Audio & Video
"A triumph and a reason to carry on"
Al Murray tells us about a memorable gig from his first time performing at the Fringe.
- "A triumph and a reason to carry on"
- Squashing Words
- Books I’ve Written
- Making a Leopard Monster
- Superpowers
- Steve’s Monsters
- Making a Monster
- Alien Stink Song
- Cariad Lloyd's Fringe picks
- Erica Jong on sex and ageing
- The keyboard with a mind of its own
- What would David Brent make of the Fringe?
- Tim Burgess: What happened when I asked Lou Reed for an autograph
- Jackie Kay on tracing her birth parents
- Edinburgh Dazzle ship: Timelapse
- Malaika Kegode: I tried to stop writing about you
- B. Dolan - Still Electric
- Political poetry and the rise of xenophobia