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Iseabail Ros

Episode 4 of 6

Documentary following the story of Ishbel Ross from the Isle of Skye, who gives her account of serving with the Scottish Women's Hospital Unit on the Balkan Front during WW1.

Tha Air an Toir ag innse sgeulachdan Gàidheal a thog oir a nall thairis agus a fhuair iad fhèin ann a suidheachaidhean neo-àbhaisteach neo a rinn ainm dhaibh fhèin nan dachaidh ur. Bha Iseabail Ros a bhuinneadh don Eilean Sgitheanach an cois luchd-mediceach a bh'anns na Balkans aig am a chiad chogaidh. Tha na cuimhneachain a dh'fhag i air na chunnaic i a' toirt sealladh àraidh air na thachair.

The lives of Gaels whose global journeys found them in extraordinary situations. The story of Ishbel Ross from the Isle of Skye, who gives a personal account of serving with the Scottish Women's Hospital Unit on the Balkan Front during WW1, describing the events and their consequences.

29 minutes