The Teachers
Heather Ritchie

Rugmaking Teacher
Heather Ritchie is one of Britain's most experienced rugmakers. She teaches internationally and is the president of the International Rugmakers Guild. In 2007, Heather founded Rug Aid, a charity in the Gambia aimed at helping blind adults create their own hooky rugs.
Kelvyn Smith

Letterpress teacher
Kelvyn Smith is a polymath — a craftsman, designer, typographer, printmaker, wordsmith, teacher and maker. He set up his own letterpress studio in 1996, where he creates typographic prints using wood & metal type and teaches regular workshops.
Jamie Chalmers

Cross stitch teacher
A stitcher for over ten years, Jamie Chalmers is a self-dubbed ‘manbroiderer’, an internationally exhibited artist, writer and teacher of cross stitch. Jamie is passionate about showcasing new talent in the world of textiles, and has curated a number of stitch-based exhibitions in the UK and Ireland, as well as running a successful craft blog.
Lisa Cain

Jewellery Teacher
After years of practicing traditional silver work, Lisa Cain established her own jewellery school offering workshops in a variety of techniques, including contemporary silver clay work. Most of Lisa’s own jewellery work is inspired by imaginary folklore, myths and legends. She is passionate about fostering and encouraging creativity in others through her jewellery courses.
Tamara Froud

Mosaic Teacher
Tamara Froud stumbled across Mosaics in 1999 and has been working with them ever since. In 2003, Tamara set up a business focussing on school and community projects, drawing people together to collaborate on artwork for their spaces. She has worked with thousands of school children and adults of all ages and abilities. Her current focus is creating art for public spaces, often functional and with a community focus.
Jen Hoang and Jenny Lam

Knitting teachers
After meeting at university, best friends Jen and Jenny founded a knitted business in 2012 aimed at ‘revamping knitting as a simple, modern and aspirational skill’. They’re passionate about promoting the benefits of craft and empowering others to unleash their creativity through knitting.
MORE! Craft Britain
Six-step downloadable guides to get started.
Make something amazing from a single sheet of paper.
Heather Ritchie

"I painted a picture with rugs!"
Heather Ritchie explains how she fell in love with rug-making.
Jamie Chalmers

The Royal School of Needlework
Jamie Chalmers introduces the Royal School of Needlework, housed in Hampton Court Palace.