
Proms 2024
20 Aug 2023, Royal Albert Hall
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19:30 Sun 20 Aug 2023 Next Event

Proms 2023 Prom 47: Les Siècles plays Ligeti and Mozart

Prom 47
Prom 47: Les Siècles plays Ligeti and Mozart
19:30 Sun 20 Aug 2023 Royal Albert Hall
François-Xavier Roth’s orchestra Les Siècles presents Ligeti’s Concert Românesc and Violin Concerto alongside two late works by Mozart, the Piano Concerto No. 23 and the ‘Jupiter’ Symphony.
François-Xavier Roth’s orchestra Les Siècles presents Ligeti’s Concert Românesc and Violin Concerto alongside two late works by Mozart, the Piano Concerto No. 23 and the ‘Jupiter’ Symphony.


      • Concert Românesc(12 mins)
      • Violin Concerto(27 mins)
        • interval
        • Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major(25 mins)
        • Symphony No. 41 in C major, ‘Jupiter’(31 mins)


    About This Event

    Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, François-Xavier Roth’s award-winning orchestra Les Siècles presents music from sonic pioneer György Ligeti alongside two late works by Mozart – pieces separated by two centuries, but united by the spirit of revolution. Unperformed until 1971, Ligeti’s vibrant Concert Românesc (‘Romanian Concerto’) is a light-footed celebration of Romanian folk music – real and invented. His Violin Concerto – performed here with German soloist Isabelle Faust – is one of the most original of any age, while Mozart’s final symphony, the ‘Jupiter’, with its astonishing finale, is the last word on the genre from a master innovator. Russian pianist Alexander Melnikov is the soloist in the composer’s Piano Concerto No. 23.

    Image: Isabelle Faust © Felix Broede

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    Proms 2023