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Eist ri do Chridhe (Change of Heart)

Episode 18 of 20

Heart disease is still the biggest killer in Scotland, accounting for about a third of all deaths. So why is the situation in Scotland so bad?

'S e tinneas-cridhe an adhbhar bàis as motha a tha a' marbhadh sluagh na h-Alba, ag adhbharachadh an treas cuid de bhàsan - ochd deug mìle gach bliadhna. Tha cha mhòr dà thrian de dh' inbhich ro throm no ro reamhar, agus tha rannsachadh a chaidh a dhèanamh bho chionn ghoirid a' sealltainn gu bheil naochad 's a seachd puing a còig às a' cheud de dh' Albannaich ann an cunnart fulang le tinneas-cridhe.

Ach chan e dòigh-beatha a-mhàin is coireach. Tha tòrr Albannaich a' fulang le tinneasan-cridhe a tha 's na teaghlaichean - tinneas ginteil. Ach carson a tha an suidheachadh ann an Alba cho dona? Agus dè 's urrainn dhuinn ionnsachadh bho dhùthchannan eile, leithid Fionnlainn a tha air àireamh bhàsan bho thinneas-cridhe a lùghdachadh ochdad a-mach às a' cheud thar an ceathrad bliadhna a dh' fhalbh?

Heart disease is still the biggest killer in Scotland, accounting for about a third of all deaths - 18,000 each year. Almost two thirds of adults are overweight or obese and recent research has shown that a staggering 97.5 percent of Scottish people are now at risk of suffering from heart disease.

But it's not just lifestyle that causes it. Many people in Scotland suffer from genetic heart conditions. So, why is the situation in Scotland so bad and what can we learn from other countries, such as Finland, which has successfully reduced the number of heart-related deaths by over 80 percent over the last 40 years?

1 hour