Meet the Choirs

Choirs and singing groups from across the nation come together to Sing for the King.
Actually Gay Men’s Chorus
Actually Gay Men’s Chorus is from Brighton.
Basingstoke Filipino Choir
Most of the choir’s members work in healthcare.
Binneas Choir
A Gaelic and folk choir from the western Isles of Scotland.
Caerphilly Male Voice Choir
Founded in 1906, this choir is based in Caerphilly, Wales.
Farmers’ Choir
Based in Ballymena, Northern Ireland.
Ferguslie Park Community Choir
Based in Paisley, Scotland.
Hull NHS Choir
Performed at the NHS’s 70th anniversary celebrations.
Just Sing
A female only choir based in Portadown, Northern Ireland.
London Cabbie Choir
A choir formed especially for the Coronation.
London Fire Brigade Choir
This choir is formed of serving and retired fire fighters.
Oasis One World Choir
This choir is from Cardiff, Wales and formed in 2015.
Only Boys Aloud Academi
This choir keeps the tradition of Wales Male Voice Choirs alive.
Pink Singers
This LGBTQ+ community choir is from London.
Reggae Roots
Reggae Roots was established in 2022 and is based in Leeds.
RNLI – The 85ers
Made up of six volunteers from Portishead, Somerset.
Choir who are based in Bradford.
The Reggae Choir
A community choir from Birmingham.
Choir based throughout the nation.