Sgeulaiche Episodes Episode guide
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Cuairt sa choille (Adventures in the forest)
10/10 A girl goes into a dark forest to look for her lost dog and discovers an old house.
Turas air muir is t矛r (The birthday surprise)
9/10 A birthday fishing trip ends with the party being stranded on an island.
Balaich a Bhunt脿ta (The Potato Boys)
8/10 How can three boys escape from the giant potatoes that have captured them?
Panda Llama agus Mise
7/10 Bhlurb goes to the rainbow coloured Llama with a special request.
An Sealladh Uaigealta
6/10 Three brothers go out to play with their pets but end up in Dr Bob's laboratory.
Tir nam Balgan-Buachair
5/10 Two friends fall down a pipe in the garden and end up in Mushroom Land.
An t-sabaid mh貌r (Boxing clever)
4/10 Big Ross and Little William decide to settle a dispute by having a boxing match.
Flobby am Blob
3/10 Flobby has to save Pastaland from the metal monster T-Splodgasauruses!
Saorsa bhon s霉tha (The Great Zoo Escape)
2/10 Freddie is on a visit to the zoo when he discovers that the animals have escaped!
Turas gu Astr脿ilia (The Australian Holiday)
1/10 The McFinnigan family go on holiday to Australia where a wrong turn leads to adventure!