Sgeoil nam Meirleach/Robberies
This documentary explores four major heists of the 20th century: the Great Train Robbery, Loomis Fargo, Security Express and the Gardner Museum art theft.
Tha am pr貌gram-aithris seo a' coimhead air ceithir eucoirean-goide m貌ra a ghabh 脿ite san fhicheadamh linn: Robaireachd Mh貌r an Tr猫ana; Loomis Fargo; Security Express, agus an goid de ealan san robh luach d脿 cheud millean dolair 脿 Taigh-tasgaidh Gardner. Rinn na robairean e airson airgead, airson ainm, agus airson spreagadh. Chleachd iad breug-riochd, breugan, agus se貌lta. Bha
feadhainn dhiubh a' siubhal tro dhiofar dh霉thchannan, le feadhainn dhe na deteactaibhean as fhe脿rr san t-saoghal gan leantainn. Fhuair feadhainn aca 脿s le na milleanan; agus chaidh breith air feadhainn eile ann an latha no dh脿. B' iad a bha a' sti霉ireadh, no a' leantainn, no a' planadh nan robaireachdan a bu mhotha san fhicheadamh linn.
This documentary explores four major heists of the 20th century: the Great Train Robbery, Loomis Fargo, Security Express, and the $200 million-Gardner Museum art theft.
They did it for money, for fame and for thrills. They used disguises, cunning and bravado. Some travelled through foreign lands, leading top detectives on a wild pursuit around the world. Some got away with millions, others were captured within days. They are the leaders, followers and masterminds behind the 20th century's greatest robberies.
Last on
Eucoraich agus daoine gun chiall
Duration: 00:54
- Fri 17 Apr 2015 22:00
- Sat 18 Apr 2015 22:00
- Sat 19 Mar 2016 22:50