Episode 10
In this programme, Eorpa visits Albania, where the government is clamping down on illegal construction, and also looks at why fast food is overtaking traditional cuisine in France.
A-nochd bi ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ ann an Albà inia far a bheil an riaghaltas a' cuir bacadh air togalaichean mi-laghail, agus cuideachd bitheas a' faighneachd carson a tha biadh luath a' gabhail seachad air biadh traidiseanta san Fhraing.
In this programme, Eorpa visits Albania, where the government is clamping down on illegal construction, and also looks at why fast food is overtaking traditional cuisine in France.
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Coirbteachd ann an Albà inia
Nuair a chaidh Prìomhaire ùr Albà inia a thaghadh an-uiridh gheall e, am measg eile, gun dèiligidh ri coirbteachd san dùthaich. Agus ‘s ann roimhe a tha an dùbhlan. Tha Albà inia air a’ mheas mar an dùthaich as coirbte ann an sgìre nam Bà lcanach agus tè dhan fheadhainn is coirbte san Roinn ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹. Mar phà irt dhan iomairt airson dèiligeadh ris a seo, thòisich an riaghaltas a’ leagail mòran thogalaichean a tha iad ag rà dh a bha mì-laghail ann am baile Vlora. Ged a chuir feadhainn fà ilte air oidhirp an t-à ite a sgeadachadh, tha cuid eile gu math mì-thoilichte mun dòigh a tha an riaghaltas a’ là imhseachadh na cùis.
Corruption in Albania
When Albania’s new Prime Minister was elected he pledged to deal with corruption in the country. He has a challenge ahead of him. Albania is ranked as the most corrupt country in the Balkans and one of the most corrupt in Europe. As part of the campaign to deal with this, the government has begun knocking down many buildings in the city of Vlora.  Although some have welcomed attempts to clean up the area, others are very unhappy with the government’s approach in dealing with the issue.
Biadh sa Fhraing
Le ealan, cultar, togalaichean ainmeil agus biadh traidiseanta, tha an Fhraing a-riamh air a bhith a’ tà ladh luchd-turais. Ach tha an Fhraing gu sònraichte aithnichte air feadh an t-saoghail airson biadh traidiseanta agus à iteachan bidhe spaideil a th’ air rionnagan Michelin a chosnadh. An-uiridh, chaidh còrr is leth-cheud às a’ cheud dha teachd-a-steach à iteachan bidhe gu à iteachan far am faighear biadh sa bhad no fast-food. A’ chiad turas a-riamh a rinn iad a chùis air à iteachan a bhitheas a’ tabhainn biadh traidiseanta na Frainge.
Tha Burger King air bùithtean ùr fhosgladh san Fhraing bho chionn ghoirid às dèidh dhaibh naoi bùithtean deug à fichead a dhùnadh còrr is còig bliadhna deug air ais, ri linn briseadh dùil le à ireamhan luchd-cleachdaidh. Tha fios gu bheil à iteachan-bidhe dhan t-seòrsa seo a’ tà ladh dhaoine airson diofar adhbharan. Ach tha na h-à ireamhan a thaobh teachd-a-steach son à iteachan fast-food air iongnadh a chur air mòran. Tha Anne Lundon ag aithris mun chùis ann am Paris.
French food
With art, culture, famous buildings and traditional food, France has always attracted tourists. But France is especially renowned all over the world for its traditional food and fancy restaurants which have earned Michelin stars. Last year more than 50% of income from restaurants is from fast food outlets. The first time they have ever exceeded traditional food.
Burger King have opened new outlets in France recently after they closing nineteen out of twenty shops over fifteen years ago due to the low numbers of customers. People are attracted to these types of restaurants for many different reasons. But the numbers of income for fast-food outlets are worrying for many. Anne Lundon reports from Paris
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