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Last updated: 10 January 2006 1039 GMT
Graphic: Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince review
Picture: Caitlin gets stuck into the latest Potter instalment
Caitlin gets stuck into the latest Potter instalment

Do you think the latest Potter book is magic? We asked 11-year-old Caitlin and nine-year-old Morgan to give us their views on Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince.

Warning: This contains spoilers!

Caitlin's review

JK Rowing has yet again proved that books don't have to have a realistic edge to be brilliant.

The sixth Harry Potter book, Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, is the best yet. Better, if possible than all of her previous books put together!

This enthralling adventure is yet again set mostly in Hogwarts. However, the unexpected twists and turns make the Half-Blood Prince a great read and a perfect present, unless the person on the receiving end has already got a copy!

A satisfying read for anyone under the age of 100.

Caitlin shows off her new Potter book

JK Rowling has overcome any problems of losing readers because her fans are getting too old for her books. She has regained them without any stress, or bother!

The best part of the book is definitely Ron swallowing Lavender Brown's face because he hasn't refined his snogging technique.

I also liked the part where Ron, still annoyed with Hermione for Kissing Krum, accidentally falls in love with Romilda Vain via Fred and George's love potion in Harry's chocolate cauldron Christmas presents.

Confused?! You need to read the book to find out more!

Also the O.W.L results remind me of the S.A.T.S results - us in year six waited ages to receive ours!

The best character in this book is Romilda Vane. She is just so funny. I would normally go for Hermione, as she reminds me of myself, but Romilda is just pure comedy! What with her failed attempts to get Harry to 'go out' with her, from luv potions to unveiled hints!

There wasn't a bad point in the book. Something bad happens, but you'll have to read the book to find out what!

A fascinating story of love, hate, betrayal and all-round laughs. Ron, Hermione, Harry and crew, especially the first three, are brilliant role models for every friendship. The best book of the year so far!

Picture: Morgan with his Harry Potter book
Morgan with his Harry Potter book

Morgan's review

I really enjoyed the book because there is fantasy and magic almost straight away and you can never tell what will happen next.

It also explains a lot of things in the series, for instance, if Snape is really a Death Eater and if Tom Riddle is definitely Lord Voldermort. Plus you actually feel as if you are part of the story because it seems so real and exciting!

My favourite part is when all the Death Eaters come and have a big battle with the teachers and pupils.

What I didn't like about the book is that it is very long and hard to get through and it's rather soppy!

It is annoying that there is such a long time between the books and you forget what's going on!

The only difference I noticed between this book and the others is that a lot of people died including someone very important!

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Natasha Hirt, Coleraine
I think the HP book is magical as Dumbledore gives Harry loads of private lessons about Voldemort. It's a shame Dumbledore dies.
Thu Dec 22 19:01:02 2005

Anita, Portugal
I just loved the book - it is one of my favourites. I think it was a little different from the others! And I never had no doubt that Snape wasn't good ;)
Thu Dec 22 10:14:53 2005

Lizzie from Balfron
I think the new book rocks. Shame Harry n Ginny snog though + its a shame Dumbledore dies. Romilda Vane is my fav character. She is so like me! Does anyone know it the HBP will be made into a film cause I would love to audition 4 Romilda Vane or that other girl
Tue Dec 20 15:21:45 2005

R.T, Dashmond
Who's the half blood prince. This is all what the book is about - thats' a weak plot to base a book on. It had an incomplete ending, it's like she leaves her characters in despair, making us anxious to read the last part of the puzzle. The book's plot and sub-plots were not as interesting as Azkaban or Philosophers. It was too short - it should have at least been 900 pages to keep us readers busy for the year till the last instalment is out. I still like it a lot bcause i know i am reading a piece of the puzzle. I am not looking at the grand masterpiece at its completion. This book is like a filler - but if u love your characters then it's a fun read to see what they r going through. I do not advise a new reader - muggle - to JK Rowling's world to start off with this book.
Mon Dec 19 07:29:26 2005

Hashim, birmingham
I like reading this book because it takes you right in to an adventure where you have a problem in it and you have to solve it out. J.K Rowling is a really good autor and Harry potter is the best book i have read so far. The saddest part is when professor Dumbledore dies. I want to know what happens next but the story of harry potter finishes from there.
Sat Dec 17 13:07:23 2005

Sun Dec 11 17:29:26 2005

Lyndsey Atkinson, Lyneham
I just love the book and if any Dumbledore fans are out there you will HATE Professor Snape -you'll have to read the book to find that out! I think my best book is the Goblet of fire! I am an amazing fan of Harry Potter, but not only that I am a very big fan of Daniel Radcliffe too!
Sun Dec 11 15:21:04 2005

Lozzie, manchester
I love Harry Potter books. My mates all like them to but not as much as me. I love the story the speech everything. They are the best books ever and i will read them forever. I can't wait for the last book coz i can't wait to find out what happens to everyone.
Fri Dec 9 22:30:51 2005

abbie, strabane, co tyrone
I am only halfway through the book but I love it and I can't wait for the movies of all the books come out. I am the biggest harry potter fan.
Fri Dec 9 17:18:06 2005

Lauren- Ny, USA
I love the whole series! I can't say enough about this book! Ginny and Harry were meant for each other - no doubt. So was ron and hermoine. They will definitely go out in the next book, please! Anyway I can't wait until the next book is out! At the end of the book I wished there were a lot more pages! All in all it was the best.
Thu Dec 8 03:24:33 2005

Ruth, London
The new book isn't as good as the 4th and i cried when dumbledore died. My sister luvs snape so i rubbed it in her face when he was evil, but overall it wasn't that bad. keep writin jk rowling!
Tue Dec 6 17:02:23 2005

Andrew, Glasgow, Scoland
brilliant, by far the best in the series. i enjoyed how dark it was and how harry was more mature. i think harry should not have missed the the quidditch final as he was the captain, i hate snape. but i found it strange how mad eye moody was knocked out at the fight at the school, hes an ex auror. plus why is it slughorn wasnt made the dark arts teacher. i hope in the next, voldemort starts a war in london and harry has to make his way to central london while fighing death eaters, dementors and more magical creatures. anyway this is probably the bes book i ever read and i would recommend it to anyone.
10/10 Mon Dec 5 18:43:05 2005

Cheryl-lynn from West Watford
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is fun and exciting. My fav bit of the story is when Dumbledore shows Harry Slughorns full memory and when they apparate to the cave where Voldermont once went in his childhood. The worst thing that happened was Dumbledore died. I actualy cried when I read the bit about Phoex, the phoenix, was sing a terrible song. The real mystry is : WHO IS R.A.G?
Mon Dec 5 10:37:29 2005

Aislinn, Chelmsford I didn't exacly belive Snape killed Dumbledore.I had to read that a few times. I realy adore the way there's an air of love hung around Ginny.I always hoped Harry would take some notice of her.
Sun Dec 4 20:05:44 2005

Zara ,Scotland I think its amazing in the goblet of fire I LOVE CEDRIC DIGGORY and the WEASLEY TWINS Emma youre amazing Daniel cant wait to see you snog Ginny I think youre the BEST couple:)Anyone know where auditions are please tell me.Katie(Cho chang) I love your dress in the yule ball once again tell me where auditions are:)
Sat Dec 3 21:47:31 2005

david, netherlands
I really liked the book. I read it in english within 2 weeks. I think the best part was, when harry and dumbledore crossed the underground lake.
Sat Dec 3 15:20:10 2005

Elliott Chamberlin,Ashtead Surrey
That was the worst book I have ever read I bet it will be even worse when it comes out in the cinema.I also think J.K.Rowling is the worst auther in the world.
Sat Dec 3 11:06:51 2005

bekka from frindsbury
I loved it it was excellent. There is nothing bad to say about the book. It was long but i love the fact that they find out snapes true identity. I honestly can't beleive dumbledore thought he had changed. The bit i loved was when Fleur Delcour says she doesn't care what bill looks like it is what matters on the inside. I didn't like the end. I don't reckon Harry wl quit at finding the Horcruxes. READ THE BOOK ANYON WHO HASN'T.
7th Fri Dec 2 22:49:55 2005

Anna ,pennar,wales
i think this book is the best so far it is really interesting. my favourite part iswhere harry was going out wtih ginny. the part i thick is depressing is where snape kills dumbeldore.
Fri Dec 2 13:22:01 2005

Michael, Boston, USA
J.K. Rowling is a masterful story teller and surely her latest work doesn鈥檛 show any lack of talent when it comes to gluing readers to the pages. I read the entire Harry Potter collection together with my son, the last 3 books listening to the audio books. While the first books were a carefully balanced mixture of fantasy, humor and suspense, at least the last 2 books left the humor behind and introduced a new level of suffering for both Harry and the reader. While it is a common trick of authors throughout the centuries, to build up pressure in order to release it in the end for a great happy end, J.K Rowling seems to increasingly enjoy making Harry suffer without delivering a particularly happy end. Namely the Halfblood prince leaves the reader without any satisfaction.
Thu Dec 1 23:33:14 2005

that was an amazing book!!! i really loved reading it i never put it down till i finished reading it all!! well apart from going to sleep lol but thats about it!! i always hoped that ginny and harry would go out and they did :P but it made me cry to see they split up.. i hope they get back together again!!
Wed Nov 30 18:51:21 2005

Lauren Mauk, Jordan, USA I think H.P and THBP was by far the most thrilling installment of the Harry Potter series. I love the way Rowling takes you into a different world so far from your own. It's amazing! I also love how there is romance twisted into it, and I can't wait for the 7th book to come out! I guess I'll just have to settle reading the series for the ? time!
Tue Nov 29 03:49:12 2005

David, California The best part is when harry uses the spell Sectumsempra that he found in his potion book on malfoy in the bathroom and thought he murdered him.
Sun Nov 27 18:20:15 2005

daisy millbrook
I am 8 years old and reading HP 6. Anyway i love them. they are the best books ever! HP 6 is even better 'cause it is just a lot more exciting then the others!
Sat Nov 26 09:28:52 2005

i really enjoyed it because it reveals alot of mysteries but also brings more questions! i want to know if albus dumbledore really dies?
Fri Nov 25 22:44:43 2005

Umar Tanveer, West Yorkshire,
The book was very interesting. I haven't read the others but this one was really interesting and everyone should read it. The best part I found was the ginny and harry luv thing and of course the ron love potion incident. All must read it - it's a brilliant book and I really think harry potter shouldn't die in the last book because it wouldn't be fair on him.
Tue Nov 22 14:47:40 2005

Sun Nov 20 14:34:51 2005

Neya, Ontario,Canada
I really think that this was an "enchanting" book. The first day I started reading the book I read the first twelve chapters until my throat went dry. My stomach was doing flip-flops when Harry kissed Ginny. I've always thought of them as family. The part in the end that is really sad but I'm not spoiling it made me want to cry. But all in all it was a really good read and I really enjoyed it.
Fri Nov 18 23:58:38 2005

cj, Norfolk
My super-fave character is Ginny & B4 it came out I SOOOOOOOOO wanted HP 2 go with GW awwwww. I laughed for EVER (well nearly) when they um sort of well you know the bit I mean. Dumbledore's a bit stupid hiring Snape if he knew about Lily, James and Mouldy Wart (aka You-Know-Who, I don't wanna scare anyone). I've read the book um 5/6 times by Sept (its Nov now) and I'm reading it again. Thanks for reading you cooooooooool HP lovers!
Fri Nov 18 19:20:42 2005

Rebecca / australia
its great and i love reading harry potter, wat will i do wen there finnished??
Fri Nov 18 06:57:50 2005

Rebekah Rolla,Missouri
I think Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is the best book out of all the Harry Potter books. You can tell i am a fan because I started in June and finished last month. I thought Harry made a good choice to go out with Ginny. The best part about this book is when harry goes out with Harry. I can not wait untill the seventh Harry Potter book comes out!
Thu Nov 17 01:20:19 2005

Manaswini, India
Man its totally hot!Its the second best one, according to me, after da 4th part.Only thing that really sucks is.....u know it! Dumbledore's death.I just hate Snape like anything and to know the cool half-blood price was him made me crazy! I'm wating like anything for da 7th book. But surely, it wouldn't be very impresive to read about another death.[except Voldemort's of course!]
Wed Nov 16 13:14:38 2005

Chloe, Amragh N.Ireland
I was totally stuck reading the book! I had a feeling that Harry liked Ginny, the way he kept asking Ginny to come with them on the train, to Hogesmead, and then when it was official that he liked her (and by the way i LOVED the description of a 'monster' roaring in is stomach to symbolise his feelings) I was really excited. But really, i totally was struck dumb when Dumbledore fell back like a rag doll. On the last page, I knew that Snape was going to kill him. But I thought, no, way, it cant be. Then, when Snape raised his wand, i was certain. He was so selfish that he would rather save his life than save the most outstanding and brilliant wizard of modern days, Order of Merlin, First Class.(If i am assuming that Fudge gave this back to Dumbledore when he found out about Voldermort being back.) Also i noticed the second time round that Voldemort had put a curse on the teachers who taught defence against the dark arts and thats why they only stayed one year each. But, if Dumbledore knew this, WHY ON EARTH DID HE LET SNAPE HAVE THE JOB?? he must have known that snape would leave.
Sat Nov 12 00:06:23 2005

IT IS BRILIANT!!!the best book yet i just cant wait until they make the film!!I think people aged 12-100 can read this book do you agree? love sophie walesxxx 12 yrs
Fri Nov 11 21:32:40 2005

wayne ramwell
it is absolutely amazing and it is very imaginative. Wed Nov 9 13:13:11 2005 abdirahman london i think the book is the best but not when the albus dumbuldor dies
Sat Nov 5 18:31:11 2005

abdi london
i think is one of the best book yet because now harry know s what sort of dengour he is in without albus dumbledor when he dies
Sat Nov 5 17:37:23 2005

Dominic Yurk, U.S.A.
I love JK Rowling's writing. It is full of suspence and outrageously descriptive. It smoothly transforms a hopeless 11-year-old boy into a magical Hogwarts student. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the seventh book. I can't wait for Voldemort to die. I also don't think Dumbledore is dead. He wouldn't be foolish enough to fall for Snape's little tricks. He's just too smart for that.
Thu Nov 3 00:05:12 2005

John McDonal, England
It is so scary when those dead zombies attack Harry Dumbledore and it was sad when dumbledore gets killed by a most trusted Hogwart teacher. I can't wait until the next book - so get writing JK Rowling!
Tue Nov 1 12:52:20 2005

I think the book was good enough than the previous harry potters book ever.
Mon Oct 31 05:52:20 2005

brijesh, India
The book is good, but left me longing for the next edition. I was just in love with Half Blood Prince. I would love to see that Snape can be trusted and there must be a hard reason for him to kill Dumbledore (maybe save Harry from the direct destruction that day?). I'm confused in this case, as I have trusted him - like Dumbledore til his death. Voldemort is a cool wizard. His brilliance is adorable and makes him in some way respectable for the magic world, but he's done crimes, for which he must die. Harry must kill him, but Harry must be possessing equal qualities like him, then the hunt would be real fun.
Fri Oct 28 16:46:42 2005

Sara K. Maine USA
I think that this book was good, but worst than any of her other books. One thing that I didn't like was that Harry was right all along! I mean, in all of the other books, Harry was never right!! I didn't see why this one should be different.
Thu Oct 27 23:16:26 2005

The under Dark Wow... i give it two thumbs up ^.^... and one big toe O.o... why cant i have three hands?! T.T
Thu Oct 27 23:00:17 2005

Lucy Attleborough
I thought that the book was brilliant, full of excitement and description.

Wed Oct 26 20:01:41 2005


I do't get why Harry didn't visit Dumbledore picture in what used to be Dumbledore's office.All in all the book was great and mutch darker than the other 5 books. I asume J.k.R. will keep the series going past seven and u instantly know when Hary says hes not going back to Hogwarts for is 7th year and embarking on a jurny to kill Voldermort. i bet it will be more like a ten book series, so keep them comeing J.K.!
Wed Oct 26 02:04:13 2005

amena [canada]
Harry potter is very extraordinary.I got really engrossed in the book.I cant wait for all the movies!!
Sun Oct 23 19:13:57 2005

daniella / chesterfield
i think j.k has saved the best till last and Dan is such a good actor
Sun Oct 23 17:25:18 2005

Juan Andres Friss, Uruguay
The six book of Harry Potter is excellent. It is fool of magic, and you discover a lot of secrets, as the past of Tom Riddle, etc.
Sun Oct 23 02:24:49 2005

I think it was really good! And it was scary when dumboldore but I give it 4/5
Sat Oct 22 11:54:05 2005

Raza from Brierfield
This book is so brilliant it'll kill you
Sat Oct 22 08:58:42 2005

Kerri Wilson Great Yarmouth
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is a fascinating book and I really enjoyed reading it. Although I am a teenager I still cried while reading it as I thought it was a bit upsetting. But I really, really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who loves fiction books.
Fri Oct 21 14:05:55 2005

Jacqueline Musinga from Leeds
I love the 6th book, it's the best! My favourite part is when Harry kisses Ginny.If you haven't read it, get it now!
Fri Oct 21 12:11:25 2005

Ben Bland, Mallon
I love it, im 18 and i still enjoy, i give a massive three thumbs up!
Mon Oct 17 19:59:23 2005

It's better than the 5th and all the other books although it is a shame that dumboldore dies.
Sun Oct 16 13:24:34 2005

Jessica Palmer, Nottingham
I think this book was the best by far. I can't wait until the seventh book comes out because Voldemort is so doing to die, but then if him or Harry don't die then J.K. Rowling will write more Harry Potter books.
Sat Oct 15 09:41:27 2005

Joe, London
This book was exciting. It was the exciting among all the HP books. I can't believe Dumbledore died. The book was tense.
Thu Oct 13 19:13:15 2005

I think it was great and I loved all the romance in the book. I think Ron and Hermione will get together in the last book and I hope Harry and Ginny will too. Sadly I think that it is almost certain that either Ron or Hermione will die.
Thu Oct 13 19:08:21 2005

Emily, West Midlands
I think the book was great and there is definitely something going on between two of the characters - you will have to read it to find out. I think JK Rowling has done a great job with the 6th book.
Thu Oct 13 18:58:38 2005

Kazza, Eccles, Norwich
I think the 6th one was brill also I can't wait until the 4th film comes out as it is slightly different then what is said in the book.
Thu Oct 13 12:11:57 2005

libs and hampshire
I think this book was amazing although they all are really amazing. If you have not read it yet it's great, but not the best one so far. I think the 4th is best. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the best by far!
Tue Oct 11 17:48:59 2005

Stephen Pohler, Elvanfoot
The 6th book was exciting but the plot is a little complicated and it is sad that Dumbledore dies. I enjoyed the book but I think the 7th will be amazing. I would recommend it to anyone. I think I know what will happen but I will not tell you - just know I will be very angry if Harry dies in the last book as JK Rowling said in an interview she wouldn't kill Harry. I think Ginny and Harry will marry and either Ron or Hermoine will die but I hope not.
Tue Oct 11 12:40:38 2005

Sun Oct 9 02:17:24 2005

the sixth book is very exciting especially he part about horcruxes. but i think dumbledore shouldn,t have died.
Sat Oct 8 15:04:26 2005

Natasha Hirt, Coleraine
I think the HP book is magical as Dumbledore gives Harry loads of private lessons about Voldemort. It's a shame Dumbledore dies.
Thu Dec 22 19:01:02 2005

Anita, Portugal
I just loved the book - it is one of my favourites. I think it was a little different from the others! And I never had no doubt that Snape wasn't good ;)
Thu Dec 22 10:14:53 2005

Lizzie from Balfron
I think the new book rocks. Shame Harry n Ginny snog though + its a shame Dumbledore dies. Romilda Vane is my fav character. She is so like me! Does anyone know it the HBP will be made into a film cause I would love to audition 4 Romilda Vane or that other girl
Tue Dec 20 15:21:45 2005

R.T, Dashmond
Who's the half blood prince. This is all what the book is about - thats' a weak plot to base a book on. It had an incomplete ending, it's like she leaves her characters in despair, making us anxious to read the last part of the puzzle. The book's plot and sub-plots were not as interesting as Azkaban or Philosophers. It was too short - it should have at least been 900 pages to keep us readers busy for the year till the last instalment is out. I still like it a lot bcause i know i am reading a piece of the puzzle. I am not looking at the grand masterpiece at its completion. This book is like a filler - but if u love your characters then it's a fun read to see what they r going through. I do not advise a new reader - muggle - to JK Rowling's world to start off with this book.
Mon Dec 19 07:29:26 2005

Hashim , birmingham
I like reading this book because it takes you right in to an adventure where you have a problem in it and you have to solve it out. J.K Rowling is a really good autor and Harry potter is the best book i have read so far. The saddest part is when professor Dumbledore dies. I want to know what happens next but the story of harry potter finishes from there.
Sat Dec 17 13:07:23 2005

Sun Dec 11 17:29:26 2005

Lyndsey Atkinson, Lyneham
I just love the book and if any Dumbledore fans are out there you will HATE Professor Snape -you'll have to read the book to find that out! I think my best book is the Goblet of fire! I am an amazing fan of Harry Potter, but not only that I am a very big fan of Daniel Radcliffe too!
Sun Dec 11 15:21:04 2005

Lozzie, manchester
I love Harry Potter books. My mates all like them to but not as much as me. I love the story the speech everything. They are the best books ever and i will read them forever. I can't wait for the last book coz i can't wait to find out what happens to everyone.
Fri Dec 9 22:30:51 2005

abbie, strabane, co tyrone
I am only halfway through the book but I love it and I can't wait for the movies of all the books come out. I am the biggest harry potter fan.
Fri Dec 9 17:18:06 2005

Lauren- Ny, USA
I love the whole series! I can't say enough about this book! Ginny and Harry were meant for each other - no doubt. So was ron and hermoine. They will definitely go out in the next book, please! Anyway I can't wait until the next book is out! At the end of the book I wished there were a lot more pages! All in all it was the best.
Thu Dec 8 03:24:33 2005

Ruth, London
The new book isn't as good as the 4th and i cried when dumbledore died. My sister luvs snape so i rubbed it in her face when he was evil, but overall it wasn't that bad. keep writin jk rowling!
Tue Dec 6 17:02:23 2005

Andrew, Glasgow, Scoland
brilliant, by far the best in the series. i enjoyed how dark it was and how harry was more mature. i think harry should not have missed the the quidditch final as he was the captain, i hate snape. but i found it strange how mad eye moody was knocked out at the fight at the school, hes an ex auror. plus why is it slughorn wasnt made the dark arts teacher. i hope in the next, voldemort starts a war in london and harry has to make his way to central london while fighing death eaters, dementors and more magical creatures. anyway this is probably the bes book i ever read and i would recommend it to anyone. 10/10
Mon Dec 5 18:43:05 2005

Cheryl-lynn from West Watford
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is fun and exciting. My fav bit of the story is when Dumbledore shows Harry Slughorns full memory and when they apparate to the cave where Voldermont once went in his childhood. The worst thing that happened was Dumbledore died. I actualy cried when I read the bit about Phoex, the phoenix, was sing a terrible song. The real mystry is : WHO IS R.A.G?
Mon Dec 5 10:37:29 2005

Aislinn, Chelmsford
I didn't exacly belive Snape killed Dumbledore.I had to read that a few times. I realy adore the way there's an air of love hung around Ginny.I always hoped Harry would take some notice of her.
Sun Dec 4 20:05:44 2005

Zara ,Scotland
I think its amazing in the goblet of fire I LOVE CEDRIC DIGGORY and the WEASLEY TWINS Emma youre amazing Daniel cant wait to see you snog Ginny I think youre the BEST couple:)Anyone know where auditions are please tell me.Katie(Cho chang) I love your dress in the yule ball once again tell me where auditions are:)
Sat Dec 3 21:47:31 2005

david, netherlands
I really liked the book. I read it in english within 2 weeks. I think the best part was, when harry and dumbledore crossed the underground lake.
Sat Dec 3 15:20:10 2005

Elliott Chamberlin,Ashtead Surrey
That was the worst book I have ever read I bet it will be even worse when it comes out in the cinema.I also think J.K.Rowling is the worst auther in the world.
Sat Dec 3 11:06:51 2005

bekka from frindsbury
I loved it it was excellent. There is nothing bad to say about the book. It was long but i love the fact that they find out snapes true identity. I honestly can't beleive dumbledore thought he had changed. The bit i loved was when Fleur Delcour says she doesn't care what bill looks like it is what matters on the inside. I didn't like the end. I don't reckon Harry wl quit at finding the Horcruxes. READ THE BOOK ANYON WHO HASN'T. I cant wait for the 7th
Fri Dec 2 22:49:55 2005

Anna ,pennar,wales
i think this book is the best so far it is really interesting. my favourite part iswhere harry was going out wtih ginny. the part i thick is depressing is where snape kills dumbeldore.
Fri Dec 2 13:22:01 2005

Michael, Boston, USA
J.K. Rowling is a masterful story teller and surely her latest work doesn鈥檛 show any lack of talent when it comes to gluing readers to the pages. I read the entire Harry Potter collection together with my son, the last 3 books listening to the audio books. While the first books were a carefully balanced mixture of fantasy, humor and suspense, at least the last 2 books left the humor behind and introduced a new level of suffering for both Harry and the reader. While it is a common trick of authors throughout the centuries, to build up pressure in order to release it in the end for a great happy end, J.K Rowling seems to increasingly enjoy making Harry suffer without delivering a particularly happy end. Namely the Halfblood prince leaves the reader without any satisfaction.
Thu Dec 1 23:33:14 2005

that was an amazing book!!! i really loved reading it i never put it down till i finished reading it all!! well apart from going to sleep lol but thats about it!! i always hoped that ginny and harry would go out and they did :P but it made me cry to see they split up.. i hope they get back together again!!
Wed Nov 30 18:51:21 2005

Lauren Mauk, Jordan, USA
I think H.P and THBP was by far the most thrilling installment of the Harry Potter series. I love the way Rowling takes you into a different world so far from your own. It's amazing! I also love how there is romance twisted into it, and I can't wait for the 7th book to come out! I guess I'll just have to settle reading the series for the ? time!
Tue Nov 29 03:49:12 2005

David, California
The best part is when harry uses the spell Sectumsempra that he found in his potion book on malfoy in the bathroom and thought he murdered him.
Sun Nov 27 18:20:15 2005

daisy millbrook
I am 8 years old and reading HP 6. Anyway i love them. they are the best books ever! HP 6 is even better 'cause it is just a lot more exciting then the others!
Sat Nov 26 09:28:52 2005

i really enjoyed it because it reveals alot of mysteries but also brings more questions! i want to know if albus dumbledore really dies?
Fri Nov 25 22:44:43 2005

Umar Tanveer, West Yorkshire,
The book was very interesting. I haven't read the others but this one was really interesting and everyone should read it. The best part I found was the ginny and harry luv thing and of course the ron love potion incident. All must read it - it's a brilliant book and I really think harry potter shouldn't die in the last book because it wouldn't be fair on him.
Tue Nov 22 14:47:40 2005

Sun Nov 20 14:34:51 2005

Neya, Ontario,Canada
I really think that this was an "enchanting" book. The first day I started reading the book I read the first twelve chapters until my throat went dry. My stomach was doing flip-flops when Harry kissed Ginny. I've always thought of them as family. The part in the end that is really sad but I'm not spoiling it made me want to cry. But all in all it was a really good read and I really enjoyed it.
Fri Nov 18 23:58:38 2005

cj, Norfolk
My super-fave character is Ginny & B4 it came out I SOOOOOOOOO wanted HP 2 go with GW awwwww. I laughed for EVER (well nearly) when they um sort of well you know the bit I mean. Dumbledore's a bit stupid hiring Snape if he knew about Lily, James and Mouldy Wart (aka You-Know-Who, I don't wanna scare anyone). I've read the book um 5/6 times by Sept (its Nov now) and I'm reading it again. Thanks for reading you cooooooooool HP lovers!
Fri Nov 18 19:20:42 2005

Rebecca / australia
its great and i love reading harry potter, wat will i do wen there finnished??
Fri Nov 18 06:57:50 2005

Rebekah Rolla,Missouri
I think Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is the best book out of all the Harry Potter books. You can tell i am a fan because I started in June and finished last month. I thought Harry made a good choice to go out with Ginny. The best part about this book is when harry goes out with Harry. I can not wait untill the seventh Harry Potter book comes out!
Thu Nov 17 01:20:19 2005

Manaswini, India
Man its totally hot!Its the second best one, according to me, after da 4th part.Only thing that really sucks is.....u know it! Dumbledore's death.I just hate Snape like anything and to know the cool half-blood price was him made me crazy! I'm wating like anything for da 7th book. But surely, it wouldn't be very impresive to read about another death.[except Voldemort's of course!]
Wed Nov 16 13:14:38 2005

Chloe, Amragh N.Ireland
I was totally stuck reading the book! I had a feeling that Harry liked Ginny, the way he kept asking Ginny to come with them on the train, to Hogesmead, and then when it was official that he liked her (and by the way i LOVED the description of a 'monster' roaring in is stomach to symbolise his feelings) I was really excited. But really, i totally was struck dumb when Dumbledore fell back like a rag doll. On the last page, I knew that Snape was going to kill him. But I thought, no, way, it cant be. Then, when Snape raised his wand, i was certain. He was so selfish that he would rather save his life than save the most outstanding and brilliant wizard of modern days, Order of Merlin, First Class.(If i am assuming that Fudge gave this back to Dumbledore when he found out about Voldermort being back.) Also i noticed the second time round that Voldemort had put a curse on the teachers who taught defence against the dark arts and thats why they only stayed one year each. But, if Dumbledore knew this, WHY ON EARTH DID HE LET SNAPE HAVE THE JOB?? he must have known that snape would leave.
Sat Nov 12 00:06:23 2005

IT IS BRILIANT!!!the best book yet i just cant wait until they make the film!!I think people aged 12-100 can read this book do you agree? love sophie walesxxx 12 yrs
Fri Nov 11 21:32:40 2005

wayne ramwell
it is absolutely amazing and it is very imaginative.
Wed Nov 9 13:13:11 2005

abdirahman london
i think the book is the best but not when the albus dumbuldor dies
Sat Nov 5 18:31:11 2005

abdi london
i think is one of the best book yet because now harry know s what sort of dengour he is in without albus dumbledor when he dies
Sat Nov 5 17:37:23 2005

Dominic Yurk, U.S.A.
I love JK Rowling's writing. It is full of suspence and outrageously descriptive. It smoothly transforms a hopeless 11-year-old boy into a magical Hogwarts student. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the seventh book. I can't wait for Voldemort to die. I also don't think Dumbledore is dead. He wouldn't be foolish enough to fall for Snape's little tricks. He's just too smart for that.
Thu Nov 3 00:05:12 2005

John McDonal, England
It is so scary when those dead zombies attack Harry Dumbledore and it was sad when dumbledore gets killed by a most trusted Hogwart teacher. I can't wait until the next book - so get writing JK Rowling!
Tue Nov 1 12:52:20 2005

I think the book was good enough than the previous harry potters book ever.
Mon Oct 31 05:52:20 2005

brijesh, India
The book is good, but left me longing for the next edition. I was just in love with Half Blood Prince. I would love to see that Snape can be trusted and there must be a hard reason for him to kill Dumbledore (maybe save Harry from the direct destruction that day?). I'm confused in this case, as I have trusted him - like Dumbledore til his death. Voldemort is a cool wizard. His brilliance is adorable and makes him in some way respectable for the magic world, but he's done crimes, for which he must die. Harry must kill him, but Harry must be possessing equal qualities like him, then the hunt would be real fun.
Fri Oct 28 16:46:42 2005

Sara K. Maine USA
I think that this book was good, but worst than any of her other books. One thing that I didn't like was that Harry was right all along! I mean, in all of the other books, Harry was never right!! I didn't see why this one should be different. Sara
Thu Oct 27 23:16:26 2005

Xiphias,The under Dark
Wow... i give it two thumbs up ^.^... and one big toe O.o... why cant i have three hands?! T.T
Thu Oct 27 23:00:17 2005

Lucy Attleborough
I thought that the book was brilliant, full of excitement and description.
Wed Oct 26 20:01:41 2005

I do't get why Harry didn't visit Dumbledore picture in what used to be Dumbledore's office.All in all the book was great and mutch darker than the other 5 books. I asume J.k.R. will keep the series going past seven and u instantly know when Hary says hes not going back to Hogwarts for is 7th year and embarking on a jurny to kill Voldermort. i bet it will be more like a ten book series, so keep them comeing J.K.!
Wed Oct 26 02:04:13 2005

amena [canada]
Harry potter is very extraordinary.I got really engrossed in the book.I cant wait for all the movies!!
Sun Oct 23 19:13:57 2005

daniella / chesterfield
i think j.k has saved the best till last and Dan is such a good actor
Sun Oct 23 17:25:18 2005

Juan Andres Friss, Uruguay
The six book of Harry Potter is excellent. It is fool of magic, and you discover a lot of secrets, as the past of Tom Riddle, etc.
Sun Oct 23 02:24:49 2005

I think it was really good! And it was scary when dumboldore but I give it 4/5
Sat Oct 22 11:54:05 2005

Raza from Brierfield
This book is so brilliant it'll kill you
Sat Oct 22 08:58:42 2005

Kerri Wilson Great Yarmouth
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is a fascinating book and I really enjoyed reading it. Although I am a teenager I still cried while reading it as I thought it was a bit upsetting. But I really, really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who loves fiction books.
Fri Oct 21 14:05:55 2005

Jacqueline Musinga from Leeds
I love the 6th book, it's the best! My favourite part is when Harry kisses Ginny.If you haven't read it, get it now!
Fri Oct 21 12:11:25 2005

Ben Bland, Mallon
I love it, im 18 and i still enjoy, i give a massive three thumbs up!
Mon Oct 17 19:59:23 2005

It's better than the 5th and all the other books although it is a shame that dumboldore dies.
Sun Oct 16 13:24:34 2005

Jessica Palmer, Nottingham
I think this book was the best by far. I can't wait until the seventh book comes out because Voldemort is so doing to die, but then if him or Harry don't die then J.K. Rowling will write more Harry Potter books.
Sat Oct 15 09:41:27 2005

Joe, London
This book was exciting. It was the exciting among all the HP books. I can't believe Dumbledore died. The book was tense.
Thu Oct 13 19:13:15 2005

I think it was great and I loved all the romance in the book. I think Ron and Hermione will get together in the last book and I hope Harry and Ginny will too. Sadly I think that it is almost certain that either Ron or Hermione will die.
Thu Oct 13 19:08:21 2005

Emily, West Midlands
I think the book was great and there is definitely something going on between two of the characters - you will have to read it to find out. I think JK Rowling has done a great job with the 6th book.
Thu Oct 13 18:58:38 2005

Kazza, Eccles, Norwich
I think the 6th one was brill also I can't wait until the 4th film comes out as it is slightly different then what is said in the book.
Thu Oct 13 12:11:57 2005

libs and hampshire
I think this book was amazing although they all are really amazing. If you have not read it yet it's great, but not the best one so far. I think the 4th is best. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the best by far!
Tue Oct 11 17:48:59 2005

Stephen Pohler, Elvanfoot
The 6th book was exciting but the plot is a little complicated and it is sad that Dumbledore dies. I enjoyed the book but I think the 7th will be amazing. I would recommend it to anyone. I think I know what will happen but I will not tell you - just know I will be very angry if Harry dies in the last book as JK Rowling said in an interview she wouldn't kill Harry. I think Ginny and Harry will marry and either Ron or Hermoine will die but I hope not.
Tue Oct 11 12:40:38 2005

Sun Oct 9 02:17:24 2005

ashwininaik, , hyd
the sixth book is very exciting especially he part about horcruxes. but i think dumbledore shouldn,t have died.
Sat Oct 8 15:04:26 2005

Heyy! well i think that the new Harry Potter book is wicked! i just finished it now and started crying on the bit where dumbledore dies! i really cannot believe it! i think that its a great book, and everyone should read it! i couldn't stop readin it once i'd really got into it, I think Harry is a great person, and it really deserves to win against Voldemort! by the way, Harry should have stayed with Ginny! thanks alot X Oh and i hope these books never stop, their great!! X
Sat Oct 8 13:02:24 2005

Devin Swartzel
If i had one wish in the world, it would be to have the life of Harry Potter. He is the most interesting person in the world.
Fri Oct 7 18:36:48 2005

james weston coyney
I think the book is really good becuase you don't no what's going to happen next the best bit in the book was when snape killed dumbledore becuase you think snape is in the order and he would'nt do it .I think the seventh book should be about harry out sie hogwarts and destroying the horcruxes and the final fight with voldemort should be really long so its more enjoyable.
Thu Oct 6 17:17:15 2005

Chloe, Ireland, Belfast
I think HBP is the best book i've read in a long time may be even ever! It is so entertaining and when u start reading your eyes are litterly glued to the thing. As much as i love the book i can't help but feel a little jelous that Harry kissed cho and ginny. I think he's so cute. Keep going J.K and never stop writing about Harry Potter because everyone will miss him.xxx
Mon Oct 3 20:55:19 2005

Sam Greenwood
I think Harry Potter 6 is a great book and think its weird Snape is the halfblood prince and kills dumbledore and i cant wait 2 see the movie Harry P 4 Goblet of fire.
Mon Oct 3 19:35:32 2005

Ashley, Manchester
I think the book is great. I've read it 10 times and I hope JK Rowling writes more books about harry.
Sat Oct 1 11:38:00 2005

Marie, Philippines
I think it's another magical series of Harry Potter's life. People will be interested with its story and also be excited.
Sat Oct 1 09:17:26 2005

Ashleigh Cadishead, Manchester
It is so good. I have read it 9 times and want more books and I hope that JK writes plenty more books about harry and the rest.
Thu Sep 29 18:22:20 2005

Jackie, Elland
I think the HBP is the best book so far! I know some think it's a little too mushy but as you grow older life gets mushier! I have run the entire range of emotion and wished I had been there to finish Snape off myself. I miss Dumbledore already, book 7 wont be the same without him, sniff.
Mon Sep 26 20:17:59 2005

Farnaz, Iran
This book is amazing and interesting all the time and I am sure that JK has ideas how to continue this story.
Sat Sep 24 20:19:28 2005

roxy lee, trawden, lancashire
wen i got the book (half blood prince) i had been w8in 2 get it 4 bout 3 days cos mi dad woz ill an cudnt take mi 2 get the book, wen i finally did get it i wos over the moon as ppl say, i got the book on the sunday and i had finished it bi monday mornin! i thought the book wos GR8! i think J.K.Rowling is a FANTASTIC author, she iz able 2 get the book PERFECT, i dont think ani books that i hav red hav been perfect, i feel like i realli kno harry potter, like i am one ov his best m8s, i dont kno y, i crnt xplain it, i feel like i am stood right nxt to hermiony ron and harry all da time, it feelz so.....i dont kno, it feelz like, home?!
Fri Sep 23 09:41:09 2005

Laura Charlton Mackrell
I think the book was absolutely great! But I think that Ginny and Harry should get back together.
Wed Sep 21 19:11:36 2005

Rivka Cassouto Israel
I think it's great but too sad. Love u JK but please continue to write 8, 9 & 10! I can't stop reading.
Wed Sep 21 16:05:26 2005

carolina, colombia
ohhh my god I just love that book i have readed like 10 times and what about daniel isn't he so cute...
Mon Sep 19 22:45:23 2005

Derick, Brazil
I bought this on the international release day and I just finished it during the first 4 days!!I love this book, is so far my favourite coz is such a dramatic, complex and excitting story and a frightening thriller!! It is more an explaing book but still have a dramatic story and lots of breathtaking actions and facts, but i don't actullay think it's a enjoyable book for 10-year-olds coz it tells the story of a teenager, and the story is so complex and adult that it might be a little bother for children.J.K. is getting better and better!
Mon Sep 19 18:58:51 2005

Kaushik, Toronto, Canada
This book is soooo cool. It's the best HP book I read.
Sat Sep 17 13:29:22 2005

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