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All the artwork featured in the series

All the artwork featured in Big Sky, Big Dreams, Big Art: Made in the USA listed by artist.

Jean-Michel Basquiat

A Next Loin And/Or, 1982
The Menil Collection, Texas
© The Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat / ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2018

Rudolf Bauer

Invention (Composition 31), 1933
Guggenheim Museum, New York

Andante, 1928
Guggenheim Museum, New York

Green Form, 1936
Guggenheim Museum, New York

George Bellows

Both Members of this Club, 1909
National Gallery of Art, Washington

Club Night, 1907
National Gallery of Art, Washington

Stag at Sharkey's, 1909.
The Cleveland Museum of Art, Hinman B. Hurlbut Collection 1133.1922

The Saviour of his Race
Published in The Masses in 1915

Cliff Dwellers, 1913
Los Angeles County Fund

Jerry Bywaters

Soil Conservation in Colin County, 1941
Farmersville Post Office, Texas

Sharecroppers, 1937
Dallas Museum of Art
© Estate of Jerry Bywaters, Dallas, Texas

Vasily Kandinsky

Landscape With Red Spots No. 2, 1913
Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice

Willem de Kooning

Woman, 1950-52
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© The Willem de Kooning Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York and DACS, London 2018

Woman II, 1952
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© The Willem de Kooning Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York and DACS, London 2018

Woman as Landscape, 1955
Private Collection
© The Willem de Kooning Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York and DACS, London 2018

Thomas Hart Benton

The Sources of Country Music, 1975
Courtesy of the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum

Missouri Capitol Murals, 1936
Missouri State Capitol
© Benton Testamentary Trusts/UMB Bank Trustee/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2018

Achelous and Hercules, 1947
Smithsonian American Art Museum
© Benton Testamentary Trusts/UMB Bank Trustee/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2018

America Today, 1930-31
Metropolitan Museum of Art
© Benton Testamentary Trusts/UMB Bank Trustee/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2018

The Arts of Life in America, 1932
New Britain Museum of American Art
© Benton Testamentary Trusts/UMB Bank Trustee/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2018

Self Portrait with Rita, 1924
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
© Benton Testamentary Trusts/UMB Bank Trustee/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2018

The Race, 1942
The British Museum
© Benton Testamentary Trusts/UMB Bank Trustee/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2018

Margaret Bourke White

Chrysler Building Gargoyles, 1930
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Photo © Estate of Margaret Bourke-White/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY

Orr. C. Fisher

The Corn Parade / Corn is King, 1941
Mount Ayr Post Office

Arshile Gorky

Water of the Flowery Mill, 1944
Metropolitan Museum of Art
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

The Artist and his Mother, 1936
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Pears, Peaches and Pitcher, 1926-1927
Private Collection
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Bound in Sleep, 1925
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington DC
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Mechanics, c. 1936
Newark Museum
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Aerial Map, 1936-1937
Newark Museum
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

The Liver is the Cock’s Comb, 1944
Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

The Orators, 1947
Private Collection
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Diary of a Seducer, 1945
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Garden in Sochi, c. 1943
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Self Portrait, 1937
Private Collection
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Adolph Gottlieb

© Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2018

“E”, 1949
Henry C. Gibson Fund
Pennsylvania Academy of Art
© Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2018

John Graham

Vox Humana, 1931
Yale University Art Gallery

O. Louis Guglielmi

Mental Geography, 1938
Private Collection

Philip Guston

The Studio, 1969
Private Collection
© The Estate of Philip Guston, courtesy Hauser & Wirth

The Inquisition, 1935
Morelia, Mexico

East Coker-Tse, 1979.
Oil on canvas. 42 x 48" (106.7 x 122 cm).
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Gift of Musa Guston
© 2018 The Estate of Philip Guston

San Clemente, 1975
Courtesy of: Glenstone Museum, Potomac, MD

Philip Guston, For M., 1955
oil on canvas; 76 3/8 x 72 1/4 in. (193.99 x 183.52 cm)
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Anonymous gift, Los Angeles
© The Estate of Philip Guston

Oil on Canvas - Untitled 1955-56
Private Collection, Seattle

The Line
Private Collection
© The Estate of Philip Guston, courtesy Hauser & Wirth

Pittore, 1979
Private Collection
© The Estate of Philip Guston, courtesy Hauser & Wirth

Untitled (self portrait), 1937
© The Estate of Philip Guston, courtesy Hauser & Wirth

Tour, 1969.
Oil on canvas; unframed: 106.7 x 121.9 cm.
The Cleveland Museum of Art, Seventy-fifth anniversary gift of Agnes Gund 1991.28
© The Estate of Philip Guston

Michael Heizer

Double Negative, 1969
Moapa Valley
Michael Heizer / Triple Aught Foundation

Alexandre Hogue

Drought Survivors, 1936
Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France

Drouth Stricken Area, 1934
Dallas Museum of Art

Howdy Neighbor, 1936
University of Tulsa, Oklahoma

Crucified Land, 1939
Gift of the Thomas Gilcrease Foundation, 1955 Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Erosion No. 2 - Mother Earth Laid Bare, 1936
Oil on canvas, 46 x 61 ½ x ½ inches
Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Museum purchase, 1946.4

Nancy Holt

Sun Tunnels, 1973-1976
Great Basin Desert, Utah

Edward Hopper

Nighthawks, 1942
Art Institute of Chicago

New York Interior, c.1921
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Automat, 1927
Des Moines Art Center

Woman in the Sun, 1961
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Office at Night, 1940
Walker Art Center, Minnesota

Eleven AM, 1926
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

Western Motel, 1957
Yale University Art Gallery

Sunlight in Cafeteria, 1958
Yale University Art Gallery

Self Portrait, 1925-30
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Gas, 1940
Museum of Modern Art, New York

Night Windows, 1928
Museum of Modern Art, New York

Joe Jones

American Justice, 1933
Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio

Vasily Kandinsky

Composition 8, 1923
Guggenheim Museum, New York

O. Winston Link

Ghost Town, Stanley, Virginia, 1957
O. Winston Link Museum, History Museum of West Virginia

Main Line on Main Street, North Fork, West Virginia, 1958
O. Winston Link Museum, History Museum of West Virginia

Hawksbill Creek swimming hole, 1956
O. Winston Link Museum, History Museum of West Virginia

NW821 Luray Crossing, Luray, VA, 1956
O. Winston Link Museum, History Museum of West Virginia

Winston Link and George Thom with night flash equipment, 1956
O. Winston Link Museum, History Museum of West Virginia

Birmingham Special, Rural Retreat, Virginia, 1957
O. Winston Link Museum, History Museum of West Virginia

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pope watch the last steam powered passenger train. Max Meadows, Virginia, 1958
O. Winston Link Museum, History Museum of West Virginia

Hot Shot Eastbound at the Drive-In, Iaeger, West Virginia, 1956
O. Winston Link Museum, History Museum of West Virginia

Jenne Magafan

Western Town
Post Office™ Mural reprinted with the permission of the United States Postal Service.

Reginald Marsh

High Yaller
Life Magazine, 1937
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Self Portrait, 1933
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Pretty, isn’t it?, 1925
Published in the New Yorker, Sept. 19, 1925, p. 170
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Twenty Cent Movie, 1936
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

This is her first lynching
Published in the New Yorker, 1934
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Lucky Daredevils, 1931
Pennsylvania Academy of Art
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Coney Island Beach, 1934
Yale University Art Gallery
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

In Fourteenth Street, 1934
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Piet Mondrian

Broadway Boogie Woogie, 1942-1943
Museum of Modern Art, New York

Victory Boogie Woogie, 1944
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag

Thomas Moran

Chasm of the Colorado, 1873-1874
Smithsonian American Art Museum

Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, 1892 and 1908
Philadelphia Museum of Art

Cliffs of Green River, 1874
Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Texas

Green River Cliffs, 1881
National Gallery of Art, Washington

The Mountain of the Holy Cross, 1890
National Gallery of Art, Washington

Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, 1872
Smithsonian American Art Museum

Jackson Pollock

Blue Poles, 1952
National Gallery of Australia
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Cigar box (Untitled - Western Scene), 1930-33
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Self Portrait, 1931-35
Private Collection
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Woman, 1930-33
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

The She-Wolf, 1943
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Mural, 1943
University of Iowa Museum of Art
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Portrait and a Dream, 1953
Dallas Museum of Art
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

The White Light, 1954
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Summertime: 9A, 1948
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Lavender Mist, 1950
National Gallery of Art
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Convergence, 1952
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Autumn Rhythm (Number 30), 1950
Metropolitan Museum of Art
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

No. 7, 1950
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

No. 28, 1950
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Number 31, 1950
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Male and Female, 1942
Philadelphia Museum of Art
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Hilla Rebay
Portrait of Solomon Guggenheim, 1928
Guggenheim Museum, New York
© The Hilla von Rebay Foundation / Guggenheim

Rondo, c. 1943
The Museum of Non-Objective Painting, Leila Heller Gallery
© The Hilla von Rebay Foundation / Guggenheim

Delicate, 1950
The Museum of Non-Objective Painting, Leila Heller Gallery
© The Hilla von Rebay Foundation / Guggenheim

Ad Reinhardt

Abstract Painting, 1963
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

How to look cartoon
From How to look, 1946
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

How to look cartoon (“what does this represent?”)
From How to look, 1946
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018

Frederic Remington

Coming Through the Rye, 1902
Metropolitan Museum of Art

A Cavalryman's Breakfast on the Plains, ca. 1892
Amon Carter Museum, Texas

A Post Office In Cow Country, ca. 1901
Buffalo Bill Center of the West

The Buffalo Hunt, 1890
Buffalo Bill Center of the West

The Bronco Buster, 1895
Metropolitan Museum of Art

Diego Rivera

Agarian Leader Zapata, 1931
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© Banco de México Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico, D.F. / DACS 2018

Mural in courtyard of Ministry of Education, 1923-28
Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City
© Banco de México Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico, D.F. / DACS 2018

Detroit Industry Murals, 1933
Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit, MI
© Banco de México Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico, D.F. / DACS 2018

Portrait of Edsel 1932
Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit, MI
© Banco de México Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico, D.F. / DACS 2018

Mark Rothko

Orange and Yellow, 1956
Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Red Band, 1955
National Gallery of Art, Washington
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Untitled, 1949
National Gallery of Art, Washington
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Orange and tan, 1954
National Gallery of Art, Washington
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

No. 10, 1950
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Rothko Chapel, 1971
Houston, Texas
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Self Portrait, 1936
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Sacrificial Moment, 1945
National Gallery of Art, Washington
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Gethsemane, 1944

© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Untitled, 1956 (red, green)
National Gallery of Art, Washington
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Untitled, 1956 (different painting, has white at the bottom)
National Gallery of Art, Washington
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Untitled (Violet, Black, Orange, Yellow on White and Red), 1949
Guggenheim Museum, New York
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

No. 15, 1957
Private Collection, New York
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

No. 4, 1953
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Gift of The Mark Rothko Foundation, Inc.
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

No.1 White and Red, 1962
Collection of Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Untitled, 1954
Yale University Art Gallery
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

No. 3, 1967
Yale University Art Gallery
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

No. 64, 1960
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Untitled (Red, Black, White on Yellow), 1955
National Gallery of Art, Washington
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Untitled (Blue Green, Blue on Blue Ground), ca. 1968
Newark Museum
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Untitled (Black on Gray), 1970
Guggenheim Museum, New York
© 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Charles Sheeler

Home, Sweet Home, 1931
Detroit Institute of Arts

View of New York, 1931
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Classic Landscape, 1931
National Gallery of Art, Washington

River Rouge Plant, 1932
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

American Landscape, 1930
Museum of Modern Art, New York

Fugue, 1940
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

David Smith

Blackburn, song of an Irish Blacksmith, 1949-50
Lehmbruck Museum, Duisberg

Hudson River Landscape, 1951
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Untitled (Horse)
Estate of David Smith, Bolton Landing

Star Cage, 1950
Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota

Tanktotem III, 1953
Private Collection

Untitled (Candida), 1965
Estate of David Smith, Bolton Landing

The Letter, 1950
Museum of Art, Utica

Volton XVIII, 1963
The Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza Art Collection

Robert Smithson

Spiral Jetty, 1970
Great Salt Lake, UT, USA

Joseph Stella

The Brooklyn Bridge, 1939
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

The Voice of the City of New York, Interpreted 1920-22
Newark Museum

Brooklyn Bridge, 1929
Yale University Art Gallery

Clyfford Still

PH- 150, 1958
Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, CO
© City & County of Denver, Courtesy Clyfford Still Museum / DACS 2018

PH- 4, 1952
Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, CO
© City & County of Denver, Courtesy Clyfford Still Museum / DACS 2018

PH- 1123, 1954
Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, CO
© City & County of Denver, Courtesy Clyfford Still Museum / DACS 2018

PH- 847, 1953
Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, CO
© City & County of Denver, Courtesy Clyfford Still Museum / DACS 2018

PH- 247, 1951
Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, CO
© City & County of Denver, Courtesy Clyfford Still Museum / DACS 2018

PH- 385, 1949
Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, CO
© City & County of Denver, Courtesy Clyfford Still Museum / DACS 2018

James Turrell

Roden Crater
‎Coconino County‎, ‎Arizona

Thomas Wilfred

Lumia Suite, Op. 158, 1963
Museum of Modern Art, New York

Study in Depth, Opus 152
Projector, rotating reflector, translucent screen
reflector: 152.4 x 78.7 x 83.8 cm;
projector: 48.3 x 48.3 x 53.3 cm;
screen: 182.9 x 274.3 cm
Gift of Bristol-Myers Squibb by transfer from the National Museum of American History, Behring Center, 2004
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C.

Unit #50, Elliptical Prelude and Chalice, from the First Table Model Clavilux (Luminar) Series, 1928.
Yale University Art Gallery, Gift of Thomas C. Wilfred

Unit #86, from the Clavilux Junior (first Home Clavilux Model) series
The Cleveland Museum of Art

Grant Wood

American Gothic, 1930
The Art Institute of Chicago, friends of American Art Collection, 1930.934

Death on the Ridge Road, 1935
Williamstown, Williams College, Museum of Art

Self Portrait, 1932
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art

Woman with plants, 1929
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art

Sultry Night, 1939
British Museum

Shriner's Quartet, 1933
Private Collection

Frank Lloyd Wright

Pink Design for the Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1943-59
Museum of Modern Art, New York
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2018