Glass Box for Friday
If you want to comment on tonight's programme, don't forget the Glass Box which is named after the booth outside the PM studio where we all discuss the programme at 18.00 every weeknight. We try to be honest and constructive. Sometimes there is criticism, and the criticised get a chance to explain themselves.
The people who make PM will read the comments posted, and will sometimes respond. Please feel free to post your thoughts. There is a link to previous Glass Boxes on the right.
Jeremy Rawlins is editing tonight - so he'll be reading your comments later. You are honoured!
Interesting interview with the HeadTeacher, I thought. We're currently in the process of moving from Yorkshire down to Surrey and are trying to find good schools to move our children to - they are both in exellent schools up here.
We have decided to rent a house to begin with, so that we don't buy in a rush, and we have to provide the schools with proof that we have a 12 month rental agreement when we apply for places. This is fine, but I do carry a nagging worry that the admissions authority will think we're just renting to be in the right place, rather than because we're new to the area. We can't apply for places at schools until we have an address, and it's uneconomical for us to rent somewhere before we move - which we're not doing until the end of the summer school term.
It's all very tight, time-wise, and I'm trying not to panic!
Gosh, where had she been ! Not nipping out for a fag break, I hope ?
David Lammy kept conflating ethnic minority rsidents with black people; many people who are classified as ethnic minorities are white - Jews, Irish, Turks, Cypriots, not to mention Poles etc. WHy was this not challenged by the presenter? (Who could also have asked him why, given what he had said about the importance of representativenes in government and parliament, he is not supporting one of the women candidates for deputy PM?
Good piece on MPs voting to be able to cover up anything they do under the spurious of protecting confidential information about constituents.
I can't say I'm surprised, but well done to those MPs who still show honesty and integrity.
I encourage everybody to check They Work For You dot com (remove spaces and dot the dot) and check how their MP has voted on this issue. (and others!)
Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú PM should do a piece on Freedom of The Press in solidairty with Alan Johnston.
Right on Roberto!!!
There, I've deleted the website- will you let me say how disappointing our parliamentarians have been today?
It is quite scandalous how Parliamentary time has been made for this grimy bill – only possible because David Maclean has the inside knowledge of how to manipulate the agenda.
Open Government – poppycock!
I split my sides laughing when an email was read out, in female voice, from Di Wyman on the Blog.
DIY - what do you have to say for yourself?
I feel sure I was listening in the car but none of this sounds familiar. Have I got PM Non-retention Syndrome?,,,
Big Sis....I haven't heard it yet, missed the programme completely as I was duty taxi last evening for yongest son so it was R1 punding the ear drums.....will catch up with it on Listen Again...
Di Wyman @ 10
Oops. I shall let my colleagues know about your forced gender change. We are on a bit of a hiding to nothing - you lot can choose *whatever* name you want, and we have to make our best guess about it.
So what does Di stand for then?!?
Big Si (8) and DIW (10) The pitch was certainly wrong, but the humour and the tone were spot on!!!
Sparky Marc.....I'll spell it out for you. Dee Eye Why Man. The operative word being Man. Okay?
We know we don't make life easy for you....;o)
et al...
I haven't heard it! But it has obviously tickled the delight of many people, sadly I only seem to be able to get Wednesdays prog on list. again, I am doing something wrong....
....the public has a right to know..
aka Marc...don't fret dearheart. as for DI perhaps as in Do-It-Yourself ?
et al..I found out where I was going astray.
...brill!..but perhaps a slghtly to long extension to the harrrrreeee piece......Reg Dwight, may not approve!
Glad u all enjoyed it.
oh well back to my towel at mit Beach.....
/blogs/pm/2007/05/the_beach_15.shtml there a bloggage today. or congestion at the Hanger Gyrat'y round - a - bout?
...the public deserves to know.... not foget to brush yer 'erbs...Fall about laughing....
DIY - I'm at lost to explain why the PM team haven't understood the significance of your name when it's so patently clear to us on the Blog.
Marc: Presumably you don't Do It Yourself?
Big Sis....
..don't be too hard on him, he may not know how? Poor dear...bless.:)
In an effort to curb malicious comment posting by abusive users, ...... Thanks for your patience..........
.....tum te..tum te..tum te tum....
I'm sure Marc doesn't need to know -- all the ladeez love him after all...
Aperitif (18) Absolutely!!!! I hope the fact that his photo's disappeared means that he's practising his poses for a new one - and a full-face one at that! ;o)
Val P - Re women being allowed on the Isle of Man - I hadn't thought of that.
I'll have a word with Douglas and see what he says.
Was my earlier request for a new photo of Marc moderated and found to be unacceptable? It was very polite ;o(