
World Have Your Say -

UK terror alert - LIVE!

  • Peter van Dyk
  • 10 Aug 06, 06:01 PM

We're off air now but you can listen again for a week using the link on the main page.

We heard your views on the alleged plot foiled by British authorities to blow up several planes travelling between Britain and the United States. Post your comment now.

You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.

Pantea, USA
How quickly we forget. For those blaming Islam for the exterme actions of a few, what about the actions of the IRA, Christians were involved. What about the actions of the KKK? The KKK is a "Christian" organization. For people blaming and judging Islam, it is like judging Christianity based on the actions of the KKK.

Arman, Washington, DC
Your guest on the program was dismissive of the point of view of the caller which pointed out that British Police had raided and arrested, by mistake, two brothers of Pakistani origin (shooting one) and then later being forced to apologize as they were not found to be terrorists (your guest pointed out that one was later charged with possession of pornography - a completely unrelated, as well as irrelevant point to the discussion relating to the issue of terrorism and the heightened security surrounding flights today). Thus a healthy level of skepticism relating to security threats by "government agencies" in a democracy is mandated.
It should be further pointed out to your guest (although I do believe that the heightened security is warranted for international flights) that it is not hard to understand that some people have a difficult time believing British security services. It was only recently that the British police shot and killed an innocent Brazilian. It has been conclusively and indisputably established, that the British police lied and fabricated facts to try to justify their reaction. Has your guest ever heard of the expression "Cry Wolf".

Hermes Solomon, Nicosia, Cyprus
I feel increasingly insecure living in the middle east on this aircraft carrier of an island, so nearby the lebanon and israel. The only way out is by air and now terrorists have found a means of causing chaos in international airports. I just can't imagine a world without airlines...what a brilliant idea by the terrorists and one to be taken seriously. Are we to assume that U.K. police know that an untold number of terrorists are still moving around freely with some sophisticated explosive attached to their bras or somewhere else on their person, probably to be set off by using a mobile telephone? If so, then we are on an eventual loser and sooner or later they will succeed in exploding one or more of their devices no matter how fail safe is our security.
The crusaders pillaged the saracens for over two hundred years...is this terrorist activity in response to modern crusaders? Allah and God help us to learn by our mistakes!!

Patrick, USA
I applaud your guest. He is right on mark about the hypocrisy that exists in the Muslim world. Terrorists are killing people of all faiths, yet the Muslim world never stands up to resist terror violence. There is a clear problem with certain elements in the Muslim world and very rarely do those communities stand up to protest such violence.

Morten Lange, Iceland
I think it is necessarry to keep one's calm and not stir up a mass hysteria. How many civilians have been killed by Israel and Hezbollah, in the ongoing war ? Many hundred. How many are killed EVERY year in the US by car-traffic ? Official statistics say 40.000 a year.
And how many die prematurely because of the irresposibility of the likes of MacDonalds and General Motors, that is by inactivity and unhealthy eating ? 300.000.
Of course terrorism must be fought, but our current US and UK politicians have not exactly been doing much about the root of "extremist terrorism", instead the extremists have been strengthened by the actions of hardliners. The track record of the US in Iraq is not exactly a pretty one.

Tekla, Burbank, CA
I hope the NSA has traced the signal of "Hagus" in Maryland.
It's terribly embarrassing when I hear beings who clearly hate America calling from inside America.
If they hate us so much why are they here????

Kathleen, Hayling Island, England
The atrocities being metered out in the Lebanon and Gaza and Mr Blair's blind unerring display of loyalty to the very misguided Mr. Bush will no doubt create, fuel and perpetuate any real or imagined threat of terrorism. Both are fatal.

Catherine, Ontario, Canada
First thing I heard upon waking this morning was the bad news about the terror plot. Is it only ME or does anyone else see how we bring this on ourselves? I am a Canadian and feel more fear than ever before thanks to our new foreign policy.
It seems the more we interfere, the more we try to "help" other countries it makes us their target if we don't agree with their ideologies. We can't control the world so let's stop trying. Let's get back to looking after our own lives and country let those who want to fight among each other, those who have dictatorships, etc. deal with their problems in their own way.

Steve, USA
As someone born in Maryland, I can say that Hagos, or whatever his name, is NOT representative of us. He's going to believe what he wants, that Israel, Britain, and the USA are behind everything. I'm sure he'd say that the Mossad was behind 9/11, and that Osama is really Jewish. It's comical to listen to people like him, yet also scary. I just pray that he's only words and no action, or we have a serious problem in the USA.

Dorron, Chicago, IL USA
Why is it terrorism when it happens in the UK or the USA and something else when it happens in Israel or Iraq?

Lance Corporal Elias from Bangladesh
I hate those people who are involved in this mass murderous plot. Thanks to security authority for spoiling the plot. I think it is a new threat in the world. It's a result of UK people's dismotivation. So UK govt should take motivation step nationwide.

Peter in Ireland, who remembers the IRA bombing campaign and the Cold War.
A) If the UK is in such peril, as stated by Reid, why is the Prime Minister on holiday? B) I would feel safer if UK policy were less immoral and the UK had fewer enemies.

Rodha, Dubai
Its is possible that these is just an attempt to defelect attention from the war on Lebanon....
George Bush always plays the terrossism card when he gets unpopular...using the effect of fear to rally more support for all his less than interesting antics.
I was lucky to have left LHR last night... nothing unsual was going usual security measures... i hope that for all the inconvinience it has caused for the travellors it is more than accurate.

Andrew, Sacramento, California
Why do so many people suspect the British and/or American governments of planning this attack on our own citizens in order to divert attention from of Lebanon? Is it so hard to believe that terrorists could actually be behind this?

Craig, Cleveland, OH
I pray that all people flying and families of fliers today remain calm, and understanding of the gravity of this situation.
Alarmism, and anger at airport and airline staff will only satisfy the terrorists and their cohorts, and be a dertiment to social order. We must remain vigilant, but fearless.

Patrick, Pennsylvania
This alert is not an attempt to divert attention from Lebanon and the crisis there. How about the timing of Hezbollah's provocative attack during the beginning of the G8 crisis when the world's leaders should have been discussing the Iranian nuclear issue?

David, USA
Your terrorism expert on today's program stated the oft-repeated assertion that "terrorists are more concerned with making you scared and creating a feeling of terror than they are concerned with actually killing people."
I believe this is nonsense. It is a position based entirely upon looking up the definition of the word terror and then assuming that those who are called "terrorists" work under that banner because that's their goal.
Unfortunately, terrorists didn't name themselves. "Terrorist" is a label attached to them by victems and critics. Any cursory examination of the rhetoric of these people and speaches recorded among their gatherings reveals that the intend to KILL people.

Charles from Salt Lake City, Utah
I feel nervous for my parents. They live in Maine and my step-mother is from England. They are vacationing in Spain and frequently travel accross the atlantic. I applaud the UK governemnt for their efforts. Yet, this alert reminds me of the determination and sophistication of the terrorists.

Vincenza in Virginia, USA
I, for one, am not surprised that the flights targeted were UK to US. After all, the Bush/Blair war in Iraq didn't win us any friends in the Muslim world.

Jeff, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
I arrived at the airport in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina at about 6 a.m. today only to learn I had to throw away all liquids in my luggage, including items I had purchased while on vacation. Only after going through security and arriving at my gate did I see CNN's coverage of the bomb plot. What a weird world where a foiled bombing in London means a guy travelling from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has to throw away his barbecue sauce. But travelling without liquids or even having to check all luggage would be a pretty small price to pay for flying more securely in a dangerous world.

Anonymous text
I live in Mauritius where Hindus, Muslims, Catholics and Buddhists all live in peace. I think that the failure of the integration of british muslims is due to the arrogance of your industrialised society.

Bilal from Kabul, Afghanistan
The security services in london did an amazing job, and we should be really proud of them. I wish my country had such security services.

Anonymous text from the Czech Republic
It's further proof that the so-called "war on terror" has been counter-productive.

Ian, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Once again we have given in to fear and significantly degraded the quality of life for millions. Terrorists win every time we curtail freedom and restrict liberty without them lifting a finger. Living life as normal is the bravest and most noble thing people can do in the face of fear, and it is the one thing that terrorists hate, it removes the teeth from their threats.

Jim, Wisconsin, USA
This is the worst type of propaganda that I have ever seen. It seems so timely to have it come up quite conveniently when Lebanon is being sadistically ravaged.
Some questions to consider:
1. Do you think that such "unstable" liquids could be smuggled on-board just like that? One would think, after 9-11, that the authorities were aware of such materials. So what is all the fuss about now?
2. If this plot is true, and I doubt it, it will be the reaction of people in the world seeing the carnage going on in Lebanon--with US/UK complicity--reacting. Such invasions usually spawn dissident groups, much in the way Hezbollah was formed.

Jacques from Boston
There must be something very wrong with Islam if its adepts continue to believe that killing innocent people is justifiable. I do not hear Islamic scholars testifying to the contrary in news papers and broadcasting. I am so glad I am catholic. My religion says any killing is a sin, and suicide will send you straight to hell. What a difference.

Ken, Missouri
I plan to travel for a holiday in London in early September. I still plan to continue with my plans in spite of today’s developments. The odds are against any one plane’s being targeted, plus I find today’s developments encouraging in that the British police were able to foil the plot. Of course any developments such as these are sober reminders of how dangerous the world has become. But it is also encouraging in that the authorities are doing all that they can to protect us. We cannot live our lives on the terrorists’ terms—freedom to travel is very important and can only be defended by continuing to travel.

Soraiya, London / Vancouver
I flew from Heathrow yesterday avoiding the mayhem, but my sister is caught in the mess. Thank you, thank you British police for averting a total disaster.
I have two messages to send out. To the terrorists: You may be able to catch headlines with your action, but whatever message it is that you are trying to convey is being lost in the violence. There are other ways to make your voice heard, and I challenge you to rise above this inhumane and dispicable behaviour.
To George Bush: in response to your earlier statement (that the plot was a "stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom" ), Are you so deluded that you believe that these acts of violence are all about threatening American freedom? Either you are ignorant and completely unaware of the complexity of the situation, or you are deliberately feeding your masses the propaganda they need to hear in order to continue justifying your governments foreign policies, the "war on terror", and the billions of dollars you're spending on defence.

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  • 1.
  • At 06:08 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • aditya dafre wrote:

The current British laws and twisted "freedoms" made it possible for British youths to become what they became and to do what they have done. The lax approach of the British authorities to that problem had already created havoc across the world. With every freedom comes a responsibility and the British have been amongst the most irresponsible of all "western" countries.

On one hand the government backs the United States in each and every military adventure, howsoever illegal it may be and on the other it lets extremists preach on the streets of your cities. It is a very curious policy.

The killer of American writer Daniel Pearl was a British citizen who was released from an Indian prison in exchange for the safety of hijacked Indian Airlines passengers. There were British born car bombers in Kashmir, suicide bombers in Israel and yes there were also Brits enlised in the Taliban. I hardly need to mention the shoe bomber.

None of that made the British government realize the dangers your citizens were posing to the world. There was no move to ban certain clerics who were openly fanning seeds of violence in impressionable youths. There was no move to wake up to the reality that your current laws (or the lack of them) have created an atmosphere conducive for the growth of crazy fanatics since those problems never came home. And then to top it up, you went on a war on the basis of a plagiarized Phd thesis off the internet!

My plea is not against an open society, but against an irresponsible one. The apalling fact is that the British government and lawmakers chose to solve a problem by ignoring it.

For heaven's sake get your act together. It's already late. Don't make it too late.

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  • 2.
  • At 06:11 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

I am a little concerned about the term 'unimaginable scale'

This either means that they think the terrorists were going to use WMD in their plot or that the government thinks that I lack the imagination to contemplate an attack on a similar scale of 9/11.

The fact that they are concentrating their efforts on liquids and gels makes me think that it is possible that there is some kind of biological or chemical weapon involved. I doubt the government would tell us if this was the case. That would really set people off.

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  • At 06:12 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Ryan Bloom (Northern Virginia, USA) wrote:

It is absolutely amazing how tactically unimaginative these Islamic terrorists are, We in America are very lucky that the terrorists have not attacked relatively easy soft-targets such as shopping malls. The day they realize the fear such an attack could cause on our population will one of unimaginable terror and consequence.

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  • 4.
  • At 06:14 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Brad Evans wrote:

Hi World,
How do we know that this bomb plot is legitimate? From my perspective, it could just as easily be U.S. election year politics. And the UK is involved because when it comes to terror alerts, the U.S. government has no credibility.

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  • 5.
  • At 06:20 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Bill Fennell wrote:

After 9/11 when I flew to Florida from Boston they made me take a sip of my soda to prove it was soda. They stopped doing that for a couple years but it seems the paranoia was warranted.

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  • 6.
  • At 06:22 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Tina Kitts wrote:

I feel musch more anxious about a terrorist attack, given how close we obviously were, my daughter is a flight attendant, flying to Orlando regularly, I live in the USA and my family travel across the atlantic frequently, my family are coming over from the UK in November and from France at Christmas, I feel very nervous about that now! On the other hand they have done some excellent work in foiling the attempt! What can we do life can't stop, it didn't after 9/11!

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  • 7.
  • At 06:25 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

As UK and USA are twin in foreign policy, sometimes standing alone on world stage as it is the case of their policy in Iraq, both have to work jointly in fighting terrorism at the national and international level. For terrorists, hitting UK or USA is the same for them as Pt Bush and PM Blair frequently use the same diplomatic language when talking about international crises, which terrorists use as a pretext to carry their deadly attacks.

The world can differ with USA and UK about some political matters. But everyone should unite to fight a common threat. If terrorists can’t make it in areas where security measures are high, they can select trouble areas to swell the number of their recruits, waiting for the opportune time to hit, wherever.

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  • 8.
  • At 06:28 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Dick (Rockville, Maryland) wrote:

Your speaker asked if citizens knew what they're supposed to do in different threat levels. It's a good idea, but it misses the point of the U.S. Homeland Security Advisory System.

The HSAS is designed to implement government-level and commercial responses. For example, in the NRC's regulatory system, nuclear power plants are expected to take certain actions under yellow, which are augmented by actions by the state government in orange, which are further augmented by actions by the Federal government under red. This model of scaled response is similar in many industries.

No specific set of actions has been published for use by citizens at each of the levels of the HSAS.

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  • 9.
  • At 06:29 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Mustafa wrote:

We have to ask why Hezbollah was first created. It was created to be a deterant for Isreal. Isreal still occupies the Shaba Farms, so Isreal has never left the Labonan. It's Isreal who has invaded Labonan.

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  • 10.
  • At 06:39 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • christopher judges wrote:

in Great Britain and The United States water filled bras are on sale. Could a female suicide bomber smuggle liquid explosive on a plane that way? How would you screen for that? .... And explosive filled breast implants ?

A cockney n Los Angeles

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  • 11.
  • At 06:40 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • David wrote:

keep in mind that a small amount of explosive paste mixed onboard, perhaps in the lav,placed against a window would be enough to destroy an aircraft due to a sudden lose of cabin preasure.

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  • 12.
  • At 06:46 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • oguchi wrote:

i think the previous caller hagus, is ridiculus with his passionate claims i believe there is a real threat and i believe Isreal has a right to defend herself from hezbolla, and their supporters.

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  • 13.
  • At 06:51 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Scott wrote:

It is truly saddening that a sizable portion of the 麻豆官网首页入口's listeners appear to see some absurd conspiracy theory (which almost always seems to involve the nefarious Jews, BTW) behind every actual or attempted terrorist attack in the world. Carl Sagan put it best when he said that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". In the absence of such evidence, the simplest explanation is also most likely to be the most true.

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  • 14.
  • At 06:51 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Assad wrote:

I'm a bit amused that the incidental finding of pornography justifies what was very much an intelligence fiasco - how easy is it going to be for those two young men to shake the air of suspicion that will now surround them? And given the nature of the many disrupted 'plots' in the USA and Canada, as well as the unfortunate Brazilian electrician shot dead by Special Branch with no apparent consequence.. well, some degree of skepticism is somewhat natural! Which is not to say that this plot was de facto not genuine, but surely the full facts will emerge in weeks and not hours.. I'll restrain from praise or condemnation 'til later!

Cleveland, OH

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  • 15.
  • At 06:51 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Will Martin wrote:

I am sick and tired of hearing Muslims from around the world being in a constant state of denial. Their religion is the cause of more misery and destruction than all other religions combined. They march in mass when a cartoon is published (I forget how many died) but when a Muslim blows up a wedding party or a pizza parlor you don’t hear a peep out of them.

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  • 16.
  • At 06:55 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Scott wrote:

Mustafa, the UN certified Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon on 16 June 2000. We can debate why Hezbollah was created, but it's intent with regard to Israel is clear -- to destroy it. Why not just be honest and admit that's a goal you support?

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  • 17.
  • At 07:00 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Scott from Washington DC wrote:

To the conspiracy theorists that think this is a government ploy to distract us from the lebanon conflict -- the terror plot was probably planned ahead of time but was going to be carried out as a response to the lebanon conflict. British intelligence probably acted to thwart it as they knew it was going to be carried out soon.

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  • 18.
  • At 07:00 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Crystal wrote:

It is time for America and the United Kingdom to stop being politically correct and work the problem. You cannot adopt a policy of appeasement and still protect your people. We have not "demonized" the Muslim community, they have done it to themselves. If they do not want to be confused with terrorists, then they damn well need to start drawing bold lines that separate themselves from that appearance. They also need to go home to whatever country they are from and fix the problem themselves rather than expect others to do it for them.

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  • 19.
  • At 07:06 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • patrick wrote:

I am a working class American, and believe that ANYONE who sees this as anything other than an attack on our way of life, is asleep at the wheel. I have always supported my government actions, my President, and our allies. It makes me feel wonderful to know that GB is on the ball. I salute you all for a job well done! I also stand behind what Martha in Washington said, You strike true with your remarks!!
-patrick, Port St. Lucie.

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  • 20.
  • At 07:07 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Kris wrote:

2 things ..

1) I'm not doubting the possibility that there are people out there that want to harm others thru explosions and/or whatnot .. do I doubt the possibility of this being a convenient time to have this divert the attention from the asinine war between israel and lebanon? No, I don't doubt the possibility, but I am reluctant to believe that because I choose to have faith in the goodness of people. In turn, I'm very happy to hear that the plot was thwarted.

2) How many of you heard this call from the US from Martha? She sounded unbelievably racist towards Muslims. People like her really disturb me. And no, I'm not one of those people who wants to seize opportunities to cry racism, but she was adamant in believing that it's people within muslim communities are hiding information about terrorists. Catherine was definitely right in calling Martha "ignorant" because that's exactly how she sounded on air. Hey Martha, if you read this, do you also think that Israel is "defending" itself against terrorists? You know, since clearly Israel doesn't do anything to any neighboring nations.

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  • 21.
  • At 07:09 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Catrina in DC wrote:

Wow, Martha's comments on your radio program today about all Muslims being responsible for the current state of affairs is short sighted and ignorant. She demonizes an entire population when she says something like that. It would be much like saying all Germans were responsible for the Nazi invasion during WWII. (I raise this example since she brought it up in the radio conversation.) And we know that was not true. There were Germans living all over the world at that time just as there are Muslims and Arabs today. Surely, they did not all support the Nazis let alone know what was happening. Let us not forget to differentiate between extremists and peace-loving human beings...regardless of their nationality or religion. Let us not forget that there are extreme Christians in our country too. Perhaps they have not committed a wide-scale autrocity such as at the WTC but they still have committed horrible crimes in the name of their beliefs (blowing up abortion clinics, determining whether they have the right to interfere in a woman's right to death.) Changing laws to suit one's religious beliefs is can be just as harmful as killing a thousan people.

I ask Martha, how is it productive to demonize an entire population? How will that help the world to "win the war on terror?" Should we find them all guilty and annex them like the Nazis did to the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and physically & mentally disabled?

Finally, where does Martha get her information to form her opinions and ideas?

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  • 22.
  • At 07:09 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • partha wrote:

Blair's continuous attempt to share Bush's pain has proven to be successful in this latest terror plot. I wonder if the english approve of this close alliance between the two presidents. If not, is Democracy really being preserved by the so called spreader of Democracy.

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  • 23.
  • At 07:10 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Kay wrote:

Shame on our president for repeatedly using the language, "Islamic Facists" and Islamo-fascists." Whatever happened to separating responsible, law abiding Muslims from terrorists? It is the presiden't responsibility to reiterate that there are good people in the world regardless of their religion. He is demonizing all Muslims by speaking in this way, only making it easier for Americans--some who trust his words (why?) as truth--to hate and have prejudice against one particular religion.

I am grateful to the British authorities that the plot was thwarted, but we need real leadership in the U.S., informed, cultured, educated and diplomatic leadership. Not someone who revels in "bustin" plots and intentionally, or sadly perhaps unintentionally spreads seeds of hate.

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  • 24.
  • At 07:13 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Norman Shutler wrote:

Subject: A Growing Case Against Muslim Integration

The muslims in the U.K., U.S. and other parts of the world go to their mosques or other places five time a day to pray to Allah, (presumably) so where do they find the time to engender all this hatred towards and homicidal motivation to conspire to kill their very own neighbors and countrymen, people who've done nothing more than give them a place in their country and society to live and a place in their community to work?

It's impossible for all members of the muslim community to be oblivious to what their sons, friends, neighbors and fellow muslims are doing, so why, unless of course they secretly agree with them or are themselves complicit in the violent acts they are perpetrating against the rest of us, is there not a single instance of a muslim extremist being turned into authorities by other muslims?

All evidence points to the fact that muslims put muslims first, before country, before allegiance, before loyalty. If that's the case muslims are building a serious case against themselves to be returned to their place or origin.

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  • 25.
  • At 07:14 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Mary wrote:

I thought the caller Martha's comments were completely racist and I was very disappointed to hear such an uninformed opinion about the Muslim community. She presumes to know something about an entire group based on the actions of very few. It is ridiculous to assume that most Muslims knows terrorists.

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  • 26.
  • At 07:15 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • f s wrote:

It appears that the world is split again between conspiracy theorists and alarmists. Meanwhile, people in the middle are left scratching their heads.

Truth is somewhere in between, where exactly, only the involved governments know.

Common sense dictates that if the terrorists really wanted to cause chaos and disruption then there are a lot of other soft targets that can have huge impact and chaos. That alone leads me to lean towards the conspiracy theory element of this news story. We all know Nov elections are around the corner and all of us in US still remember Chaney's remarks that if Kerry is elected, we will certainly be attacked. This is just another friendly reminder to American electoral that War on Terror is real. Apparently the gov't has continously failed to drive that point home and need constant reminder.

As a common average Muslim, it is hard for me to fathom any Muslim willing to take these measures to take innocent lives when there is no concept of collateral damage in islamic doctrine.

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  • 27.
  • At 07:18 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Sarah from Virginia wrote:

I want to say that "Martha from Arlington, VA's" comments earlier in the program are precisely the arrogant and ignorant nonsense that got us into this mess to begin with. To make broad accusations about a people who practice one particular religion is not only unfair, it smacks of moral superiority that has no place in our world if we truly want peace. I'm presuming Martha to be a so-called Christian, so I would like to say to her that the Jesus Christ whose teachings I follow would NEVER advocate the type of hatred (or any hatred) that she seems to possess. Martha, if you want peace, look within and heal your own issues first. Remember, when you point your finger at someone, there are three more fingers pointing back at you. Try it with your hand and see what I mean.

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  • 28.
  • At 07:20 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Amanda (USA) wrote:

I am so overwhelmed by all the comments. What the world does not see is that this Terrorist Alert will only reinforced ignorance and racism against all Muslims and the Islamic faith. The United States and the UK does not see that their report of this new terrorist scare will only cause their people to continue to hate and blame a group of people who are not responsible for others' actions. How can we, as human beings, blame a whole race or religious groups based on certain actions performed by people who may look like them or practice the same religion? I am very afraid that this will lead to more hate crimes and violence against innocent Muslims who live in the US and the UK. I would like the US and the UK to declare “NO RACIAL PROFILING” at this time so these innocent people would not be blame for something they are not a part of just because they may hold the same religion or may look like the terrorist. If we are to call a certain race or religious group terrorist than isn't it be fair for others to do the same. For example, African Americans can call white supremacist “terrorists” because of their hatred in the past hundreds of years with lynching more than thousands of Blacks during the time of slavery and continues to do so in southern US. If we reject this as a form of terrorist attack and does not see it as the same, then what is it?

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  • 29.
  • At 07:20 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Vickie wrote:

I am extremely alarmed at the recent news but thankful to Britian for taking action and working to protect their own citizens and citizens of this world.

I am also alarmed at the skepticism that this is real threat and that it is instead a plot between Bush and Blair to boost Bush's ratings.

Now everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I have to ask, does the hate you have for Bush cause you to disregard this constant threat? Does it help you sleep better at night to believe that this is not real? I'm just amazed at people who live in such denial.

I am not a Bush fan nor am I a fan of any politician, but to bury your head in the sand instead of taking this serious makes me very worried.

The threat is real and countries need to do all they can when they discover terrorists in their midsts. Afterall, if they take down the USA, do you honestly think you will be safe?

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  • 30.
  • At 07:37 PM on 10 Aug 2006,
  • Pat Mitchell Worley wrote:

The caller blaming the terrorist problem on Islam is a bit lost. I want to point out that the reason that radical Christians don’t blow themselves up is because most Christian doctrine doesn’t allow the taking of ones own life - It is a sin. Whereas in some Islamic practices it is a honor to die in such fashion. This is a very important fact to recognize.

We must identify the reasons why people are willing to die to kill us and end our way of life. We can't continue to just isolate ourselves and hope to twart the terrorist plans. We have to deal with it from all angles. That includes examing our policy and actions.
I hope we will help the people of Lebanon recover from the Isreali invasion. Providing economic assistance that is not tied to horrific, unmanageable debt will help heal wounds.

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