The Glass Box for Friday
for your comments on tonight's programme. Please ignore the previous Glass Box for Friday!
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Eddie Mair | 16:34 UK time, Friday, 20 April 2007
for your comments on tonight's programme. Please ignore the previous Glass Box for Friday!
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Not exactly a comment on the content and order and presentation of the programme, but I'm glad to have heard one gem of an item in the opening news.
How ironic that a statue of Nelson Mandela, that icon of freedom, should be erected in a place where the people of this country do not have the freedom for instance to read out a list of names without being arrested. Brilliant joined-up thinking.
Not really glass box stuff, however I noted that on the FM Text display everything is correct for PM -- except the email address says
E-Mail POTW@Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú.CO.UK (That's Pick of the week)
On DAB it is correct however.
Perhaps the techie guys should be notified?
Okay, here are my thoughts so far...
Lovely to have your voice for a change, Carrie. I hope you sub more often.
The Freedom of Information piece: Nice little "Just A Minute" reference. It matched the tone of the programme perfectly. I did feel, however, that a the end of both interviews, you came across as being anti the result because it didn't involve a vote. What Simon Hughes and the others inviled did was to block progress on a bill that hadn't really been investigated. I think it may have been better to pose that sort of question not so strenuously, just qhatstion what it means for the bill, not democracy in general. Just a thought, you understand...
Shame Caroline's piece failed. I hope that we hear the rest before the end of the broadcast.
Karen Allen's piece was very well done, again asking the right sort of question without hectoring. It brings into focus the facts of the case, rather than the impressions that raised voices leave you with.
That's it so far :-)
So, name checks tonight for Dr H, Si and Jonnie - how exciting, well done (to them and to PM for using the blog for on air feedback).
Great programme, great radio voice Carrie and nice to hear it on quality radio microphones.
Loved the decibel story ' and your 'whispering' to the Lord comment.
Re: The postbag - lot's of strange reading styles - do the general public really talk like that? - haha - just heard myself as I type! Amanda has a rotund warm voice though.
Now I hope you got the gap right Carrie!
A very polite style from Carrie (not that Eddie's a yob, or anything, but she sounds genuinely grateful to the programme's participants). Shame about losing Caroline in Paris. I've enjoyed her reports on the French elections and could visualise her sippping her sauvignon blanc while filing the report. Perhaps that's what went wrong... Carrie coped well, I thought. (I expect she's had a lot of practice with dropped lines, what with working on News 24).
Carrie - you are a worthy stand in, old wotisname had bette watch out!
The earlier glass box is hidden from the rss and 'next' buttons, but can be snuck up on from 'bored' on the 'previous' button. Another 'secret place'?
And my comment on the Guantanamos seems to have gone to limbo. The piece on the programme was well done.
If there are "any questions" about Eddie, there is no question that Carrie did an excellent job.
Congratulations, Carrie. Your tone matched the programme perfectly. Thank you for including several froggers' comments in the ''letters'' bit at the end. Does anyone know what the record is for the most froggers' comments in one programme?
Izzy T'me (4) I'm normally very self-effacing, but as it's Friday, and I'm learning to be more assertive, I'd like to politely point out that I was there too! *blush*
(Oh, and while I'm at it, the ''pm'' bit on the Froggers song is mine, too.)
I'm now off to hide behind the dunes on the beach
Following Gillian's example, I was also there. That must mean it was almost a frog clean sweep!
Izzy (7) Whilst I agree that Carrie did a good job this evening (well done Carrie) as a stand-in, are you suggesting that it is the other stand-in who should be watching out? I would not describe Sequin as an "old whatisname" and would ask anyone who does to step out side with me for a few minutes.
Gillian - I'm soooo sorry, it's no excuse but I'm trying to write an assignment at the same time and I was slightly distracted.
So, to make amends - *drum roll* well done to Gillian for being read out tonight...... and ..... lastly but most definately not leastly ..... for being the voice behind the inspired pm chorus on the song. (I have to say, I have been impressed with that since I first heard it!
Not that I'm not impressed with everyone else - oh dear, I'm trying to get out of trouble and leaping into it elsewhere....)
Whoever it was who froze the webcam at 6pm....shame on you, and go to the naughty step immediately!
Humph, (12) your spelling is the outside of enough!
Spaced out, I call it.
NOW you *all* know why I have News 24 on all day.
Do we review Eric's performance on AQ here too? If so, I missed the first 15 and last 10 minutes but the middle bit was very good. If not, ignore that last sentence.
Gillian, I too must apologise for not congratulating you in the 'other place' It was the prospect of free drinks which had blurred my perspective. Quite a few downed and the half mile uphill from the pub was certainly a full mile, taking account of the weaving path followed...... A valuable community exerience. And now to get the head down...
P.S. Sign at eye level in the gents':
"Patron's are respectfully requested not to handle articles on display. thank you for your cooperation" My son, standing beside me pointed out that it might be a joke, but I had only noticed the misplaced apostrophe.....
Ed (18) Tee hee!
Humph - not Sequin, the other one, er thingybob, whatisface, you know the one I mean.
I think we can safely review either AQ or AA here.
I wonder if Carrie glanced at the blog yesterday to see any of the comments - she probably gave up when Eddie put a spoiler on it from the train.
The bits I heard of AQ were fine but I missed most of it last night so will listen to both later on.
I suspect AA will be slightly more taxing for Eddie but I may be wrong.
Oh Izzy (20) do you mean the bloke? Sorry, I forget his name but would probably remember his voice if I ever heard it again. You may have a point there as he has been away quite alot recently. No great loss, in my opinion. ;-o
Ed I (18) I posted a reply to you this morning, but it hasn't I'm sorry if this is a repeat.
No need to apologise, Ed - I had no intention of telling you, and I normally wouldn't have mentioned it, but it came up in the conversation.
And you know how you have days when you just feel invisible, and do nothing about it......?!
Humph - that's the fella.
I've just heard him on any answers (missed most of AQ's). Think he did quite well in the face of adversity there - must be quite terrifying wondering when a nutter's going to appear and rant! Definately better than JD at moving people on - JD is rather abrupt, to my mind. Our fella is just so much better than the opposition at gently digging at or finishing off callers/interviewees etc.
Both sessions Well handled indeed.
Except for the last one who was allowed twice to state that the detainees were "prisoners of war", which is precisely what the USA denies, thus not having to treat them as entitled to the rights thereof.
Salaam, etc
Lord Mair:
You seemed to enjoy your jolly japes in Leeds - and on the way thereto. AQ seems to suit you. Would there be a gameplan developing here, I wonder?
Now, one great advantage of you taking over AQ would be that we froggers could get to talk to you direct (well, I have spoken to you a few years ago, but I wouldn't expect you to remember the occasion), both in the parent programme and as loony callers.
Jesting aside, I'm looking forward to having you back with us next week (assuming you're not running away for secret hols again), but I really do think you're v. good on the Friday evening roadshow too.
Hope you enjoy your weekend.
Agree with all three comments above. Phone-ins are notoriously worrying things. The vast general public are not that good at putting points across succinctly without all the added waffle.
I can't even make a point on the blog without rambling on.
The Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú doesn't even employ the 10" delay, that is, or was a requirement for the commercial stations. (scary just thinking about it)
Eddie is a very good listener - with a warm style that gets the best out of the callers. I heard one or two of the more elderly people get on and thought Uh! uh! but they made their point and got potted politely on cue. Well done Ed!
NB: Just had a 'malicious warning' so may appear twice.
Jonnie (27), You aren't suggesting you were prejudging people based on their age, are you? ;-)
Appy - No, as if I'd ever prejudge anyone.
Having re-considered my point about Eddie and the callers, he's quite spoilt really, as the screening process will be very thorough, and I'm *sure* they ring all the callers back. The balance of views was good.
Hey, Big Sis. We expect you to be the upholder of this blog, it seems you're having a difficult time at the mo. Come and join us on the beach for the weekend hooley, or a quiet place to calm down if you wish. We're there for you, don't forget. If I'm wrong, I apologise unreservedly, sorry for putting my inexperienced oar in.
Jolly good Jonnie -- only teasing as always ;-)
Izzy (30) - Just spotted your posting. And it couldn't be a more appropriate moment. Thanks, you're a pal.
Yes, it's all a bit ghastly at the mo. But I'm trying to keep my end up.
Big Sis (32), Sorry to hear that Sending you a frug (frog-hug), although I'm sure you'd prefer a huggis from Eddie. You never know your luck...
Big Sis - I thought there seemed summat afoot the other night. Thinking of you, and here's another frug, from me.
Appy: That was v. sweet of you. And, funnily enough, a little something from Eddie came through ...