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Bliadhna Kerry/Kerry's Year

Documentary following mountain biker Kerry MacPhee, in the lead up to the 2014 Commonwealth Games.

Tha Kerry Nic a' Ph矛 aig cridhe s脿r-sgeulachd soirbheachais ann an sp貌rs air Gh脿idhealtachd - nighean 脿 Uibhist a Deas a thug a miann agus a comas ann an sp貌rs gu 矛re phroifeiseanta, agus i a-nis na l霉th-chleasaiche l脿n-霉ine.

Dh'ionnsaich i gu luath na duilgheadasan a tha a' tighinn an cois beatha s脿r-chleasaiche - ach cha do chaill i riamh sgeul air a' cheann-uidhe a bha fa-near dhi - a' d霉thaich a' riochdachadh ann am farpais eadar-n脿iseanta. Thairis air bliadhna, tha a' phr貌gram seo a' leantail sp脿irn is saothair Kerry agus i a' deasachadh airson Geamaichean a'Cho-Fhlaitheis ann an 2014. Tha i a' str矛 le a h-uile d矛cheall feuch am faigh i cothrom feuchainn airson Alba.

Kerry MacPhee is one of Gaeldom's great sporting success stories - the girl from South Uist who turned her passion and natural ability for sport into her profession by becoming a full time athlete. She has experienced the ups and downs of life as an elite athlete but throughout has had one goal in sight - to compete for her country.

Over the course of a year, this documentary follows Kerry's gruelling schedule in the lead up to the 2014 Commonwealth Games as she strains every sinew to race for Scotland.

55 minutes

Last on

Sat 7 Oct 2017 22:00
