Felix Dawkins (Jordan Gavaris)
Felix, everybody’s BFF, is in for a rocky ride. As Sarah’s lifelong wingman and one of the only people she trusts, he’s constantly caught in the crosshairs of her life.
He often feels left behind by Sarah and forges a supportive relationship with Alison. But Felix (aka Fee) has his own life to live too.
Clone troubles give way to a stream of unsavory characters, which push his loyalty to the limit and lead him to make new allegiances. But ultimately, Fee will become the glue that holds clone club together.
Paul Dierden (Dylan Bruce)
Paul is a man in the middle, torn between his affection for Sarah and the Dyad Institute’s two-pronged leverage of threat and reward.
He is being blackmailed with confidential information about his past – his killing of six marines during an incident while serving in Afghanistan.
The truth is, he’d likely be dead by now if he didn’t have access to Sarah. This makes him very valuable to Rachel. But how far can Paul be pushed?
Delphine Cormier (Evelyne Brochu)
Delphine remains Cosima’s femme fatale – both a beautiful confidant and a dangerous conundrum.
On the one hand, she’s an objective scientist who must view the experiment as a whole and, on the other, her heart lies subjectively with Cosima.
Where will her allegiance ultimately fall?
Art Bell (Kevin Hanchard)
Art is a good cop in an impossible position, one that’s going to land him in very hot water.
But he’s resourceful, tough and beginning to understand what Sarah is up against.
Art could be a valuable ally to clone club…if he can just wrap his head around what it really is.
Siobhan Sadler or 'Mrs. S' (Maria Doyle Kennedy)
Mrs. S is more than just Sarah and Felix’s protective Irish foster mother. She acted as guardian to Sarah's daughter Kira while Sarah was away.
But where has she gone? What is her agenda? And how deep do her ties to the clone’s creation really run?
Mrs. S is a force of nature and has an important story to tell, but can they believe a word of it? Family dynamics are difficult indeed when they rest on a bed of secrets
Dr. Aldous Leekie (Matt Frewer)
Dr. Leekie is one complicated villain – an idealist who long ago crossed a deep ethical divide.
As Director of the Dyad Institute, he plays God above the clones, but how powerful is he really? Big science vs. big business makes him and Rachel Duncan uneasy bedfellows vying for control of the experiment.
While Leekie may ruthlessly lie and manipulate the clones, he has a closet full of secrets about their origins.