网首页入口 is sometimes a teeny bit lax in its standards; they probably thought no one would notice. Years ago I played in an education concert where the (bbc)producer thought it would be nice to show a picture of a ballet dancer on the video screen above the orch as we played music from The Nutcracker. But the picture was of a dancer from Swan Lake (clearly identifiable from the feather headdress) Being of a helpful (if not always tactful) nature I pointed this out to him during a break. He said "Well it's all we could get. At least it's a ballerina" I remember being rather appalled - you're the bbc & it's all you could GET? What is the world coming to?
    When the nurse comes round, could you get her to leave me some pills too please?

  233. At 10:15 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Here you go Mary - One large glass of Cotes-du-Rhone Preference. Rather nice eh?
    BTW Nothing wrong with saying big hand and little hand, I still say "home again, home again, jiggerty jig" whenever I pull into my drive!

  234. At 10:20 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Annasee, on the subject of Swan-lake, I went to see the Bolshoi perform swan-lake a few months ago. Bliss, pure bliss. Do I take it that you are a fellow aficionado?

  235. At 10:27 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Bill'n'Ben wrote:

    Hi everybody,

    What a week so far. Just too busy. Well we've been following all the "outings" and "innings" and we thought we had a problem with a split personality.

    Guinness anybody?

    Was it Bill or was it Ben?

  236. At 10:41 PM on 16 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    oops! I got my capitals confused and then pressed the tab key and apparently that posts your posts ... the real reason is Mrs T's red wine.

    New woolen sarong pulled over head in shame!


  237. At 11:39 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    night all. Am pleasantly tipsy now so, before I embarrass myself I am off to bed. xx

  238. At 11:52 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    Fifi and Mrs T (223 & 224, I think) - thank you for kind words :-)

    If you're all going to decamp somewhere else to continue this fun, pls will someone let me know where the somewhere else is? It was bad enough trying to find my way back here (the dunes are constantly moving and my sense of direction is non-existent. Fortunately Mrs T heard my plaintive cry and for that I owe her an original artwork that may be worth a fortune in years to come) - though I did remember to go before I came out. Which is just as well given the length of the journey.

    Am I nearly there yet?

  239. At 11:52 PM on 16 Nov 2006, wrote:


    I'm no tech head, believe me!

    I've e-mailed you my details and if you forward me a little project I can beaver away :-)

    As said I'm happy to store the audio bits and think between all of us we could really have a novel little system going.

    It's amazing how this blog has developed -- I'm even thinking I may try and gatecrash Grantham :-)


    Thrird attempt to submit this now

  240. At 12:11 AM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re: Lady P (239)

    I think the whole reason why the blog works so well is excatly because it's the blog.

    It's clearly developed into a very special creation (look at the other 麻豆官网首页入口 Blogs) because it bonds us together.

    We occasionally grumble because Eddie sets up different threads, which means we have to click back and forward but unlike any other blog we have the unique Beach!

    I'm sure Eddie has a trick up his arm (or two) but either way we are all together.

    I think, providing Fifi has the time - bless her- within a Month we could have some fun - and some organisation within all these postings, before thisngs like DAYONE get lost forever.

    For at least a week this will always take you to the beach :

  241. At 12:30 AM on 17 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Much as I really love your company and wit I'm afraid this is probably the last contribution that I will make on the blog.

    It simply takes too long for contributions to get through. Can't blame the broadband because it is very fast here. All posted messages today seemed to take two hours - some haven't appeared. It seems to take ages for all messages to get through and by the time they arrive the discussion is cold and the comment is lost or irrelevant.

    Who knows? You may never see this anyway.

    Fifi - you are a marvellous mad person.

    Annasee - I listened to your CD today - wonderful!

    Big Sister - You really do sound like my big sister.

    Lady Penelope - thank you.

    Ed - keep broadcasting.

    Valery P. - apologies for the Council eviction but i saw it so clearly in my head.

    To all the other regulars and everyone who may have enjoyed the "hongweed" and the "BreakingNews" stories, thank you.

    I will be watching you though.

    RobbieDo - real name John but there were too many of them already - Robbie is my dog!

  242. At 12:39 AM on 17 Nov 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    RobbieDoJohn ......... please don't go!

  243. At 12:47 AM on 17 Nov 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    The hongweed was inspired, RobbieDoJohn.

    You're a star xx

  244. At 12:51 AM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Now John (243) and Robbie the dog.

    You are one of the regs and this can't happen!

    This is an outrage and I'm making sure that the 麻豆官网首页入口 in the capable hands of Richard find out where NI is blogging up!

    If it comes to it we can get Gloria Hunniford to do some charity event.

    Don't go -- It's a blip and will copy your entry to the primary blog now!

    Love to Robbie,

    Night John

  245. At 08:40 AM on 17 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:


    Please don't go. I know the time lag is frustrating and it can be difficult finding the beach sometimes (let alone loading it), but I'm sure Eddie, Lissa and the team are aware and are on the case.

    And Fifi's off-blog team will do everything they can to make life easier for us all. It really would be a pity if technical difficulties spoiled the fun and did what SODIT was unable to.

  246. At 10:03 AM on 17 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Ed Reardon's Week was good last night.

  247. At 10:15 AM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Mrs Trellis (230):

    No forwarded email from the website, and no posting on the guestbook yet.

    Has the PM bloggage infected the Lying Scotsman????

    I think we should be told.

  248. At 10:44 AM on 17 Nov 2006, admin annie (previously just plain Anne wrote:

    Robbie, I do understand where you're coming from as I often feel exactly the same way; there are sometimes just too many threads to check and things get posted on the 'wrong' one and messages do change places which I think is oddest - and most infuriating - of all. You think you've read 1-24 last time so decide to start at 25 only to discover that 14 - 21 are totally new. It's really cross making.

    But isn't it worth just staying around because a) the frog adds to the gaiety of nations and b) I'm sure everyone is doing their best to try and sort it out.

    You may think, as indeed I do myself, that the 麻豆官网首页入口 should be able to do all this properly from Day 1 but obviously they can't/couldn't, but they do try. Eddie is, true, a bit of a stirrer and shouts at people who aren't very well, (!) but Lissa with an A seems to have gone out of her way to climb a steep learning curve to help us. If all us regulars from the late lamented Day One just give up and go, all that will have been in vain. And we'll lose one another which would be a shame.


  249. At 10:46 AM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:


    * sniffle, sob *

    If we can't even keep our much-loved regulars (and you ARE loved, RobbieDo), how many lurkers are we losing that we don't even get to know about?

    Quick - someone - convince me we're not wasting our time trying to sort out the blog?

    I'm upset now. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

  250. At 12:02 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    Hear hear, everyone - RobbieDo just CAN'T go. Eddie wants you to stay and we all always do as Eddie wants - don't we?

    And Fifi - thank you so much for your advice; I've tried to drop a note in your guestbook and hope it works.

    I do admire all of you who are trying to sort the blog out. I am soooooo dumb when it comes to techie things, but provided the instructions are clear I can cope! I do love all your super websites but I don't think I'll start one - not interesting enough!

    So I'll just put my feet up a while and wait for Eddie's next blog whilst consuming a little of this nice juice someone has kindly left in a bottle labelled "13% proof". The proof of the bottle is in the drinking, I'd say.

    Isn't it lovely and warm here - and so grey in November ...

  251. At 12:09 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Take a deep breath, Fifi, and relax:-) I'm sure now that Eddie has put Richard onto the case (see the motorway thread for details), things will get resolved and RobbieDo will stay...

  252. At 12:10 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Fifi. Hmmmmm, strange. I shall try again and this time go in via the guest book. I only hope I can be as erudite as last time! *Yeah, right*
    Robbiedo. I think we all feel the same way sometimes. Yesterday I posted 3 comments that "got lost" and yes, the speed of the posts actually appearing is frustrating. Personally I am all for an unmoderated blog but doubt that that would happen and in a way I do see the reason for moderation.
    Robbie, will you not reconsider? I have wine.

  253. At 12:54 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    btw, I think the moderator peeps have lost their way to the beach. I posted something here a few minutes before posting to Roberto's postcard thingy; my comment there came up first (and then got pushed to 2 by Fearless - grrr !) and there are now loads of comments on that thread, but nothing on the beach since Fifi's at 10.46 am. Why is this? Any ideas?

    (Perhaps Robbie has been hassling them whilst they're trudging down the beach - one postman is much like another!)

  254. At 01:01 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Fifi (226)

    Apologies (blush), and please forward my good wishes to Fiona. At least your birthdday doesn't fall on , fellow Saggitarian.

    Actually, I'm quite glad to have a Buy Nothing Birthday!

    And, please RobbiedoJohn, don't leave us. Please!

    And Fifi, it ain't worth the postage, and I'll probably find a digital way or just let it pass... The archive footage probably came from a Palnackie soul anyway.

    P.S. Brian (B&B), thanks for the Guinness!

  255. At 01:04 PM on 17 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    I hope it's not too late RobbieDo! Eddie has posted some sort of an explanation and hope for the future on the thread "A pretty" at I think number 70.

    Don't go! I was just getting to know you. :(


  256. At 01:09 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Fe: Fifi (249)

    At the risk of blocking the blog I'll repost this from Eddie just in case anyone misses it. it was in response to a question to Eddie regarding RobbieDo:

    "The 麻豆官网首页入口 Blogs, including PM, are part of a trial that's helping the 麻豆官网首页入口 to learn more about blogging, how audiences react to our blogs and about the software used to publish blogs.
    With regards to the last of those, we've found that although the blogging platform we've selected for the trial is perfectly fine (most of the time!) for publishing content, the comments system doesn't really meet our requirements. Our developers spent some time making customisations to the system before we launched but those customisations haven't resolved all the shortcomings and may also have introduced some instability to the system.
    The reason comments take up to an hour or two to appear is because, at present, the technical constraints of the system only allow us to pre-moderate comments. This means that all comments are manually checked by a real live person before they are published.
    At peak times of the day, the moderation system itself becomes heavily loaded with, across the 麻豆官网首页入口's whole network of blogs, up to several comments a second coming in. As the moderation system fills with messages pending approval, it begins to slow down and the moderators can sometimes find themselves waiting several minutes for each page of pending posts to load.
    We realise that this is far too slow for many participants and are working on the development and integration of a bespoke comment system that is faster, more stable and has all sorts of features that we feel are missing from our current offering. Because the number of comments being submitted increases almost by the day, we need to ensure that the new system scales well and, because of this, it's going to take a few months to build and test it thoroughly. Our current plan is to have a beta version live somewhere on bbc.co.uk in mid-January with roll-out likely to be in February or March.
    In the meantime, I sincerely hope you'll stick with us. It might help to try, if you can, to avoid posting comments at peak times of the day - usually around first thing in the morning, lunch time, and end of the day, as well as during or immediately following the broadcast of the show. I realise, of course, that this might not be practical for you and certainly isn't an ideal solution but hope that you understand that applying more plasters to temporarily resolve the current issues would simply mean reducing the amount of time and effort we have to implement a long term solution. But do let me reassure you that we will get there in the end!"
    That was from Robin. It doesn't solve things, I know...but if it's any help, the success of the PM blog in particular might help us lever some more money/volume/help etc. I'm personally really sorry that you, other froggers...and for that matter I have trouble with this from time to time. I hope the benefits will continue to outweigh the problems. Best wishes, Eddie.

  257. At 01:17 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Oh dear, another fallow period on the beach. It's like Eddie says: peak times such as when we all break for lunch are the worst.

    Hey ho, here's a joke. Hope it makes it through the frogerator. Think I might have to add a few more *s.

    If it doesn't make it past the pixies, I'll go to Plan B which worked so well for the condom joke.

    * * *

    Actually, no, it's too rude. Email me via the website and I'll send it to you! Hilariously funny, but unsuitable for Aunty Beeb.

  258. At 04:23 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Nowt since 1.17, and it's 4.17 now? No, I don't think so ( oops, Kirsty McColl again). Well, at least I got the newsletter today.

    I've just been overseeing the delivery of some HUGE sheets of metal string vest stuff (what could you make out of that Lady P?), for phase 2ish of New Building - for those of you who remember phase 1 and the thwhackingwacker or whatever it was. Good grief that seems ages ago doesn't it?

    Anyways, methinks the sun is far enough over the yardarm (well, in November it is) to open this warming bottle of Longmorn Glenlivet. Any takers? It's SO's fave, but he won't mind if we all celebrate Friday, will he?

  259. At 05:15 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ms Pedant,

    That's my hand (with glass) sticking through the hyper partition.


  260. At 05:22 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Anyways, methinks the sun is far enough over the yardarm (well, in November it is) to open this warming bottle of Longmorn Glenlivet.

    I am so jealous of you right now, Valery P. I'll take it! I'll take two!

  261. At 06:01 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Longmorn??? My sister used to live opposite the Longmorn distillery! I'll partake if I may?

    Interesting aside (well, fun, anyway). When my sister got married, our fathersaid, in his speech: "I think it less that I am losing a daughter, more that I'm gaining access to a distillery!"

  262. At 06:11 PM on 17 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Hey Ed and Simon Worral and Bill'nBen and others - well done for getting read out on the PM programme tonight!

    I think you all deserve a few drinks!


  263. At 06:14 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Ahhh, home again, home again jiggerty jig. Time for a wee tipple. Valery P, I would love a dram thank you. In return I have brought a Bottle of The Mcallum (fine oak). Anybody?
    Fifi. Have finally managed to get onto your guestbook so hopefully you will have sone sight of it now.

  264. At 06:20 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    I'll drink to that, Marymary (263)

    (posted 18:20 - wonder how long before it appears)

  265. At 06:31 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Of course it has just occurred to me that unless I sit here constantly hitting refresh I won't know how long it takes to appear - ah well.

    I'll have some of that McCallum if you please Mrs T.

    Ah - that's better :)


  266. At 06:50 PM on 17 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    It might be the chilled white wine that I've been consuming since the big hand was on the 12 and the little hand on the ... I can't quite recall now ... but some of my later posts are beating some of my earlier posts. If you see what I mean. The time is 18:49, so I'm going to time the arrival of this pointless post.



  267. At 07:05 PM on 17 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    14 minutes! Not too bad. What about you Ann P?


  268. At 07:06 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Bill'n'Ben wrote:

    Hello everybody,

    Well it was a c**p week, but I'm still feeling chipper thanks to Eddie.

    Where's that barrel of Guinness.

  269. At 07:29 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    SO says, you're all entirely welcome to a Longmorn. You know what to ger him for Chrs now.
    A big step forward in the Pedant household, SO interacts with Frog, shock horror. Breaking News where are you when we need a good story?

  270. At 07:45 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Hi B'n'B. I was v impressed by you having your post read out. Congrats. Here, let me pour you a pint of the black stuff.

  271. At 07:58 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Friday night...sun's over the yardarm... Mrs T, any of that McCallum please? What a day after what a week! Oh the sound of the rollers on the sand, so relaxiiiinnnnggggg.......

  272. At 08:11 PM on 17 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Can I ask that you all be gracious enough to allow a very late entry to the NewBeachBall and welcome please Mr & Mrs NotThrowTheToysOutOfThePramAgain and their shamefaced son RobbieDo NotThrowTheToysOutOfThePramAgain.

    I am really, and I do mean really touched by the comments on a number of threads. A smack in the face might have been more appropriate.

    In nearly every community, grouping, workplace or whatever, there are usually some people not as pleasant as everybody else. Why are there no frog/blog regulars like that?

    By way of penance I am going to clean up after the camels.

  273. At 08:28 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    RobbieDo. Forget it my friend. Here, forget the clean up duties and have a dram. Good to see you again, we all missed you. Welcome home.

  274. At 08:37 PM on 17 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Robbie !!! Yay !!!!

    Welcome back!


  275. At 08:38 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Bill'n'Ben wrote:


    I will admit I've been too busy to do a lot of posting this week. But as I've slowly read through the backlog I was sorry to see that you were leaving.

    Its nice to see you back, and don't do it again or I'll smack yer bottom.

    I still need some more Guinness.

  276. At 08:42 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    RobbieDo, of course we'd miss you, glad you've returned. I did not say anything earler, was in a foul mood with someone (they might be a toad in my opinion, but not a Frog!).

    Having relaxed a bit now, perhaps time to light up the barbeque for those on the beach tonight. Nothing special, a few good sausages, and some vegi ones, salad and real bread rolls here.

    I also accidentally watched Heston Blumenthal earlier this week (I don't have a TV), and I've run up this mushroom sauce he brewed up to go with meats. What do you all think?

    It's a good barbeque, this, but, I do rather miss the ad-hoc nature of the BBQ on DayOne.

  277. At 08:54 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Mrs Trellis (231), I made the point about the clock hand being a twenty-five past a different hour on the original Day One (my very first entry!). Someone else - sorry, I forget who - pointed out that it's either a mirror image or Eddie's wearing a woman's shirt (I believe the former).

    Odd that the strap line "Andy Cra**" has not repeated yet.

    Valery, replied to your comment, but what the shock horror of your SO?

    Anyway, the BBQ must be ready to start now, so I'll get on with that for a bit. No it's not the stereo-type of men cooking on the barbie, it's just I don't get much chance for real cooking at the moment (and I can, when I get the chance).

  278. At 08:57 PM on 17 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    I've brought some large mushrooms, and peppers that could be barbequed and some chicken bits.


  279. At 09:03 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Oh yes please Deepthought, I would love some or the mushroom sauce with my sausages (full carnivore versions for me please). Marymary and I have been in a quite thought provokeing (spl) conversation which, while I have enjoyed, I really only have a "gut feeling" on and am going to bow down to her superior experience.
    Mary come and have a tipple with me.
    PS I have brought some of Fifi's wonderful salsa with me that I made earlier and cannot recommend enough.

  280. At 09:24 PM on 17 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Mrs T. I'd love a tipple with you! It was a good conversation but it started to hurt my head. :)


  281. At 09:45 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    OK, first helpings now ready, so chicken as well as sausages and the vegi options, thanks, Mary, for that and the peppers etc, do all help yourselves. Damn, forgot to grill a few tomatoes - they will be a few minutes...

    Meanwhile, a local shop to me is a "real ale" shop. I've brought a selection this evening. Personally, I have to treat each on a case-by-case (sorry, what a slip!) - I mean sample each one carefully, as some beers give me a terrible hangover with one pint, others I can have plenty with no ill effects...

    And there is this coffee flavoured beer for later... I like it, but only sampled it so far after a couple of G&T's, so maybe a biased opinion.

  282. At 09:56 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    marymary. your welcome and thank you for making me think and not just accept my first impression. I am not completely convinced but thats what friends are for after all. Chin chin.

  283. At 09:57 PM on 17 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Thank you everybody. Its nice here.

    Mary, on a serious note. I have some experience locally in a lay way within the "Family" Courts. I agree with everything that you said in the other thread.

  284. At 10:02 PM on 17 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    I was always taught never to mix grape with grain, but what the ... a bit of everything please DT, and some of that nice beer would wash it all down beautifully.

    I'm working in the morning so if someone finds me slumped behind a dune can you wake me please?


  285. At 10:23 PM on 17 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    whoo! sorry to be late. I have brought some special Oz recipe BBQ sauce which I will put down on the table and those sausages look scrummy, I've brought vodka tonight because even my virtual Highland Park stock is disappearing far too fast.

    Anyway back in the real world I got embroiled in a family phone call so I'm last to say congrats to everyone who got read out on the prog tonight and of course a big welcome back to Robbie Do.

    Robbie please don't threaten to leave again, and that's nuts about the smack in the face I think you only said what a lot of froggers were feeling and it did at least get us that sort of reassuring message out of the Beeb.

    Just think everyone, in 5 years time when all the tadpoles are moaning because their messages don't appear immediatley upon the Kermit, we'll all be able to gather round, virtually, and say annoying things like 'You think this is slow? You should have been here in the early days if you want to know what really slow was like. Way back them we even had to make our own beach...'

    and they will all look at one another and raise their little eyes to heaven and smile patronsingly at us.


  286. At 10:26 PM on 17 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Interesting RobbieDo, thanks for that.

    Good to have you around still and yes, it's really nice here. Now drink up.


  287. At 11:00 PM on 17 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Thank you annie and I really liked your phrase from an earlier posting - "It's really cross making."

    Mary, I don't know what's in that glass that you've given me but I'm going to relax and enjoy it. When you are working in the morning, Mrs RobbieDo and I are walking the real Robbie from Portballintrae to the Giants Causeway and back. We pass the Bushmills Distillery on the way - I may call in.

  288. At 11:19 PM on 17 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    RobbieDo. Have a lovely walk. The cold weather has rather put me off my early morning walks this week!

    Oh there's a hammock over there. Off to lie down with a snack and a nightcap. Night night all.


  289. At 11:22 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    admin anne (286)... "when I was a tadpole"....."you tadpoles don't know you're born"... you sound as bad as me!

    BTW did you know "Kermit" was/is the name of a computer programme, an early way to transmit data between computers before email and the internet. It came to my rescue so many times. But I never knew what the connection was.

    There is also a pub called "The Frog", in the village called, honest, Skermitt, in Bucks. Maybe the pub was renamed, but it's a good gastropub. Perhaps a good meeting point for Froggers sometime in the future.

    Anyway guys, more from the BBQ here, with AA's sauce to compare with Heston's, and, surprise, ice cream & sorbets in the freezer for those who want something afterwards.

  290. At 11:24 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Dear all, time for bed said Zebadee. nite all x

  291. At 11:38 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Welcome back Robbiedo. What a week it's been emotionally, don't you think? First there was Jonnie agonising over accidentally outing his dual personality blog-wise, then the mystery of Eddie's disappearance on Wed (STILL not explained satisfactorily, btw Eddie - we need to know the truth. If it was the Priory, you can tell us - we're all drinkers. If it was Parliament, that's much more serious) The thrill of the new Beach, & the excitement of moving. To cap it all, the trauma of Robbiedo's threatened resignation, and the outpouring of relief when he changed his mind. I'm exhausted just listing it (& I've probably missed some things - too many threads to keep up). But it certainly beats the Archers.
    (PS Have I run 2 week's events into one here? I can't tell anymore)

  292. At 11:53 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    This is the all time latest ever frog from me. . . I'm normally waaaaay too un-sober to put together a properly .. oh you know.

    Just wanted to say :
    * WELL DONE to all the froggers who got bits read out by Eddie tonight
    * WELL DONE RobbieDo and Jonnie for prising an explanation out of the Beeb for all the faff we have been enduring
    * WELL DONE the dirty dozen who have so far signed up for the lilypad, to put right the frog, and have eaten up my whole day keeping us all up to speed. I love you all!!!

    Now I am going to slump near that comfortingly warm pile of steaming camel-doo (but not that close) with this half-bottle of merlot that I found near the barbie.

    You people ... you are the best.


    (I may be fragrant but I ain't dainty!)

  293. At 12:23 AM on 18 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Annasee, I'm just glad to be back

  294. At 12:43 AM on 18 Nov 2006, Bill'n'Ben wrote:

    Well another busy night of non-frogging.

    Well that's my expenses done for the week, and now all I have to look forward to is a trip to Brum in the morning. All the field eng's have been called in for a meeting with "da management", it could be firey, lets hope.

    I'd better hit the sack, see ya all on Sunday.

    nite nite

  295. At 02:53 AM on 18 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Have a fun day tomorrow B & B.

    Welcome back RobbieJohn! (Youll need to lay down some Bushmills to replace the v special one you shared with us at the Millennium)

    Enormous thanks to Fifi.

    DeepJohn, the shock horror was that he acknowledged that froggers could be thoughtful, sensible and coherent. He thought, until then, that we were just enjoying ourselves.
    Little does he know, eh?............

  296. At 10:16 AM on 18 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Morning all,

    Just back from a quick dip in that lovely deep pool over there, the surf's a bit strong for me this morning.

    On the way back I passed a kind of gazebo cum bandstand thing that I hadn't noticed before. Being curious I wandered in, and there nestling under a big waterproof cover was a nine foot Steinway grand! What with the weather here being so mild it seems quite unharmed.

    But sadly I don't play although pretty much all the rest of the family do.

    Anyone fancy a little music? Perhaps we could get up a beach concert. We've got Fifi and Annasee I know, and I can sing if not play.

    Any takers? If not I'll just cover it carefully up again until another time.

    PS So glad you're back RobbieDo - enjoy the walk.

  297. At 10:23 AM on 18 Nov 2006, Stewart M wrote:

    By its quiet here this morning!
    Beach deserted. BBQ cold (I'll go and get some Charcoal later but is that some drfit wood I see over there). Lovely bracing breeze blowing.

    I'll have to check back later as have to go SHOPPING (aaarg!) Or are you all on that early flight to Italy with Eddie??

  298. At 10:34 AM on 18 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    I'm here. thanks to RobbieDo posting the link. I've brought some freshly-brewed coffee and some warming malt whisky - take your pick.

    I'm up for that barbie, Stewart, will gather some driftwood.

    Anne P, I sing a bit, so I'll join you.

    Brrr! A couple of male brass monkeys are looking very worried over there by the rocks

  299. At 10:37 AM on 18 Nov 2006, Stewart M wrote:

    Oops its a grand piano!! Sorry can't play it. And I've a bit of a sore throat so can't sing either. Well can't sing anyway!! Usually in tune about twice a year!

  300. At 12:41 PM on 18 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Stewart, I'm sure it'll be Pisa though ?

  301. At 12:43 PM on 18 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Goodness, we're half way to having to move the beach again already and it's only taken 4 days.

    So basically a beach a week?

    Hope the techies are working hard on the improvements.

  302. At 01:52 PM on 18 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Life's a...

    oh, never mind I expect someone's already come up with that one.

    That would be exhausting for all, though, Anne P, wouldn't it?

  303. At 02:55 PM on 18 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    it's not that warm is it? but never mind put the kettle on so we can brew up some tea because LOOK, in our Somerfield's this morning - the lemon and lime jaffa cakes are back! So I threw in several packets so I could bring some to the beach.

    Was surprised to see Eddie had blogged this morning, do we really think he's off to Italy or was that just a story? anyway I need a nice lie down as I have just been helping SSIR to tidy up some of his stuff. I will get it sorted by Christmas even if it means leaving husband to write C/mas cards - now there's a scary thought!

  304. At 02:56 PM on 18 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    Beautifully sunny here on the beach (and back in November) but a chilly wind is blowing up. Better have some warming fluid - thanks Frances O - the one in the bottle will do fine!!

    Fifi sent me the Blog history - it's excellent and I'm dead chuffed to have it. Was it mainly Fifi's and Big Sis's work? and I think Anne contributed too. Anyway, thanks so much Fifi. But could you please add me to the cast list? I made my first ever comment on "Crap" way back on day three or four and I've been here on and off ever since (it was Tobias who deserted!)

    Must dash back to November - I'm off to Stratford tonight (to meet my daughter for dinner, not to go to the theatre - although I'm quite ecstatic to have got good tickets for King Lear with Sir Ian next May). It's quite a long drive to Stratford (about 1 1/2 hours) so I'd better get going.

    Have a lovely evening, froggers - see you soon.

  305. At 03:13 PM on 18 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Just popped by, yes, we all tidied up after ourselves last night. various odds and ends for later in the fridge, but am also supposedly working today :-(

    Wonder if Eddie will report on the blog from Italy?

  306. At 04:32 PM on 18 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Aannie 304
    Please don't leave your husband over some beastly Christmas Cards, any way, it's weeks away. as I keep shrieking at some ghastly child who comes onto my television and bellows that its Christmas.
    There's nobody here now, I find I have that effect. However, I have my own bottle of Auchentoshan so I shall totter over to the bandstand and practice the drums. I used to be the drummer in a jazz group. It never really was my career, I can only do 'Blue Moon'. Which is a shame because today I cannot get the tune of 'For all we know we may never meet again'. Oh, it may be subliminal - I'm mentally preparing to go onto broadband, and fear the worst.
    Party well tonight chums - welcome back Robbie's human

  307. At 05:15 PM on 18 Nov 2006, Stewart M wrote:

    Home from our shopping trip.
    Rather successful so I thought a quick beach visit was a good idea. I note its strainging at the seams again.

    Looks like we are doing Pizza for tea sticking with the italian theme. Dough in Bread machine. Salami in Fridge. Nice Chianti warming. My cook book actually recommends a nice beer with Pizza so one of those warming? also.

    Any one can come over and roll out your own pizza base. Just bring your own toppings.

  308. At 05:56 PM on 18 Nov 2006, admin annies wrote:

    Aunt D, I will stay and talk to you for a while if you really have a bottle of Auchentoshan. I am not allowed to say that Highland Park is not my favourite malt, but actually I do prefer Auchentoshan and you are only the second person I have ever known who knows it.

    Somewhere deep down we are soul mates.

    anyway I wish I could stay for the pizza chaps but back in November we have to go out so I must away shortly and shower and wash my hair. have a good evening all.

    It's a long time since anyone did a choccy run back on the blog - any volunteers for Monday? If so, mine's a Crunchie.

  309. At 06:01 PM on 18 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Oh, Auchentoshan. Ages since I had any of that. Slainte! Good luck, Auntie D.

    I'll pour Sara another dram - lucky girl, Sir Ian in Shakespeare, what bliss.

    Stewart, I'm going to contribute some mozzarella, tomatoes (of course), olives, anchovies, capers, a good sprinkling of herbs, lovely melted-down onions... getting peckish...

  310. At 06:30 PM on 18 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Not just beach food --
    麻豆官网首页入口 beach food......

  311. At 08:36 PM on 18 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ah, Stewart, great idea...lucky my salad stuff easily converts to pizza toppings. Wizz up the tomatos to make the start of a paste, garlic, onions etc... and some of the left over sausages from yesterday as well...

    By chance I glanced at the Heston Blumenthal book today, and I see that he tackles Pizza, and in particular, how to get the oven hot enough (not sure if the TV series has done this or not). We've not got that problem with this barbeque!

    So while the toppings are being made, here's an interesting pilsner I found this morning (nicely chilled, of course)....

  312. At 08:53 PM on 18 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Auchentoshan - I apologise but I've never heard of it. Can you give me a bit of backround but more importantly can I have a small glass?

  313. At 12:04 AM on 19 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    I am trying desperately to keep the toys in the pram but the response of this site is so frustrating - not a singe posting on the entire blog for over 4 hours - I don't believe it.

  314. At 01:06 AM on 19 Nov 2006, lostthewilltolivebogger wrote:

    Look at all the dead bloggers.

  315. At 01:07 AM on 19 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Did that Robin chap from the blogs dept happen to leace his mobile number ? Eddie ??

    Bored but with bread in Bournemouth

  316. At 01:09 AM on 19 Nov 2006, bloggers undertaker wrote:

    Looks like they have all died of boredom!

  317. At 01:13 AM on 19 Nov 2006, blogger 1 wrote:

    Do you think that anybody is actually working at 01.13 am on Sunday 19th Novemeber,

  318. At 01:15 AM on 19 Nov 2006, blogger 2 wrote:

    Shouldn't think so. Nothing getting through on the blog. Probably all drunk or on strike!

  319. At 01:16 AM on 19 Nov 2006, blogger 3 wrote:

    I think you'll find that everybody is down the pub and that's why no comments are getting through!

  320. At 01:20 AM on 19 Nov 2006, blogger 1 wrote:

    Hope they are having a better time than we are!

  321. At 01:23 AM on 19 Nov 2006, blogger 4 wrote:

    Can't believe it. Blogger2 has just benn moderated!

  322. At 01:24 AM on 19 Nov 2006, bloggerfedup wrote:

    It's all really POINTLESS isn't it?

  323. At 03:23 AM on 19 Nov 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    O thank goodness. Children in Need's over, RobbieDoJohn's back (phew. Welcome back, you), ValP's going to donate a load of stuff (259) I can make wall jewellery out of so all's right with the world.

    (Wall jewellery exists. I saw it in a gallery the other day and am working out ways of customising it so it'll enhance the beach ambience. Beaded hammocks, anyone? Interesting hand-crafted artefacts made out of wire-wrapped glass? Not just ordinary glass - glass caressed by the ocean, breathed on by the sea air and lovingly embellished, of course . . .).

    Other glass is available. Other wall jewellery, too, probably.

    Thank you for the thought, ValP. Please forward the leftovers (if there are any) so I can make them into some useful (also incredibly lovely, expensive and desirable) thing. Or things. And your terms and conditions for being my agent :-)

    Why am I still up?

    Is anybody else?


  324. At 09:40 AM on 19 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Bet I'm held in the queue and will be posted shortly. My custom is valuable to the Beeb...


  325. At 09:46 AM on 19 Nov 2006, wrote:

    ...throwing toys out of the pram appeared to unblock something...

  326. At 10:04 AM on 19 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Ah life!

  327. At 10:08 AM on 19 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    I'll swear that when I logged in this morning none of last night's postings were showing. Now they are, so perhaps Children in Need had sucked all available resources away from the beach. Just so long as there isn't a sudden tsunami of blocked postings reappearing.

    Morning all, think I'll try practising the first few bars of the Moonlight Sonata (the only thing I ever learnt) on the Steinway and then off for a dip. Very chilly in November, much warmer here.

  328. At 10:36 AM on 19 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    Hi - is anyone around? How quiet it was here last night - first time I can recall there being no partying going on. You must all have been partying somewhere else ... now, tell the truth!

    In November it's absolutely beautiful in the Salopian countryside - clear blue sky, brilliant sunsine, green, copper and golden trees - and absolutely bloody freezing!! I'm even encouraged to do the ironing to warm up.

    Did anyone get to THE wedding? My invite must have got lost in the post - Eddie seems to have got his all right.

  329. At 10:55 AM on 19 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    And now I'm getting malicious posting warning - I give up.

  330. At 10:57 AM on 19 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Don't know if previous posting about the tsunami sucking out to sea all last night's and this morning's stuff has gone too.

    I know just how last night's bloggers felt GRRRRR.

  331. At 12:54 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    O THERE you all are! Were you all hiding behind the dunes? Or did the moderator person at last pull his finger out of the dyke. Bye bye Holland, hello Frogs.

    Eddie's plans which apparently are to be announced during the next week in November had better be good or we might just decamp.

    Btw Fifi - when you get back down to the beach, can you please have a look at my posting at 305? Many thanks.

  332. At 01:03 PM on 19 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi Sara (332), we weren't deliberately hiding...

  333. At 01:31 PM on 19 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi Sara (305):

    Sorry, I'm not much of a late night blogger. What a wimp! And I missed the chance to try out Mrs Trellis's salsa, using my recipe.

    Can you make some more, do you think? Leave it in the fridge and I'll sneak a few spoonfuls when I get back from whatever folk club it is I'm at tonight.

    Sarah, the history of the blog was all Big Sister's work. Isn't it splendid?

    Now I'm off to create something wildly exciting in the kitchen, involving sausages, bacon, cherry tomatoes and duck eggs.

    All round to mine, if anyone would like some...

  334. At 01:59 PM on 19 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Hi everyone. It's blowing a gale here.

    Please ignore the following for the moment - I'm just testing something.

    More later.

  335. At 02:08 PM on 19 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi everyone!

    Sorry for not being here on the beach yesterday. A lot of non-blog stuff was going on that I couldn't get here... Sorry! I'll try to come back later with supplies for bar & BBQ :-)

  336. At 03:06 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Ooooh, fifi, that sounds scrumptious. Duck eggs, what a treat. Unfortunately I've just had lunch. I'll just inhale deeply

  337. At 04:44 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    Fifi's brunch sounds wonderful. I am still battling against mounds of ironing (and no, that doesn't really include SO's socks. We don't iron those. But my mother (age 92) still irons towels! Isn't that batty?) so I won't cook until this evening. I'm doing some venison, if anyone wants to drop by. It may be in plenteous supply up here because people keep running the poor critters over on Cannock Chase. Actually, they're a bit of a menace and I don't like driving over the Chase in the dusk because they (the deer that is) keep running across the road like maniacs. I think they get alarmed by the car lights. But they do a heck of a lot of damage if you hit them and sometimes there's just no way of avoiding them without creating a worse accident.

    Fearless, the BBQ sounds great. I wish it were warm in November (we have an ongoing battle to keep this old ruin heated and often sit around in overcoats!). Don't worry about non-blog stuff - like ironing, it's always in the way!

  338. At 04:53 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Oh thank goodness you are all still there.
    It's been horrible, I stopped dropping in thinking you'd all been washed away - or a figment of my Auchentoshened mind.
    (BTW Robbiedo its a single lowland malt of a tender seductive and beguiling nature - rather like me)

  339. At 05:11 PM on 19 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Brunch was abruptly aborted by a timely call from my ginger boyfriend, aka best mate's red setter, inviting me for a walk. We saw a pair of jays! Not sighted around here for years and years. And only the 2nd pair I've ever seen.

    Then my mate slipped and landed on her knees in some mud. That would have been funnier if she hadn't been using a walking stick because of arthritis ... all the same, muddy knees at her age ... she'll be falling out of trees next!

    For anyone interested, over on the lilypad where we're thrashing out a sustainable and inclusive future for the frog, the cast list is as follows:-

    Admin Annie
    Big Sister
    Charles Hatton
    Fearless Fred
    John W aka Deepthought
    Mrs Trellis
    ...and more are always welcome, via the website link.

    Tonight instead of frogging I'm afraid I am out yet again, this time in Grantham for a) folk club, and b) meeting to discuss what we're all doing at Belvoir Castle next Sunday.

    Where I for one will be in a fetching floor-length blue medieval gown, and a full length hooded cloak trimmed in fancy gold braid.

    The Jam Tarts will be singing a mixture of festive and wassailing songs at the Castle. I'm also taking along my Carols singalong collection in case there are any excitable children who can't get their heads around songs about apple trees and just want Rudolph...

    If there are any photos taken of me in that getup, I'll be keeping them well away from the Lying Scotsman website.

    It's bad enough that the webmeister holds incriminating evidence of me at a festival, slumped not entirely soberly on the floor of a tent, lying on a crisp packet, making a rude gesture at the camera at five in the morning.

    Sorry to spoil your illusions everyone. But I really am less fragrant than you think!

    Hee hee.....

  340. At 05:58 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Yum, venison. I'd love some, thanks.

    I quite like the idea of auchentosh as a verb: "I was really Auchentoshed last night"

    It could also be a waterproof garment (whiskyproof??), the auchentosh.

    Or it could be what you speak when you've had a few drams: "You're talking a load of auchentosh".

    Two bottles for anyone who posts a pic of fifi in her mediaeval get-up.


  341. At 06:14 PM on 19 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    Frances they're great, particularly the last one.

    And Fifi we definitely want to see you in your fetching medieval gown.

    on an even more important topic, who thinks Ruth should pack her stuff and take off with the children to her Mum's in Northumberland. Dave would soon come to his senses with no-one there to heat up his pizza.

  342. At 06:51 PM on 19 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    now there's odd. I did two frog posts to the new beach round about quarter past six and the second one has appeared and the first one hasn't.

    Do not meddle in the affairs of moderators my children for their ways are cunning and strange.

  343. At 07:22 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    Forgot to thank Big Sis big time for excellent blog history.

    Has Fearless got the BBQ going yet? I've brought along some venisonburgers and I am still harping on (apols to Annasee!) about Barolo, so I've brought some more for you all to sample.


    Actually, all is brill because the ironing is DONE. I will now put my feet up on the beach a bit before falling asleep.

    Was Eddie truly in Itayle? Somehow I doubt it. I think he crept back to bed.

  344. At 07:48 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    I'm developing a theory about moderators.

    I think there are two of them .......
    in different countries ..........
    and it works in the same way as when I switch on the light at the top of the stairs at the same time as husband switches it on from the bottom - result brief flash of illumination and then darkness.

    Thus it is with postings that appear and disappear.


    Alternatively we could go for the quasi religious explanation. The god of blogs maintains his power by quixotic, random flashes of lightening that strike down some postings but not others


    Or it has something to do with just how you hit the 'submit' button.

    I was once responsible for a card access system which had a fault which was actually in the timing of the release mechanism for the turnstiles and nothing to do with the card software as such. People developed all sort of explanations for why they couldn't get back in to work after their lunch time drink, and a range of tricks to deal with it:
    'You have to swipe it very fast/very slowly/ three times/count six after the last person...and so on'


    Or a gopher is running from TV Centre to Italy to get Eddie to monitor each posting, and getting distracted by wedding cake on the way back.

    Any more ideas?

  345. At 07:51 PM on 19 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Beachfroggers I need some hugs. My dear dad died yesterday in the early hours of the morning. I'm OK, a bit down, but I've just spent the weekend thinking about the nice things I remember. Anyway, tonight can we raise a glass to him?


    PS I've a great video of him courtesy of the 麻豆官网首页入口 taken in the summer when a tractor ran through his kitchen. I'd post it if I knew how to do links.

  346. At 08:43 PM on 19 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    I don't know what anyone can say over the electronic lines that would comfort you.

    Both my parents have been gone some years now but they aren't really gone - they are in my head, they are in my memory, they are still with me. You will continue to remember the nice things.

    I'm not really good at hugs but here's one that I gladly give.

  347. At 09:14 PM on 19 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Good hug RobbieDo.

    My dad wouldn't have got maudlin, he would have cracked open a bottle of wine.

    Apparently he left a large collection of vino so I've brought some to the beach.


  348. At 09:17 PM on 19 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Mary, I don't have the words to write to comfort you. All I can say is that you have my thoughts tonight....


  349. At 09:20 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Stewart M wrote:

    RobbieDo (347) sums it up well I think. Our thoughts are with you marymary.
    A group hug followed by a glass of our favourite dram winds its way to you.

  350. At 09:33 PM on 19 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    A wee dram would be nice. Dad introduced me to whiskey when I was 13 one christmas time when I had raging toothache and couldn't get to the dentist.

    I don't drink it much these days, but it's a special occasion so ... Cheers!


  351. At 09:57 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Big hug, Marymary.

    Thinking of you. AnneP

  352. At 10:23 PM on 19 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    In a thread somewhere (and I can’t find where) someone said it would be nice to have somewhere to post photographs. This might have been for pets but I suppose it can be for anything that froggers like.

    Anyway I have made a very amateurish attempt at setting up something that may work but is just as likely to be as functional as last night’s posting and moderation.

    Anyway here goes – and you may find it useful to print this as a reference:

    The link is:

    When you get there it says at the top right "Already a member ? Sign In"

    Click on "Sign in"

    Next Screen asks for Yahoo ID and Password

    Enter the Yahoo Id as froggersfriends
    Enter the Password as thebeach

    Click on Sign in

    At the next screen you are on you own. Try clicking on "Your photos”. I’ve posted a couple of pics of my dog. Please feel free to UPLOAD your own pics or whatever.

    I know very little about this site so if anybody wants to add further tips please feel free.

    At the top of this screen you will see the option to sign out. I don’t know and haven’t been able to test if the site will allow more that one person to log in as froggersfriends, so when you have finished, please sign out.

    Alternatively and perhaps more sensibly ignore all of this.

  353. At 10:26 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Bill'n'Ben wrote:


    I've just got back from Brum, I was going to have a rant, but that can wait for another day. Suffice to my thoughts are with you.



  354. At 10:48 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    marymary, a big hug from me and mine. I lost my dear Mum four years ago, 78 but well before her time...she's still all around though :o)
    Val P x

  355. At 10:50 PM on 19 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Bill'n'Ben funny Brum is where I am.

    Thank you all for your kind thoughts. It's much appreciated.

    Now BnB if you need a rant have one and then have some of my dad's home made wine.

    If you've been to Brum you probably need both!


  356. At 10:57 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    RobbieDJ, Flikr is the site used by the Beeb when you click on any of the photos on the right hand side (not very techspeak sorry). Quite a few froggers are already signed up and there are ways of linking to each other (sorry still no tech details but you can find out I'm sure). Going off to try your site now - well don :o)

  357. At 11:00 PM on 19 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    How do you post links on this blog?


  358. At 11:09 PM on 19 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    Home made wine eh?

    Entirely on the basis of your recommendation mind, can I have glass please?

  359. At 11:15 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Hey RobbieDJ, that worked! Robbie's now got a photo of Sam on the PC chair, to keep him company! Flushed with success, I may try to put some more on my own page/thing/whatever you call it on Fl*kr

  360. At 11:15 PM on 19 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    this is very very suspect advice but here goes.

    If you can access the address where the file is e.g. if you look at the top of the screen now you will see that the address is:


    select this and copy and paste it to whatever message you want to send.

    Let me know if cut and paste need explanantion.

  361. At 11:30 PM on 19 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Valery P, I knew that the PM Site used Flickr, but haven't had a chance to investigate it properly. I'll introduce Robbie to Sam.

  362. At 11:38 PM on 19 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Thanks Robbie. I thought that was how to do it,


    Off to bed now. Thanks for the nice thoughts and hugs. xx

  363. At 11:52 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Excellent RDJ! If you go to mine, you'll find one of him on a beach too. valerypedant's my user name. The beach he's on there may well be just across the Irish sea from Robbie's beach (of course it depends which coast your beach was on at the time - I suppose you could've been at the Atlantic side) (Geography a bit shaky at this time of night...)

  364. At 11:55 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Goodnight Mary, sleep well.

  365. At 11:56 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    Hugs to MaryMary: (((((((((((((((MaryMary))))))))))))))

    I hope they get through, unlike all last night's posts that didn't.

    Off to test RobbieDoJohn'snew invention.


  366. At 11:58 PM on 19 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re: Anne P (345)

    very funny -- the two way light switch analogy,,.


  367. At 12:00 AM on 20 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    Dear Marymary,

    hugs and sympathy. I lost my father in 2000 and my mother 4 years later and losing a parent just sucks. My experience is that things will get worse for a while so expect that and don't think you are not normal if it happens. The ache eases with time, but there is always a gap.

    For what it is worth my advice is to totally ignore anyone, however close, who is telling you just now to be strong. Don't be strong, why should you be? Something horrible and life changing has happened, you are entitled to weep and cry and tell the universe that it's not fair.



  368. At 12:13 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:


    Really sorry to hear about your dad. I do know what it's like as I lost mine 12 years ago.

    I'm glad you have some happy memories of him and if his daughter is anything to go by he will have had a good sense of humour.

    The tractor video sounds very interesting and I'd love to see it.

    RobbieDo's advice is the best I can think of, providing it's on the Internet already.

    If not you can e-mail it to me and I'll stick it up somewhere with a link.

    I have a glass of red in my hand and no breakfasts to worry about in the morning so will have a quick toast for your dad.

    Lots of hugs,

    Jonnie xxx

  369. At 12:23 AM on 20 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    admin annie (368)

    brilliant advice - I wish I'd said that.

  370. At 03:37 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I have all this to look forward to AND I'm an only child... but I am storing your wise words away for future comfort.

    And also this Lagavullin which I've always assumed I wouldn't like coz it's whisky and I don't like...

    Latest ever blog by a l.o.n.g way. But I've been out at a folk club being sober. And had an unbeatable offer for St Valentine's '07 by the way!!

    Musical threesome....


  371. At 08:05 AM on 20 Nov 2006, John H. wrote:

    Oh marymary, I'm so sorry. And it's so brave of you to share with us on here. No words will ease the loss you're feeling, but I hope you know that we are thinking of you.

    I lost my mum - 9 years ago now - she was 53 and it was a bit of a shock. I don't really think the experience makes it any easier to understand somebody else's pain.


  372. At 09:23 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Marymary, sorry to hear of your loss. My father died earlier this year, to be honest a relief for him at the end (dementia), it shook me in ways I had never anticipated. I cannot say I am "over" the loss, or even at a new equilibrium yet.

    Thoughts and hugs.

  373. At 09:25 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Morning all,
    just a quick visit and to let you know I have posted a photo to RobbieDo's new flickr site. Very easy. Don't have a dog so posted something different...

    Catch you all later

  374. At 09:29 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Marymary, I was so sorry to hear your terrible news. Mere typed words on a blog can never be enough but they are offered sincerely and you are in my thoughts.

  375. At 09:34 AM on 20 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    Thanks Robbie - hard won through bitter experience! please feel free to pass it on another time when circumstances would make it useful to someone.


    Fifi do we get to hear more about this unbeatable offer for Valentine's Day? And are you doing anything special on 30th?

  376. At 09:52 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Marymary, a big hug from me. My beloved father died when I was 23 and I still miss him, but I believe he lives on in his children and in the memories of all who love him.

    He left an excellent cellar (bought good wine with the money he saved when he gave up smoking), so here's a bottle. And a whisky coffee to warm you.

    The good memories are the ones to hang on to. It'll be hard, but (as everyone will tell you it gets easier.

  377. At 09:53 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    My thoughts are with you and your family, marymary.

    I do not have anything more eloquent to say than that. Admin annie expressed everything I want to say to you. So I'll just add a 'ditto' at the end of her message and hope that it doesn't come across as being uncaring.

  378. At 09:57 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Admin annie, 'talking a lot of auchentosh' it is.

    Clever you, RobbieDo! Do you live in Co Antrim? If so, I'm envious. Beautiful place.

  379. At 10:30 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    I'm so sorry - he sounds like a grand person. My dad died over 10 years ago and I still feel he's near when I need him. Muttering 'go on, just do it'....We have to treasure the fact that we were lucky enough to have such an amazing Dad.
    RobbiedJ - off to try and post a pic of Smudger.
    Have a nice day all.

  380. At 10:41 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ah, Mary, that'll teach me to stagger into the office at 3am and not read back far enough on the beach. What a numpty!

    Let me add a huge heartfelt hug to the others you've had.

    You probably don't need this from an anonymous frogger ... but if you ever want to talk, and can't really say it all out here, you know where to find me.

    * hughughughughughughughughughug *


    PS Admin Annie (376): I shall be sitting in a very nice pub, near the blazing inglenook, with two wonderful blokes, singing love songs all night. As a thank you to the new management for making Grantham folk club so welcome for the past 2 years.

    Funnily enough, I've never known Scots to do anything special for St Andrew's Day. Weirdly, we seem to make more fuss about an obscure romantic poet than the patron saint.

  381. At 10:50 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    I did it! Amazing, and Robbie is sooo lovely, Smudger used to have a chum called Oscar who is a Springer. Used to turn up at all hours demanding entry, and yelling until he was admitted. His owners carefully left their phone in a closed room downstairs so they didn't get the three o'clock calls telling them to come and fetch their blank dog!

  382. At 10:58 AM on 20 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    To everyone who has posted their sympathy and hugs a VERY BIG THANK YOU!

    I'm doing fine, my thoughts are really with my step mother.

    I have emailed jonnie who is going to post a link to "my dad's fifteen minutes of fame". I hope this is not self indulgent. I thought you all might enjoy seeing it.

    I now vote the PM Blog the warmest and friendliest place on the internet.

    Love you all


  383. At 10:59 AM on 20 Nov 2006, John McReynolds wrote:

    I'm sitting here with great big smile on my face.

    In the post this morning Annasee's CD. O'Carolan's Air, Satie, Pachelbel and Drowsy Maggie - bliss.

    And with a personal message on the back of the envelope.


    Frances O - North Derry/North Antrim Coast

  384. At 11:02 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Been in the Welsh Hills, but brought back some Welsh Dragon Sausages for you all before they "go pork" ..... Flame fried, of course! so best on the barbie. And, passing through Herefordshire on the way back, I picked up some really scrummy cider, a whole barrel, which should keep us busy for a while ... Help yourselves!

    Catching up on the news while I've been away

    RobbieDo: Just seen 197 (blushes) - Sorry not to have acknowledged before due to Welsh Weekend. But you've been very busy since then, haven't you? Glad you changed your mind .... and that I'm like your Big Sis!

    Sara (344): Thanks for that. I'd only really scratched the surface with the Blog History, concentrating on the Beach really, and it is only work in progress (as, of course, is the Blog). If I've time in the week, I'll revisit to try to add in other stuff.

    Sweetie shop visits are something that could be worked on by the main culprits. I didn't join in too much - Walnut Whips are my contribution, as Jonnie knows! - but I don't have a sweet tooth. It would be cheese, or something, if left to me!

    Marymary: Really sorry about your dad. Mine died in 2000. Something about daughters and dads, isn't there? I'll certainly raise a glass to him and it will be single malt, 18years. I hope he'd appreciate that.

  385. At 11:22 AM on 20 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Big Sis, 18 year old malt would do nicely. Thank you.

    Dragon sausages. I've been distraught since finding out they are made from pork, but what a gorgeous autumn meal, cider and pork/dragon sausages.

    Oh and try cooking sausages in cider and apples with mustard in the oven, served up with mashed potatoes with leeks.


  386. At 11:49 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Did you see Sam? she asked forlornly?

    I'd better go and check that he hasn't escaped. I think, in my excitement to introduce him to Robbie last night, I forgot to say whose he is? Better go and check....

  387. At 11:58 AM on 20 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Oops. Just restoring my correct identity. That's better.

    Slip up due to changing computers to listen to Annasee's CD on the one with good speakers. So far 4 people have come in to ask what the music is.

  388. At 12:03 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Is Sam the one allegedly blurred through camera shake rather than Auchentosh? If so he is a little dote. Does he leave a little mound of dried mud wherever he settles?

  389. At 12:11 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Just checking something for the draft guide to the blog - please ignore me:





    clickhere for the PM blog

  390. At 12:12 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:


    Glad to get it right with the whisky. And your idea with the sausages is very appropriate. I like pork cooked in cider in whatever form, and I don't suppose the dragons will object .....

    Yes, indeed. Lots and lots and lots of mash.

    So nice to be back on the beach. Far better than the day in November.

  391. At 12:17 PM on 20 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Valery P

    Sam's fine and has company.

  392. At 12:17 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Aunt Dahlia - yoohoo! Smudger is an outsize version of Sam!!
    Actually Sam is a Lakeland/Border X Terrier, but he looks pretty much like a tiny airedale.
    He's sitting behind me on the pc chair (favoured spot, close to me) looking over my shoulder at the photos :o)

  393. At 12:18 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Aunt D - well, he casts everything except hair, and a great deal of good will, wherever he goes!

    I'm sticking with the camera shake excuse....

  394. At 12:44 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I'm just about to issue a round-robin email to the lilypad dwellers, working towards sustainable improvements to safeguard the future of the blog.

    This includes an updated 'history of the blog' written by the wonderful AnneP.

    Anyone else who'd like a copy, please email me via the website. You don't need to join the team - just let me know you'd like to see the blogbiog on its own.


  395. At 12:58 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    to marymary

    {{{{{{}}}}}} (that's BBS speak for loads of hugs)

    Just keep remembering the good times.

  396. At 01:04 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    Marymary - so sorry I wasn't here with you last night and very sorry to hear about your Dad. Even if you've been expecting it for a long time (my Dad was given six months to live several years before he died), it is still a dreadful shock. When I get home this evening I will drink to him and to my dad too.

    Hugs and still more hugs.

  397. At 01:13 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    AnneP, you are so conscientous!

    RobbieDo, glad you've got your identity back. We were about to run off on a shopping spree with your credit cards and play with the Congestion Zone in London...

    .... ah, just been called downstairs for soup by the SO. All that cooking yesterday has paid off!

  398. At 03:48 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:


    meant to say yesterday I loved the reappearing bollards! Is Manchester awash with punctured radiators d'you think?

  399. At 05:05 PM on 20 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Didn't dare put any more joke stories on the current thread.

    True story this time, just updated on Irish Radio:

    Ireland's worst air disaster occurred early this morning when a small two-seater Cessna plane crashed into a cemetery. Irish search and rescue workers have recovered 1826 bodies so far and expect that number to climb as digging continues into the evening.

  400. At 06:28 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Turn up that radio, someone?

    I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue's just starting.

    * leans back on lilo with g&t and crisps... *

  401. At 06:42 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Oooh, Mrs Trellis. they're just reading out your postcard on ISIHAC!!!

  402. At 08:18 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Came across the Auchentoshan, which I don't know, in Morrisons this morning, just waiting for SO to return to share it....well perhaps we won't wait...help yourselves folks.

    Oh and I also bought some all butter shortbread. Decided I had to test it out to check it was OK to hand around at Christmas. Must just have another one to be sure.

    What do you think?

  403. At 08:44 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    O Francis (179) : Hello!

  404. At 08:50 PM on 20 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    this is a serious question in case any of you other loafers down here on the beach have any medical knowledge. Can dark chocolate give you heartburn?

    And as it's getting a bit chilly I have two flasks with me here - coffee, and hot chocolate with brandy. Help yourselves.

  405. At 09:01 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    OMG you would not credit the trouble I have had getting to the beach this evening.
    Give me wine or give me death!
    Am I alone in thinking that this evenings ISIHAC was an instant classic and not just because I had a postcard read out? Ah! That's better.

  406. At 09:03 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Right, time for some guitar practice. Please forgive me fellow froggers but I must make a fearful racket for the next 20 min. My poor, long suffering instrument. It deserves so much better!

  407. At 09:11 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    admin annie (405) the only thing that dart chocolate (esp green and blacks cherry) can cive you is pleasure ;o)

  408. At 09:26 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Robbiedo (400), "current radio broadcast" , a la at least 30 years ago....but then I too recycle most things, jokes included.

    Lucky I had my ear-defenders with me, for Mrs Trellis' guitar practice...

  409. At 09:37 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    hello again, andycr!

    Hello, SF!

    Hello, birds. hello trees...

    (i am a weed and a wet)

    ooh, hot chocolate and brandy (or was it whisky? takes too long to check) sounds yummy.

  410. At 10:17 PM on 20 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    Oh Frances O, hello birds hello trees...

    and when he sa there are fairies at the bottom of my garden molesworth 2 sa there are a great big rubbish heap at the bottom of ours and then he run away.

    I wonder if my copy is still tucked away somewhere.

    And drawing a bow at a venture would it mean anything to anyone if I said my favourite camel was called Chen'aa.

  411. At 10:51 PM on 20 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    admin annie

    That's all gone straight over my head. What ARE you talking about?

  412. At 11:58 PM on 20 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    oh Robbie, your education is incomplete if you have never encountered Molesworth, a wonderful creation by Geoffrey Willans and Ronald Searle. He first appeared in 'How to be Topp'. It's life at public school as seen through the eyes of Nigel Molesworth, a not very bright boy who can't spell and isn't really good at anything else. There are several more in the series, although HTBT is I think the best.

    The 'hello birds hello sky' comes from his description of one of his fellow students called Fotherington Thomas who Nigel excoriates as 'a weed and a wet' partly because he loves nature and skips about saying 'hello trees, hello sky'.

    There is also a screamingly funny all purpose thank you letter which comes in his description of Christmas in the family home.

    And the classic rendition from an english lesson when he is asked to read out loud

    'Sir, the burial sir of Sir John Moore at Corunna Sir...

    I first read it when I was 11 and it still makes me laugh. Or laff as Molesworth would write. If you should come across it, do give it a go.

  413. At 12:56 AM on 21 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    OK annie I've googled it and I have heard of it but never read it.

    If I find it I will give it a try.

  414. At 08:45 AM on 21 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Love the pet pics and have added one of my own.

    Fancy not knowing about Molesworth! He lightened my childhood in its darker moments....... If anyone has spare copies to sell, I'd love to know. Sadly, we never 'owned' one, just used to get from the library.

    Funny when you think about - As a child, I only read what I was given (and mostly wasn't consulted about that) or what I could borrow from the library. This led to me reading lots of books for older children, or even adults, and missing out on various children's classics along the way.

    Anyone else got any childhood favourites? I remember that I read the Hardy Boys at some time, but don't remember anything about them, and was also 'hooked' for a long time on the Faraway Tree stories (escapism of the first order). And lots of animal stories - Black Beauty, Shadow the Sheepdog (heard that mentioned somewhere recently, was it Libby Purves? - clearly another Blyton reader), Rin-Tin-Tin, My Friend Flicka, etc. etc. Plus a book that I've never heard of anywhere else called 'Worlds End was Home' about a family in Tasmania. Anyone else know that one?

    A book club. How about a book club for the Beach?

  415. At 09:04 AM on 21 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Anyone who wants to know more about Molesworth and St. Custards (his alma mater) might want to try to following.

    Equally, anyone who (like me) loved and laughed and lightened up their childhood courtesy of R. Searle and G. Willans, might just like to revisit.

    It's a great site.

  416. At 09:32 AM on 21 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    A book club is a wonderful idea.
    My childhood favourites were, in no particular order:
    Jennings, Magic Faraway Tree, Secret Seven, Danny Champion of the World, The Three Investigators, Winnie The Pooh (Read this to my son a while ago and it brought back so many memories), Biggles and, oh the list is endless.
    I still read all the time and cannot imagine being denied access to my books.
    Big sis. This is one of the best ideas that I have ever heard for the beach and you have my absolute support.

  417. At 09:44 AM on 21 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Big Sis

    Daffy looks relaxed - deserves to be at 16. Everybody thinks Robbie is a young pup, but he has just turned 10.

    Who posted Gordon the Cat? We have to put our own names up as Flickr knows just the "froggersfriends" name.

    If you're starting a Book Club can I ask that we have some Flann O'Brien (aka Myles na gCopaleen aka Brian O'Nolan).

  418. At 10:07 AM on 21 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Godd Morning all
    Isn't this broadband thingy great.
    Re Molesworth - we still scornfully bellow 'As any fule do kno'
    Yes Biggles, Ballet - Lorna Hill, induced a love of Northumbria that has never left,The Famous Five and Secret Seven. I was a voracious and utterly indiscriminate reader collecting a random selection every week to see if any of them 'took'. I now know my place and stick willingly to whodunnits. Crime being an area of literary merit eschewed by critics. O and TP. Probably the modern Molesworth. Did anyone else know the Rincewind was one of the red bearded dwarves in the famous laundry case of Beachcomber? Now that is esoteric.
    And Anne P, I hope you are feeling well this morning?
    Admin A - Chen'aa rings no bells, but tell all...
    Now must go and pretend I haven't got a HUGE dealine to face.

  419. At 10:12 AM on 21 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Another request for the Book Club.

    Somebody under the name "Rampant-Scot" has just posted a quote from Chick Murray on the current thread.

    I don't know if there any biographies or works by Chick Murray but if there are I would like somebody to name them for the Book Club.

    So there I was lying in the gutter. A man stopped and asked '"What's the matter? Did you fall over?" So I said "No. I've a bar of toffee in my back pocket and I was just trying to break it."

  420. At 10:26 AM on 21 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Robbiedo - you were obviously a latecomer to the Bloggers Ball, or you would have known all about the fact that my cat is called Gordon (it was a quiz answer many weeks ago) and that we had rats at Easter, who lived under the decking (shown). I wanted to post a picture of one of the rats, but my husband said that was just weird & people would think I was warped. Clearly we can't have that!

  421. At 10:31 AM on 21 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Glad you like the idea.

    In fact, I've realised that there are two ideas in here - One reminiscing over childhood reads, the other a virtual book club.

    Suggestions for the latter:
    (1) Froggers say if they're wanting to be involved
    (2) Of (1) a frogger is randomly selected to choose a favourite read with
    (3) a date (say a week to ten days ahead) when we start our comments, max. 3 days for commenting, then
    (4) the process starts again from (2).

    I suppose, if we get our own lilypad as has been discussed elsewhere, we could do it all there. But meanwhile ......

    Eddie might even be prepared to set up a thread for the comments bit. Might even read the books himself. He's a frogger too! (oh no, I forgot, he's the frog after the princess kissed him)

  422. At 10:40 AM on 21 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:


    and keep scrolling!

  423. At 11:02 AM on 21 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Thanks Aunt Dahlia -I found that site by googling "Chick Murray" after I read the earlier post - Its where I found that last quote I gave.

    Also on the site is an article about the Dali painting "Christ of St John of the Cross." I remember seeing it in the Kevingrove Museum years ago when I was very very youing. I remember it was suspended in some way - not hung on a wall.

    Saw it again a couple of years ago in St Mungo Museum, where they moved it to some time ago - It had shrunk! My memory was of a very big painting.

    Still, I think it is my favourite work of art - better than most of the Dali stuff in the museum at Figueres.

    Sorry I'm rambling.

  424. At 11:05 AM on 21 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Big Sis.
    I like the idea of the virtual book club. I like your idea for the running and would be happy to do it that way. The beauty of this is that you will get to read books that you would not normally choose and therefore make (hopefully) some wonderful discoveries. I like the idea of keeping it on the blog simply because so many people visit here and therefore, even if they are late comers or simply not "joiners" they can still cherry pick the best or most intriguing (for them) and get a lot of pleasure from a book.
    Thinking about it I am quite keen to keep it on a fairly loose basis. Fun and friendly. More club, less library.

  425. At 11:13 AM on 21 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    Great to see how many of you also loved Enid Blyton - she's so non-u today, but such a good read. Anyone who can get youngsters reading like she could should never be considered non-u, I think. And I loved Pooh, too. But my all-time favourite was Jane Eyre - only for some years I never got further than chapter 9 because it broke my heart when Helen died and my mother would hear me sobbing, come into the bedroom and take the book away!

    Funny remembering things from childhood - in which books played a huge part - for several years I thought that meringues were one thing (sugary things with cream) and meringues pronounced meringyoos were little fishes you ate at the beach.

    Talking of beaches - great to be here!

  426. At 11:20 AM on 21 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    Hold on - I think it is all comimg back. Surely you did post a postcard/picture of two dead mice?

    btw the CD is superb - now playing as I supposedly work here.

  427. At 12:59 PM on 21 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Been away for a couple of days, and amazed at the accumulated partying I missed. Still, I vicariously tried to catch up and was struck by the thought that this commitment to frogging might cause the same kind of stresses in families as sometimes happens with cults???

    Belated hugs for Mary, and welcome to the Order of Orphan Elders.

  428. At 01:34 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    RobbieDo (424) - it is indeed an amazing painting.

    Perhaps because of the perspective, I was reminded of it recently on a visit to Southwell Minster - first time I have been there. It's a fantastic space - the nave is vast and pure Norman and high above the choir screen hangs a sculpture of Christ the Light of the World (not of Christ on the cross which at first it looks like) by Peter Ball. He sculpts in wood decorated with copper and gold and the way it catches the light, and the angle at which it hangs high over the nave, somehow reminded me of Dali.

    There are some other wonderful Peter Ball sculptures at Southwell - it's truly well worth a visit.

  429. At 01:35 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Lissa you are WONDERFUL!

    Do let us know when the beach needs moving and if the Book Club should be on a separate thread.

  430. At 02:11 PM on 21 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    I would be in for a book club in some form or other, and yes I think we would probably need a separate lily pad for it. And after reading 424 and 429 perhaps we need another pad for art as well.

    and yes Lissa, many thanks or even tusen tak (see my Jeremy posting) for getting it back for us.

    now here's a couple of bottles of a very nice Graves so that we can all relax after the excitements of the morning.

  431. At 02:21 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Thank you Lissa. x

  432. At 02:28 PM on 21 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I too remember the Dali painting from Kelvingrove ... wondered where it had gone.

    The book club idea is lovely - trust Big Sister to come up with yet another stoatur!

    I'd like it especially if we can do a lot of re-reading old favourites, rather than tracking down newly published books.

    Partly coz I'm lazy and like to re-read. And partly because I never get to talk about my old favourites with anybody!

    Could we do that, at least some of the time?

  433. At 02:29 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    I would also be in for the book-club!

    Is anyone else having a severe case of cabin fever today? I sense the beach calling me...

  434. At 02:48 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Sewing up some lacy arm warmers I found titles of much loved childhood reading come flooding back - all the classics, E Nesbit, Arthur Ransome (all except Missee Lee), Tom's Midnight Garden, Minnow on the Say, the Carbonel books, Bedknob and Broomsticks, Noel Streatfeild, Rosemary Sutcliff, some books about a boy called Kemlo who lived on a space station.

    I too gobbled up books and was somewhat miffed with our local library when I went back in the afternoon having read the three books I'd taken out in the morning and wasn't believed or allowed to take out any more. But the librarian did introduce me to Tolkien when almost no-one had heard of him - straight into the Lord of the Rings, no messing about with the Hobbit first.

    On a rainy holiday on Skye we all worked our way through piles of Womens Journal and Argosy magazine which serialized a lot of good fiction. I read John Wyndham's Chrysalids only to find the last part missing and it was several years before I found what it was and read it again.

    Talking of which I've been watching the re-run of Day of the Triffids and finding it somehow a lot more scary than first time around. Is that something to do with me or the times we live in I wonder?

    And heaven knows I don't think you could find London streets so quiet to film in now at any time of day.

  435. At 03:28 PM on 21 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    I'm learning a lot recently - Molesworth, Geoffrey Willans etc. and now you have taught me how to spell "stoatur" I've heard it, I've even used it - but I've never seen it written down!

  436. At 03:52 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Oh yes, old favourites as well please.
    I think I already single handedly make the profit margins for several booksellers.
    And I hate R*al rotten time wasting P***er, just to hear 'Clark-Packsman' - a driver in an computer game - as any fule do kno

  437. At 04:00 PM on 21 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Afternoon all!

    I'd be up for the book club as well...

    In my youth, it was things like biggles to begin with, then I moved on to E.E. "Doc" Smith, with the Skylark and Lensman series. After that, I was introduced to the Inspector Morse books before the TV series curtesy of my Father. He bought them as he was at Oxford during the '50s, so enjoyed reading about where he went to Uni. Then, when I went up to the Poly in Oxford, he lent me the two he still had copies of. So I have first paperback editions of the first two Inspector Morse novels from the 1970s! Obviously I'm a Pratchett fan (Ook!) and decent sci-fi/fantasy still draws me (the Kim Stanley Robinson Mars trilogy is a current runner on the bedside table)...

    As for Day Of The Triffids, I remember watching that as a 14/15 year old, and just the music was enough to start me sweating in fear and anticipation each week. I actually bought the DVD of the series a few weeks ago (before I knew it was going to be shown again on 麻豆官网首页入口4). I watched it all in one evening sitting. It's still a masterful adaptation of a classic...

  438. At 04:01 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Fifi. I have found out what "stoatur" means but cannot find any pronunciation guide. Please help as I love new and interesting words. Thank you.

  439. At 04:44 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Stoat Ur or Stoat er
    Now I sit here connected to a nice Indian lady, apparently called Shirty, who is proving absolutely unable to tell me how I keep my beeb.net e-mail address under bt broadband. Who seem to be in some sort of unholy alliance with yoohoo - whom I do not wish to touch with your bargepole.
    I am not hitting the Auchentosh. Enough is etc ect

  440. At 04:46 PM on 21 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Mrs Trellis (438) and other non-Scots:

    Imagine Rab C Nesbit or perhaps 'Jock' from Porridge. A Scottish accent you could chip granite with.

    (With which one could chip granite, Val.)

    Now hear that voice say 'STOW' (as in 'bestow) and 'URRRRR' (rhyming with the ancient city believed to be the first human civilisation).

    There you go: stoatur.

    Doesn't work in a posh Scottish accent. Eddie would sound ridiculous saying it. So do I. One reason for using it! ;o)

    Incidentally, I have always assumed it to be correctly spelt 'stoater' but for a largely English audience, reading rather than listening, I felt the sound of 'stoatur' to be more authentic.

    One more thought. In some parts of Scotland you'd hear it with a glottal-stop: stoa'ur. If you can master that, I'll dub you an honorary haggis-botherer on the spot!

  441. At 04:58 PM on 21 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I recognise the glo'al stop and live overlooking the wa'er. Is there any prize? (Other than the of living here, that is.)

    P.s> Put me on your 'all filthy jokes' list, please

  442. At 05:24 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    Strange - I thought a stoa'ur was a chap on a West Country steam locomotive.

    With you on the book club although I never have enough time to read. Tend to fall asleep! Thanks Anne P for reminding me of wonderful books like Noel Streatfield's, not to mention the brill Secret Garden.

    And then there were super things I read a little bit past childhood - who remembers Catcher in the Rye?

  443. At 05:36 PM on 21 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    a nostalgia book club would be lovely, but I do wonder about availability. Eg two of my childhood favourites were Henry Treece and Geoffrey Trease both now out of print. And what about Biggles? is he still available? I don't even know if Streatfiled and Lorna Hill are in print.

    I quite agree that there is a lot to be said for a club that reads old and well lloved books rather than one that goes after new stuff for the sake of it. I'm in one of those, but put up Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South a couple of years ago and felt vindicated when it was voted as the favourite book of the year.


    Walnit whips. Was it you that wanted them Fearless, and if so was that a real or virtual wish. Because they have them in our local shop and I am quite willing to get some and get them posted to you if we can find a secure way of getting your address to me. I don't have a web site that you can access me through and I don;t think you do either, but it can't be totally impossible surely.

  444. At 05:40 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    My Fifi, thats a wee bit perjink fer me the noo.

  445. At 05:49 PM on 21 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ed (442):

    Of course I will. As soon as you enlighten me as to your email address.

    You can get it to me via the website - unlike yours, which doesn't seem to want to part with a 'contact me' option.

    You've just missed a good batch actually, thanks to someone called Ben whom I don't recognise from the blog but who shares my appreciation of political incorrectness!

    Hop to it, young Edward. :o)

    Beer, anyone? I'm off to co-host a folk club in Oakham in a wee while, so best have something to eat first.

  446. At 07:06 PM on 21 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Helensparkles - have you got lost again?

    Aunt Dahlia (445) - perjink?? meaning please.

  447. At 08:28 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Admin Annie (444)
    with the general demise of the second hand bookshop your best bet for old children's books is probably which searches a huge range of on-line sellers. Check that your search currency is pounds not dollars or you may get a shock! A quick check shows quite a lot of Henry Treece and Geoffrey Trease up there.

    Unfortunately the hardback versions of the stories popular in the fifties and sixties have become very collectable, especially if they still have their dustjackets. But it is still possible to find things at relatively reasonable prices. Of course eBay is another place to look.

    If you're not used to booksellers' descriptions of book condition, and the extent to which they are consistent does vary, there is a glossary at www.abebooks.co.uk in the Help section which may be useful.

  448. At 08:34 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Admin Annie: 'Twas Jonnie for the Walnut Whips, but 'tis I who was to send them to him .... But I have failed to find them in the sweetie shops hereabouts (or even thereabouts).

    Lovely of you to offer. I feel it would be mean if you were to do the sending of them. Jonnie may post meanwhile. It's a bit of an in joke for him and me, I think.

    But you are a love. Thanks for thinking of us.

  449. At 09:30 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    Quite quiet on the beach tonight. But I don't mind as I'm tired and not that sociable. Here's a few bottles of chardonnay again - I keep going back to chardonnay cos it's got enough of a sugar kick to give me a lift whilst also being nice and oaky. Although I like the non-oaked too, which is lovely and buttery. Mmm. Join me in a slurp.

    Not too keen on Walnut whips but Fearless once bought some plain chocolate which was super - Green & Blacks I think it was.

    Very peed off tonight because the taps I ordered for our bathroom which is in the throes of being done by our fairly laid-back builder/plumber are apparently out of stock. I ordered them on the internet on sunday and they've only just told me. So I'm busy trying to get some more, whilst watching the b/p closely to make sure he doesn't put the shower in upside down again!

    Hope Fifi's folk club's going well. She and Big Sis are doing such brilliant work on the lilypad.

    btw I missed the prog this evening (late working again). Was there any of this big news (cameras and 5 o'clock views) mentioned?

  450. At 10:52 PM on 21 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Evening all, I know, very late, missed PM and all.

    Book club (various). May also have an issue with editions. My copy of "Edward the Blue Engine" (1961) is somewhat different to the version in print these days. Sign me in, but cannot promise much at present (like the lilypad). Talking of those, has the "SB" been mentioned in the history. Somehow I seem to get trunkated histories.

    Well done Lissa, although I've not seen the post where she announces the "Return of the Beach" (hey, that's a good movie title) .

    I'll shut up and join you in a glass or so...

  451. At 10:53 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Oh yes please - a Book Club, in any way, shape, form, description or content (just about)!

    Way back this pad, where I started reading (not been on the beach yet today) I was just dying to jump in with Jennings - an all time favourite of mine, but I didn't have to read far down to find someone else mention him - too far to go back to find out whom. Anyway, bubnic plag, is a favoured non-specific illness in our family.
    I too read, almost exclusively, throughout my childhood - and well, ever since really. Same problem as an earlier frogger during the school holidays, take 3 out in the morning, read them and then not be allowed to take out more in the evening. How unenlightened can you be? Perhaps they just didn't want me to run out of books. Hmmm.

    Off to fl*kr now to check for new photos, then I'm away to bed. Night all x

  452. At 10:59 PM on 21 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    Only heard part of the show - but I don't think there were any further details.

    I am and I really am halfway through and nice white Vin de Pays d'Oc. Fancy a glass?

  453. At 11:07 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Ah yes DeepJohn, I'll mention the sb's, they were a big feature, early doors weren't they?

  454. At 11:54 PM on 21 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Valery (454),

    Yes, we ultimately gave up, though, even if an alternative "CB" was tried out. How little we knew the pixies.

    I have no pet (on principle, I'm afraid), so no pics there from me.

    Mind you, my pre-teenage reading would certainly not be book club "book of the month". I had read "Principles of Physical Geography" [that being a clue of an undergraduate set text] before I went to secondary school, and understood quite a bit of it. Somehow, mother found someone in WH Sm*ths who knew something of literature, and as a result made me read Durrell's "My Family and other Animals" at the same time. That was just enough of a hook to get me to expore fiction...

    Oh dear, that glass turned out to be two more more....

    "Time for bed, said Zebedee" Poing!

  455. At 12:02 AM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    As I'd rather not keep livestock, I feed wildlife and I've left a picture of one of my furry friends on Robbie's Flicker bit. Together with the birds, my friends are subsidised to the tune of half a tonne per annum, including imported peanuts, etc. So even a deep green localist succumbs to the .

    Just dropping in for the last pint of Guinness and to say goodnight all.

  456. At 12:37 AM on 22 Nov 2006, HelenSparkles wrote:

    I made it, tho' off to bed with green & black's hot chocolate, just thought I'd check in to see the sunset 1st and thank all for the great directions. I think we should plan to meet on a real beach as soon as it is no longer cold and frosty!

  457. At 12:39 AM on 22 Nov 2006, HelenSparkles wrote:

    Not that there is anything fake about his beach I mean!

  458. At 09:45 AM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Good morning, bit misty down here at the moment.

    I have been making a start and put a few bits here:

    I noticed it doesn't display correctly on some screen resolutions but it's a start for indexing the audio bits

  459. At 09:57 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Good Morning All
    Smudger and I have had our morning Howl, he is now back to bed and me to the beach to limber up for another Photoshop session (other confusing graphics programs are available)
    Robbie Do - perjink, I picked up on recent replay of 'Parliamo Glasgow' with Stanley Baxter. It's Milngavie ladies being just a bit too ambitious with the social standing. Pinkies raised, mouths at the prim...

    Re book club - grand - could we also throw in our favourites in categories? Funniest, Spookiest, Changed my Life, Made me cry (like to see Mrs Treliss's favourite in that category) etc ect.

  460. At 10:08 AM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re Admin Annie and her Walnuts.

    How exciting -- I was thrilled at hearing a local shop stocks them.

    However Big Sis can breath a sigh of relief. I have been skipping the Gym and the scales have just revealed some grim news. I'm now over 12 stone. Not that bad but I'm only 2 foot 6.

  461. At 10:11 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    It is now 10am and I cannot believe that I am the first on the beach. I think I might as well compile my fantasy Desert Island Disc selection.
    Oh, before I forget; check this out

  462. At 10:30 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    I'm compiling the info I've got so far having reviewed comments about a Book Club, just to help out. I'll post separately after this one.

    Admin Annie: Was thinking about Ronald Searle. Did you hear him on Radio 4 in July? Hope they repeat this. So moving, particularly about his time as a prisoner of war in Singapore. If I remember correctly, he came to regret St. Trinians/Molesworth, which I think is a bit sad given the pleasure and fun for those who read them.


    Can you write a few words about the SB? I know you (in your John days) were one of the great practitioners - possibly even the instigator (memory fails me, but prob. not you).
    Jot it in a posting and I'll note.
    Big Sis

  463. At 10:43 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:


    Double Walnut Whips for all the hard work you've done! Just put it on (as a separate tab so that I can flick between) and - so far, so good.

    I see you have a Book Club space there. I'll post up what I've managed to 'glean' so far from the Beach, but on this Blog. You may want to cut 'n paste for your link.

    If the Beeb's tekkies don't have anything better to offer us, perhaps they will find a way to permanently link to your site, with you as Blogmaster (Could be a lot of work for you - perhaps you would want to 'farm' some of it out? If this can be easily done, I'll happily help, as probably would others).

    Fifi - Have you had a look at Jonnie's site?

    Big kiss from Big Sis

  464. At 10:50 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Book Club:

    Have tried to compile a note of what's been said so far so you don't have to trawl endlessly back.

    Suggested format (as a point of discussion)

    (1) Froggers say if they're wanting to be involved
    (2) Of (1) a frogger is randomly selected to choose a favourite read with
    (3) a date (say a week to ten days ahead) when we start our comments, max. 3 days for commenting, then
    (4) the process starts again from (2).

    So far, this has been endorsed in principle by at least one blogger (Mrs. T, I think)

    Those expressing an interest to date (with childhood/other literary interests):

    Valery P – Jennings

    DeepthoughtJohnW – Edward the Blue Engine; The principles of geography

    Admin Annie – Molesworth (Geoffrey Willans, Ronald Searle), Henry Treece/Geoffrey Trease. Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South

    Sara – Noel Streatfield, The Secret Garden, Catcher in the Rye, Enid Blyton, Pooh, Jane Eyre

    Fearless Fred – Biggles, EE”Doc” Smith (Skylark, Lensman), Inspector Morse, Terry Pratchett, Kim Stanley Robinson Mars trilogy, Day of the Triffid

    Anne P – E Nesbit, Arthur Ransome, Tom’s Midnight Garden, Monnow on the Say, the Carbonel books, Bedknob and Broomsticks, Neol Streatfield, Rosemary Sutcliff, books about a boy called Kemlo who lived on a space station, Tolkein, Chrysalids and Day of the Triffids (John Wyndham)

    Belinda (statement of interest)

    Fifi – likes to reread. Revisit old favourites.

    Mrs. Trellis - Jennings, Magic Faraway Tree, Secret Seven, Danny Champion of the World, The Three Investigators, Winnie The Pooh (Read this to my son a while ago and it brought back so many memories), Biggles

    RobbieDo – Chick Murray, Flann O'Brien (aka Myles na gCopaleen aka Brian O'Nolan).

    Aunt Dahlia – Molesworth, Biggles, Ballet - Lorna Hill, induced a love of Northumbria that has never left, The Famous Five and Secret Seven. Whodunnits. (and other stuff I didn’t understand) – ref. Posting 419, new beach.

    Big Sis – Molesworth, Faraway Tree stories, animal stories 'Worlds End was Home' plus R. Rendell/B. Vine, Jane Austen, A.Trollope, H. James, M. Oondatje, etc.

    Will copy this and email to Fifi.

  465. At 10:53 AM on 22 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Aunt Dahlia

    Parliamo Glasgow. I remember that. Tell me, did Rikki Fulton every do something along those lines - playing with "posh accents"?

    I'm going to relax here a bit today. Worked late last night to meet a deadline. All work done and dusted only to find that the deadline has been put back a day.

    Think I'll wander over to the bandstand and see if anybody wants to serenade me.

  466. At 11:10 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Aunt Dahlia (460)
    I could not list all the books etc that have made me cry but the last one was a poem by Spike Milligan called: Unto Us. In fact there were 3 that he wrote that affected me quite a lot. Unto Us, Me and Feelings. They are all very powerful in their own way.

  467. At 11:11 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    jonnie, have just flipped over to see the site and am very impressed and have now bookmarked it. Anything that I can do to help I just ask.

  468. At 11:18 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Mrs Trellis (461)

    Wonderful. Really cheered me up, which I need this morning. And I always thought Finland was so much better than here! I guess people are much the same everywhere when it comes down to it.

  469. At 11:39 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    jonnie (459) - Great stuff!

  470. At 12:34 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Aunt Dahlia (460) : what a great idea!

    Categories for the book club. Would make an interesting diversion from the usual 'read a book then talk it to death' format ... and easier perhaps to engage with (with which to engage, Val) for those of us who have little time to read books within a deadline.

    Mrs Trellis (462) : I have just passed this link on to my pal Chris who directs a number of choirs specialising in world music. And dared him to teach it to Woven Chords!!!

    I particularly liked the anti-ringtone section. Brilliant.

    Everyone : Ben (no relation to Bill n Ben I presume) is doing a great job feeding me funnies for Fifi's Joke Book. I can't keep up! Thanks Ben. Do feel free to say hello if you are reading this....

    Now I must nip over to the barbie for a quick snack, before taking poorly pal's dog for walkies and buying some lucozade (yuck) for the invalid.

    See ya!

  471. At 01:14 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    RobbieDo - That's so frustrating, isn't it? But nice to have a day to relax .... I waited by the bandstand with my little ukele in my hand, but you didn't appear. Not a George Formby fan, eh?

    Aunt Dahlia: Great idea.

    Everyone: All thoughts on Book Club welcome. Will try to gather everything together and post thoughts again.

    I think (for practical reasons, including my own absences from 'base' over the weekend and thereabouts) it might be a good idea for me to summarise what all have said next Tuesday - which still gives time for the thinking to progress. By then, we may have a consensus (or something close to a consensus) over what, if anything we do?

    Or it could just grow organically. I love organic stuff.


  472. At 01:14 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Love the website, what with that and Robbiedo's flickr pag there are hours of entertainment ahead.
    Still weeping from hearing the audio clip 'long question' for the first time.
    A master of the radio waves.

  473. At 01:43 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:


    It's perfect. Now on the Pics page, a link to Robbie's flicker bit?

  474. At 01:59 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Am I really the first frogger to venture back to the beach today?

    I'll leave the chololate supplies, the barbeque makings, and a few bottles of various liquids in the usual places, folks...

  475. At 02:07 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Big Sister has been hard at work editing and adding to the history of the beach.

    Anyone who wants to see a copy, please email me via the website (or if you're already a lilypadder just email me).

    It's a 6 page W*rd document, only 60KB.

    With a cunning new device which I love: blue placques marking those key moments in our history!

    Now off to brave the Scotch-mist-gone-lumpy that is the East Midlands in November. Somehow I think Max the red setter will be better off without his walk though....

  476. At 02:12 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:


    D'you want me to email you Blog Guide, Book Club stuff, or anything?

    Quicker than a Walnut Whip.

    And fewer calories.

    (Liked the joke, BTW!?))

  477. At 02:36 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    FF: Look around you. Put on your glasses (no, the ones that help you see!)
    There seems to be a bit of a bloggage ... but Lissa or someone will sort it out.

    Jonnie: I can't make the longest question work. The other audio clips do (c**p was a bit slow to begin with, but finally sorted itself out). What am I doing wrong?

  478. At 02:52 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    RobbieDo, I can't remember Rikki Fulton much - was he in Para Handy? I can recall his voice. How important voices are and yet we pay so little attention to them.
    MrsT thankyou for Grumpy Old Finns and Spike. I think poems are much more powerful,on the whole, than books. I have an architect friend who doesn't cry at words, but can be reduced to tears by a beautiful building. And although I am a painter there is only one painting that has made me cry, but several sculptures can make me tear up. All sorts of reasons why. Now where's the hot chocolate, I've just got back from slithering round the damp woods and I'm chilled to the marrow.

  479. At 03:05 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Thanks for the comments but it's only an attempt to organise a few things.

    RobbieDo is now linked with the logon details on the pics page

    Now for some real work and repairing a double glazed window after last weeks winds ;-(

    Just e-mail me with anything you want put on and I'll try my best -- I think someone had the old beach in full somewhere but can't remember who it was now. I could try making an adobe pdf file of it ?

  480. At 03:07 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    That was quick!

  481. At 03:12 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Adding my "statement of interest" to the book club:

    In terms of childhood books, I adored Little Women and the Heidi books (does this date me?), I also loved the Enid Blyton school books and re-read them over and over again.
    In adultiness, I currently love WWII diaries (particularly Vere Hodgson) and I have recently read a Noel Streatfeld book for adults - Saplings (Sara, have you read that?). For modern books, I enjoy Lahiri Jhumpa and I have an enormous soft-spot for anything Bill Bryson writes.

    I could go on with the books I love for about three threads worth but I suspect the beach will have to be evacuated, so I'll shut up now.

  482. At 03:21 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Fantastic choral stuff, Mrs T!

  483. At 03:48 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi Big sis (478)

    Yes please send it through !

    Not quite sure why some of the clips are playing up but I'll check it all on the laptop independently

  484. At 04:11 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Johhnie (480),
    See Anne P (19) who has a copy as htm

    It should post as that, I reckon.

    You're a marvel

  485. At 04:19 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re; BigSister,

    I've posted them as mp3 files aswell. You should be able to download them by right clicking on the icon and saving as.

    Hope it works,


  486. At 04:33 PM on 22 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    Very impressed with the work.

    Looks like we have hit an upload limit on the free version of flickr though. I'll have another look at it.

  487. At 04:40 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Belinda - you've found Persephone Press then - a treasure trove of delights!

  488. At 04:46 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Jhumpa Lahiri...not entirely sure why I got her name backwards in my previous post.

  489. At 05:27 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I could happily reduce the size of my squirrel picture if that'll help. Perhaps others have posted larger than needed as well.

    Big Sis,
    Count me in for the book club. Pynchon, Bulgakov, Tom Robbins, and too many others to list.

  490. At 05:52 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Golly it's been busy today. And Max went without his walk, as it was hissing down out there.

    Fairweather frog, that's me, ;o)

  491. At 06:14 PM on 22 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    I know that my files were very big. Having looked again I think that there is a 20MB limit per month on uploads - should have read the small print first. Hardly any limit if you are a subscriber.

    Leave it with me and I'll have a think. I don't think it costs much to subscribe - I'll probably make it my contribution to the blog effort.

    Its amazing what information is held on some of these files. Looking at the details attached to each of the shots that have been uploaded, it tells you exactly the make and model of the camera that they were taken with!

  492. At 06:17 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Oops! re my 475. I swear there wasn't anything past 458 when I frogged earlier! I'm not going blind, honest! I think it must be some cacheing happening at my work firewall/servers. That's annoying as I look a complete idiot, frogging like that!

  493. At 06:26 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:


    The Clips work fine now - Thanks.

    It might help (with the things I sent you direct) if I put into Adobe first. I'll have a go and resend.

    Did you like the no-cal Walnut Whip?

  494. At 08:52 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:


    I think I'm asking the right person. Could you put up the PM frog picture as the default one on Fl*ckr for froggers to sign in as froggersfriends, rather than the square face? (assuming those who don't have a Fl*ckr account, such as myself).


    Well done on the pmblog.co.uk, I've not got the time to run yet another web site...real work getting in the way, and I should be doing end of year accounts at the moment...but I had not posted any of Eddie's audios as mp3 as no-one at the 麻豆官网首页入口 replied to my questions regarding copyright. As a linux user, it's easy for me to make an mp3 from the streamed audio.

    Certainly need that glass of Cabernet Sauvignon now, (although clear head needed with columns of figures...)

  495. At 08:59 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Oh, oh, another bloggage.

    BTW, I'm not suggesting "Principles of Physical Geography" as a froggers book-club book. Someone is reading me out of context.

  496. At 09:48 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Bill'n'Ben wrote:

    Hi all,

    Well I wasn't going to visit tonight because I thought I'd just spread gloom and despondency.

    The Finnish choir certainly cheered me up, thanks Mrs Trellis. See Green was superb with her shipping forecast. Brilliant work on the blog web site Robbie.

    John W could I grab a glass of your Cabernet Sauvignon before I decide to walk into the sea.

    Cheers mate.

  497. At 12:19 AM on 23 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    I think you should apologise to jonnie and thank him - he has done all the work!

  498. At 12:52 AM on 23 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    I'm copying the following comment from the Bullying thread on 22 Nov. You can see for yourself what it refers to.

    Right that's enough!
    I've heard enough from Big Sister to know that she is genuine and sincere in her postings.
    I also know who The Woman In The Picture is (TWITP without the parenthesis) and that they are among the two most valuable contributors to the blog. So let’s leave it at that. Any more of this and I’m not talking to either of you!

    And I mean it.

  499. At 01:12 AM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re: Deepthought and RobbieDo,

    I've explained to FiFi that I've put that website on hold as I think I now know what we need with liason between you all.

    I'll start work in the morning with something more versatile and hopefully by next week we can lift some of the pics off Robbie's Flickr site to make way for new entries to be submitted there.

    As I told Fifi we have 500 MB which is reasonable -- at least till the New Year.

    BillnBen -- no offence taken whatsoever. I will take all the advice and after seeing the Red Robin from Fifi there is some good stuff to go in it. It's all a bit of a learning curve but THIS blog is the important thing and where all the input comes from.

    Night all x

  500. At 01:28 AM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re: Deepthought,

    Forgot to answer your valid point on the MP3 files.

    As far as I know it makes no odds. Everything (or most) has been already broadcast by the 麻豆官网首页入口 and any streaming media can be easily harnassed or (come to that) simply recorded in the analogue domain.

    The only issue would be that I am holding them on an external server.

    Of course, I'd pull all or any offending material down immediately at the request of the Corporation or any individual.

  501. At 09:11 AM on 23 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Aunt Dahlia (488): I have indeed found Persephone books! I can't help myself, I keep ordering things from them like I am under a trance. I am also hoping to get a few Persephone books from Father Christmas this year, but obviously I need to write the letter to Lapland first.

    Has F.C. been given the change in the address of the beach? will he find us all here? Have we all been naughty, or nice?

  502. At 10:35 AM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Thanks to Anne, Fifi, and Big Sister.

    All very impressive.

    I should have something by early next week

  503. At 01:26 PM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I propose a toast to "Absent Friends", for Nick Clarke, and to Eddie, for his excellent coordination of the tribute on WATO.

    Charge your glasses!


  504. At 05:52 PM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I know I am new to the beach, so I might’ve hung back a bit n normal circumstances, but I've been made to feel so welcome that I feel emboldened to suggest we raise our glasses to Nick Clark this evening?

    The online shopping arrived this morning & I have a few bottles of Rioja to contribute, or a cheap Orvieto in the fridge, the quality of which I can’t vouch for. I don’t think it will get too crowded if everyone is there at the same time, how would 10pm be? & Perhaps Eddie will join us if it isn’t past his bedtime, cocoa is an option.

    I would like to remember what we know of him, to share that he won’t be forgotten, to thank him for his brand of journalism with complete integrity, & to wish his family solace at a time of great sadness.

  505. At 05:58 PM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ed (503): Hear hear!

    Big Sister has just sent me a lovely picture and I have to share it with you.

    Just go here for the toast to Nick Clarke.

    I'll bring the guitar and play something sombre.

    Then, reflecting the indomitable spirit of the man himself, if you fancy it we'll have ourselves a few verses of the Hedgehog Song.

  506. At 05:59 PM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Sorry Ed, I didn't see you there at 503 when I posted, but glad we are of the same mind.

    Bigsister, your work on the history of the beach is fabulous, Fifi kindly emailed it earlier and the whole beach things is just fab.

  507. At 06:17 PM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Belinda (501): I've just sent my note to Santa up our chimney, and gave him directions to the beach.

    I took the liberty of inviting him to join us there, once he's finished his rounds.

    Here's hoping he has some nice baggy shorts to change into....

  508. At 06:20 PM on 23 Nov 2006, Mr S Claus wrote:

    Thank you for your kind invitation. So thoughtful.

    I'll see you on Christmas Day ... on the ice ... at 5?

    Oh no, you don't have ice there do you.

    See you at the bar then! But please ........ no more sherry.

  509. At 06:25 PM on 23 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    As we are going to have to move this beach again soon, would it be an idea to ask Eddie to name the new beach as the Nick Clarke Memorial beach. Is that maudlin or just plain silly?

    Silly we do, maudlin we mostly don't. It would of course be ephemeral, but aren't we all. Since we can't build a physical memorial, would a virtual one be a suitable tribute?

    We would of course promise to be sure to make the coffee and vegetarian sandwiches the right way, and always to ensure that the pillows come up to standard.

    In affectionate memory of Nick Clarke.

    Anne P.

  510. At 08:44 PM on 23 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Helen lovely to see you on the beach.

    I've just poured a glass of Reisling and drank a toast to Nick Clarke and other lost friends.

    I gather from listening to Eddie that Nick liked the finer things in life so I suppose we should be getting out our best booze for this evening.


    PS Hi Santa! I want a Nintendo Wii for Christmas. Can you arrange that for me? x

  511. At 09:07 PM on 23 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    HelenSparkles - You truly do.

    And yes, I'm with you on the toast .... Will be with you all 'in spirit' at 10.

    Going now for a quiet, reflective stroll along the beach with Daffy. And to think about Barbara and the boys.

  512. At 10:43 PM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Choose your poison, Santa, we have virtually everything.

    Once more for Nick Clarke, Gone but not forgotten!

    Here's tae us
    Wha's like us?
    Gai few, and they're a' died!


    And now, will Frances O gie us a wee poyem?

  513. At 10:57 PM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I wondered if everyone had gathered at the beach tonight. Mournful sort of feeling, but such beautifully expressed thoughts from everyone about Nick's sad passing. We will miss his lovely lunchtime presence in our house.
    Condolences to his family and friends, of whom there must be many.

  514. At 11:14 PM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re: Anne P (509)

    I'm sure Nick would pop in and have a twinkle in his eye.

    Whether Eddie would do it or not ?

    There would be some, no doubt, that would consider it unapproipriate, though not me.

  515. At 11:49 PM on 23 Nov 2006, HelenSparkles wrote:

    Thank you bigsister, I am touched.

    I liked that piece you heard marymary, nice to know Nick was as precise with his latte/sandwich instructions as he was with his questioning! It was very human, in sure Eddie fashion, and alleviated any danger of schmaltz.

    Don't anyone leave me behind if we have to move beaches, I'm not good at change at the best of times, & I like my fellow beachcomers.

    I'm at the real beach tomorrow, in Aldeburgh, to see a friend, a ballet and the sea. Anyone live near there? I ask because I love the Maggie Hambling sculpture on the single, but I gather some residents object, I can't imagine anyone here doing so though!

  516. At 08:27 AM on 24 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Oh HelenSparkles, now there's a thought - a sculpture for our beach!

    Nominations and suggestions please for a suitable art installation.

  517. At 08:56 AM on 24 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Mr Claus (currently 508). I'm not surprised that you are sick of Sherry, I always heard that Rudolph was the big drinker among you, hence the bulbous red nose. So If I put a sherry out for Rudolph, what would you like? I have a cheeky bottle of Glenfiddich in a cupboard somewhere...

  518. At 10:29 AM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi everyone!

    Here's a massive cake for you sweet-toothies, and a pile of bacon rolls for the rest of us. Do tuck in.

    I like the idea of a Nick Clarke Memorial Beach. Also the sculpture idea. Preferably something abstract and touchy-feely, like a Henry Moore.

  519. At 11:54 AM on 24 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Can I put in a small whine? Just a little insignificant one to get out of my system?

    It's about Radio 4, so brace yourselves:

    I live on the coast, and as a result can only hear LW ("North Utsire, South Utsire...") and not FM, which in my area, sounds like the presenter has been impacted in marshmallow on a submarine.

    So the last thing I want to wake up to at 5.45am is the Ashes! Thank god it is in Oztralia this year so I don't miss PM, but really, cricket before my first cup of brandy/tea in the morning! It's unacceptable!
    (Particularly when I turned my radio on just as England lost two wickets in a row. Snort.)

    Anyway, I shall now return to the regularly scheduled beaching.

  520. At 12:14 PM on 24 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    HelenSparkles! Aldeburgh! I spent a few days down there a couple of years ago. I loved it. So quiet and rather weird.

    I also saw Maggie Hambling discussing something with the hotelier in the reception area. I wouldn't have known who she was but my husband is an artist and pointed her out. Then expressed to me his dislike of her so I had to drag him off for a drink before he said something rude!

    Hope your visit to a real beach was enjoyed!

    See you later.


  521. At 01:48 PM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I'll grab a bacon roll, if I may, Fifi. I need the nourishment this afternoon...

  522. At 02:58 PM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I'll just take this bacon roll and put a vegetarian sausage in it....

  523. At 03:46 PM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Belinda (520),

    (apart from a major bloggage this afternoon...)

    I cannot stand the bore-by-bore coverage of Krikket, I really wish the 麻豆官网首页入口 would loose all the radio rights, if they are going to put it on LW. What's the point of all these other channels (Radio 5 live is supposed to be sports?) or a digital one.

    Anyway, I've checked the stocks and the barbeque this evening, so if people are able to both trek their way here and can frog, things will be ready.

  524. At 03:47 PM on 24 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    I like Maggie Hambling- she takes no prisoners.
    Need comfort what with everything, can we have a virtual group hug? Providing you don't wipe your bacon greasy mitts on my comfort blanket.

  525. At 04:26 PM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I've washed my hands Auntie, and here's a biiiiig hug!

  526. At 04:31 PM on 24 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Group hug from me (well I'm not sure if one person can give a group hug?).


  527. At 05:13 PM on 24 Nov 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    Happy Birthday, Fifi.

    The bacon roll was lovely.

    Wind howling, rain threatening, a wild night in November.

    Peace on the beach.

  528. At 05:58 PM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I'm afraid I shan't be joining you this evening as I'm being fed, watered and serenaded in honour of the 21st anniversary of my 21st birthday.

    ie quick meal at the pub before the folk club starts!

    But I thought you might like to try these fajitas I made earlier ... chicken & prawns on one skillet, tofu on the other, marinaded to my special recipe.

    Lots of onions and mushies and tomatoes on there as well, plus the shredded lettuce, chilli, salsa and sour cream. Forgot the guacamole I'm afraid .. mainly because I don't like the stuff myself .. but I did remember the tortillas this time.



  529. At 06:04 PM on 24 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Hope you're enjoying your day on the beach. Lots of crumbs around here - seems the cake has gone!

    A quiet reflection for NC now.

  530. At 06:07 PM on 24 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Thank you both, thats much better.
    Now hand over the Cab Sauv

  531. At 06:17 PM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Happy Birthday Fifi!!! Hope you have fun tonight :-)

    Here's a hug from me too, Aunt Dahlia Ooh, I think we're in danger of turning into the Tellytubbies! "Big hug, hoody hug" (the second one is from David Cameron!)

  532. At 06:18 PM on 24 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Um, I've got to the beach somewhat early. I've brought some Aberdeen Angus beefburgers (sorry Nick's memory) but don't tell SO (finally worked out what that means) as he's buying us some stuff to go with them. Will he miss the burgers, more importantly will he miss me?

    Too many brackets in that. Never mind.


  533. At 06:27 PM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:

    and I've brought a case of dos xx cerveza!
    Munch munch, gurgle...

  534. At 06:29 PM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hope I'm not too late for the group hug!

    Thanks everyone for your good wishes. I feel very cherished, more even than usual on birthdays.

    Now I must hie me to the slinky frock and makeup department, pre dinner & folk club.

    Or more like, the comfy jeans and skimpy teeshirt department, with perhaps a quick brush of the hair if we're lucky!

    * hugs all round *

  535. At 06:49 PM on 24 Nov 2006, LadyPen (formerly Lady Penelope) wrote:

    Phew. I finally managed to get here (thanks for the link RobbieDoJohn. I shall tell you about the love affair another time) and have caught up on about a zillion postings that weren't here last time I came.

    (I'm the one sitting under the palm tree looking engrossed. In the knitted hammock with the interesting oystershell additions and a bit of entwined silver wire for good measure.)

    I got read out on national radio this evening calloo callay. (Isn't it silly how pleased this can make a person feel?) Almost makes up for 'Contains moderate scepticism' not making the 'Top 763 Straplines' chart. Too many other straplines are, apparently, available :-)

    Speaking of books, does anyone except me remember the Bobbsey Twins?

    Now I must go and watch the end of Strictly Come Dancing It Takes Two and decide what my latest piece of textile art is about to become. Then I shall try and come back here later (depends on whether I can oust Obsessed Son from his sci-fi websites) to raise a glass to the people I wish I'd known/have known/would like to know better.

    Molesworth rules. As does Pooter and his son Lupin (Diary of a Nobody).


  536. At 07:06 PM on 24 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Thought about it and diffidently suggest we could have a Nick Clarke Memorial beach caffe bar, now I know that if produced to his standards it might meet mine.
    Marymary - have you tried belted galloway or longhorn beef? Shall bring some of both, just to prove living in the middle of nowhere does have its advantages.

  537. At 07:27 PM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Well, a good mix of food has appeared; thanks Fifi and Mary.

    If those beefburgers were really properly made, I'm sure NC would approve (was he Vegi? - well, he would have approved of the principle of good food, anyway).

    Back in November will be the first test of my bodge to keep father's shed dry this winter (a big tarpaulin over the roof, held down with ridge tiles). Hope it will be OK in the promised storm - but there is a tarpaulin over most things inside as well, just in case.

    I'll pop back later once the barbeque's ready to start (but others may start before my return!).

  538. At 07:36 PM on 24 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Happy Birthday Fifi! I didn't spot that you were 21 again!


  539. At 08:09 PM on 24 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Oops I just started a post and pressed the wrong button and well ... I didn't sign off!

    Also I wanted to say to Lady Pen welcome and also congrats for being read out. I came to this blog after having an email read out by Lord M himself. It was funnier when he read it out.

    At least you got read out for something worthy, me I got a mention for writing about my love of video games!


  540. At 08:24 PM on 24 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Gggrrrr! My PS's always arrive before my main posts.

    I'll leave it a bit and see if the original turns up!

    Someone pour me something strong.


  541. At 08:40 PM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:

    LadyPen (536) as is now, (hope Lady P will still revisit), I heard your contrib.

    Missed you earlier, probably the Bloggage again, come away from the tree, the first round on the BBQ is now available, as well as the well-stocked wine/beer cellar. It is quiet tonight, so far, so not too much cooking.

    Aunt Dahlia, you've a good point. I'll vote for that. Although I drink my coffee black and no sugar, so "latte" means not much to me.

    Raise your glasses (again); Nick Clarke.

    I'm most grateful to Valery P for "CRAFT moment", which I used yesterday when confronted with a situation I had no recollection of at all. Would be a little hard for me to claim a senior moment (I'm only 45, but grey enough to look 60).

    Probably back a bit later.

  542. At 10:16 PM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Fifi, many happy returns.

    As for beach art, I once tried to correct a Barbara Hepworth that appeared to need straightening up, but it seemed to be rusted into it's haphazard place.

    Near here is a large vase, which is so shaped to give the impression "Are you looking at me!". I giggle every time I see it. I'd buy it if it were for sale.

    I wish I could remember the names of various Swiss artists who have works - like the fountains at Basel, and an art gallery I now forget where. They certainly would be entertain those at the beach.

    Anyway, the BBQ will switch off if no-one else needs anything tonight, so "last orders" or do continue yourselves, I'll retire shortly as I've had a long day.

  543. At 10:46 PM on 24 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Just dropping in, after my 15 seconds of fame earlier this evening, to raise a glass to Nick Clarke.

    And hope it was a very happy birthday Fifi.

    Tuck yourselves up warm me dears, looks like it's going to be a stormy old night back in November.

    slainte mha!

  544. At 11:07 PM on 24 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Just in time to make sure there's more bubbly in the chiller to toast Fifi before her big day ends.

    And to Nick Clarke - also to Freddie Mercury, mentioned on another thread, of whom I too was a fan. Liked the way he didn't take himself too seriously and yet managed to make good music.

    "We will We will Rock you"

    Time for a lullaby?

    Fifi, you looked lovely in your outfit. Hope you had a great evening and that the hairy ones didn't overdo it ...

  545. At 11:25 PM on 24 Nov 2006, wrote:


    Forgot to mention congrats to Lady Penelope!!

    I did laugh when I heard it, to us it sounds very normal, but I can imagine others thinking -- WHO! Who on earth is Lady Penelope.

    Night all and well done Ladypen!

  546. At 11:30 PM on 24 Nov 2006, Lady P (just) wrote:

    Thank you for the kind words And how pleased I am to have found you all. Tt certainly is a revelaTion-who'd have thought such a short visit would reveal so much-I feel at home already!

  547. At 12:25 AM on 25 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Night all - Well done, Lady P! Thought I heard your name, but wasn't sure .....
    What a giggle!

  548. At 11:50 AM on 25 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ah, it's nice to be able to come to the beach and warm up, having just braved a very windy November morning... Anyone fancy a game of volleyball later?

  549. At 12:39 PM on 25 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Anne P & LadyPen, can you post me a link to what you had read out? V.proud of you regardless of course, but radio went fuzzy at inappropriate moment, and refused to broadcast anything but 麻豆官网首页入口 Suffolk, which I am sure is of interest to some...

    How wonderful that your husband is an artist marymary who would tell Maggie he didn't like her, pray tell why if you can? I have always rather loved her, and I like her work. The Scallop shell at Aldeburgh is particularly beautiful, and visitors are encouraged to touch; there is no security and children climb all over it as well as sliding down it. I have a photo of exactly that if there is a way to post it. I think I am a little enchanted with art that works like that; the slides at the Tate have the same effect on me, even though I haven't seen them yet.

    I'd actually gone to Aldeburgh to see Sylvie Guillem, although I don't always find ballet that easy to engage with, but a friend had raved about it. I was brilliant, completely endearing, and I shall post a link to her site here in case it comes nearby to you; it only lasts 1hr 20mins so there is time to go to the pub after if it turns out not to be your cup of tea!

    I think the beach cafe idea is fab, can we get Rachel Whiteread to design it so it is sort of inside out but with perfect sandwiches & latte served. I think Nick would have liked an interesting setting!

  550. At 12:43 PM on 25 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Aunt Dahlia (and others)

    Beach Cafe or Beach - a memorial to Nick C would be good, methinks. I think it best to wait til we move moorings, though, as I think we'll need to do so quite soon? But it's up to you.

    FF - It's b windy here too. We're off to London tonight to see The Gondoliers at the ENO (SO a serious G&S fan). Hope the drive won't be too awful. Then off to Flatland tomorrow to see our pals in Norfolk. What a weekend for travelling!

    Time for lunch.

  551. At 01:02 PM on 25 Nov 2006, wrote:

    (174) Annasee, wrote about the 'gutter journalism' chap. I thought he probably had a good point, but he was a little too vitriolic for me to be able to tell. It did make me think though, about who we listen to as the voice of British Muslims. I don't have a particular view of who that might be, I just know that it is rare for me to hear my voice reflected in the headlines, and I have to live with that.

    I don’t want to stir up mad controversy but I suppose I am getting a bit fed up with the whole wearing of stuff debate, and whether veils inhibit either communication or integration. My liberal version of the multi-cultural environment has been challenged, and debate/dialogue are healthy and I always want to engage with the disaffected. Did I mention I was a card carrying liberal?! I may be na?ve but I do feel saddened that the ‘melting pot’ is challenged in its entirety; I would like those who want to, to be able to wear the cross, or wear the veil because oppression is the stuff of other societies and I respect the choices of others, except when the BNP win court cases contrarily.

    A friend suggests that the veil is a question of being other, and that her Muslim students are muffled by their veil, but I am slightly troubled by that view. While it is true that some are muffled, that the choice is not their own, and that there are really problematic issues to address in society such as forced marriages, there are many who are ‘other’. Why should they not be other?

    The area of London I know best is one where Hassidic Jews are a very visible presence, their lives largely remain separate, but their otherness has not been remarked on for 100’s of years. Their immigration has not followed the pattern of other communities, the world over, who are often fully integrated by the 3rd generation. Their separateness form society is cultivated, and ok they are not blowing anyone up, but can we not just accept that terrorists are an aberration, whether they be the IRA or radical muslims?

    I can’t be alone in completely respecting a teaching assistant’s wish to keep her veil on in the presence of male staff and I think the whole discussion about what she did at the interview is a bit of a smokescreen. I also suspect the children were more ready to accept her otherness than the adults involved.

    Whatever your personal perspective) the church and state remain linked in the UK, making symbols of faith something which are worn, rather than jewellery to adorn. I think BA and the school are bonkers and that is my intelligent, informed conclusion!

  552. At 02:26 PM on 25 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:


    You'll have to be quick as I think PM 'Listen Again' is only up for 24 hours before being replaced by the next day's programme.

    If you go to the PM main page you'll see an option to 'Listen to the latest Programme' and you'll find last night's contributions from Lady Penelope and me at about 50 minutes into the programme.

  553. At 02:33 PM on 25 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Hello, beachfrogs! Crubs, it takes long enough to scroll dowm. In fact I haven't finished that yet - just had to post a 'brilliant' to Mrs Trellis for the Helsinki Complaints Choir. Blissful and hilarious.

    Maybe we need a beach complaints choir (not just complaining about the beach, Eric and Lissa)

  554. At 03:06 PM on 25 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Lets have a bookclub and ask for an offshoot site? I think Eddie Muir must be very proud of us and be only too willing to home us!

  555. At 03:21 PM on 25 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Hello, all, it's 3.17 as I post... last one I can see is Helen S's (552) two and a quarter hours ago, so apologies if I'm well out of date.

    Love the idea of a Beach or Cafe. I'm guessing we may be past 600 by the time this appears, so new beach imminent?

    Ed E, I'll try a poyem, but mine are usually funnier rather than not. I've asked on Friday's frog for the url so I can hear his clips.

    Sorry I missed your birthday, and Fifi's, too. Raising a virtual dram to both of you.

  556. At 04:23 PM on 25 Nov 2006, wrote:

    If you go to radio 4 listen again
    and choose your programme, e.g. PM, you sometimes get a choice of the last five.

    I posted thursday's PM and WATO links at


    And, Why are Conservationists So Miserable?

  557. At 04:38 PM on 25 Nov 2006, wrote:

    P.S. When you get the radio player up, choose the option to "listen on standalone real player". Then you can move to the part of the clip you want to.
    Always glad to be of service.


  558. At 06:05 PM on 25 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Some pictures of my honorary stockman's ,

    And a wonderful way it is to return my neighbour's neighbourliness.

    Invite your friend to a feast, leave your enemy alone, And be sure to invite the fellow who lives close by. If you've got some kind of emergency on your hands, Neighbors come lickety-split, kinfolk take a while. A bad neighbor's as much a curse as a good one' s a Blessing. You've got a real prize if you've got a good neighbor. Nary an ox would be lost if it weren't for bad neighbors. Get good measure from a neighbor and give back as good, Measure for measure, or better if you're able, So when you need something later you can count on him then.
    xx ed

  559. At 06:14 PM on 25 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I've stopped ranting now, & think the beach might be the place to chill anyway, but sometimes I just miss my slot on the relevant day and the PM debate has moved on.

    RobbieO, belatedly, I am so glad you didn't leave us. This is a bit sloooow, but I think unique in blogsphere, & delightful.

    I've got friends round for their tea tonight, they've been moving house, so am providing lamb shanks and mash with gravy and green beans. Sorry if you is veggie. I think we might manage some of that Rioja nobody drank on Thursday, it was reduced from ?8.99 you know, so not a bad vintage! I think you preferred the Barolo, as I did I. Have a nice evening all.

  560. At 06:28 PM on 25 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    HelenSparkles. I can't remember why my husband doesn't like Maggie H. I can't ask him as he's taking his usual early evening snooze! I'm not sure if he tells me I should post it anyway. If I can I will.

    On the subject of veil and the teaching assistant, I think I share your views. I won't share them on the beach though. I just wanted to let you know you are not alone.

    Now, what are people cooking up for tonight? What marvelous drinks have people smuggled in. I fancy some Bombay Gin with ice and a slice!

    Oh and welcome Lady P and others who have found their way here. The tide will come in around 600 posts but the wonderful Eddie *sigh* will provide us with another place to party (I hope).


    Oh husband has now woken up and says he doesn't like her work, and finds her conceited. Well he is a grumpy old thing!

  561. At 10:12 PM on 25 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    Am I on my own on the beach or is there a hitch?


  562. At 10:50 PM on 25 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    No, no hitch, I'm definitely on my own.

    My turn to tidy up then.


  563. At 11:03 PM on 25 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Marymary and all,
    There's still the wood, if we can outwit Ivor Grype.

    and, compared to the trek here, it's just around the corner.

    Filled to brim with salad, veggie lasagňa, and cheesecake. Now is that the last of the Guinness/


  564. At 11:09 PM on 25 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Who's that?

  565. At 11:25 PM on 25 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I think Maggie H is probably quite conceited, but I don't mind that in an artist, just as I don't mind them being grumpy old things!

    Had to turn lamb into casserole thingy because an extra person turned up, who my beloved knew about all along, but we stayed calm despite his inability to communicate vital info. Also managed to cool oven down completely, when I was actually trying to keep food hot, while friend had a bath. Nobody will be coming round to mine when I send out the invites will they. Apparently everyone thought it was odd that I offered my friend a bath almost as soon as she came in the door, well she has just spent the last few days moving house, and it was clearly very welcome to her. Note to self: apparently some would have taken offence so must be more careful in future!

    Off to bed now but just popped in to see if anyone was around, thanks for tidying Mary, my turn tomorrow, and we must get those recycling boxes sorted out, I'll get some labels sorted out so we don't mix our plastic and paper products again...

  566. At 12:36 AM on 26 Nov 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Belinda (520) I do sympathise, really I do, about the cricket occupying R4LW ...but there is something strangely romantic about curling up in bed with the cricket commentary crackling away under your pillow. It just wouldn't be the same on FM and the digital radio is too big to comfortably sleep on!

  567. At 12:43 AM on 26 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Fancy a , anyone?


  568. At 12:44 AM on 26 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Wheee, first trip to the beach for days....ain't it lovel. Let me just wriggle my toes around a bit in the sand while I try to remember what I wanted to say to all the comments I read on the way down.
    Oh,I can't remember any of them so I'll just chill with some left over Tempranillo - could squeeze another glass out of the bottle if anyone wants to join me?

  569. At 02:15 AM on 26 Nov 2006, RobbieJohnDo wrote:

    The drinks are on me at the New New Beach
    but please bring a bottle

  570. At 09:41 AM on 26 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Is everyone in the wood? Or has the blogmachine taken its time to wake up?

  571. At 09:47 AM on 26 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Oh - just thought - is the history of the blog -

    and big respect and thanks to the froggers who are involved -

    a blography?

    Which makes the above splendid people blographers

  572. At 10:59 AM on 26 Nov 2006, eddie mair wrote:

    Wet today, isn't it?

  573. At 11:29 AM on 26 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I'm still popping back here, FrancesO :-) I just wasn't in this morning. It actually looks like a nice day in November!

  574. At 11:29 AM on 26 Nov 2006, Bill'n'Ben wrote:

    Hello everybody,

    I've just got back from a gig last night. A 12 piece band at a corporate "Christmas Do".

    Band and PA crew had their own Green Room. I'm beginning to like this upmarket stuff. Dorchester 2 weeks ago and check this out for yesterday's.

    Well, you've got to do something to pay the mortgage ain't ya. But it finished so late,we had to crash out in the van on the way back.

    I'm a bit out of touch, but it looks to me as though we may be moving again.

    Is there any coffee on the go? I'm gonna borrow a hammock before they're all taken down.

  575. At 12:55 PM on 26 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    BnB, Tylney Hall looks meg-gah!
    But the site twice mentions 'the longest uninterrupted view of the beautiful Hampshire countryside'

    Hmm, compared to what or where?

    Is it just 'THE longest...' ie just *soooo* long you wouldn't belive it?

    Or is it (as I think they mean) the longest etc view in Hampshire?

    Just taking my inner pedant for a walk

  576. At 01:34 PM on 26 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re: Bill'n'Ben

    Wow, looks a fabulous place -- that's what I'd like one day !

    Re: Eddie, Actually rather lovely down here at the moment

    Laid in this morning (very rare) and listened to Kirsty chatting to Matt Lucas -- very amusing. Waiting for Panto guests

    Madge has a bad ankle so won't be with us till Tuesday :-(

  577. At 02:41 PM on 26 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Madge, Jonnie? Which one?

  578. At 02:51 PM on 26 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    So, if we are talking about Things What We Did This Weekend .....
    have a gander at

    Dinner on Friday - beautiful surroundings, no souvenirs were allowed for the Book Club though :o(

    I haven't tried doing the linky thing before - shouldn't that have a line underneath it?

    Off for a brisk trot with Furry Sam now, he's just heard Robbie and Smudger around the corner.

  579. At 05:16 PM on 26 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re: Valerie,

    Alas, we don't cater for children so that narrows the scenario down a bit.

    As a change of subject I've published the Froggers site at


    It's far from completion as you will see but at least there is something up. There is a very fundamental instant chat thing on it. It may be handy or perhaps not ? We can see. It doesn't archive (which was the idea) but perhaps useful if the blog blogs up? -- or just for people to come up with ideas. See what you all think.

  580. At 06:55 PM on 26 Nov 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Splish splash. :-)

  581. At 10:19 PM on 26 Nov 2006, RobbieJohnDo wrote:

    For any latecomers

    you will find us all here:


  582. At 11:59 PM on 26 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    More thanks Jonnie.

  583. At 01:34 AM on 27 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Valery, so sorry about mis-spelling your name AGAIN

    A million apologies.

    I'm a real plonker when it comes to spelling.

  584. At 10:08 AM on 27 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Bill n' Ben - so how come you got Tylney Hall & I got Grimsby Auditorium? Do I need to meet your agent? Our dressing room (Ladies) had 2 toilets but only one had a door. Bet our singer had posher frocks than yours though - AND there were 4 different ones during the evening. (frocks not singers). That's what I call a good repertoire.

  585. At 10:20 PM on 27 Nov 2006, Bill'n'Ben wrote:


    We're contracted by the Band. But you know what the "Corporate" environment's like? If they don't work, we don't work. But if only I could get some more, I could tell the full time boss what he could do with his job. Hey Ho.


  586. At 01:35 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Just tried out Lissa's link to the Beach. Sadly, the journey's just as slow (possibly slower) which shows we'll need to keep updating.

    Nice work by Lissa and Eddie, though.

  587. At 10:47 AM on 30 Nov 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    You don’t see many cats on leads.

  588. At 02:26 PM on 30 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I'd love to see no cats at all.

    Especially in my garden!!!!

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