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Phew - it's through

Brian Taylor | 18:06 UK time, Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Phew, that was close, eh? Alex Salmond had threatened to quit if his budget fell.


The one against? Labour鈥檚 Cathie Craigie, who insists she opposes the financial package in principle and couldn鈥檛 join her colleagues.

The abstainers? Labour and the Liberal Democrats - who voted against the package at the first stage and claim the Tories have been bought off with minor changes in order to secure their support.

Does that quite square? If the changes are cosmetic, shouldn鈥檛 they still be voting against the budget at Stage Three?

Further, Labour sought to amend the motion endorsing the budget. Their motion called for ministers to look for ways to improve skills training and report back to parliament.


Grinning broadly, Finance Secretary John Swinney felt this was less than onerous - and encouraged his colleagues to vote FOR this amendment.

The amendment duly carried - only for Labour to abstain on a motion which now included their own proviso on training.

Confused? Labour couldn鈥檛 quite bring themselves to press their "Yes" buttons for an SNP budget, even with their own amendment on board in the endorsement motion.

But they knew that it would be a gift to the SNP if they sustained outright opposition.

Picture the scene on the hustings. SNP candidate spouts a list of goodies from the budget: frozen council tax and the like. (Neatly sidestepping the downside.)

SNP candidate then points at Labour candidate and yells: "We wanted to freeze your tax. He/she voted 'No'."

Ministers 'guffawed'

Not smart politics.

And the LibDem stance. They鈥檝e been heading towards abstention from the off, condemning the budget as 鈥渙paque鈥, especially with regard to the details re efficiency savings.

Didn鈥檛 stop ministers from guffawing at their stance.

The Tories said "yes". Margo said "yes". The Greens abstained (I鈥檇 thought they might end up voting "Yes".) And I鈥檇 thought Labour might vote "No".

Still reckon United will win the CIS cup, though.


  • 1.
  • At 07:05 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • djmac wrote:

So the Lab/LibDem unholy alliance pleads the fifth and drops out of casting a vote!!

The electorate will yet reap its verdict on the WAGSS* and their continuing denial of their political accountability.

Well done Annabel for honesty and decency!


  • 2.
  • At 07:22 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Jimmy G wrote:

What was all the fuss about? I think you should get yourself off to the bar, Brian!

  • 3.
  • At 07:30 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Jason wrote:

They might win a cup of Co-Op 99 Tea sourced from a CWS store... no chance of the cup though. But keep your dream alive Brian.

Knew there was no chance of Eck resigning ever - I reckon that's why he threatened it - to try and sucker the LibLabs into voting against him so the "no" could be (ab)used on the hustings next time out.

  • 4.
  • At 07:32 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Salmondwinsagain wrote:

Hilarious - Nu Labour and Lib Dems show true colours - what a PATHETIC bunch of losers - after 8 years of sleaze and corruption thank God they r out and will remain out for many years.

  • 5.
  • At 07:42 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Jock Politicaljunkie wrote:

I recon United will win the Cup too - its in the stars.

Was fairly sure too that BOTH labour AND the libdems would abstain. I figured, as they are in no way able to face the electorate at the moment, they could not risk voting.

To even risk trying for a symbolic narrow margin of victory for the budget could have inadvertantly defeated it if the Greens or Margo had done something unexpected and then....oh oh! Electoral exposure with Wendy Alexander and Andy Kerr somewhat distracted from the campaign.

  • 6.
  • At 07:43 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • L Telfer wrote:

United win the cup? Stick to politics Brian you might get one of your predictions right.
Wendy must have heard the pleas from her troops not to risk an Election or has she finally realised that her snout is about to be pulled out of the trough.She spent most of the afternoon stage whispering to Andy (Brutus) Kerr. One of these days I suspect it'll be a different cry " et tu Andy?"
They and their Lib. allies ran away from a fight faster than the English after the cup final at Bannockburn.

  • 7.
  • At 07:45 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Peter File wrote:

Hmmm 'The Hootsman' claim Cathie Craigie voted against by mistake.

Odd planet Mr. Taylor, I wouldn't want to wrap it.

  • 8.
  • At 07:52 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Allan wrote:

Is it not a national disgrace that the main opposition have no view at all in regard to the budget? Brian's analysis is spot on - Labour have no clue on how to handle Salmond and Swinney. But then, they had no clue when they were in government either!

  • 9.
  • At 08:03 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Brian Johnston wrote:

Labour have been made a laughing stock over this. The only thing left for them to do is decide who will wear the oversize clowns shoes (once they have recovered from the bullet wounds) and curly purple wig next and become their next leader. Honk, honk. Not for the first time either have we been left wondering what the point of the Liberals is, apart from holding the coats with the plastic flower which squirts water out of it... now who might own such a thing?? Outmanoeuvred, outsmarted and for Wendy it will soon be just over and OUT. Labour really need a new act.

  • 10.
  • At 08:14 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Neil Small wrote:

What a bunch of children we have in Holyrood Playschool.

Alex threatening to resign - anything to get closer to independance. Labour in a sulk. Lib Dems useful as a chocolate teapot.

The Greens are the biggest threat however. Who votes for these people? They've managed to divert sorely needed funds to repair the (appalling) roads in Scotland. SNP are not going to build another M25.

It may appear comical to some, but the Scottish Parliament is slowly becoming a joke. For all his faults, at least Donald Dewar appeared statesmenlike rather than smug.

  • 11.
  • At 08:35 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Scamp wrote:

The Tories are right. The Labour Party were completely humiliated today. I never usually watch these things but today I did and I have to say I've never seen or heard such a load of nonsense from Labour and indeed the LibDems.

  • 12.
  • At 08:51 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Conway wrote:

And there is the rub of the whole issuse .Labour get there amendment and yet they still abstain what is the point of calling themselves the opposition when they and the Libdems are so impotent I never thought i would say this but thank goodness for the Scottish Conservatives.

Picture it 鈥 Labour wanted an amendment to support skills academies and modern apprenticeships. The SNP agree. It goes to a vote and their amendment is passed.
Whoopeee !.

Next they are asked to vote on their amended budget and what do they do ?.

They sit on their hands.

You just couldn鈥檛 make it up !.

What are they playing at ?.

They鈥檙e just a bunch of numpties who haven鈥檛 got a clue.

It looks like all they can do is protest, and the Lib Dems are no better.

The Christmas pantomime season isn鈥檛 over yet !.

The pantomime continues.

And they want to run our country !.

  • 14.
  • At 09:12 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Jim McIntosh wrote:

Forget about the Budget - I agree with you Brian that this was always going to go through notwitstanding Mr Salmond's late attempt to "pull up the Stumps". However, what is of more concern to the people of Scotland is that this Parliament now lacks a credible opposition - they seem to be totally inconsistent.
I have always believed that a good opposition makes for good government with the opposing party(s) scrutinising proposed legislation and putting forward credible arguments/alternatives. The present opposition appears to be going round in ever decreasing circles which, ultimately, is bad news for everyone in Scotland.
You are not too far off the mark with your observations on the political scene - is DU for the Cup a "bridge too far"?

  • 15.
  • At 09:52 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Guru Gordon wrote:

Absolutely incredible. I can never recall an occasion when an opposition proposed an amendment to a motion, won the amendment and then refused to vote.
By their own admission the Labour Party were in favour of 99% of the budget even prior to the amendment. No wonder Alex Salmond was so amused at the result.

  • 16.
  • At 09:52 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Wansanshoo wrote:

Brian, it is an all S.N.P. final, Shona Robison V Nicola Sturgeon, Dundee East and Govan respectively.

I assume that the Liberalites & Labourites wiil abstain yet again?

Let's hope for the sake of football the score is different.


  • 17.
  • At 10:11 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Dan.Ritchie wrote:

New game

Wheres Wendy !!!

Hiding in the shirt tails of 'Andy Kerr' the soon new Labour Leader.

Still have a bet on that she goes Easter time.

Perhaps we will see a real opposition instead of the current whining we are getting at present.

Glad to accept my Council Tax freeze though....

  • 18.
  • At 10:20 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • merry mac1 wrote:

hi brian, glad to hear the good news
dundee u. deserve to win.
on the politicals,well done alex, john, they pulled a blinder, labour have to rise earlier to get anywhere
with smart politicians. no wonder labour were the laughing stock,they
managed an amendment only to lose it
on an abstention, its no place for
CLOWNS you could'nt make it up

  • 19.
  • At 10:21 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Malcolm wrote:

What prize fools Labour and the Lib-Dems MSPs have been over the SNP's budget. These opposition politicians couldn't organise the proverbial drinking session in a brewery.

What a prize fool also your 麻豆官网首页入口 Scotland colleague Glenn Campbell. Remember that now infamous broadcast by Glenn Campbell tearing up SNP manifestos to reinforce his story that SNP would not be able to carry out their manifesto promises.

What say you now Mr. Campbell?

  • 20.
  • At 10:23 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • PMK wrote:

Cant bring themselves to vote for or against the budget! This shows exactly how lost Labour and their Lib Dem allies are in opposition.

Labour refuse to back the bill as changed by their own ammendment. It demonstrates neatly exactly what the ammendment was: a lame excuse to manufacture a reason to vote against the budget.

Labour have no excuses anymore. What concessions did you achieve the electorate will ask? Greens can point to increased spend to address climate change, tory's police, small business rates, drug policy and even Margo can extract concessions all by herself. The former govt (sorry "executive"!) comes away with nothing as it is still in a huff!

  • 21.
  • At 10:36 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Sandra Scott wrote:

Wonder what the people who voted for the abstainer are thinking. Always moaning about the turn-out at elections but when it comes to voting on Scotlands future what do they do, sit on their hands, stuff the people who voted for us to receive the massive salaries. We're still in a huff because we're not in power anymore. Oh yeah, well done what a really effective opposition, NOT!

  • 22.
  • At 10:36 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Angus wrote:

My God,who are the 1500 odd voters in Kilsyth last week,what planet are tthey living from,after to-day it must surely be obvious to any-one lets get on to Independence SNP had to fight offer,tear up proposals and so on over the budget. That means there is opposition in this nation but not from what you would have us believe Brian.
The Kilsyth voters need to go to there front door look out take a deep breath of fresh air and contemplate what there eyes are seeing,50 years of the Cancer that is the Labour Party!

  • 23.
  • At 10:39 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • scyinical sid. wrote:

so the budget got passed i think it was in the bag for the last couple of days. i agree with jim mcintosh (comment 12) governments need good opposition all we need to look at is the last 2 generations here in scotland or the last16-20years at westminster. doesn't matter who is in power. no real opposition = big problems.as it is ,the snp now have the opportunity to show us what they can do .are they going to be better than previous administrations? will that really be hard to do? labour have had years to fix the problems but were to busy looking after themselves. they got away with that cos there was no opposition i hope we can learn that lesson as a nation

  • 24.
  • At 10:39 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Angus wrote:

My God,who are the 1500 odd voters in Kilsyth last week,what planet are tthey living from,after to-day it must surely be obvious to any-one lets get on to Independence SNP had to fight offer,tear up proposals and so on over the budget. That means there is opposition in this nation but not from what you would have us believe Brian.
The Kilsyth voters need to go to there front door look out take a deep breath of fresh air and contemplate what there eyes are seeing,50 years of the Cancer that is the Labour Party!

Good stuff on good stuff Brian.

Countering Neil Small's post earlier, for me the Scottish Parliament is no joke: in comparison to the big expensive fun-loving sister in London, it is a suberbly well run, serious, and worthwhile modern chamber gaining genuine worldwide repute. Oh except for recent Labour Party contributions obviously.

  • 26.
  • At 10:47 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • AndyM wrote:

as a fellow Arab, I'm with you on the cup front :-) Hopefully Eddie will make it to the final to see the boys lift it - he deserves it.

It's worth mentioning John Swinney's role in coercing the budget through, a mammoth task from any political hue and he's due a 'well done' from both the SNP and joe public. So, as a 'joe public' John - well done!

Over the past few months he's looking more and more like a political heavyweight and, combined with Wee Eck, they are becoming a force to be reckoned with. Only Bella seems to understand how to work with a minority government.

  • 27.
  • At 10:50 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Munro Ross wrote:

How spineless of the Labour and LibDems not to vote for the budget or agaisnt if they genuinely thought it was wrong. They were obviously scared of losing their seats!!

shows hte paucity of ideas and cluenessless in the former Executive parties.

UnusaLLy I agree with A tory in Derek Brownless - Labour have lost it all

I was in the gallery today and the most impressive point for me was the strength and confidence of John Swinney, he didn't put a foot wrong and really went for opposition MSPs in Labour and Liberal ranks.

Confidence and intelligence were the most obvious flags flying today from the SNP camp and no one on the opposition benches could lay a glove on Swinney.

Andy Kerr's final speech simply went through the motions, I've heard him deliver much better in the past.

Personally I like Iain Gray, he was good today and looked more like a leader in waiting than Andy.

  • 29.
  • At 11:00 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Munro Ross wrote:

Unusually I agree with a Tory but Brownless is correct to say Labour have lost it. how spineless not to vote agaisnt the budget if they thought it wrong. too scared to lose their seats?!!

  • 30.
  • At 11:04 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • James wrote:

I can't understand why everyone wants a good opposition. (It might have been the case when the last executive was in power). The SNP are doing an excellent job for Scotland without provocation or motivation from the opposition - because they have the interests of Scotland at heart.

  • 31.
  • At 11:14 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Graeme Brooks wrote:

The Scottish Conservatives get 500 more police, small business rates reduced and a focused drug policy.

Scottish New Labour get egg on their face !

At the start of lent, are Labour giving up voting for forty days? So no one will be voting for Wendy then!

  • 32.
  • At 11:53 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Dave "Boy" wrote:

The SNP deserve the chance to put their budget into play and stand or fall by it.

But clearly the SNP and their followers don't do irony....they should remember they are now in bed with the party whose policies in the 80s ripped the soul out of Scotland.

  • 33.
  • At 12:08 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Gail wrote:

After todays antics by the Labour party I cannot imagine how anyone could even being to think they are are party worth voting for.

I ask this question with the greatest respect - Why do people vote Labour, is it because they maybe do not follow in close detail all the ins and outs of politics, or is it just the fact they some people will always vote Labour no matter what they do.

I do not know the answer, however I do believe that Labour support will drop off as a younger more connected generation of voters sweeps throught the system.

Absolutely astonished at the labour/liberal display.
I knew they were pretty pathetic but I did'nt realise just how pathetic!
Just watched Ian Grey on Newsnight trying to justify this arrant stupidity.He did'nt succeed.
As for the claim that the Tories and the SNP had stitched this up in November could someone please remind the Liberals, who were anti the Iraq war in a big way, that they happily joined forces with the party who led this country into that debacle.

  • 35.
  • At 12:48 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • gillon johnstone wrote:

Scottish Labour and Lib Dems RIP today you began your departure from Scottish Politics.

To the tories I say this. In the 80s as a youngster growing up in Scotland I was full of contempt and resentment for everything conservative.

Today I must say I am so impressed by the actions of the tories in Scotland, they did not fold they fought for what they felt was neccessary and won these concessions. I saw no interest in Partisan politics from you instead a genuine interest and concern, So Miss Goldie et all even though I totally disagree with your fundemental policies you are a worthy opposition and a credit to the parliment

Alex and co

well bloody done,, you have shown the SNP for what we are. A party of goverment wither in a devolved Scotland or in an independant Scotland,, you and your budget have done Scotland proud

btw Brian why was the 麻豆官网首页入口 coverage so small on 麻豆官网首页入口, we are licence payers too in Scotland and I think had a right to see the full debate instead of coast from Ireland

You've ignored the masterclass in extracting maximum concessions while keeping your integrity intact demonstrated by the Greens, Brian.

Contrast the Greens, who for their two abstentions managed to extract an extra 拢9m investment in public transport and climate change mitigation, with the Lib Dems and Labour, who for their 58 abstentions, managed to extract... absolutely nothing.

  • 37.
  • At 01:19 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Gregor Addison wrote:

It's the Lib Dems who have become 'opaque'. With two MSPs, the Greens managed to abstain but at the same time wring concessions from the Government. The Lib Dems abstained and won no concessions. What a lost opportunity. It makes you wonder why they are shoring up a collapsing Labour party, especially when they share manifesto commitments with the SNP. Crazy, or what?

  • 38.
  • At 01:30 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Badger wrote:

I have to say... my pride at the passing of the first ever SNP budget was tempered by my shame at the ineptitude and pettiness of the opposition.

Every Government should have a constructively rigorous mirror held up to it..that should ensure the passing of sound legislation.

The Tories, the Greens and Margo were relevant and constructive today....Labour and the Libs I'm afraid were caught up in their own wee petulant Corrievrechans.

I was proud of the Government....and ashamed of the Parliament.

  • 39.
  • At 02:10 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Steve wrote:

Hi Brian,

I am really intrigued. Why are you wasting your time writing about the trivial Scottish Budget when there are more important issues, like saving the Glenfarg Village Shop.

What?? You don't think that's more important??

It seems that the news editor of the 麻豆官网首页入口 Scotland website does!!

Very sad. No attempt at all by the 麻豆官网首页入口 to cover up their pathetic Unionist bias. Hiding unpleasant news in the corner of the page won't make it go away.

  • 40.
  • At 06:56 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Jeff wrote:

As a SNP member I agree with Jim McIntosh about the need for a credible opposition. I never thought I'd say this, but the Tories are the only ones making a fist of it. The LabLibdem Alliance is showing how hopeless they are. When they were in government I thought they were bad but in opposition their true ineptitude is only too apparent. The Greens are out of their depth, but at least they are trying to stand up for what they believe in unlike the LabLibDems who are still in the huff after getting chucked out last May. Roll on 2011.....

  • 41.
  • At 08:08 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Paul Cooney wrote:

Why did the 麻豆官网首页入口 Scotland story not say anything about the amendment which was accepted when Nulab were looking for an excuse to vote against / abstain. Seems like bias to me. Your blog rightly highlights the farce that is the official opposition.

  • 42.
  • At 08:54 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Peter, Fife wrote:

Some may think that Alex Salmond has played his joker too soon, I do not agree; Alex Salmond has laid down the reality of his minority administration, 鈥榰surp the legally elected Government of Scotland and be prepared to defend your position to the electorate at the polls.

Now I do not think for a moment that this joker can be played repeatedly on most policy issues; such a strategy can only be logically applied if the policy is crucial to good Governance, there is a consensus but there is uncertainty as to what would be the outcome.

I accept that the weakness some of the leaders of the opposition in general and one in particular caused some serious consideration of Mr Salmond鈥檚 ultimatum; Mr Salmond may have even considered that if he did have to go to the country those weaknesses combined with feelings of indignation amongst many Scottish voters may have delivered a majority of SNP MSPs in Holyrood.

  • 43.
  • At 09:37 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Dave wrote:

I really am very surprised at how easily pleased the Nats on this blog are. . I have to admit, as much as I dislike 'our glorious leader' he has played a blinder - One huge bit of showmanship from Salmond and suddenly none of them are querying the budget - where are these 鈥榚fficiency鈥 cuts going to come from??? I would be very surprised if anyone on here knows the answer to that as the Nationalist certainly aren鈥檛 saying!

  • 44.
  • At 09:54 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Chris Morrison wrote:

Congratulations to the SNP on getting there budget through.

Several points

-The tories are doing a fantastic job in the Scottish parliament and have really gained my respect, they were unelectable only a couple of years ago but now they are really showing how to be in opposition.

-The Liberal Democrats are doing everything they can to become part of New Labour. If I was a Lib Dem supporter I would be calling for a complete change of attitude (probably needs a new leader). If there going to act like labour why not just be labour?

-Labour have lost the plot, abstaining from the budget was the worst possible option. The SNP were offering consensus politics but it appears Wendy and chums are determined to play hard ball with every single policy. The "skills training" money should go into them getting skills to be a good opposition. They could have got lots from this budget if they had shown a bit of tact and grace.

-The Greens, I hate the Green party and everything they stand for but they must be feeling pretty smug, they got the SNP over a barrel. Well done!

-The SNP, Alex's threat to resign was genius and forced Labour into supporting or abstaining from the budget. They are showing they are competent leaders and I'm sure they would have loved an election sometime soon as they are flying high.

-The Beeb - Come on guys, leave your unionist loving to one side and at least put a little bit of effort into publicising the Scottish budget. There was WAY more coverage of the american budget than there has been of this. Pull your socks up!

  • 45.
  • At 10:00 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • May Mclean wrote:

Labour do not know what to do, this makes things difficult for the lib Dems as they follow Labour.

Give the Greens and Tories some due, they know that the SNP are popular with the people, so they are following them.

Labour are pathetic, they have no idea of how to oppose constructively, display chips the size of railway carriages and have a leader who is lame duck in limbo until the axe swings. Is this the party of the late greats? They must be turning in their graves.

Thought for today, will Wendy Alexander be known as a Labour great, don鈥檛 make me laugh.

Lib Dems are an unusual bunch, they have a leader who attempts to exhibit reasonableness in public, but behind the scenes is wholly destructive and poisonous. People from all walks of life call this being two-faced, the electorate will not forget.

Is it any wonder they chose not to vote against the budget?

Will there be any wonder why the electorate choose SNP at the next election? The people will not abstain form their duty.

  • 46.
  • At 10:09 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Bill wrote:

It seems to me that 90% of the people that send in Blogs are SNP voters it would be helpful if people would state their political leanings at the start of their email.

As a labour supporter and have socialist leanings it is good to see that the Tartan tories and the Unionist tories are now voting together. Lets not forget who the real winners of the frozen property tax are, those with the big houses. It is just a tax cut for the rich. Tratan/unionist tory policy at its best

  • 47.
  • At 10:10 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Jock Politicaljunkie wrote:

SNP triumph - Labour humiliation.
Good day at the office for the Government then!

Heard you on GMS this morning Brian talking about the upset and anger in the labour backbenches. Is anything going to come of this to revitalise labour into some sort of credible opposition? It may, of course, have to get worse before it gets better. Action is definately needed.

Will there be a "Valentines Day Massacre" of the shadow cabinet?
Or, more classically, "Beware the ides of March" Wendy?
Or just, "Oh, there's the Police at the door. I wonder what they want?"
Even, "Jack McConnell! - long time no see!"
Or, a big clunking fist to come parachuting into Jacks safe seat from London to take over????

Don't you just love Politics?

  • 48.
  • At 10:34 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Kevin wrote:

At Last Labour and Lib/dems show true colours. I am glad that people all over the world can see the ineptitude of their MSPs, although highly embarrasing for Scotland, The First Minister and the SNP are streets ahead, professionaly, intelectualy and actualy Labour and the Lib/dems still act like spoiled children (Baby Boomers) that are poor losers in the election. Independance cannot come soon enough for me personnaly, and speaking to friends and colleagues, many in high powered professional carees, they feel the same.Well done SNP.

  • 49.
  • At 11:05 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • PMK wrote:

Labour has done far more in the long-run to betray and undermine the interests of the Scottish people than the Tories ever managed. Also if Labour had acted like grown-ups they too could have struck a deal and the Tories would not have gotten so much in terms of concessions and abuse by their unionist "allies".

  • 50.
  • At 11:18 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Cat amongst the Pigeons wrote:

Nats and Cons snuggling up doesn't surprise me, I've long been of the opinion that Scotland's more conservative than rural Suffolk.

  • 51.
  • At 11:48 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Stewart wrote:

#46. The freeze on council tax will help every non student adult. Where Labour allowed it to go up and up the SNP put in a policy to allow it.

Im expecting my first baby and the extra money that I will have will help.

My grandparents will also be able to breethe a sign of relief as will my younger mates taking their first steps on to the propertty ladder.

You attitude to the tories is out dated and needs reshaping. Apart from the smoking ban what has Labout done for Scotland in the last 8 years apart from liningntheir own pockets, playing their english masters tune and closing Hospitals ???

  • 52.
  • At 11:48 AM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • brian dickson wrote:

64 for 1 against 60 abstentions=125 but there should be 129 MSPs
Presiding Officer is one, so who are the missing 3?

  • 53.
  • At 12:53 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Mike S wrote:

I watched it. I listened to it. I've read about it. And I still can't fathom the strategy of Labour re. the budget. I'm obviously missing the deep subtlety, but can anyone explain the thinking (the what?) so that it actually makes some sense?
The CIS Cup, Brian? As an old Jambo, I wish the Arabs well. Hope you do it - but you do have a cracking manager. (I know, I'm jealous).

  • 54.
  • At 01:02 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Rab1970 wrote:

Watched "Newsnight Scotland" last night, and I was in stitches, it was almost as funny as "The Late Edition" (which was on before it on 麻豆官网首页入口4). I never thought I'd find myself laughing with a Tory (rather than at one), but Derek Brownlees comment, when asked to explain Labour's actions was class. Something along the lines of "well if they can't explain it, how can I?" Ian Gray was, and is, like his party, a joke!

Bottom line is, Labour still have a massive chip on their shoulder about losing the election. They are acting like over-sized weans in a creche!! As for Wendy, game's over girl, you're baw's up oan the slates!!

They were incompetent in government, and are proving to be so in opposition. Dare I say it, but the Tories would be a more credible opposition, and the exchanges between Annabel and Eck would be priceless.

  • 55.
  • At 01:06 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • David wrote:

Having read through most of the comments on here i can't believe what i've seen.

This budget will never work - the SNP promises will never work.

Efficiency savings is just one of those political buzz terms that seems to mean 'errr, we'll get the money from somewhere!!!'.

And what's wrong with abstaining en mass? It shows that the SNP have not gone into enough detail on how the budget is underpinned to form a valid opinion.

  • 56.
  • At 01:08 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • DJ wrote:

Brian, the Tangerines need to hope that Langfield gets a free transfer to Rangers - and then the cup would be in the bag! Bring on the super Sainties.

I am however in disagreement with you over the Lib Dems.

A number of the concessions made by Swinney were good for exaple the climate Change money and producing a real 1000 extra police. However, as Tavish Scott continually stated - where is the beef? If the budget is so unclear - and it is - the parties will be voting for financial consequences of which they do not yet have any knowledge. In particular the 拢1.6bn of 'efficiency savings'. Quite clearly there is either no way of making these savings or there are cuts already decided upon we dont yet know about (otherwise how could they put a figure on it - its not been picked out of mid-air to fill a financial gap has it?!?).
Either way to support such an unknown doesnt make any sense. Maybe these savings do exist and will work out well. Hopefully they will, but should anyone really support such an unknown?

  • 57.
  • At 01:26 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Rob Inglis wrote:

I'm glad this was passed, regardless of the margins in which it did. It is important that the SNP are given the chance to demonstrate the substance behind their promises and pledges to improve Scotland for Scotlands benefit.

The electorate voted for this when they voted the SNP into power, so for other parties to attempt to sabotage the budget was very ill-advised. All it has done is shown the embroiled Labour group to be petty and bitter, the Lib Dems to be sadly impotent and directionless. They both claim to have the interests of Scotland at heart, but have not demonstrated this by their actions. If they truely did, they would have made useful contributions and ammendments to the bill instead of the bluster and superiority they displayed instead.

I never thought I would be praising the Conservatives, but I must congratulate Annabel Goldie and her members for supporting this bill. They made worthwhile contributions in terms of more Police numbers (on which the SNP previously reneged despite their election promises) and better business rates to support Scottish businesses. They demonstrated that it was about benefitting Scotland rather than scoring points over the SNP, and I applaud them for that. If only we could see more co-operative cross-party work like this, then Scotland would surely benefit!

I now await the next few years with an upbeat optimism on how we will all fare under the helmsmanship of the SNP, and hoping to see Scotland blossom under what I hope will be effective leadership.

  • 58.
  • At 01:28 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Alan Hotchkiss wrote:

Re Comment 46;

'As a labour supporter and have socialist leanings it is good to see the tartan tories and the unionist tories are now voting together'

Apart from the rather obvious dichotomy of 'labour supporter' and 'socialist leanings' it is the 1980's sentiments which probably sum up why Scottish Labour is in such a mess...

This is 2008 with a SNP executive in charge and Scottish Labour the main opposition party with, unbelievably,the Scottish Tories showing Labour how to be an effective opposition ..once these facts are grasped & understood by Scottish Labour and their actions influenced by them then they may start to win back their lost support.

  • 59.
  • At 01:41 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • J Tyreman wrote:

Well done SNP and Tories at Holyrood, 21st century politics at last. Labour & Lib-dems, please come out of the nursery the floor is littered with discarded dummies. If they are not willing to negotiate, deal,compromise or think for themselves, what is the point of being there?
This is not a big council, it is our countries parliament, treat it and us with respect please.

  • 60.
  • At 01:51 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Karen wrote:

Those folk complaining about Labour and Lib. Dem uslessness in opposition and at the same time praising the Conservatives are sending a very mixed message indeed! Exactly what part of cosying up to the party of government for a few cheap giveaways helps provide a principled opposition?
Also to those continually remarking in terms of a Labour / Lib Dem alliance/partnership in opposition - Yes, there was a partnership government for eight years. That was then. This is now. There is no "partnership" opposition. There are four opposition parties. ( Being generous to the Tories here as they are clearly not currently "opposing" much, if anything.)

  • 61.
  • At 02:12 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • rob forbes wrote:

There seems to be a recurring theme here of perceived anti-unionist bias. I voted SNP / Green because I believe in independence and a sustainable future and am quite happy to say so.

What exactly do the unionist parties stand for anyway? Perhaps the Lib / Lab abstentions just serve to demonstrate they don't even know any more.

  • 62.
  • At 02:15 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • L Telfer wrote:

While Wendy was busy whispering to Brutus Kerr (she better brush up her Latin 'cos I suspect before long it will be "et tu Brute?" the SNP introduced it's budget and the Scottish Parliament agreed it. The Greens muttered their usual inanities, the Tories got a couple of maybe concessions, and the Lab/Lib consortium had their fingers somewhere other than the voting buttons. (ears,noses or elsewhere)
If ever an opposition displayed total self interest and lack of bottle, this was it. I suspect the troops were terrified Wendy would ask them to take part in an Election and all their snouts would be pulled out of the Holyrood trough. Nicol Stephen and his faded legal eagles must have been in a right old flap after their performance in the Trump episode removed any credibility they had.

  • 63.
  • At 02:43 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • John S D wrote:

To Bill (#46) who complains about the council tax freeze being a tax cut for the rich:

Aye (don't think so) - it will be replaced by a progressive local income tax that will put a higher burned on the better off. Scrapping the regressive council tax was not something the "socialist" labour party proposed in 8 years of government - instead they concentrated on the right wing masterclass of PFI!

  • 64.
  • At 02:52 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • talorthane wrote:

#46 Bill

"It seems to me that 90% of the people that send in Blogs are SNP voters it would be helpful if people would state their political leanings at the start of their email."

I'm a Scottish nationalist and a socialist.

"As a labour supporter and have socialist leanings it is good to see that the Tartan tories and the Unionist tories are now voting together."

Perhaps you should do your socialist leanings justice and support and consider how the Labour Party meets those ends.

"Lets not forget who the real winners of the frozen property tax are, those with the big houses. It is just a tax cut for the rich."

The Council Tax freeze is a first step towards aboloishing the council Tax altogether and replacing it with an income based approach. This means that poorer people will pay less and richer people will pay more. Strangely, the Labour party oppose this measure.

"Tratan/unionist tory policy at its best"

Firstly, the concsessions made by the government amounted to about 0.1% of the budget. So I think it's unfair to give the impression that it's ownership is anything other than the Governments.

Secondly, the concessions made were all in line with the SNP manifesto. So they gave away what they wanted to give away.

Thirdly, "You've got to be in it to win it." The Tories worked with the Government to identify and pursue these concessions. Labour and the Lib Dems did nothing other than posture to the media.

In retrospect, what has the Labour party done to honour your vote?

  • 65.
  • At 02:55 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • KEL wrote:

How much worse can Scottish Labour be before they realise they have got to get a decent leader and learn how to be an effective opposition. I've voted Labour all my life, but this is truly dreadful. I might vote Tory!

  • 66.
  • At 03:25 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Hal wrote:

Scottish Labour designate their 3rd rate politicians to the Scottish Parliament, while continuing to send those a little more ability to London... Until that Situation is reversed. we can expect more of the same... and of course it wont happen . So we can expect Scotland to continue towards total Independence.. and soon... Bless SNP for your Vision and for your Impressive Front line Team.

  • 67.
  • At 05:54 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Jock Politicaljunkie wrote:

WOT no blogg today Brian?

Or are you still in conflab with the beeb solicitors to see what you can write? Relax, she'll not sue. Stand up in an open Court with all the evidence and witnesses to hand???

Not Likely!!

  • 68.
  • At 06:02 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Alex Brodie wrote:

We now know that there is


How long before the first court case where someone else gets off by claiming their wrong-doing was "unintentional"?

The public will annihilate Labour at the next Scottish election.

There is no way people are going to put up with this!

  • 69.
  • At 07:03 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • seith wrote:

Salom Arab Terrorista,

'Picture the scene on the hustings. SNP candidate spouts a list of goodies from the budget: frozen council tax and the like. (Neatly sidestepping the downside.)

SNP candidate then points at Labour candidate and yells: "We wanted to freeze your tax. He/she voted 'No'."'

Please elaborate: what downside Brian? Trust that you and your team will be following the money through the councils' budgets and voting thereon.

Good luck in the final from across the road.

PS Found out to own cost that Burn's celebrations best reason for missing half a conference. Switching rooms in overnight hotel did not help. Hope folk who got my wake-up call were planning an early start.
PPS That'll give her team something to be pleased about.

  • 70.
  • At 07:29 PM on 07 Feb 2008,
  • Jimmy G wrote:

#68 Alex, you've been peddling this before. Its not a case of one law for Wendy and one for the rest of us; I doubt anyone would end up before the beaks for something quite as trivial. 950 squid was willingly given to Wendy's team; it wasn't taxpayers money; it wasn't even for a public election. And then, the election never even took place!

  • 71.
  • At 09:02 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Seumas wrote:

Do you think the SNP will manage to pull of scrapping the Graduate Endowment Tax?

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