This Solitary Bird
In this drama based on a true story, a young journalist and a down-and-out form a turbulent and unlikely friendship as they attempt to bridge Edinburgh's social divide.
This Solitary Bird
by Nick Thorpe
Inspired by a true story the play charts the turbulent, funny and moving friendship of a journalist and a down-and-out as they attempt to bridge Edinburgh's social divide - and discover the flawed humanity they share.
Kate is a young journalist starting work on a Scottish newspaper. Bill is a disenfranchised loner with an axe to grind. Their unlikely alliance begins in simple self-interest: Bill wants the ear of a privileged insider, while Kate sees a guide to the underclass he hopes to document. Neither is prepared for the intensity of their shared journey as they reach across Edinburgh's dark social divide in search of the truth about one another. What is the dark secret that lies behind Bill's disfiguring bruises - or his desperate religious certainties? Unknown to Kate, time is running out for her chaotic friend - and instead of an article, she is destined to deliver Bill's funeral address.
Bill/news editor...FINLAY MCLEAN
Kate................. KIM GERARD
Jim................. KENNY BLYTH
Audrey....... JULIE AUSTIN
All other parts played by members of the cast.
Producer/director: David Ian Neville.
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