
Jubilation as Chile mine rescue ends

florencio_avalos mario_sepulveda juan_illanes carlos_mamani jimmy_sanchez osman_araya jose_ojeda claudio_yanez mario_gomez alex_vega_salazar jorge_galleguillos edison_pena carlos_barrios victor_zamora victor_segovia daniel_herrera omar_reygadas esteban_rojas pablo_rojas dario_segovia yonni_barrios samuel_avalos carlos_bugueno jose_henriquez renan-avalos claudio_acuna franklin_lobos richard_villarroel juan_aguilar raul_bustos pedro_cortez ariel_ticona luis_urzua Trapped Miners

Alex Vega Salazar

Alex Vega Salazar

Age: 31 Job: Heavy machinery mechanic

Tenth miner to be rescued. He embraced his wife Jessica after leaving the capsule. She said her husband had been worried about his debts while trapped in the mine. "I have told him not to worry, that I have already cancelled them. I told him that I love him." El Pais reported her as saying.

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Ariel Ticona

Alex Vega Salazar

Age: 29 Job: Miner

Thirty second, and penultimate, miner to be rescued. His wife Elizabeth Segovia gave birth to a baby girl on 14 September - 40 days into the miners' ordeal. Ariel Ticona asked his wife to name their daughter Esperanza - the Spanish for Hope.

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Carlos Bugueno

Carlos Bugueno

Job: 27 Job: Miner

Twenty-third miner to be rescued. He was one of the palomeros in his group - the miners taking it in turns to look after sending and receiving packages nicknamed "palomas" or "doves" sent via the supply pipes. He is a childhood friend of fellow trapped miner Pedro Cortez, who joined mine at same time.

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Carlos Barrios

Carlos Bugueno

Job: 27 Job: Miner

Thirteenth miner to be rescued. Shift leader of Grupo Rampa. His mother Gricelda Godoy told La Tercera newspaper her son had said he did not want any more to do with the psychologist who has been working with the miners.

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Carlos Mamani

Carlos Mamani

Age: 24 Job: Heavy machinery operator

Fourth miner to be rescued. Only Bolivian in the group, had been working in the mine only five days before accident. His father-in-law told reporters that Mr Manami had been shocked and traumatised by what had happened and would not work in a mine again.

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Claudio Acuna

Claudio Acuna

Age: 35 Job: Miner

Twenty sixth miner to reach the surface. He had been working in the mine for three days when the accident happened. He was one of the palomeros for Grupo Rampa. His wife sent him a signed t-shirt from his favourite football team Colo Colo for his birthday.

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Claudio Yanez

Claudio Yanez

Age: 34 Job: Drill operator

Eighth miner to be rescued. His long term partner, Cristina Nunez, proposed to him in a letter sent down to the miners. He says they'll get married as soon as he is out. The couple have two daughters.

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Daniel Herrera

Daniel Herrera

Age: 27 Job: Lorry driver

Sixteenth miner to be rescued. Had role of paramedic's assistant while underground. In a letter to relatives he said the miners were unhappy with the psychologist, La Tercera reports: "Don't ask me any more about how I am feeling, because in the letter that I read... it felt like you were advising me via this 'doc'."

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Dario Segovia

Dario Segovia

Age: 48 Job: Drill Operator

Twentieth miner to be rescued. Dario's sister, Maria, has been dubbed La Alcaldesa - the Mayoress - for the leading role she has taken at Camp Hope. His elderly father, Dario Snr started taking his son down the mine when he was eight.

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Edison Pena

Edison Pena

Age: 34 Job: Miner

Twelfth miner to be rescued. A keen runner while he was down in the mine. He was a member of the Grupo Refugio. He had openly expressed his desperation in letters and videos to his girlfriend. In one he said: "I want to be free, I want to see the sun."

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Esteban Rojas

Esteban Rojas

Age: 44 Job: In charge of maintenance

Eighteenth miner to be rescued. He had told his girlfriend of 25 years: "When I get out of here we'll buy you a wedding dress and get married in church."

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Florencio Avalos

Florencio Avalos

Age: 31 Job: Driver

First miner to be rescued. He emerged from the capsule and hugged his seven-year-old son, his wife Monica then the Chilean president. Member of Grupo 105. He filmed videos to be sent up to rescuers. His brother Renan was also trapped.

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Franklin Lobos

Franklin Lobos

Age: 52 Job: Driver

Twenty seventh miner to be rescued. Member of Grupo Refugio. He is a former footballer in a local league. He received one of two signed t-shirts sent to the mine by Barcelona player David Villa, whose father and grandfather were miners.

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Jimmy Sanchez

Jimmy Sanchez

Age: 19 Job: Miner

Fifth miner to be rescued. He is the youngest of the 33 miners and had only worked as a miner for five months before the accident. Member of Grupo Rampa. He had role of checking the temperature and humidity in the mine.

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Jorge Galleguillos

Jorge Galleguillos

Age: 56 Job: Miner

Eleventh miner to be rescued. He was on medication for hypertension and said in one video he had been feeling unwell.

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Jose Ojeda

Jose Ojeda

Age: 48 Job: Master driller

Seventh miner to be rescued. He was greeted by his stepdaughter. Mr Ojeda received medication for diabetes while trapped. He wrote the message that alerted rescuers: "Estamos bien en el refugio los 33 - All 33 of us are safe in the shelter."

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Jose Henriquez

Jose Henriquez

Age: 56 Job: Drill Master

Twenty fourth miner to reach the surface. Member of Grupo 105. He is an evangelical preacher and had the role of keeping spirits up. He has worked in mines for 33 years.

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Juan Illanes

Juan Illanes

Age: 52 Job: Miner

Third miner to be rescued. Asked how his trip in the rescue capsule was, he replied: "Like a cruise!" Member of Grupo 105. Former corporal in Beagle border conflict between Chile and Argentina.

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Juan Aguilar

Juan Aguilar

Age: 49 Job: Supervisor

Twenty ninth miner to be rescued. He was greeted by his wife and two children as he left the rescue capsule. Member of Grupo 105. He is from the mining town of Los Lagos.

Luis Urzua

Luis Urzua

Age: 54 Job: Leader of shift - topographer

Thirty third and final miner to be rescued. Known as Don Lucho among miners on his shift. He organised the men into shifts and drew up plans of the area of the mine where they were trapped to help rescuers.

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Mario Gomez

Mario Gomez

Age: 64 Job: Miner

Ninth miner to be brought out. He knelt in prayer and quietly said: "I have come back to life." Later, he said: "Sometimes you need something to happen in your life to really reflect and understand that we only have one life. I changed, I am a different person." He is the oldest of the group and has worked in mines since he was 12.

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Mario Sepulveda

Mario Sepulveda

Age: 40 Job: Electrical specialist

Second miner to be rescued. He was heard shouting to his wife Elvira from inside the shaft. He told rescuers: "I was with God and with the devil - and God took me." He added that he wanted to be treated as a miner, not as a celebrity. Mr Sepulveda had become a familiar personality on the miners' videos.

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Omar Reygadas

Omar Reygadas

Age: 56 Job: Bulldozer operator

Seventeenth miner to be rescued. After leaving the capsule, he knelt on the ground clutching a bible. "He wants to have a meal of heart of veal with avocado and watch a lot of television," his family has told 麻豆官网首页入口 Mundo. He was leader of the Grupo Refugio.

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Osman Araya

Osman Araya

Age: 30 Job: Miner

Sixth miner to be rescued. Hugged his wife Angelica as he left the capsule. He said: "Thankyou all to you have been helping us in this ordeal in the past few days." In one message from the mine, he said: "I will fight to the end to be with you." His role was one of palomeros for Grupo 105.

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Pablo Rojas

Pablo Rojas

Age: 45 Job: Miner

Nineteenth miner to be rescued. One of the palomeros for Grupo Refugio. He has worked in the mine for six months.

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Pedro Cortez

Pedro Cortez

Age: 26 Job: Miner

Thirty first miner to be rescued. He was member of Grupo Refugio. He reached the surface hours a few hours after childhood friend Carlos Bugueno, who joined mine at same time.

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Raul Bustos

Raul Bustos

Age: 40 Job: Hydraulics engineer

Thirtieth miner to be rescued. Left Talcahuano after earthquake to work in mine. After accident he was given job of setting up water supply system. He told his mother he was hungry and wanted to eat her seafood empanadas.

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Renan Avalos

Renan Avalos

Age: 29 Job: Miner

Twenty fifth miner to be rescued. He was one of the palomeros for Grupo 105. Four months ago decided to come to work in the San Jose mine with his brother Florencio Avalos Silva - who was also trapped.

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Richard Villarroel

Richard Villarroel

Age: 26 Job: Mechanic

Twenty eighth miner to be rescued. He has worked in San Jose mine for two years. He is due to become a father in November.

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Samuel Avalos

Samuel Avalos

Age: 43 Job: Miner

Twenty-second miner to be rescued. Member of Grupo Rampa. He had role of checking air quality in the area where the miners were living. He had worked in the mine for five months.

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Victor Segovia

Victor Segovia

Age: 48 Job: Electrician

Fifteenth miner to be rescued. Member of Grupo Rampa. He had role of giving daily report to rescuers. In letter to family said: "This hell is killing me. I try to be strong but when I sleep suddenly I dream we are in an oven and when I wake I find myself in this eternal darkness, that wears you down day by day."

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Victor Zamora

Victor Zamora

Age: 33 Job: Vehicle mechanic

Fourteenth miner to be rescued. One of palomeros for Grupo Rampa. Not normally in the mine but went inside on day of accident to repair a vehicle. He joked to his mother that he was happy in the hole because there was no-one to tell him to have a wash.

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Yonni Barrios

Yonni Barrios

Age: 50 Job: The "Doctor"

Twenty-first miner to be rescued. Member of Grupo Rampa. Knowledge of first aid from helping diabetic mother as a child means he was given responsibility for monitoring health of colleagues. In his letter to his wife he said he felt like he was in hell in first days after cave-in.

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The 33 miners - all Chileans except one miner from Bolivia - have a range of ages, experience and health conditions.

The men's health on the day of the rescue has been one of the key considerations for rescuers. First, they wanted the fittest with the most technical know-how, then the weakest, to be followed by the strongest characters who could cope with watching their colleagues leave the mine first.

Florencio Avalos was brought out first. Jimmy Sanchez, who had been showing signs of anxiety, was brought out fifth. He was the youngest miner at 19 and the father of a four-month-old baby.

The oldest of the group is Mario Gomez, 64, who has worked in the mines since the age of 12 and was thinking of retiring in November. He was the ninth to be brought out.

During their time underground, the miners split into three groups - Grupo Refugio, Grupo Rampa and Grupo 105, or the Refuge group, Ramp group and Group 105 - named after the shelter, the ramp and Level 105 sections of the 1km tunnel where they are trapped.

How the miners have divided themselves into groups

Each group had a leader and they worked in shifts, as they did before the accident on 5 August. Meals were delivered by the supply bore holes in packages called "palomas" or doves.

The "palomas" have also carried medication, technical supplies, camp bed parts and messages to and from loved ones waiting on the surface.

Graphic showing typical day. Eight hour shift - receiving and sending paloma packages, monitoring environment and clearing debris. 7-8 hours sleep - Lights out in living area and sleep on camp beds send down via paloma. 7-8 hours free time - Personal time, writing letters, playing games, exercises

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Chile's Trapped Miners

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