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Episode 1

With the European economy as a whole suffering, Iain Macinnes examines parallels with the economic divisions between the north and south in Italy.

Tha ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ a' tilleadh le sreath ùr. Le eaconomaidh na Roinn ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ gu lèir a' fulang, agus sgaraidhean a' nochdadh eadar tuath agus deas an Eurozone, tha Iain Macaonghais a' coimhead air na h-eadar-dhealaichidhean eaconomach eadar tuath agus deas san Eadailt. Bho gnìomhachas ard-ìre a' chinn a tuath, gu tuathanasan a' chinn a deas- a bheil leasain rin ionnsachadh bho suidheachadh na dùthcha, neo am feum sinn aideachadh gu bheil pròiseact an Eurozone do-dhèanta ri choileanadh aig a' cheann thall?

Eorpa returns with a new series. With the European economy as a whole suffering and economic differences emerging between the countries of the north and south of the Eurozone, Iain Macinnes examines parallels with the economic divisions between the north and south in Italy. From high industry in the north to the farms of the south - are there positive lessons to be learnt from Italy's situation, or does it have to be accepted that the Eurozone project is flawed from inception?

30 minutes

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Eaconomaidh na h-Eadailt

Eaconomaidh na h-Eadailt

Ceud agus leth-cheud bliadhna on a chaidh an Eadailt a stèidheachadh mar dhùthaich tha i a' fulang ri linn staing-ionmhais an Eurozone. Le sgaradh eadar tuath agus deas an Eurozone a' tighinn am follais, tha ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ a' coimhead cuideachd air na h-eadar-dhealachaidhean eadar tuath agus deas na h-Eadailt. Bho gnìomhachas aig ard-ìre a' chinn a tuath gu tuathanasan a' chinn a deas - a bheil leasain rin ionnsachadh bho suidheachadh na dùthcha, neo am feum sinn aideachadh gu bheil pròiseact an Eurozone do-dhèanta ri choileanadh aig a cheann thall?

The Italian economy

The Italian economy

A hundred and fifty years since Italy was established the country is caught up in the crisis within the Eurozone. With a split between north and south becoming apparent within the Eurozone, ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ will look into the differences between the north and south in Italy. From high industry in the north to the farms of the south – are there positive lessons to be learnt from Italy's situation, or does it have to be accepted that the Eurozone project is flawed from inception?



Tha cùmhnantan PFI air a bhith connspaideach bho thòisich iad ann am Breatann sna '90an. Buidhnean poblach a' pàigheadh companaidhean prìobhaideach an uibhir seo de dh'airgead gach bliadhna airson goireas a thogail is a ruith airson ùine shònraichte. An dèidh sin tha an togalach aig a' bhuidheann phoblach. Mar a tha Darren Linc ag innse ged-tà, tha ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ air fianais fhaighinn gu bheil an talamh fo feadhainn dhiubh fhathast gu bhith aig a' chompanaidh prìobhaideach airson mòran bhliadhnaichean an dèidh dhan chiad chùmhnant airson an togail is an ruith tighinn gu crìoch.



PFI contracts have been the subject of controversy since they began to be used by the UK government in the 1990s. Public bodies paying private consortiums yearly to build and administer a new building for a certain number of years. Afterwards, the building is owned by the public sector. As Darren Laing reports though, ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ has been given information that the land under and around some new PFI buildings is set to remain in private ownership for years after the initial building and running contract ends.


Role Contributor
Producer Hedda Macleod
Presenter Iain MacInnes


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