Clann Diosgo: Dannsairean Beaga na h-Eirinn/Disco Kids: Ireland's Tiny Dancers
Documentary offering an intimate and amusing portrait into the lives of young dancers as they train and compete for the biggest competition in their calendar - Dancer of the Year.
Clann diosgo: tha Dannsairean Beaga na h-脠irinn a' toirt dl霉th shealladh 猫ibhinn air beatha dhannsairean 貌ga 's iad a' tr猫anadh agus a' farpais airson na co-farpaise as motha sa bhliadhna - Dannsair na Bliadhna.
Ch矛 sinn na de貌ir agus na pratan, na h-amannan 脿rda agus 矛osal, agus dealas coimhearsnachd, far nach eil creideamh ach dannsa. Tha am pr貌gram a' f貌casadh air na daoine ann an coimhearsnachd de dhannsairean diosga - daoine aig a bheil beatha a tha a' cuimseachadh mu thimcheall solais is gleansa dannsa farpaiseach.
Tha feadhainn an d貌chas gun toir dannsa dhaibh an cothrom gus beatha eadar-dhealaichte fhaighinn, ach the feadhainn eile an d貌chas d矛reach gun c霉m e a' chlann aca far nan sr脿idean.
Disco Kids: Ireland's Tiny Dancers offers an intimate and amusing portrait into the lives of young dancers as they train and compete for the biggest competition in their calendar - Dancer of the Year.
We see the tears and tantrums, the highs and lows and the sheer dedication of a community whose only religion is dancing. The programme focuses on the members of the disco dancing community whose lives centre around the glitz and glam of competitive dancing.
Some hope and dream that dancing will be their ticket to a different life, while others just hope it keeps their kids off the streets.
Last on
Tha farpais mh貌r ann
Duration: 02:40
- Wed 11 Mar 2015 21:00
- Mon 16 Mar 2015 22:30
- Fri 22 Jan 2016 22:00
- Sun 7 Aug 2016 23:00