Cuirm-Ciuil dha Gordon Duncan/A National Treasure
The 2010 National Treasure concert from the Perth Concert Hall featuring Seamus Begley and Tim Edey, Willie McCallum, Old Blind Dogs and Galician piper Xose Manuel Budino.
'S e cuirm 'A National Treasure' an ceathramh chuirm a chaidh a cumail ann am Peart mar chuimhneachan air Gordon Duncan, p矛obaire, neach-ci霉il folk agus sgr矛obhaiche ci霉il, a bha ainmeil mar aon de na cluicheadairean agus sgr矛obhaichean ce貌l traidiseanta as sgileil agus as adhartaich a bh' againn.
Tha luchd-ci霉il leithid Seumus Begley agus Tim Edey, Willie McCallum, Old Blind Dogs, am p矛obaire 脿 Galicia Xose Manuel Budino, C貌mhlan P矛oba Baile Chloichrigh agus Bl脿r Athaill agus an c貌mhlan aig Gordy Duncan Jr an l脿thair aig cuirm 2010.
Ged a bha e air a bhogadh ann am p矛obaireachd traidiseanta G脿idhealach, bha e an c貌mhnaidh a' cluich ce貌l ann an d貌igh 霉r agus aig amannan radaigeach, chun an 矛re 's gun cluinnear an d矛leab aige ann an ginealach de luchd-ci霉il 貌g air feadh Alba agus ann an iomadach ce脿rnaidh eile. Bh脿saich Gordon Duncan ann an 2005 aig aois 41.
'S e Urras Gordon Duncan, a chaidh a chur air chois airson p矛obaireachd agus diofar stoidhlichean ce貌l traidiseanta a bhrosnachadh a-measg 貌igridh ann an Alba a tha a' cur na cuirm air d貌igh agus tha c貌rr air trichead luchd-ci霉il 貌g a tha air buannachd fhaighinn bho obair an urrais le bhith a' gabhail p脿irt san orcastra 'The Gordon Duncan Experience'.
A National Treasure is the fourth concert held in Perth in the memory of Gordon Duncan, a piper, folk musician and composer, who is widely regarded as one of the most skilled and innovative traditional music performers and composers of modern times.
The 2010 concert features performances from Seamus Begley and Tim Edey, Willie McCallum, Old Blind Dogs, Galician piper Xose Manuel Budino, the Pitlochry & Blair Atholl Pipe Band and the Gordy Duncan Jr Band.
While steeped in the art of traditional highland piping, his approach to his music was always imaginative, fresh and at times radical, to the extent that his influence can be heard within an entire generation of younger musicians across Scotland and well beyond. Gordon died in December 2005, aged 41.
The annual concert is organised by the Gordon Duncan Trust, which was set up for the promotion of piping and other forms of traditional music amongst young people in Scotland, and this concert features performances by over 30 young musicians who have benefited from the work in the trust by being part of the Gordon Duncan Experience orchestra.
Last on
Cuirm-Ci霉il dha Gordon Duncan
Duration: 01:28
Role | Contributor |
Performer | Seamus Begley |
Performer | Tim Edey |
Performer | Willie McCallum |
Music Group | Old Blind Dogs |
Performer | Xose Budino |
Music Group | Pitlochry & Blaire Atholl Pipe Band |
Music Group | Gordy Duncan Jr Band |
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