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Darren Waters

PS3: Glass half full or empty?

  • Darren Waters
  • 31 Jan 08, 14:35 GMT

I've just been reading about , in particular the.

First, the good news: Sony's games division has made the first profit in two years.
Playstation 3

Here's the bad news: Sony is cutting its sales goal for PS3 to 9.5 million units for the year from 11 million.

So is PS3 succeeding or not?

It depends on how you measure it. In comparison to the Wii, the PlayStation is a failure for Sony. Wii sales are stronger, faster and despite predictions of being short-lived, show staying power.

But compared to 360 sales, it may be good news for Sony. Xbox 360 sales are slowing - and worryingly for Microsoft they are slowing during a period of arguably its greatest games line-up.

So what does 2008 hold?

I don't believe titles like Haze or Metal Gear Solid 4 will shift that many more PS3s. But I do think Blu-ray's impact will begin to bite Microsoft.

Few observers believe that HD-DVD will ever be anything more than the second placed finisher in a two horse race. And the growing library of Blu-ray titles, coupled with the PS3's capability to take on new features, makes the console an ever more practical choice as a next-gen disc player.

Throw in the console's ability to connect to a PSP remotely - and remember sales forecasts for PSPs are positive - plus the growing media hub functionality, and PS3 may not be the lame duck some thought it was 12 months ago.

Sony boss Howard Stringer believes PS3 is now "out of the woods".

But let's not forget the R&D costs associated with the PlayStation 3 - Sony are many, many years away from recouping the costs of that development effort into the Cell processor and Blu-ray technology.

Until that happens, the PS3 is still camping in the forest.


  • 1.
  • At 04:19 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Ash wrote:

Having an xbox 360 since it came out its broke 8 times, its always away getting fixed. My PS3 has never broke its a great blu ray player i think its got a bright future.....the Wii dont get me wrong its doing well but how long can we put up with gamecube graphics?

  • 2.
  • At 04:32 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Barry wrote:

I think you're right about blu-ray having that effect on PS3 sales. I'm expecting MS to announce a blu-ray addon for the 360 by the summer.
The remote PSP and playTV stuff is very enticing. I already own a Wii and a 360 but am now seriously considering getting a PS3 as well, because of this extra functionality. I shan't however be selling my 360 to get it as the games on the 360 are far and above anything made by Sony so far.

  • 3.
  • At 05:24 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • No more fanboys wrote:

Took just one post for fanboy/'my games are better than yours' etc

Who cares!!!!!

In Japan the 360 has never had a chance at mass market appeal and the PS3 has been a relative failure there too. In the brand conscious Euro-zone, particularly Spain and Italy, the PS3 is gaining from the 360. In the UK the 360 leads and current sales are fairly even, which is quite a large achievement for Microsoft considering PS2 dominance last time out. In the US the 360 is hammering the PS3 outselling it in lifetime sales by millions and still by about 50% monthly. The truth is the PS3 has not closed the gap on the 360 in the last 12 months and you can bet microsoft will lower the price of the 360 this year to further secure US and UK sales. Sony blew it this time.

  • 5.
  • At 06:31 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Lee wrote:

There have been numerous reports indicating that the Wii is at its peak and the limits of the technology have been reached (which may be questionable), while the PS3 is still in its infancy. I think it took a while for the PS2 to get into a stride with quality games being released, so expect 2009 to be a key year for the PS3. I think the issue with backward compatibility has had an impact on sales, but once the price starts to drop further and the library of PS2 games dries up, more people will upgrade.

  • 6.
  • At 06:38 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Rob wrote:

Nintendo have won this round of the console wars hands down by expanding the market much further than Sony ever managed to do with PS2. However, the battle between the 360 and PS3 seems like a complete reversal of the last war. This time round Sony have the better product which came late to the market whereas last time this was MS with the Xbox. This time round MS got consoles in homes before Sony could react which now means the 360 has all the best contracts with the PS3 showing little hope in competing on the quality of games.

I own a Wii and recently a 360. I wanted to get a PS3 but last time out I had a GC and an Xbox and got tired of the good contracts going to the inferior PS2. This time I had to go with the momentum in the market and get a 360 - something I do not regret now. However, I'm sure when it breaks (probably any day now) and I have to go without for 6 weeks my view will change!

  • 7.
  • At 06:51 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Rachel wrote:

From what I hear from the gaming community - that is, most of my friends online - the only reason they see to have a PS3 is for Drake's Fortune. Most of the other "good" games are available on other consoles. Also, the only reason I can see for the sales of 360s going down is that everyone who wants the good games, has one already. And with Smash Bros Brawl coming out for the Wii soon, I can see the PS3's rising stars soon taking a U-turn and crashing back to Earth.

  • 8.
  • At 07:25 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Dave wrote:

I really wanted a PS3 but ended up going for a Wii (great console, good graphics and so much fun), and now an Xbox 360 Elite. The PS3 has lost out because it is still expensive as a games console and has hardly any top rated games for it and future releases dont exaclty excite me. I think games developers have been totally caught out by the massive sales of the Wii and even last week it sold 45,000 in the UK compared to the Xbox and PS3 at 15.000.

As for bluray, well downloading rental HD Films is looking an attractive future option instead, and SD DVD films are so cheap now.

  • 9.
  • At 07:27 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • hasan wrote:

The ps3 will show is true power in the coming months and years. It has bluray (standalone bluray player costs 拢500..) search on argos and ebay if you don't believe me, ps3 has the graphics and the blueray built in. If you were lucky enough to get one of the 60gbs, it has media card support, basically it's a multimedia powerhouse. 360 I had but didnt feel at home, and the Wii..well that's a cheap man's ps3. With the introduction of HOME...the ps3 will go from strength to strength.

Time is all that's needed and Sony will prove to be kings in the gaming once again.

  • 10.
  • At 07:31 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • hasan wrote:

The ps3 will show is true power in the coming months and years. It has bluray (standalone bluray player costs 拢500..) search on argos and ebay if you don't believe me, ps3 has the graphics and the blueray built in. If you were lucky enough to get one of the 60gbs, it has media card support, basically it's a multimedia powerhouse. 360 I had but didnt feel at home, and the Wii..well that's a cheap man's ps3. With the introduction of HOME...the ps3 will go from strength to strength.

Time is all that's needed and Sony will prove to be kings in the gaming once again.

  • 11.
  • At 07:33 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Edward Owen wrote:

I really wanted a PS3 but ended up going for a Wii (great console, good graphics and so much fun), and now an Xbox 360 Elite. The PS3 has lost out because it is still expensive as a games console and has hardly any top rated games for it and future releases dont exaclty excite me. I think games developers have been totally caught out by the massive sales of the Wii and even last week it sold 45,000 in the UK compared to the Xbox and PS3 at 15.000.

As for bluray, well downloading rental HD Films is looking an attractive future option instead, and SD DVD films are so cheap now.

  • 12.
  • At 07:59 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Lee wrote:

There have been numerous reports indicating that the Wii is at its peak and the limits of the technology have been reached (which may be questionable), while the PS3 is still in its infancy. I think it took a while for the PS2 to get into a stride with quality games being released, so expect 2009 to be a key year for the PS3. I think the issue with backward compatibility has had an impact on sales, but once the price starts to drop further and the library of PS2 games dries up, more people will upgrade.

  • 13.
  • At 08:20 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Simon wrote:

I own a PS3 and would never consider buying the Xbox. Why? Because like everything else Microsoft make, it is extremely prone to failure. I know of several people who have had their consoles replaced more than 5 times in less than a year. Granted the 360 is cheaper and currently has more titles but the PS3 offers a lot more for your money, particularly when more titles are produced and blu-ray becomes cheaper and more widely available.
I'd also bet good money that Microsoft bring out their next "big" console before Sony do which would surely be testament to the idea that the PS3 is effectively future proof for at least the next 5 years?
If Microsoft could actually make something that didn't crash or break on a frequent basis then I think it would win people like me over. I just can't understand why Sony can consistently produce systems that rarely, if ever, break yet Microsoft can't.

  • 14.
  • At 08:53 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Naveed wrote:

The PS3 Iis the greatest multimedia machine to date. It allows users to play online for free, play dvds in HD etc. One major thing that few seem to know is that ALL games are on BLU RAY opposed dvd(which is what xbox 360 uses) The reason why this is so advantageous is not only because of the space but it has a special layer which is SCRATCH RESISTANT on top of normal layer, which means no skips and that the life of each blu ray is greatly prolonged. The reason why the ps3 is not selling as much as it can is because consumers base their decisions solely on price. This is exceptionally shortsighted as the xbox 360 has no built in HD dvd player and is sold separately for an additional 200 pounds. The reason why the wii is in such high demand is purely for the novelty of greater interactivity, this can easily be achieved through the PS EYE for an additional 25 pounds. I mean its ridiculous how shortsighted consumers are and the little research they do.

  • 15.
  • At 09:00 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Naveed wrote:

The PS3 Iis the greatest multimedia machine to date. It allows users to play online for free, play dvds in HD etc. One major thing that few seem to know is that ALL games are on BLU RAY opposed dvd(which is what xbox 360 uses) The reason why this is so advantageous is not only because of the space but it has a special layer which is SCRATCH RESISTANT on top of normal layer, which means no skips and that the life of each blu ray is greatly prolonged. The reason why the ps3 is not selling as much as it can is because consumers base their decisions solely on price. This is exceptionally shortsighted as the xbox 360 has no built in HD dvd player and is sold separately for an additional 200 pounds. The reason why the wii is in such high demand is purely for the novelty of greater interactivity, this can easily be achieved through the PS EYE for an additional 25 pounds. I mean its ridiculous how shortsighted consumers are and the little research they do.

  • 16.
  • At 09:17 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Martin wrote:

Rob, where are you coming from saying that the original XBox is better than the PS2?! The PS2 was, and still is, a vastly superior machine. I think that the recent sales figures show that. How many XBoxes are still being sold compaired to the PS2? Thats what defines staying power and shows what was the better product.

  • 17.
  • At 09:30 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Big Rob wrote:

I also own both a 360 and a PS3... the only reason one would believe the games on the 360 are far and above anything offered by Sony so far would be b/c they don't own a PS3! The 360 does not currently have anything to match games like Warhawk, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, or Heavenly Sword. Those are the type of games I bought my PS2 for last gen and the PS3 continues to be the only system this gen that can provide such a rich gaming experience. The 360 does have gems in Bioshock and Mass Effect, but for the past 4 months its library has been vastly overshadowed by the PS3.

  • 18.
  • At 09:53 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • mel porter wrote:

Having read what Rob wrote i felt compelled to correct a few things.Firstly Nintendo are not part of this so called Next-Gen war as they are aiming for a different market to Sony and Microsoft,the way people like to throw the Wii's sales figures in the face of Sony and Microsoft is a joke when you consider the cheaper price of the Wii and the novelty control method! Its like comparing the sales figures of a Ford Mondeo and a Bugatti!
As for the statement concerning the quality of the games for the PS3 being inferior to that of the 360,that is purely down to the developers of the games themselves,not the system.If they spend the time to learn how to write code specifically for the PS3 instead of just doing a lazy port from the 360 then they would get as good,if not better,results from the PS3,you only have to look at the PS3 version of Call of Duty 4 or Uncharted to see what can be done when the developers know what they are doing!

  • 19.
  • At 10:04 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Robert wrote:

How long can we put up with Gamecube graphics? As long as games that are fun to play, that appeal to a wide variety of people and have true innovation, i.e. the Wiimote. Don't get me wrong the PS3 looks good, but better graphics don't make a bad game good. If only Sony could produce an online service as good as Microsoft's, then they would see sales really take off.

  • 20.
  • At 10:53 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Andy Doc wrote:

Although the PS3 is more expensive , it is the Next Gen machine I'm looking at . Why ? It simply comes down to the noise of the fan - I've borrowed both machines and the 360 is intrusively loud compared with PS3 . I think there are few titles that will be exclusive to a 360 that won't eventually come out on the PC ( which I own anyway ) .

  • 21.
  • At 11:17 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • Celt wrote:

I have both 360 & PS3. I grew up on PS so it was always sony for me. I got the 360 when it first came out to see what the next generation of gaming would be. I havnt had a problem with my 360 (nearly 2 years) altough a few friends have so I have done well. Its had great Titles with Halo & Gears of War being very enjoyable. When PS3 was released I wasnt rushing to buy one but after my purchase I have been very impressed. Its a much superior machine & with the extra added features of Blueray & Divx player well worth the money. Its very smooth & easy to use & with one of the best games I have played in years Uncharted Drakes Fortune. The next 2 years will see the PS3 win out with the game titles being released & the system upgrades being released.

  • 22.
  • At 12:33 AM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Mark Davidson wrote:

Like with the PS2 before it, the fact the PS3 has a "next-generation" disc player is a major factor: both for blu-ray disks and the console itself. Sony has managed to win the format war, possibly by taking a few steps back in the console war. However, over the long-term I see it paying off as the PS3 becomes a decently priced Blu-Ray player with more and more games that will engage the tech-savvy audience buying it.
As for #1's comments about Wii's gamecube quality graphics? How long will Ps3 owners put up with PS2 quality controls.
Evidentially to the casual gamer Nintendo has managed to attract to the market with the Wii, the controls make for a more engaging experience than the more-realistic images of the PS3. I don't see that changing this generation.

  • 23.
  • At 02:39 AM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • chris h wrote:

The comment about BluRay is completely accurate about shifting units; as it is currently the only BluRay player with updatability. I think the 360 won 2007 with there fresh and varied exclusive list, however the ps3 is going to dominate 2008, the list of exclusives on both consoles makes me glad i invested in my ps3, big titles will make this console what it should be! I mean Resistance 2...eight player co-op and 60 player online...not even xbox live can compete with that!!

  • 24.
  • At 02:42 AM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Joe wrote:

Given all that negative press for the PS3 and the strong line-up for the 360 last year, Sony has done well. They are reversing all of the issues that plagued the first year and coming out with a strong 2008 ... and I agree blu-ray will have an impact.

The 360 has done well for Microsoft given the failures of the hardware. The games have been both more diverse and is a larger quantity of higher quality titles.

All that said, it would seem we are trending back to Sony land. They clearly have a more loyal following. Microsoft clearly needs to both price cut, show the 2008 line-up and bring some new things to the table, or they may see Sony's momentum carry them to a 2008 victory over the 360.

Personally, I like the trend of a manufacturer not winning two generations in a row. I'm curious to see what this year brings. GDC and other coming events will be interesting.

  • 25.
  • At 05:01 AM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • stephen giles wrote:

having been a bit of a playstation freak since my first game of tekken all those years ago, i would say that i would probably be a bit biased aginst othere rivals in the world of the console. the advance that sony have made with the playstation 3 over the older playstation 2 system ( which in it'self is still producing quality gaming )is, to say it bluntly, another planet. as far as computing for myself has been concerend it has never realy gone further than square, tiangle, circle and x but all of this has changed with the arrival of the ps 3 and it's cell technology. gone from my living room, the dvd player has been banished. no more cds cluttering up every free space so that there is nowhere for my first cup of coffee in the morning. all the photographs that i have take over the years stored away, nice and snug in there new digital realm. it has all the markings of a revelation, with the possability of uniting every member of the family through the divercity and range of it's use as an entertainment hub.

the price has been one of the biggest question with the playstation 3, i live abroad where i paid 600 euros for the 60gb version of the sleak little black box ( ok not so little and surprisingly heavy box )when you consider the price of stand alone blueray players and hdd sets, 600 euros is getting easier to accept. add to this the ability to upgrade said bluray player and many other of the operating systems on the console. that is without adding the option of running a scaled down version of the linux operating system, plug and play internet access and as mentioned in the article when used along side the playstation portable both machines are enhansed and the mobilaty of that not so little, suprisingly heavy box suddenly deminishes to something that fits in to your pocket, more or less.

thanks to my, by now totaly worth while expence of 600 euros. i have found that i desire to see what this home entertainment system can do. it's full potential as yet unknown with developers constantly pushing the cell processors capabilaties. it has become a system who's future can not be set in entirely in stone. possabilities to expande the size of the hard drive and a programe that upgrades on a regular basis ( once every 6 weeks on avarage so far ) the playstation 3 impoves with age. again i look forward to seeing what the next few years will bring forth from that not so little, run of the mill games console.

  • 26.
  • At 09:44 AM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Rob jackson wrote:

I have owned a 360 since its launch and I am now looking to get a Blu Ray player. I think with regard to other posts, there is a great deal of over lap on the most successful game titles, with development costs now so high games that were once regarded as exclusive to Sony or MS are now seen on both platforms. My only hang up with grabbing a PS3 right now is the machines poor options for sound output. HD movies carry HD sound as well as pictures. Like many home theatre owners I own an amplifier capable of handling this sound, but not via the only option on the PS3 that will deliver it; HDMI. I refuse to send a perfectly good amp to a landfill site in order to take advantage of a HDMI amp. I just hope a solution arrives soon, as non PS3 Blu Ray players are unfinished and should be avoided until profile 2 arrives this coming winter.

  • 27.
  • At 10:12 AM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Andy wrote:

The WII is immensely popular and if you put a PS3 and a WII in front of most people, they'd probably choose the WII -but- this is because of the appeal of its gamer participation and multiplayer nature, which allows friends and family to all participate in a physical and communal excercise as well as a mental one. This is all well and good, but the WII only has the power to take those games so far. Once it has reached its peak, how many people will want to play the same old games over and over again for years to come, particularly when the PS3 will have reached its stride and will be producing much more sophisticated products?

  • 28.
  • At 10:25 AM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Carlos wrote:

SONY is the only one with the key to the success of the PS3: to make it backward compatible with PS2 games. That would kill competition.
It's nice to have outstanding graphics, but it's not the only consideration. And I think Blue-Ray is an added value, but not a determining factor.

  • 29.
  • At 10:51 AM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Dan wrote:

As a 25 y old owner of a Wii60, I find that the Wii is sat redundant for weeks at a time because I have bought no new games for it.

On the other hand I have bought no new games for the 360 since Halo 3 and I am still hapilly battling friends and n00bs and Generals alike.

I know that if I were to buy a game for the Wii then its very unlikely that I'll be able to get a game that will hold my attention for long enough to justify a 拢40 spend. I really object to feeling ripped off after buying a lousy game so I only try and buy the best offerings. I know already that 9/10 Wii games would leave me feeling let down.

After Christmas I had read reviews on Mario Galaxy and decided that yes this game seems amazing I go to town to buy it and stocks are gone, vanished and in the weeks I have waited I've lost the itch to go and buy it.

I have used a PS3 and I cant knock the hardware (except for the awful controllers) but the games library just seems better on the 360 and if I owned both machines I would generally buy multi format games for the 360 because Xbox live is where ALL the fun is at and is worth every penny of the yearly fee.

Oh and yes the RRoD did pay my 360 a visit but the extended warranty took care of it within 3 weeks. (during which time I played nothing but Super Mario World on the Wii's virtual console!)

  • 30.
  • At 10:56 AM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • David wrote:

I don't understand the final comment about blu-ray and the cell processor. Both are joint projects with other companies and neither was developed specifically for the PS3 - so why do you expect the PS3 to be responsible for recouping all the development costs ?

  • 31.
  • At 11:06 AM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Louis wrote:

Rob, actually, that's not true. PS3 has an optical out... even the PS2 had one.

  • 32.
  • At 12:26 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Al Smith wrote:

One important point you forgot to mention is that Sony are still selling the PS2 (and it is selling in high numbers - a bit less than the Wii) whilst Microsoft have ditched the XBox.

Sadly I fear there might of been a lot a propaganda or deliberate bad-press against the PS3. It hasn't done fantastically well in the English speaking world. However if you look global sales figures it has done pretty well - total sales are only a bit shy of those for the 360, despite having been on the market for less time.

Oh and I'm not a PS3 fanboy - I've never owned a console and have no desire to (I'm strictly a PC gamer).

  • 33.
  • At 12:45 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Martin Childs wrote:

A reply to Rob (msg 19).

You may have to get a new amp anyway if you wish to watch HD media. Much HD media now incorporate DRM and unless you have a DRM enabled device, sound will be down sampled to stereo anyway.
To be honest, if it is a perfectly good amp then it should have a optical audio input, thus it can be connected to a PS3 via the PS3's optical digital audio output.

  • 34.
  • At 12:46 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • luke wrote:


Rob is actually correct. I am sure he is aware that there is optical out on the ps3. What i think he is trying to say is that you cannot receive HD sound via optical because it doesn't have the capacity to relay HD audio. This can only be passed through HDMI, and currently the ps3 has not had the firmware update to rectify this.

  • 35.
  • At 01:34 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Murray wrote:

What's all this talk about backwards compatability on the PS3?

I have one, and yes - there were issues on day one - but these are nearly now all solved. I currently have no problem playing any PS2 games on it.

  • 36.
  • At 02:03 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Matt wrote:

Let's all break microsoft's dominance in the market. Go for anything else apart from the xbox.

The only exclusive game worth getting for it is halo3. (allegedly)

The ps3 has much better hardware and a 40g version is much cheaper than the original cost of the 60g.

  • 37.
  • At 02:06 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Neil wrote:

I've had my PS3 since late last year. I bought one of the last of the 60Gb units (so I could play my PS2 games on it) and have hardly put the controller down.

The reason for this? Drakes Fortune, Ratchett and Clank, Oblivion and LEGO Star Wars Complete Saga!

On the PS2 compatability front though, I have hardly bothered with my old games.
Furthermore, when the new game from Snowblind Studios arrives (the team behind action RPGs Baldur's Gate:DA and the Norrath games), I think I'll sell all my old PS2 games!

The Xbox360 has more games for it at the moment - but how many of those are actually any GOOD?
The PS3 release schedule has been very slow but at least the PS3 titles so far have mostly ranged from reasonable to brilliant.

And when 'Home' becomes available any time now, that's the best online experience for any console sorted too!

I think a few people have been too quick to write off the PS3.
Yes, the price was well over the top to start with but they're about 拢280 now.
Also, they're extremely well built and well engineered, unlike the 'rushed to market' 360.
And to me, the Wii seems like a bit of a novelty console. What was wrong with the PS2's eye toy for party games anyway?

Give it 2008 and I think that the PS3 will be back at the top - where it belongs!

  • 38.
  • At 02:33 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Jon Atkin wrote:

Having been a Playstation disciple since the original came out, I was seduced by Microsoft last year and haven't looked back since.
Tired of waiting for the PS3, and unconvinced by Sony's pre-launch hype and titles, I defected to Xbox 360. The range of quality games is great, and Xbox Live is the most satisfying and brilliantly orchestrated gaming experience I've ever known.
I think Sony have tried to do too much with PS3, and I certainly wasn't going to shell out twice the price of a 360 for a machine that I would only use for up to 50% of its potential.
I'm sure in time PS3 will have its day, once developers catch up with the potential processing power. For now though, the 360 is going great guns. Yes sales may be slowing, but with 17 million units racked up and 10 million Xbox Live accounts (a milestone surpassed at Christmas) Microsoft has nothing to worry about for the forseeable future.

  • 39.
  • At 02:55 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Ash Howarth wrote:

I Purchased a PS3 in June 07. It is a very good all round console - it has great graphics already and a built in BD player (which at the time of my purchase were about 拢750+). The only problem was the lack of not just decent titles, but the lack of games in general. But that still hasnt influenced me to buy a 360.My friend has had a 360 and it has had to be repaired twice. It broke again after his garantee wore out and he had to buy another! It also destroyed a few of his games as the laser regocnition burnt his discs. I beleive that the PS3 is in 'infancy' graphics wise (remember the early graphics of Tekken Tag Tournament when compared to the late Final Fantasy 12?). In all, the PS3 will dominate, just as it has done in the past. The guys of PS3 know what they are doing.

  • 40.
  • At 03:24 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • badsoden wrote:

Rob, I have my PS3 setup to output HDMI to my screen and optical to my Amp. Not sure what your whinging about mate!!

  • 41.
  • At 03:48 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Julian wrote:

Its too early to call. GTA4 and Gran Turismo HD are out April/May. If sony create a package deal with one of these they will sell a great many PS3s. The wireless streaming technology that picks up PC media files is as good as the Netgear product. Blu-ray is the next big thing. PS3s will be dominant in 14 months.

  • 42.
  • At 03:52 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Steve wrote:

"Ps3 needs to be easier to get online, like the 360"
I literally plugged an ethernet cable in the back and it was instantly online. Quick sign up to Ps Network took less than 5 mins and games are instantly playable online. If i have a spare 5 mins i switch the PS3 on and play Call of Duty 4 because it is so fast that i can be playing with other people in less than a minute. I also own a 360 and although it is a good console, the noise it makes really detracts from the atmosphere the games can create. Its hard to get engrossed creeping around a dungeon avoiding battles when you can hear the console chewing away at a disc!

One important point to realise is ALL console manufacturers make a loss on the console itself. They rely heavily on game sales and people buying peripherals to make money. PS3 is capable of so much with no additional purchases (other than games) whereas the cutprice Wii requires new control pads/wiimotes everytime you buy a new game. Surely after you've bought your sixth game controller at 拢20 each, you realise the cheap console and "Fun factor" maybe wasnt worth it.

  • 43.
  • At 04:05 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Jim wrote:

I like stuff...............

  • 44.
  • At 04:21 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Steve Dave wrote:

Trouble is the PS3 doesnt work, my mate has one and basically all the games run much better on Xbox, PES 2008, Madden 08, all fly on the x box but stutter and jitter on PS3. programmers simply dont know how to work it (rumor is that there is about 3 million copoes of GTA IV for 360 in a warehouse somewhere ready to go, but the PS3 version cant be made to work).
With the exclusive license for F1 games gone from Sony, I cant see any exclusive PS3 games coming out this year that will convince me to get one. Had a 360 for 2 and a half years now and never had any problems, or red rings.

  • 45.
  • At 04:30 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • wrote:

I have a Wii as a games console, a DVD player and a digital TV receiver. The next step for me is HD TV. My TV can handle it, but nothing else that I have. Therefore, the best way to get to watch anything in HD is going to be a PS3. HD via the cable will forllow sometime after that, but not yet.

  • 46.
  • At 06:36 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Rich wrote:

I own a 60GB PS3, my bro owns the 360, they both are great machines in their own right. I believe the PS3 will stand the test of time and still be kicking out killer titles when Microsofts next 'next generation' console hits the shops! As far as the 'whos is the best machine for online gaming' bitching thats goin all over the place, honestly I have never tried the xbox online, but I can say that the PS3 online experience is great, easy to get online through my router and best of all, ITS FREE!!!

Seconds out, round 2! Ding ding ding ding!!!

  • 47.
  • At 08:01 PM on 01 Feb 2008,
  • Darren wrote:

As an owner of of a PS3 & Wii currently & former owner of a 360, I feel I can give a less clouded view of things.

The 360 was fine until it started to play up. After being replaced 3 times in the first 7 months due to the dreaded Red Ring syndrome, I managed to get a full refund of purchase price from the store I bought it from under the Sales of Goods Act. With the money I got back, I purchased a 60GB PS3 and have had no problems since. Mainly used though as a Blu-Ray player, it beats any current standalone Blu-Ray machine hands down, as well as being updatable via the PS3 firmware to support BD v2.0 when it is launched (something that very few if any current BD players can have done to them). Upscaling of DVD's is also very good as well on my 50" screen. Gamewise, it rarely gets used for anything other than SingStar, Ratchet & Clank and NFS:Pro Street. I am looking forward to Gran Turismo HD when it is released and the main reason for buying a Sony console in the past.
As for the Wii, this gets used more than the PS3 for gaming. Graphically it is not as good, but gameplay is much better on Nintendo's own titles. Running it in EDTV mode through Composite makes an improvement for most of the games (especially Zelda & Mario Galaxy). Waiting for Mario Kart:Wii to hit the shelves next month.

As for the comment that using the PSEye gives the interactivity of the Wii, that is incorrect as it is still nowhere near the Wii for interactivity. I would much rather wave my arms about holding a controller that immitating Tom Cruise in Minority Report.

  • 48.
  • At 08:25 AM on 02 Feb 2008,
  • Mark wrote:

Re:Comment number 38 by Steve

Steve basically summed up the situation in his comment very accurately and seems to have more of a grasp than many commentators.

  • 49.
  • At 08:56 AM on 02 Feb 2008,
  • wrote:

RE: Naveed

"This is exceptionally shortsighted as the xbox 360 has no built in HD dvd player and is sold separately for an additional 200 pounds. The reason why the wii is in such high demand is purely for the novelty of greater interactivity, this can easily be achieved through the PS EYE for an additional 25 pounds. I mean its ridiculous how shortsighted consumers are and the little research they do."

Ridiculous, isn't it? The HD player addon is actually 拢100 and it comes with five free HDDVD movies...

And I didn't know I could play Super Mario Galaxy, one of the finest games ever made, for just 拢25 and a PS2. I've been completely shafted!

  • 50.
  • At 09:09 AM on 02 Feb 2008,
  • Demibeard wrote:

I've always preferred the Sony offerings, I was convinced from the original PlayStation (Thank Nintendo for rejecting the Sony add-on). I have all four mark 1 versions of the hardware (PlayStation, PlayStation2, PSP, PlayStation3) and none have let me down.

I guess that makes me a FanBoy? But I want to play the games I like, Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Solid, Killzone.

There were some great releases in 2007 on the PS3 too, I guess just not everyones cup of Tea, Folklore for me at least is a stunning game, Motorstorm is great fun, SKATE was also released on the PS3 where it's played at 1080p, Ratchet and Clank is truly stunning, it really is like playing a Pixar movie, only funnier.

I'm glad I spent the money, and held off buying an Xbox 360. I was nearly tempted by an Elite (it's a black thing), but after the hardware issues persisted, I just bought a new amplifier.

I've also replaced the internal HDD with a 250Gb unit, it couldn't have been easier, 5 screws and a restored backup from an external USB drive, superb. Before anyone asks, NO it does NOT void your warranty, you are meant to be able to change it.

My PS3 has become my media hub, music, video (www.stage6.com), the internet (I'm posting this from the PS3), gaming, movies, I'm just waiting on PlayTV and the GPS for my PSP.

Happy Days, now if only SCEE would wake up we'd be laughing.

  • 51.
  • At 09:19 AM on 02 Feb 2008,
  • coincidence wrote:

The power of marketing is frighteningly effective these days... and while Microsoft have done a better job of 'selling' the xbox... and Nintendo have managed to convince us that playing ugly games is fun, the truth is, the PS3 is a better console, hands down (though I am certainly not a fan boy)

The only way a person can come to that conclusion is by owning both systems, which I do. Sure, the xbox has some better games, but this is like judging a car, by the music the radio plays in it.

PS3 is a year younger.. and i remember waiting a year for ANYTHING good to come out on Xbox. Xbox charges on-line (Which, by the way... when you're buying a game that only runs on line (team fortress) then why the hell should I have to pay for on-line to be able to connect!!!), it has NO HD drive (add-on yes, but I always though consoles should be the same their whole life? that's kind of the idea). It as noisy as hell on a train (this is a big factor), it's ugly as only a microsoft product can be.

While PS3, is simply, free to connect, has a much superior (as not yet understood) processing capability, it plays media video etc beautifully from many sources (DONT buy a PS3 without the memory card slots if you have another computer at home... I find it invaluable to watch films on CF cards), it has Blu-Ray, great for Video AND games, it has HDMI from the start, it's stylish and more of a 'media center'. It has Bluetooth, wireless networking, is whisper quiet and well thought.

Microsoft have money. That is the main reason it is successful. Advertising sells. Paying off Game developers to get exclusivity or (as I think) deliberately making PS3 conversations of the same games worse, to try and create a side-by-side that makes PS3 look like the underdog.... But lets face it.. who wants hand me downs. Xbox is the console market, what 'SAW' is to the Film industry. 'SAW' is a terrible, awful mindless find of killing and torture, but has HUGH box office success because their is a market for the mindless. PS3 has the potential (if sony really embraces it), to be the 'Intelligent gamer's console (as it needs to distance itself from the dirth of 'I'm a killer...walking walking shoot shoot' games that saturate the market.

Wii, should be considered a different entity and is really rather more of a transformable game, than a gaming console. And it's success should be judged as something else entirely.

  • 52.
  • At 09:48 AM on 02 Feb 2008,
  • Andrew Morgan wrote:

Steve (post 38) is wrong in saying the Wii needs a new controller for each game. All you need to play is a Wii Remote and a Wii Nunchuck. You have have loads of fun buying covers for your Wii remote turning it into a lightsaber, a golf club, a tennis racket etc. and a lot of these are available at kids pocket money cost (sub 拢5).

The Wii is fun, cheap, easy to customise and all ages seem to love it. My 70 yr old parents were on Wii sports for ages. The PS3 on paper does everything better but for me is too serious and too expensive, it didn't give me the fun of the Wii. I don't need a Blu-Ray player yet and buy the time I do I believe I will be able to download HD films straight to my Media Centre pc.

  • 53.
  • At 11:43 AM on 02 Feb 2008,
  • Derby Rob wrote:

In response to Big Rob posted on 31st Jan who wrote:

"The 360 does not currently have anything to match games
like Warhawk, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, or Heavenly Sword. Those are the type of games I bought my PS2 for last
gen and the PS3 continues to be the only system this gen that can provide such a rich gaming experience.
The 360 does have gems in Bioshock and Mass Effect, but for the past 4 months its library has been vastly
overshadowed by the PS3."

Big Rob - exactly what planet are you living on? This statement completely smells of PS3 Fanboy-Love.

There were far more titles on offer during the Xmas period and were advertised for X360 more than PS3. If you were to list in order the highest top-ten ranked games reviewed for the PS3 by Gamespot, you would see that NINE of the TOP TEN listed had already come out on Xbox 360 with the majority coming out for the 360 BEFORE the PS3? PS3 is a great little console, no doubt about it, but it's always going to be playing catch-up against Microsoft.

Gems such as BioShock and Mass Effect? What about Halo 3, Pro Evolution Soccer (which works online rather than the PS3 version), Gears of War, Forza Motorsport, Ghost Recon - you somehow forget to mention these big-selling games as if X360 only ever had two worth mentioning!

  • 54.
  • At 02:28 PM on 02 Feb 2008,
  • dave wrote:

Having own all the major consoles PS3, Wii, and the xbox 360 i can honestly say the PS3 beats them all hands down. The only game i play on the Wii is Mario And Sonic At THe Olympics which is really good because of the interaction of the game with friends and family. I bought the Xbox360 because i couldnt wait for the PS3, which might i add mine has never broken once. Since the PS3 was released i decided to buy it and i havent put the control down since because of the Graphics and the ability for the publishers to use it at its best potential, where is the xbox360 is just gathering dust for the simple fact of the annoying sound it makes when playing a game, and it is just impossible to watch a DVD on it. Long Live Sony

  • 55.
  • At 06:02 PM on 02 Feb 2008,
  • crabby wrote:

It's important to remember that coding for the PS3 remains a real challenge. So-called "lazy" ports of titles are an unfortunate consequence of this. The cell technology has great potential, but it's a big investment in coding to really exploit it - it remains to be seen whether the combination of great game design and full-on coding happens. What is interesting is that as Blu-Ray becomes the default for HD content the PS3 is unlikely to continue to sell solely on the merits of being a good value Blu-Ray player - people will then really be buying it because they want the games, at that point Sony will need to help make sure the games are up to snuff.

  • 56.
  • At 09:34 PM on 02 Feb 2008,
  • D J Hilton wrote:

I own a PS3, and despite not having much in selection og games at lauch, great games are now starting to come out, especially Call Of Duty 4, which is just sublime online, and of course there is Grand Theft Auto 4 just around the corner.

Don't write off the PS3 yet....

  • 57.
  • At 11:43 AM on 03 Feb 2008,
  • Chris wrote:

I own all three of the current crop of consoles.

They each have their individual strengths and weaknesses, which I won't list here.

However, for me the proof is in the pudding and the order of preference in my household by play time is -

1 PS3 (60%)
2 360 (30%)
3 Wii (10%)

  • 58.
  • At 01:04 PM on 03 Feb 2008,
  • Stu wrote:

I own the 360, the Wii and the PS3. I haven't played on the Wii since buying Mario Galaxy just before Xmas. I haven't played on the PS3 since September, purely because there have been no games released for it that have either grabbed my attention or haven't already been released for the 360 at a cheaper price with a better online experience.

I'm pretty sure that, sooner or later, the PS3 will come into its own. But it hasn't yet. I would describe the online gaming for the PS3 as the same as Xbox Live was for the original Xbox. You cannot chat to your mates unless you are in the same game for example.

A lot of people are pinning all their hopes on GT5, Haze and MGS. 3 games will not make or break a console.

The only use I have for my PS3 at the moment is as a DVD player that upscales DVD. It does not convert normal SD DVD's into High Definition as someone else has stated. It makes the picture quality a lot better but certainly not HD quality.

What some people also need to bear in mind is that the 360 is now 3 years old. Considering a console generally has a lifespan of 5 - 7 years before a "new" replacement console is released, in 2 years time, when the PS3 is 3 years old, Microsoft may well be releasing their new product.

  • 59.
  • At 01:57 PM on 03 Feb 2008,
  • E D Lawrence wrote:

I bought the 360 last June over the PS3 simply because of price. What it boiled down to was what I was being offered form Microsoft for the price I was asked to pay. Xbox still has a serious advantage with online gameplay in its Xbox LIVE and, and now the added ability to rent movies like iTunes.

But in the long run I see seriously see myself trading in for the PS3, not only for the Blu ray functionality but also as developers become more accustomed to the awesome cell processor form IBM the PS3 will finally be the mammoth of a console it was hyped to be.

  • 60.
  • At 08:46 PM on 03 Feb 2008,
  • pete wrote:

Ive read through this and i have to say i have seen a played a PS3. and i didnt think it was all that. i mean yeah the whole Blu-Ray thnk is good but the 360 is by far a good console and is adaptable as well through add ons. i recently bought the HD DVD drive for it and thought they were really good.
Ive also read everyone saying that the Xbox 360 has been breaking i have to say had one a year now with no problems at all. its used daily for at least a few hours, so im either a lucky person or your just the unlucky ones.
I still say XBOX 360 all the way!!! by far better games, there also cheaper, and better quality. Microsoft have also answered the PS3's HDMI Port with the Elite as well...

  • 61.
  • At 08:57 PM on 03 Feb 2008,
  • alex gibson wrote:

I own a 360 and I am personally glad that they didnt build in an HD-DVD player. I can see the dilemma Microsoft faced:end up with Sony and it could be Betamax all over again but build in an HD-DVD and well... just look what happened.My money is on a Blu-ray add on.As for Wii and PS3, wii is intuitive but graphics severly dissapoint and PS3 I think will have a longer lifespan than the 360 or Wii

  • 62.
  • At 06:25 PM on 04 Feb 2008,
  • t001 wrote:

The best console is obviously not a console, it's the PC. I mean you can't beat a mouse of precision in FPS games and strategy games. Also it's a better multimedia centre then the PS3 can ever hope to be. The PC has another advantage is that it's the most user friendly of and can easily create mods for games which can greatly increase their lifespan.

  • 63.
  • At 02:34 PM on 05 Feb 2008,
  • Steve wrote:

I have both a Wii and a PS3. IMHO the Wii is the better family console, especially when you have younger children (7+). The entire family can get involved and because of the innovative controller mechanism it's a rewarding and fun multiplayer experience.
The PS3 on the other hand is a full blown media center and is capable of powerful single-player and online gaming. It has HDMI output, can be connected to media servers and on top of Bluray and DVD, is capable of playing mp3 and Divx files.
My point is that both my Wii and PS3 can happily co-exist because they do different things.
Regarding the high prices of games: Buying/selling them on an auction site minimises the potential loss compared to buying on the high street. ;-)

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