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M鈥檋encha 脿 Morocco

Taois àmoin
125g siùcar castoir
200g àmoin gun an rùsg
Rùsg mìn oraindsear
Rùsg mìn liomaid
25g ìm bhog gun salann
50g cnothan pistachio
½ spàin mhòr sùgh blàth oraindsear

8 duilleagan taois filo
50g ìm gun salann (leaghte)
300ml mil bhlàth
Cnothan pistachio geàrrte
Flùr-bhileagan ròis

Bleith ri chèile an t-siùcar agus na h-àmoin. Bheir seo beagan ùine – mu 5 mionaidean. Bith agad ris an inneal a stad agus spàin a chur an sàs bho àm gu àm feuch nach staoig a h-uile sìon ri oir an inneil agus feuch a bheil a h-uile sìon air a bhleith. Aig deireadh gnothaich tha thu ag iarraidh gun dèan e taois bhog a thig ri chèile na bhall na do làimh.

Ris a seo cuir an rùsg bhon oraindsear agus an liomaid, an caineal, craiteachan salainn, an t-ìm agus na cnothan pistachio. Bleith a-rithist.

Cuir ris an sùgh blàth oraindsear agus bleith mionaid bheag eile. Cuir seo dhan fhuaradar fhad ‘s a dh’ullaicheas tu an còrr.

Sìn ochd duilleagan de thaois filo air uachdar a chèile, gach duilleag a’ laighe thairis air an fhear eile ma letheach slighe. Suathaich gu leòr ìm air a leaghadh air gach duilleig.

Cuir an na h-àmoin air uachdar na taoise an cumadh isbean a tha meud an oir as fhaide dhen taois filo. An uairsin roilig am filo mun cuairt an àmoin na isbean fada an toiseach agus na chuibhil teann às dèidh sin. Dèan seo cho faiceallach ‘s a ghabhas eagal ‘s gu sgar e bho chèile. Paisg deireadh na taoise bhon chuibhil.

Cuir an cearcall taoise air treidhe bèiceireachd agus suathaich le ìm leaghte.

Bruich ann an àmhainn-gaoithe aig 170C fad 15 mionaidean.

Teasaich na meala. Fhad ’s a tha an taois fhathast blàth dòirt am mil air uachdar. Sgeadaich le crathadh cnothan pistachio geàrrte agus beagan flùr-bhileagan ròis.

Math math, m’hencha.

Moroccan M’hencha

Almond paste
125 gr caster sugar
200 gr blanched almonds
Zest of 1 orange
Zest of 1 lemon
Pinch cinnamon
Pinch salt
25 gr unsalted butter, softened
50g pistachios
1/2 tablespoon orange blossom water

8 sheets filo pastry
50 gr unsalted butter, melted
300 ml warmed honey
Chopped pistachios
Rose petals

Blitz together the sugar and the almonds for about 5 minutes. Stop from time to time to scrape down the sides of the processor to make sure everything is being chopped finely. Blitz to a moist paste that forms a ball in your hands.

Add the zest of the orange and the lemon along with the cinnamon, a pinch of salt, the butter and the pistachio nuts. Blitz again.

Add the orange blossom water and blitz again for a moment before placing in the fridge whilst you carry on with the pastry.

Place the pastry sheets on top of each other overlapping half way along each sheet. As you go brush each sheet completely with melted butter.

Take the almonds out of the fridge and arrange along the longest edge of the pastry in a sausage shape. Roll the filo pastry around the almond paste until it forms a long sausage encasing the almonds then wind this round itself into a tight circle being as gentle as possible so as not to split the pastry. Tuck the end of the filo pastry under the spiral.

Transfer the pastry onto a lined baking tray and cover with melted butter.

Bake in a fan oven at 170C for 15 minutes.

Warm the honey then drizzle it over the pastry whilst still warm. Finally scatter over chopped pistachios and rose petals.