
麻豆官网首页入口 BLOGS - Justin Webb's America
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About Justin Webb

Justin Webb | 12:00 UK time, Wednesday, 7 November 2007

There is nowhere in the world I would rather be than Washington DC. Sexier cities do exist of course, and less socially-divided places as well, but nowhere is as powerful, as full of news, and as vitally important to the lives and futures of us all. I have been here for six years and intend to stay for 600. My youngest child is American and my older ones sound American. And that's fine by me.

Washington is even more powerful than Brussels, where I was for three years before coming here, and from where I was (semi) expelled after suggesting that Prague might make a prettier capital of Europe.

These have been my only two foreign postings - although years ago I used to fly out of London on brief forays abroad (to the Maldives to cover what turned out to be an imaginary coup, for instance, and to Bosnia for an all-too-real war). I also spent time getting up at three in the morning, wearing makeup and feeling knackered, as the presenter of Breakfast News on 麻豆官网首页入口 One.

Before that I was a reporter on the Today programme on Radio Four and way way back (if you're still reading this...) I had the honour of beginning my career in the wonderful 麻豆官网首页入口 Northern Ireland office - Good Morning Ulster was the name of the programme and a very fine one it was, and doubtless still is.

I have never worked outside the 麻豆官网首页入口 unless you count a brief stint writing speeches for an MP and licking envelopes at a lobbying company called GJW Government Relations.

I am the product of a Quaker school so am incapable of lying. My alma mater is the world's finest, the from where I graduated in Economics back in 1983.

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  • 1.
  • At 07:16 PM on 07 Nov 2007,
  • Stephen wrote:

Hey Justin, great to see you blogging - looking forward to following in you through the campaign!

  • 2.
  • At 02:06 AM on 08 Nov 2007,
  • Dinesh Patel wrote:

We met once in Brussels, in a small flemish town called ottenburg, you came to my house with your wife and purchased our twin buggy we bought from NZ. How are the twins? Hope all is well. I am now back in nz and live in Sumner I watch news sometimes, but soon switch it off as it always bad. take care and send my regards to your wife...D

  • 3.
  • At 02:59 AM on 08 Nov 2007,
  • Peter Smith wrote:

I've never read a blog or didn't know it if I did. So your writing about what's coming up in the year ahead was very enjoyable and a delightful discovery. I'm glad you moved to Washington: your role in keeping an honest eye and report on what's going on there will do me and others lots of good. I look forward to reading more.

Peter S. Smith MD

  • 4.
  • At 12:37 PM on 08 Nov 2007,
  • Peter Larsson wrote:

I remember you presenting Breakfast News and you didn't fit the twee formula they use. However, as a 'foreign' correspondent covering USA you seem to have found your home. Your reporting is great.

However, my favourite piece of yours was your tale of Janet Jackson's breast exposure for 'From Our Own Correspondent' entitled 'Oh Golly Gosh!' Thanks for the amusement it gave me for hours after. I reckon Alistair Cook would have been proud of it.... and they don't come any better than him.

I look forward to reading your blog at my new home in Germany.

  • 5.
  • At 04:15 PM on 08 Nov 2007,
  • Kate wrote:

What Quaker School? I'm the product of two different Quaker schools in the US. I know what you mean about the whole "incapable of lying" thing -- total pain in the tuckus!

I am looking forward to your blog, but does this mean that Matt Frei is no longer blogging/writing commentaries?

  • 6.
  • At 05:55 PM on 08 Nov 2007,
  • Debra wrote:

I remember you from your days on 麻豆官网首页入口 Breakfast which was great. I now live in the USA and miss the 麻豆官网首页入口 terribly. Oh for some decent news coverage. I am constantly surprised at the lack of interest of world news that exists here. I try to do my bit in lauding the 麻豆官网首页入口 website to try and get people to take some interest! Keep up the good work!

  • 7.
  • At 06:10 PM on 08 Nov 2007,
  • Katharine Sterry wrote:

Hi Justin, It is great to reading the news from a fellow Sidcotian. It doesn't seem in the least bit strange that you ended up reminding and informing us on the state of the world. Now you have a blog as well to keep my feet terra firma. Please keep up the great work of keeping us true. All the best Katharine

  • 8.
  • At 11:12 PM on 08 Nov 2007,
  • David wrote:

A delightful bit of amusement you have in your writings. You obviously have a lot to learn and have some enormous gaps in understanding. Never assume you have all the information on any topic. Lead quietly.

  • 9.
  • At 03:36 PM on 09 Nov 2007,
  • Justin Webb wrote:

Gosh! You get so used to people saying nasty things about you on the net (much of it at least semi-deserved!) that it comes as quite a shock to read these kind entries. Thanks.

And Dinesh how nice to hear from you; the buggy came to America and is now with another family; a testament to the power of New Zealand buggy engineering.

Kate, I was at Sidcot School in the English West country (Katharine hello!) and to answer your question, Matt certainly has my blessing to carry on with his diary and I hope he will...

  • 10.
  • At 06:58 PM on 09 Nov 2007,
  • Tim Gibson wrote:

Hello Justin,

As a Brit who went west 37 years ago and is still here, I am always delighted to hear (via the 麻豆官网首页入口 website) or read here, your excellent comments on all aspects of life in the USA.

You and Matt Frei produce wonderfully balanced insights for the rest of the world to hear and read. That way they may find out that we are not all blind followers of the current administration. There ARE some brains in America, so please keep up the good work and write about anything you want ... it is always interesting.


  • 11.
  • At 07:32 PM on 09 Nov 2007,
  • Bergholm de Amida wrote:

Had not read your columns previously, although the 麻豆官网首页入口 News is my "Home page". Very clever and witty comments. I will watch you.

  • 12.
  • At 02:14 PM on 10 Nov 2007,

ABOUT JUSTIN WEBB - You had a pair of stilts and a really cool train set - we had Scotty and Rusty the push along dogs. We all got brave and jumped off the oil tank in your garden and we cleaned your family shoes for Brownies 'Bob a Job' Week! You and Emma B always wanted to play Mods and Rockers we wanted to play vets!
How time flies - now we come across you while reading the world news from the 麻豆官网首页入口 on the internet.
Best wishes from the now not so little girls next door!
Alison and Rachel!

  • 13.
  • At 12:14 PM on 13 Nov 2007,
  • Chelsea Parker wrote:

I love your Blog Mr. Webb. You're quite funny you know! It is nice to see a European actually like the United States. :) I say that only because I am an American living in Europe, and man have they pre-judge me for it. Anyway, wonderful blogs!

  • 14.
  • At 03:24 PM on 13 Nov 2007,
  • William McCain wrote:

Mr. Webb,

You have a most entertaining blog.This is my first read but certainly not the last.

Good Evening Mr. Webb,
I enjoy the 麻豆官网首页入口 and am reading the coverage of our election.
Glad you like Washington. I almost ended up living there. (From New York originally). Now I live in Tucson, Arizona and it is strange in the sense that Mexico City is closer than Washington.
Thank you for your blog. If you want anything about this part of the world and I can be helpful, please let me know.

Dear Mr. Webb,
I enjoy your blog immensely. I used to spend a lot of time in Washington (I am originally from New York).
I now live in Tucson, AZ. It is strange, Mexico City is closer than Washington D.C.
If I can help in any way please let me know.

  • 17.
  • At 05:48 PM on 24 Nov 2007,
  • Gregor Aitken wrote:

You sound like a nice chap but 'incapable of lying'. Are you pretending your not a journalist now. I mean this in the nicest way, but your profession demands that you disclose the truth rather than just tell it outright.

three examples

The Candidates section of the 麻豆官网首页入口 American election Website still contains no profile of Ron Paul. which was fair enough 6 months ago but not now.

The coverage of the questions regarding and the truth movement surrounding 9/11 is not just disgraceful but is now getting worrying.

The nuke movements from Minot to Barksdale and the 6 deaths of personel from these bases would be another example. (Veterans Websites are great resource when looking into this one)

So where are we,

I agree Prague would be a much better home for Europe and yes Washington has much more Power than Brussels but i cannot believe that a former lobbyist/Political speechwriter and now 麻豆官网首页入口 journalist is incapable of lying.

Tell you what, you can prove to me your incapable of lying if you answer me 1 question.

Will you put your money where your mouth is?

  • 18.
  • At 06:33 PM on 25 Nov 2007,
  • Tracy wrote:

Hi Justin

Just remember that Canada is part, in fact, the best part, of North America. We may be quiet and humble compared to our southern neighbours, but we still exist.

Best wishes

  • 19.
  • At 12:32 PM on 26 Nov 2007,
  • Ewan Gourlay wrote:

Dear Mr Webb,

Not lying? To win the Dymond Speach a record three times in a row must have required a certain ammount of economicas with the truth.

Keep up the great work, its great to see a old sidcotion doing something interesting rather than maths at oxford and becoming a banker!


  • 20.
  • At 09:42 PM on 06 Dec 2007,
  • Paul Evans wrote:

Hey Justin, Good to see you in the blogosphere! I used to look after your Uhers and Tandy 200 and all that stuff back in BH in the late '80s. Now those were the cutting edge days!

Paul Evans.

  • 21.
  • At 06:34 AM on 07 Dec 2007,
  • reza wrote:

Hi,I can remember your voice on 麻豆官网首页入口 world srevice and your face on 麻豆官网首页入口 World.I still believe in your charisma

  • 22.
  • At 10:04 PM on 07 Dec 2007,
  • Ann wrote:

Hi: I met you and your young family at a gorgeous wedding in Yorkshire some years ago and saw you on the telly the other night.

Welcome to America -- glad to read here that you like DC, but keep the global perspective! It's what makes the 麻豆官网首页入口 real news, rather than trivia sandwiched between sports and entertainment stories, which is what the domestic programs usually deliver.

I will be watching for the charisma mentioned in the previous post. (!)

  • 23.
  • At 02:17 PM on 10 Dec 2007,
  • John Kecsmar wrote:

I remember watching Justin on Breakfast in the morning before my tiring commute from shanklin to southampton everyday. I thought i felt tired when my alarm went off at 5:30am, but seeing Justin looking even more tired between the chirpy presenters, AKA Sophie et al, i didnt feel too bad!
I no longer commute, i work from home and live in Japan. I enjoy reading your blog's, but i do feel your views are having a more American prespective rather than Global one these days. I suspose that is a result of living in DC for so long.
I get snippets of 麻豆官网首页入口 America on 麻豆官网首页入口 Wolrd, (since there is no other Beeb channel here in Japan), and i must say, your hair is even more gray than i remember!
Thankfully your reporting is not :)

  • 24.
  • At 12:07 PM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • neal wrote:

Shalom Justin

We locked horns by email a couple of years ago, and I seem to remember coming off second best. So I'll be following your blog with interest.

But I also learned that there is one 麻豆官网首页入口 journalist with a bit of integrity - a rare combination, and especially so among those who report from Israel, where I live. Not to mention those who cry for terrorists rather than their victims.

With best wishes for Christmas


  • 25.
  • At 02:47 PM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • Nick wrote:

I enjoy your blog, Justin - thanks. I know your priority is the US election, which I suspect is why the blog is 'Justin Webb's America' even though you are North America Editor. But you've looked away from the US election in some posts, and as a Canadian living in the UK, I'd love to read your take on Canadian issues too. Any chance your blog could be 'Justin Webb's North America'?

  • 26.
  • At 08:24 PM on 18 Dec 2007,
  • Thomas Patricio wrote:

Hi Justin,
I've been following Mark Mardell's blog for awhile and recently started following yours on North America. I find it very entertaining and informative.
As a Canadian, I'd like to echo Nick's comment (25). It would be nice to see your take on Canada. Yes Canada is seen as boring and uneventful. Our motto is the less than exciting "Peace, Order and Good Government", but the fact is that Canada matters. As the most diverse nation in the world, we're embarking on an experiment that could be a true alternative to both the U.S. and the European model. Come and visit us. You might be surprised by what you find.

Thomas Patricio
Toronto, Canada

  • 27.
  • At 09:56 PM on 21 Dec 2007,
  • Mohammed wrote:

I've been reading your blog lately... I've also seen quite a bit of you on 麻豆官网首页入口 world. So I thought I'd ask you for a small favour. Can you please tone down the negative view and the paternalistic view you have of african americans and blacks in general.

You're a nice enough guy, but sometimes I have to shake my head at the comments I hear from you and your collegues at the 麻豆官网首页入口.

For example not once have you talked about Obama - in a non-condesending manner- before! In all your blogs I have yet to read about him even though he is a front-runner. You talk about Romney, Tancredo and others but no Obama. What up with that?

  • 28.
  • At 04:48 PM on 22 Dec 2007,
  • Ed Rufle wrote:

Hey Justin,

Come back to Kansas and see me for a tour of the history of the Anglo-American (Episcopal) Church in Wichita. My grandfather was Rector Emeritus at St. John's back in the late 50s and early 60s. The original sod roofed church still stands as does the 1887 version. Kansas is occupied by Episcopals as well as Evangelicals and Baptists. I have grandfather's memorabilia, picture's, stoles, and a copy of a speech he gave to striking railroad workers in the 1930's. After that we will visit the modern Episcopal church.

If you want more of the ultra-conservative side of Kansas religion, I live in a small town of 1200 people with 6 churches. The town is what we refer to in education as "isolated" and contained all of the elements you mentioned in your Dec. 22nd article on Kansas.

  • 29.
  • At 03:46 PM on 24 Dec 2007,
  • iqbal zafar wrote:

Hello Justin

I remember you as a presenter on the 麻豆官网首页入口's Breakfast programme. Have just read your blog with great interest!!!

Any plans to come back to the UK??? You would make an excellent replacement for Huw Edwards to present the news at 10pm in the UK here.

  • 30.
  • At 09:59 PM on 24 Dec 2007,
  • David Cunard wrote:

I can't comment on Justin's abilities, but do not agree with Tim that "Matt Frei produce(s) wonderfully balanced insights" - he always seems to me as having a pervasively critical tone to his reporting. Having lived here as an "alien" for 40 years but fortunately able to fly back and forth frequently, I can say it takes longer than six years to understand the American psyche. Nevertheless, I was amused by Justin's reference to his education at a Quaker school which, as a consequence, makes him incapable of lying - perhaps he's forgotten that Richard Nixon was brought up as a Quaker . . !

  • 31.
  • At 05:11 PM on 25 Dec 2007,
  • Rosa Mendoza wrote:

I am an American who is frustrated with American media. I turned to the 麻豆官网首页入口 a few years ago and I never left it. Thank you, 麻豆官网首页入口, for providing quality journalism.

A fantastic and wonderful read. I'll certainly be adding this feed to my RSS reader.

Thank you Mr. Webb.

Merry Christmas to you and your family from Southern England!

  • 33.
  • At 06:51 AM on 01 Jan 2008,
  • Joel Tankel wrote:


Good luck and Happy New Year 2008.

I worked for 2 years as a Resident Graduate Assistant in the late 1990鈥檚 at the Sidcot School in that you are a proud product of, and I had the good fortune to meet you on one occasion when you visited the school.

I am from London and have lived in New York for 8 陆 years now, and have witnessed 2 US General Elections. If I could vote over here I鈥檇 be a Democrat, but the whole process is so enjoyable and so complicated. From the prospective Party Nominees vying for that big ticket to the debates, numerous state caucuses, mudslinging and bad mouthing ads & news reports, the big conventions, to the big night, and the non-sensical state college voting system, US Elections are a riot. Not to mention the Florida voting machine mess, all the uncounted votes, the prolonged legal battle, the Swift Boat Republican lies, & Dan Rather being fired for seeking the truth about an unelected President running for re-election. (I said I was a Democrat). US Elections are a riot.

If you can make sense of it all then good luck to you. I hope you can figure out who鈥檚 going to win each Party nomination because we have no idea.


  • 34.
  • At 08:00 PM on 01 Jan 2008,
  • Mark Skerritt wrote:

Great job on reporting the US, but for you to be a "North American" editor you need to include Canada too! I know that Canadian news is boring and mostly irrelevant, but its still news nontheless. So how about more Canadian news, eh? Thanks

  • 35.
  • At 10:11 PM on 01 Jan 2008,
  • jennifer powe wrote:

Although I live in Canada I watch 麻豆官网首页入口 more than any other news channel. Today I saw you with Stephen Sackur and Lyse Doucet and two others whom I don't know and the conversation and cammeraderie was good to see between seasoned reporters such as yourself. A very Happy and prosperous New Year to you all and many more to come. Jennifer in Montreal.

  • 36.
  • At 03:11 AM on 04 Jan 2008,
  • Richard wrote:

Hi Justin,

Enjoyed your blog and all the nice work you have been doing from the USA recently. A pleasure.


  • 37.
  • At 07:53 AM on 04 Jan 2008,
  • Peter Marcus wrote:

Dear Justin,

Can you maybe clarify how Hillary's campaign has managed to sell her as someone who typifies "experience" (as in "Obama's character triumphs over Clinton's experience" in the Iowa caucus coverage)?

She may have been married to the president, but when exactly is she claiming to have got any more personal, actual presidential experience than Obama?

It seems a curious myth that her campaign has succeeded in selling to not just her supporters but also the 麻豆官网首页入口.

All the best,

- Peter Marcus

  • 38.
  • At 11:37 AM on 04 Jan 2008,
  • Mark wrote:

Hi Justin

I've read that the because Florida is voting early on 29th January its delegates won't count in the Democratic Convention. I've heard the US media say the eventual nominee controlls the convention and will decide to allow their votes anyway.

This might be niaive question, but if it's all so close then couldn't there be a situation where Florida's delegates would swing the national nomination and so the decision on whether to admit them or not would effectively be a decision to take the nomination from one candidate and hand it to another? If so, who would make the decision on whether or not Florida counts?


  • 39.
  • At 11:47 AM on 04 Jan 2008,
  • Kate, Secondary Teacher in Warwickshire wrote:

I remember your broadcasts on 麻豆官网首页入口 Breakfast News every morning during my GCSE and A-Level years, which got me hooked on the news and current affairs after my history teacher suggested following the news and politics.
Now 10 years on, I listen to Radio 4, smiling when I hear your familiar voice and beautifully fluent reports.
You have been a fantastic role model to me, thank you.

  • 40.
  • At 12:04 PM on 04 Jan 2008,
  • Denise wrote:

Hello Justin

Thought I'd click on your blog after reading the (your?) report on the Iowa Caucus last night.
Liked it immensely.
I'm not one for blogs but I'll probably check yours out from time to time, as I have really enjoyed reading some of your postings this morning.
Happy New Year and all the best for your US posting.

  • 41.
  • At 04:37 PM on 04 Jan 2008,
  • Mark Withers wrote:

Hi Justin

It is a long time since we last spoke, which must have been when we students at the LSE back in the early 80s. I am enjoying your reports from the US and now your 'blog from America'. It should be an interesting year. Just one plea. Please don't assume that all evangelical Christians are right wing. Check out Jim Wallis and Tony Campolo for a more balanced view of evangelical Christian opinion in the US. All the very best to you and your family. Mark Withers

  • 42.
  • At 02:22 AM on 05 Jan 2008,
  • Anonymous wrote:

I see that your title is North American editor. Please remember that
North America includes Mexico and Canada, not just the United States!
With your experience in Brussels, you are ideally suited to
understanding the politics of North American integration (or lack
thereof). Like many British
people, you have fallen into the sloppy US habit of misusing "America"
to denote the United States. The 麻豆官网首页入口's indifference to Canada continues to astound me, if for
no other reason than Canada has been the top destination for British
emigrants since 1945 (more Brits went to Canada than either Oz or the
US). British people are, in many cases, shockingly ignorant of Canada
(my own relatives included). Canada has had cities for several years
now. So Justin, if Canada holds a federal general election in 2008,
will you cover it?

  • 43.
  • At 10:41 PM on 06 Jan 2008,
  • chas wrote:

Hi Justin,

I was both bewildered and intrigued when Stephen Sackur was removed from DC and you were removed from Brussels by the Beeb (did you actually swap jobs?).

But I am always impressed by your tongue-in-cheek reporting i get to see from DC whenever i can around the world. Good on you!

Mohammed (27) and Peter (37) above each took a dig on your reports regarding Obama - i wonder why!? I am african-non-american by the way.

Best regards.


  • 44.
  • At 04:43 PM on 08 Jan 2008,
  • Michael wrote:

Interesting to read your blog. I did not realise you have been in America as long as you have. Then again, the millennium only seems like yesterday.

I am an American who moved to London in 1994 and only returned to the USA with my "English" family this past summer. However, we gave up the hustle and bustle of London for the calmer and significantly more beautiful Portland, Oregon. After 13 years in Blighty I now see my country with new, fresh eyes and a much wider perspective. Great to be here during such a monumental election.

Great also to have 麻豆官网首页入口 America start airing World News on this side of the Atlantic. My, what an open opportunity it is to offer REAL news in this country. Thank you. The national terrestrial stations do not even come close to 麻豆官网首页入口's world class coverage and unbiased reporting. Fox news is the equivilent to Britain's worst tabloids...a complete joke that only embellishes and broadcasts the latest crime or disaster. And then there is CNN that repeatedly airs the big story of the day/week, which 9 times out of 10 is focused Stateside (when watching CNN the film 'Groundhog Day' comes to mind). How can they dare call themselves "the worlds most trusted news"?

You get the message.....

Nice to be "home" but a pint of Pride, or better yet, Adnams Broadside would go down a treat.

  • 45.
  • At 07:29 PM on 08 Jan 2008,
  • Chris Horner wrote:

Hello Mr Webb

You are clearly an accomplished reporter - but don't you think your love of the USA puts you in danger of losing objectivity?

The antiquated expression 'going native' occurs to me - your coverage of what you obviously see as the best country in the world really makes you a US reporter, in effect, wouldnt you say? albeit one with strong UK links.

How objective are you? (this is meant as a serious, respectful point - not abuse! I'm just rather concerned you may be a bit lost in the embrace of your new home...)


  • 46.
  • At 09:13 AM on 09 Jan 2008,
  • Chris Sanders wrote:

I am absolutely astonished that your headline on the 10.00pm news last night was the imminent victory of Obama by at least 10% in Hampshire and the imminent demise of Hilary Clinton.

Yet I read on the news this morning that Hilary Clinton has won with 39%.

You really have your finger on the pulse over there don't you.

I am still very disenchanted with your inability to give poor ole Ron Paul a fair crack of the whip. its upsetting

his polling puts him at around 10% which is equivocal to around 25 million americans, he has served in congress for 20 years now which should be enough for him to be considered a serious candidate with a real politic behind him.


you dont list him as a candidate
you dont give him the policy breakdown the others get
you dont include him in your poll tracker
you never publish articles about him
you ignore him

he hardly exists in 麻豆官网首页入口 output.

he has been the most searched term on google for the last 4 months, thats still not enough, he has raised over 20, million dollars in the last quarter, still not enough for you

he is now sueing fox news, i understand, for fraud over them not including him in their debate, when he was a top 5 candidiate , the fraud is their claim to be fair and balanced.

now with allegations of vote rigging, in one town an entire family voted for the poor guy but the town posted no votes for him. ( obama got shafted even more) hence the polls and results being wildly different.
I remember greg pallast helping you understand the vote rigging at the last election, are you guessing their will be none at this one.

So you have this great reputation and folks trust you yet you pull a cheap trick like this on us.

Its really bad what you doing, its not fair, its not honest and it is an utter abuse of the trust placed in you. i would expect more from a quaker who is incapable of lying.

So please explain why Fred Thompson get coverage and Ron Paul doesnt.

its a bit upsetting when you get a politics blog and the only time you ever reply to a comment is when someone you went to school with pops up.

Don't worry about the hundreds of folks asking you questions about things, looking for clarification of issues, never mind using your blog to interact with people instead why not use it as a kind of friends reunited.

Whats most upsetting is this means you actually must read the comments made, not think thats a bit cheeky, your getting paid to report and correspond and i am guessing interact.

Try doing it, times running out man

  • 49.
  • At 10:25 PM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • Justin Webb wrote:

Hey, that's not fair! I have replied to plenty of other points made and (more importantly) read everything anyone has posted and will continue to unless and until the numbers become impossible. I reply to schoolfriends out of politeness! By the way - was I at school with you?

  • 50.
  • At 06:00 PM on 18 Jan 2008,
  • Grethe Davies wrote:

Dear Mr Webb
I am wondering why you and the other mainstream media is not reporting on the controversy surrounding the Diebold voting machines and the recount currently in progress in New Hampshire. After all they count 80% of the votes.
After only 2 days of the recount large discrepencies have been discovered between hand counted votes and those counted by the machines.
You may like to look at the Princeton University study which demonstrates how easy it is to hack the memory cards. By law in the US, election material must be kept for 22 months post-election but there are reports that many of the cards cannot be accounted for.
I would have thought that this aspect of the US Primaries was worth reporting.
In Michigan hundreds of ballot papers were registered as blank because voters had been given the wrong pens with the wrong ink which the machines could not read and the votes invalidated.
Yours sincerely
Grethe Davies

  • 51.
  • At 08:41 PM on 19 Jan 2008,
  • Gordon Shifrin wrote:

I am looking forward to your becoming the recognized replacement for Alistair Cook, who is sorely missed. Please carry on.

  • 52.
  • At 12:32 AM on 20 Jan 2008,
  • Kadayi wrote:

Your lack of coverage of Ron Paul given his enormous grass roots support in America is an embarrassment to Journalist integrity. The man has just polled second in the Nevada primary, and you've not even got a candidate profile on him.

  • 53.
  • At 04:38 AM on 20 Jan 2008,
  • Paul Jones wrote:

If Canada were part of the United States, the Democrats would win every time. Some time you might investigate why Canada favours the Democrats. Oh, I forgot you don't know there is another nation up here. My name is Paul Jones and I have approved this message.

  • 54.
  • At 01:44 PM on 20 Jan 2008,
  • David Derbyshire wrote:

I would ask Paul Jones if Canada has a general election this year? If you did then I am sure that Justin Webb as the 麻豆官网首页入口's North America correspondent would be covering it, but the facts are that you're not, and nobody cares anyway!

Don't get me wrong - Canada is a beautiful, wonderful country and I would far rather live there than in the US, but as a world power your influence on us in Britain is fairly minimal - I think we probably love Canada anyway, but we care more about what happens in the US because it affects us much more directly.

Keep up the great work Justin!

  • 55.
  • At 03:18 PM on 20 Jan 2008,
  • Amanda Philo wrote:

Dear Justin,
Great to read your blog! You are obviously particularly busy at the moment; though your enthusiasm for the subject is clear!
It is lovely to hear your dulcet tones on radio and tv. Twas those very dulcet tones that beat me to second place in the Dymond Speech Competition at Sidcot! Obviously an indication of your career ahead!
Keep up the good work. I always enjoy your commentary.
Very best wishes,
Amanda Philo

  • 56.
  • At 06:55 PM on 20 Jan 2008,
  • Paul B wrote:

What about Ron Paul? What are your thoughts on him? Why is he being censored? Why do so few people give him any exposure?

Not only does America need Ron Paul, but the world needs Ron Paul.

You're in a better position than many to help change the world. Do you plan to?

  • 57.
  • At 07:43 PM on 20 Jan 2008,
  • Galen Manapat wrote:

Justin, I am local Huckabee Supporter here in Columbia SC. What are you referring to by Mike's concession speech being a 'stunning' attack? Huckabee is STILL running, yes. It simply means He isn't a wimp. When you fall down, you get back up. One tiny fight in France in WWII wasn't the whole war.

What Huckabee said, (I was there) is that it isn't over yet. He also is NOT pursuing ugly, dirty, politics.

His competition with Romney is important, and real. but it is not a savage personal fist fight. Mike Huckabee has class!

  • 58.
  • At 01:19 PM on 22 Jan 2008,
  • Sven Bettio wrote:

Justin, I never read blogs, but I like yours because you are not American and I am interested in the US elections.
I have 1 question though. If Hillary wins the elections, how will Bill be called? The first...?

Keep up the great work.

  • 59.
  • At 06:45 AM on 23 Jan 2008,
  • Phil Murray wrote:


Thank you for your courage and your honesty and especially your fairness in journalism.

You are a breath of fresh air blowing from Europe.

Phil, Longmont, Colorado

  • 60.
  • At 04:10 AM on 24 Jan 2008,
  • C. Ashley wrote:

It seems that many an Englishman has been seduced by rubbing shoulders with the powerful in the capital of the free world, or the belly of the beast, depending on your viewpoint. Personally I find DC a depressing, inhuman place.

I hope you visit poor black neighborhoods in DC regularly to remind yourself of the appalling neglect and social segregation that still exists all over the U.S. The close proximity of abject poverty to obscene wealth is perhaps nowhere more blatant than in the world's capital, and oddly it doesn't seem to bother people much.

Hi Justin:

I discovered you (and you audience) this morning when I noticed my blog, "E Pluribus Unum" (www.rubyan.com/politics), had recieved a significant spike in traffic yesterday.

The source? Your post on the demise of Fred Thompson presidential campaign. In it, you included a link to a video I had posted from Slate Magazine back in March (!).

Anyway, I had a chance to read some of your stuff and it's good! I'm a political junkie like you and I've subscribed to your feed. Feel free to do the same for my blog's feed.


  • 62.
  • At 01:29 AM on 26 Jan 2008,
  • Liza wrote:

I enjoy your blog, Mr. Webb. Clears the palate of the nasty American media.



  • 63.
  • At 02:50 AM on 26 Jan 2008,
  • Michael wrote:

In comment to C. Ashley above (no. 61)....

I lived in London for 13 years and during that time I saw Britain emerge from the depressing Major era to the revitalised Blair era. New Labour's vision changed the UK completely and it became more and more apparent to me that the UK is/was quickly becoming very similiar to the USA. The "have" and "have not" is obvious everywhere throughout the UK. All one needs to do is drive through wealthy neighbourhoods like Chiswick, Richmond and Kew and then a few miles away visit the inner city bleakness of Peckham, Dalston, Southall or Tottenham. Yet, this is only the capital. Outside of the extreme wealth and poverty in London and one sees a different picture emerging. The rich, wealthy Londoners are buying up Devon and Cornwall to the point that the locals can barely afford to live in the county of their birth. The industrial cities scattered across the North have huge areas of social and economical deprivation and depression (it is no coincidence that many of the poorest tend to be Asian and black neighbourhoods).

I agree that DC is not one of America's better cities but the problem of immense wealth sitting next to the desperate bleakness of inner city poverty is not unique to American cities.

  • 64.
  • At 09:13 AM on 27 Jan 2008,
  • Robin Purdey wrote:

Looking at it all from down here in New Zealand all we seem to see is that Obama is black. Wasnt his Mother White and didnt she have far more to do with his upbringing than his Father. Surely this is extremely relevant and should give him the potential to deal with everybody.

  • 65.
  • At 02:42 PM on 27 Jan 2008,
  • Marjorie McC wrote:

As an US citizen who lived in Ottawa for 3 years (in Trudeau's time, one of the few politicians I've ever admired) I must agree with the Canadians about the lack of Canadian coverage.However in defense of the BEEB I should note that last year when no US network even mentioned the Canadian election before or after it occurred, the 麻豆官网首页入口 World News from New York covered it nightly.
US Networks so-called World News cover only intl. stories that include US interests, if they mention the rest of the world at all.
As someone who has lived in the UK also I think that both the UK & the US have much to learn from our Canadian cousin's peaceful & pleasant society. How about it Justin?

So at last Ron Paul gets listed as a candidate by the bbc,

words fail me

Ok so the profile doesnt exactly tell you anything interesting, he is still not on the poll tracker or the concise guide to the candidates stance on 'hot topics' and a nice bit of smear was in there too, but at least he is listed.

Now if you could just start reporting when he comes second in primaries that would be great too.

could you put the link to the page that has the louisiana primary result on it, basic delegate numbers or something

  • 67.
  • At 04:26 PM on 31 Jan 2008,
  • sam wrote:


you must have a one track mind or you're on the clintons' payroll because i've never seen a blog with so much obama dislike. you must know that there are other candidates running besides obama and you call yourself a journalist! you just have a job; otherwise you would broaden your discussions to include all not just the same one all the time. not reading your content anymore - gets boring after the first one.

  • 68.
  • At 11:55 AM on 03 Feb 2008,
  • John Kecsmar wrote:

Your reply in #49 is beneath you. You cannot possibly cover the whole of the US elections and candidates and give air-time to all, as I鈥檓 sure you have deadlines and an editor who 鈥榞ives time鈥 for each slot.
Many comments are very personal ones on their opinions on Ron Paul, you, Hillary etc, and how on earth can you refute those, you can鈥檛, not without 鈥渦psetting鈥 someone again鈥 so why bother?

I see your role more as piquing the 鈥渞eaders鈥 opinions and views and see what comes out. Since you are ostensibly observing your surroundings, and hence see what is thought of, of your observations. However, it must be recognised that there will always be some degree of bias in your reports, conscious or unconsciously. Being a Brit in the US, you instantly see things differently, from a UK point of view first, secondly as a journalist, perhaps..??

I do have a question though. When the candidates for both sides have been chosen, what role will your blogs take then? More in depth reporting of issues, such health care, education, jobs etc and what is or is not working? The bit I briefly saw yesterday of you reporting from Chicago on 麻豆官网首页入口 World news about the guy who can鈥檛 afford his health bills and so gives false names etc is more of what you should focus on. You clearly have a large audience, so why not inform them of the reality, which it appears the US based network refuse to do or not allowed to do. Who knows, you may even influence the voters!

I was just thinking how your coffee comments reminded me of Alastair Cook's way of blending commentary with annecdote. It makes for very pleasant reading. Gordon (#51) beat me to the comparison. Any plans for a slot on the World Service?

  • 70.
  • At 08:10 AM on 05 Feb 2008,
  • Jack MacDaddy wrote:

Dear Justin,

Can we please have an end to this endless and excessive coverage of the American elections?
I am sick of having to pay a licence fee for this level of excessive and obsessive detail about foriegn countries: it's just Journo-porn.

I am sick of the media obsession with America, and the influx of American "language", "culture", and "values".
I want to see the Vote USA webpage shut down, and all the daily coverage on this election taken off air, and the airtime given back to issues in Britain - especially issues outside of London.

  • 71.
  • At 04:09 PM on 05 Feb 2008,
  • mike wrote:

Any so-called "Republican" supporting Obama was never a true Republican to begin with. If Mr. Obama were actually more like John F. Kennedey -- a tax cutter, strong on defense and have an assertive "no surrender" foreign policy position -- then yes, "real" Republicans would support him.

I am from Illinois. I know Barrack Obama. Mr. Obama is no Jack Kennedy.


I can't imagine why you would think that American voters would not be waiting anxiously to hear which British politician endorses whom in the present election.

I've been over here for 40 years and am still a British citizen largely because I won't take the oath of citizenship which would oblige me to call the Queen insulting names. When you finish deciding who will run to be the next elected monarch over here you might start a campaign to get that silly oath changed.

Fr. Tony

  • 73.
  • At 02:35 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • David Thomas wrote:

Justin - I regard you as the "spiritual" and natural successor to Charles Wheeler whose well-tooled and polished cadences in reporting have always been a pleasure to hear. Keep it Up ! Come back here before too long and restore class to the Beeb !
PS - CW is, of course - thankfully - still with us but you get my drift !

  • 74.
  • At 10:15 PM on 06 Feb 2008,
  • Jim wrote:


I felt compelled to note that your blog is so civilized compared to the "Have Your Say" people on the 麻豆官网首页入口 Website.

I hope it stays that way so intelligent discussion can occur!

As an American who reluctantly had to return to the US after a nasty break-up with a British partner, I cannot fathom why you'd prefer this country (and especially Washington, DC) to Britain, weather notwithstanding. Can I take your place back in Blighty? Please?

Good blog, though.

  • 76.
  • At 02:09 AM on 08 Feb 2008,
  • nazrawi wrote:

Hey Justin,

I really enjoy your blog. Oh, man, some of the comments are very funny.

For example,

My favorite one:

"Hi Justin

Just remember that Canada is part, in fact, the best part, of North America. We may be quiet and humble compared to our southern neighbours, but we still exist."


"its a bit upsetting when you get a politics blog and the only time you ever reply to a comment is when someone you went to school with pops up."

...and last but not least, yours:

"Hey, that's not fair! I have replied to plenty of other points made and (more importantly) read everything anyone has posted and will continue to unless and until the numbers become impossible. I reply to schoolfriends out of politeness!"

...You are in trouble!? :P

I will come back to your blog for more witty updates on the current election news and in search of humor.

Best wishes!

the Ethiopian :)

  • 77.
  • At 03:24 PM on 08 Feb 2008,
  • Martin Walters wrote:

Hi Justin,

We all love watching and listening to you, not least because my mother-in-law is so proud. According to her, she once taught you in a nursery school in Bath. Though she is not a Quaker, she tends to tell the truth, so I guess it is true.
Can you confirm this -- dare you?
Whenever you appear she goes misty-eyed and says "there's my Justin".

Keep up the good work!


  • 78.
  • At 06:20 PM on 08 Feb 2008,
  • David wrote:

Justin - I've enjoyed your views on the US election process. I want to make a small point about one of your answers posted 2/7/08. You mention that "every American has the right to take part in the process". That isn't entirely true since in some states you must be registered with one of the two major parties. As a registered voter unaffiliated with the Republicans or Democrats, I cannot take part in my state's (Maryland) primary on Tuesday. My wife will be able to take part, but can only vote for her registered party. The rules differ from state to state, which makes the results all the more interesting.

  • 79.
  • At 11:29 PM on 08 Feb 2008,
  • Steven Quinlan wrote:

Hi Justin,

I just wanted to say how much I've appreciated your insights into the US primary campaign. For a Dutchman who hasn't had a great deal of interest in the US Primaries before, this whole event has been a morass of complex terms and concepts.

While I still consider the concept of superdelegates to be making a mockery of genuine democracy, your various postings have given me insights I wouldn't otherwise have had.

Thank you.

Steven Quinlan
- Battles should be fought to be won
-- Largo, Megatokyo

  • 80.
  • At 04:42 PM on 09 Feb 2008,
  • JP Dunkley wrote:

Hi Justin

I don't normally do this sort of thing but I felt I had to praise your excellent reporting from the US: a real antidote to the unthinking and, at times, rabid anti-Americanism that seems to be so fashionable this side of the Atlantic. You do an excellent job informing, educating and entertaining us with stories of the good, the bad, the ugly, and funny from the USA. The 麻豆官网首页入口 should be proud of you.

All the best,


  • 81.
  • At 08:46 PM on 13 Feb 2008,
  • Justin Webb wrote:

A really genuine thanks to those who have written complimentary things about me here: they make me even more fired up and ready to stay.

As for the other comments: I admit my coverage of Canada is slightly substandard, not to say non-existent. This will have to change but might not, I fear, until after November. David makes an interesting point about non-party members being excluded from the fuss in some states.

Martin, I did go to nursery school in Bath and all my teachers were wonderful! And Sven, the missing word is Laddy!

Chris Horner, finally for now, raises an interesting issue which others - often anonymously - have raised before. It is wider than me of course: essentially, how easy is it to report objectively on a place in which life is very pleasant for those doing the reporting? The same must be true for US journalists living in St Johns Wood (pleasant north London) and not really seeing much of Peckham (challenged south London) - and indeed reporting on the Royal Family without actually being subjects. This medium is helpful in keeping us all honest...

  • 82.
  • At 05:59 AM on 14 Feb 2008,
  • Arif Ali wrote:

Hi Justin,
Just to say that I love your style & its so refreshing to hear an objective viewpoint on the US elections & its goings-on amidst the cacophany that it generates. I particularly like the gentle humour & the outsider's perspective on the American Way! Do you think I could get hold of the article you wrote titled:"Oh Golly Gosh" ? I would quite enjoy reading that!

Used to hear Alistair Cooke on radio in college & now treasure the Obituary that The Economist wrote!I dont know how you would take this but you remind me of an old 麻豆官网首页入口 favourite of mine- Barry Norman!

Keep going..


  • 83.
  • At 10:50 PM on 17 Feb 2008,
  • David Cunard wrote:

Justin: You took me to task earlier for saying that the Democrats here were more aligned with the Conservatives rather than Labour - a recent development "at home" demonstrates my point: the headlines "Northern Rock to be Nationalised". No Democratic administration would dare to nationalise anything, and I doubt very much that a Conservative government would have taken the step had it been in power. Similarly, one of the problems of universal health care in the USA is that many people see it as "socialised medicine" so great care is being taken by its proponents to skirt around that. Mrs Thatcher was canny enough not to try to dismantle the NHS although her party had voted against the NHS Bill in 1946, as did the medical profession. Her administration did tinker around with it, introducing such "improvements" as Community Care, reducing the number of long-term care beds and making it more difficult for patients to be funded in care homes, but nevertheless she conceded that the nation needed health care, rather as Mrs Clinton agrees. Commentators like the independent (?) Bill O'Reilly are firmly against paying for someone else's health care, although the same people have no objection to paying for public education, but this reflects the Republican view. The Conservatives consider that health care should be provided by the state in the same way as the Democrats suggest (differing methods though) - but they don't go as far as Labour in suggesting an American NHS. Perhaps these two things will lead you to understand that there is no direct alignment, and that the natural positioning of the Republicans is to the right of the Conservatives and that Labour is positioned to the left of the Democrats, thus the Conservatives are more to the left of centre.

  • 84.
  • At 12:50 PM on 18 Feb 2008,
  • Leanne Levitt wrote:

Hi Justin.

Being a triathlete I normally go straight to the Sports news on the 麻豆官网首页入口 website but have since found your blog which is very interesting in keeping us up to date on all the American election news. And I do enjoy reading the comments that are posted too.

All the best in America.


  • 85.
  • At 05:09 PM on 18 Feb 2008,
  • jimbo wrote:

Debra, please go back where you came from with our apologies for how the USA just does not measure up...! Frankly, our journalists can beat up your journalists. The only reason we do not play soccer with england is to not cause the brits a huge embarassment. You are most condescending!

  • 86.
  • At 02:36 PM on 20 Feb 2008,
  • Fabian wrote:

I like your style of reporting, but the thing that really irks me more and more are the technical issues with your site, especially the commenting.
You need to light a fire under the responsible admin's butt.

Still, unless this day is radically different than the whole last month, this comment won't even show up, which makes the rant kind of pointless.

At least I tried.

  • 87.
  • At 05:21 AM on 21 Feb 2008,
  • Jason wrote:

I love reading outside opinion on American politics, especially from the 麻豆官网首页入口. These days you don't always know what spin our own media it is very nice to have a less biased "outsider" to give us a good viewpoint. Keep up the great work 麻豆官网首页入口!

  • 88.
  • At 11:23 AM on 21 Feb 2008,
  • Si in Wales wrote:

Hi Justin

Can you find out if Senator Obama is going to visit the UK this year?

His campaign website contact area is not working. I prefer the 麻豆官网首页入口 to ask.

Maybe you could put it to him that it would be a good idea?

In Justin we trust....

Many thanks

  • 89.
  • At 02:25 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Jebiwot Bischof wrote:

What Ms Clinton Must do to win Ohio/ Texas

-Stop digging, she is in a hole
-Learn from hypnotis: the power of words to take control of the mind of another individual and determine their actions and perceptions
-Weigh Obama鈥檚 words not count them

-Compress Obama鈥檚 huge speeches and words into the smallest amount of thoughts

-Know that politics is a marriage as much as it is Marketing:
o she is the 鈥榩roduct鈥 that must be sold, she must dress herself in the most attractive of cloths and describe herself in the most eloquent of words

o she is the girl to be married, she must attract the suitor,, with her power of words, Words that emanate from the heart enter into the heart of another. 鈥 Midrash

o Without publicity a terrible thing happens: nothing. -- P.T. Barnum

learn from her forefathers:
-A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is the skin of a living thought, and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and the time in which it is used. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, opinion, Towne v. Eisner, January 7, 1918
-If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant, and what ought to be done remains undone. 鈥 Confucius

Jebiwot Bischof
Zurich Switzerland

  • 90.
  • At 09:30 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Dennis Young, Jr. wrote:


you're reports from washington is good as always...

  • 91.
  • At 11:49 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Andrew F wrote:


Just wanted to add my thanks for the entertaining and informative blog. As a 17 year old (and politics obsessive), this is the first Presidential campaign I've had a real opportunity to watch closely. I've been reading the blog daily since December, and I must say that it has really contributed to the experience -- getting decent links, fresh analysis and up-close reports in one place is fantastic.

I hope you'll keep up the regularity of your posts as we move towards November.



  • 92.
  • At 05:25 AM on 27 Feb 2008,
  • Abdullah wrote:

Keep up the good work your doing.

  • 93.
  • At 06:58 AM on 27 Feb 2008,
  • Justin Burmeister wrote:

Best piece of journalism I've read in recent memory .. an objective read of America's widening rich-and-poor-gap, from a vantagepoint that few American-born observers have probably considered.

There are few good reasons that there shouldn't be *plenty* enough to go around in the US.

But hopefully we nominate Hilary Clinton so that there is hope of returning - in very practical and pragmatic terms - to a more egalitarian society.

Idealistic rhetoric and media-massaging are the same tools used by our current administration, and have got us in enough trouble already. Many people are tired of being told what they want to hear.

I would think that Obama will be exposed as naive and lacking in substance, and increasingly lose credibility the longer and brighter his star continues to shine.

Obama for President, 2016

-Justin Burmeister
Northampton, MA USA
"America does not believe in entrenched poverty, class-based poverty. But this is a society in which, if things don鈥檛 turn out right, you can fall very hard and land very low. Not that this nation is proud of poverty - but I have always thought there is a semi-willing acceptance of it as a corollary of the great emphasis given to wealth-creation here."

  • 94.
  • At 09:12 PM on 04 Mar 2008,
  • Eric Henderson wrote:


As a 46-year-old American living in Atlanta, GA, I feel you are doing the best job IN THE WORLD in covering this election. I believe your work, and generally that of the 麻豆官网首页入口, provides the best, unbiased look at America that the NY Times, Washington Post and other simply cannot do.

For example, I learned more about the gritty physical details of the devastation of Hurrican Katrina from the 麻豆官网首页入口 account than an national publication.

Keep doing what you do!

  • 95.
  • At 10:02 PM on 05 Mar 2008,
  • Nicky Webb-Laaroussi wrote:

Hi Justin

You may (or may choose not to!) remember me from Northcote Road. I lived in the flat above you, if you recall, and we share the same surname. I think you got rather a shock after opening a bank statement of mine - as a struggling student it didn't amount to much!
Anyway, have followed your career on and off and just wanted to say hi. I understand you now have twins? What a coincidence, me too! Mine just turned 2, yours?
Hope you're all having fun across the pond?
Best wishes

  • 96.
  • At 03:23 PM on 06 Mar 2008,
  • david hulland wrote:

Justin, I was gobsmacked yesterday to hear Harold Ickes state that there is no difference between "pledged" and "super" ( or "automatic" as he calls them ) delegates . Further he claims the pledged variety are entitled to change their pledge at any time .If so it seems to beg the question why bother to have an election /voters !
Keep up the good work .

  • 97.
  • At 06:21 AM on 09 Mar 2008,
  • Robert Craig wrote:

Hi Justin,

If you are counting.

Obama just gained another Super Delegate today with the election of (D) Bill Foster over (R) Jim Oberweis in former speaker of the house Denny Hasterts 14th District in IL.

Perhaps a preview of this fall, a Republican Candidate running for the party that had previously beaten him up and trampled him over/under ( I refer to Bush V. McCain 2000) We can see how indifferent support cost the Republicans a seat.

Despite endorsements, Jim Oberweis did not have the party leadership whole heartedly behind him.

Republicans seemed to have sat on their hands. While the Democrats were pushing the vote across the 14th district, such effort was needed to win a district the Republicans have held for 21 years, Republican leadership was markedly absent-

Millions in TV ads do not a campaign make-
Its the feet on the ground, its the precinct committeemen, that knock doors, put up yard signs, and fight the battles that win or lose the war.

BOTH Denny Hastert who endorsed Jim Oberweis, and Illinois top State Republican office holder Minority Leader Tom Cross, failed to attend the Republican Central Committee meeting where they are precinct committeemen, 3 days prior to the election. ( In the 14th District!)

The scheduling of said Committee meeting itself, wherein newly elected and re-elected precinct committeemen are sworn in and the business of getting the parties candidates elected is mapped out, was delayed by the old incumbent Hastert friendly officers as long as legally possible after the Feb 5th elections, effectively keeping the Republican County precinct committeemen from getting together and getting the vote out for JIm Oberweis, costing him the election.

30% or more of precinct committeemen were newly elected and instead of swearing them in and holding meetings thirty days ago in anticipation of this election. Nothing.

The party was left adrift until only 3 days before the election. I still cannot believe it. ( If they had not been required to swear in the new officeholders within 30 days, I am sure the party would have waited until after the election)

It doesn't make sense for Republicans to work against their own candidates, but given the animosity, both ways, between Hastert and Oberwies that has existed throughout Jims bids for IL Senator, IL Govonor, IL Senator a second time, and finally Representative, I am not surprised.

I wonder if McCain who has always had issues with the Right wing base, and been bloodied by them, will find himself with similar "support" issues in the fall.
I know the party will spend the dollars but will all of the feet be out pounding the pavement for him.?

Thank You for all of your hard Work Justin,
I value your perspective and coverage.

Robert Craig

  • 98.
  • At 07:31 AM on 09 Mar 2008,
  • Chris wrote:

Justin- as probably one of the only yankees responding to your blog, I hope you can truly show your friends across the pond that Americans aren't nearly as intellectually lacking as any of our administrations. However, we do indeed vote them into office so maybe that's saying something. Thanks for the great writings, and I hope 麻豆官网首页入口 develops a greater marketshare stateside, because I can no longer stand CNN, FOX or Comedy Central for that matter! Cheers!!

Chris, Connecticut

  • 99.
  • At 10:41 AM on 12 Mar 2008,
  • Charlie wrote:

A question about convention mechanics. If there is a 'broken convention', how could a 'draft Gore' movement work at the convention? Is it likely or plausible? Ta

  • 100.
  • At 11:51 AM on 13 Mar 2008,
  • Azad Padamsey wrote:

Hi Justin,
Great blog,but please,please,why do you spoil it with all those links,which to me ruins your whole wonderful items.I am working in Papua where internet connection is so limited that I cannot read your blogg(new word to me).Is there somewhere where i can read your blog whitout the links.
Oh the days of Lilly Bolero on my SW are gone forever !!

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