1890s food
One of the biggest problems the families struggled with wasn't the animals, and it wasn't the tough dawn to dusk work routine. It was the food. With limited supplies, generous helpings of offal, no supermarket to pop out to and every meal having to be prepared from scratch, Alisa and Catrin faced a tough challenge to keep their broods fed.
Part of the planning for Snowdonia 1890 included extensive research into 1890s food and cooking methods, and the problems modern day families might have coping with them. We employed nutritionist Dan Kings to advise about what the main difficulties might be and were told to warn the families that planning and portion control would be vital.
Alisa, in particular, had a real struggle on her hands. The Braddocks were strangers to portion control and two ravenous teenagers, Jordan and Jamie didn't help matters. As a result Alisa worried constantly that they were about to run out of food, and a few corking arguments ensued!
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