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The Gnomes of Sherbet Springs

By Isla N

The Gnomes of Sherbet Springs by Isla N

Read by Voice Actor Ell Potter.

It was a warm summers morning in Sherbet Springs and Monty McJingles, deputy head gnome, was peacefully enjoying his breakfast-pancakes- on his butterscotch balcony. They were perfect- round and golden, soft and fluffy with crispy edges. They were slathered in syrup, an array of fruits and a dollop of whipped cream. Perfect! After quickly devouring them, Monty headed off to fudge forest for an important meeting with his boss, Tipsy Fiddlesticks. He strolled cheerfully down ladyfinger lane, past the hobnob houses, along rolo river and into fudge forest. Lay in the centre of the gingerbread grass, was a pastry picnic blanket covered in a variety of sweet treats, freshly picked from the forest. There, at the side, stood Tipsy, who joyfully greeted Monty, and they began their meeting, while munching on the feast.

Nearby, sat honeycomb hills. It was a popular destination for gnomes to take in the views of Sherbet Springs: the meringue mills, waffle-cone waterfalls, jellybean jungles and much more. Climbing the hills were best friends, Nibbles Milkybonk and Dimples Tumbleberry. They skipped happily up the hills, occasionally nibbling on the rockface and liquorice pencil railings because, after all, it was edible! Until...CRACK! The hill shuddered, disturbing the delicate honeycomb causing it to snap! It cascaded down, Nibbles and Dimples onboard, into fudge forest! Suddenly, a large shadow towered over Monty and Tipsy. They glanced upwards to see a huge piece of honeycomb plummeting towards them! With no time to think they dived off the pastry blanket and into the brownie bushes. BANG! The honeycomb hit the ground, two gnomes beside it. Monty and Tipsy ran over to Nibbles and Dimples to make sure they weren't injured. Luckily, no gnome was damaged but, the honeycomb hills was and needed repairing quickly! But how could something so big be fixed in such little time?

After numerous minutes of hard thinking, they came up with a plan. All gnomes would report to cheesecake centre and they would make a sturdy piece of honeycomb to replace the old one.

Nibbles, Dimples, Monty and Tipsy gathered the gnomes and ordered them to bring all the ingredient needed to make the honeycomb: sugar, syrup and baking soda. Into a saucepan went in the ingredients, it was placed onto a hob and it began to bubble. Once it had risen, the gnomes poured it into a tin and it was left to cool. Several moments later, the honeycomb had set and was ready to be carried to the hills. But, just one was too big for the gnomes to carry! Fortunately, instantaneously, Monty appeared in a tiramisu truck and the honeycomb was loaded on. They navigated over pavlova pebbles, around shortbread shops and through gelato gardens. Finally, they had reached the hills and each gnome help heave the honeycomb off the truck, position it, secure it with buttercream and gently add liquorice pencil railing.

And, from that day on, Mont Mcjingles, Tipsy Fiddlesticks, Nibbles Milkybonk and Dimples Tumbleberry became inseparable friends!

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