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Sir John MacKenzie

Episode 5 of 6

The story of Sir John MacKenzie, who worked his way through the New Zealand political system to become one of the most influential politicians of his day.

Tha Air an Toir ag innse sgeulachdan G脿idheal a thog oir a nall thairis agus a fhuair iad fh猫in ann a suidheachaidhean neo-脿bhaisteach neo a rinn ainm dhaibh fh猫in nan dachaidh ur . Dh' fh脿g Iain MacCoinnich taobh sear Rois airson a bheatha a dh猫anamh ann a New Zealand. Tha Seumas D貌mhnallach a' rannsachadh mar a dh' 猫irich e gu ard -inbhe ann a saoghal poilitigeach na d霉thcha a' faighinn urram Ridire.

Air an Toir follows the story of Sir John MacKenzie who, following emigration from Easter Ross in the late 19th century, worked his way through the New Zealand political system to become one of the most influential politicians of his day.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes
