Costa Concordia: Bata Fodha/Cruise Ship Down: The Costa Concordia
Documentary following salvage master Nick Sloane and his team as they attempt the difficult removal of the Costa Concordia cruise ship after it ran aground off the coast of Italy.
Chaidh sgeulachd dh貌rainneach tubaist an Concordia innse air feadh an t-saoghail anns na meadhanan, ach tha am film 霉r seo a' glacadh cho duilich 's a bha e an t-sligeach a ghluasad bho far an deach i fodha. Th脿inig saidheans agus einnseanaireachd, agus sgiobannan de ch貌ig cheud neach, le dr脿ma gu le貌r, c貌mhladh, agus chan eil ach aon chothrom aig Nick Sloane agus an sgioba
aige gus an soitheach a thogail.
Chan eil e comasach aon mhearachd a dh猫anamh ann am plana am 'parbucladh' - agus tha an aimsir nan aghaidh, oir tha iad a' tighinn dhan Fhoghar. Nuair a tha cladaichean Thuscany a' f脿s stoirmeil, feumaidh Nick Sloane a thighinn gu co-dh霉naidhean le s霉ilean an t-saoghail air. Am faigh e air an Costa Concordia a chur na seasamh, d脿 bhliadhna an d猫idh dhi a dhol ri na creagan?
The sad story of the Concordia disaster was covered worldwide through news and documentaries, but this film captures the urgent and difficult removal of the wreck. Combining science and engineering with human teamwork and drama, salvage master Nick Sloane and his team of 500 have just one chance to pull the stricken ship upright.
Following detailed research and planning, Sloane's team insert cement-filled bags between the reef and the wreck to create a stable cement cradle for the Concordia to rest, and then weld ten-storey floats on her exposed side. They create a giant pillow to support her damaged bow and encircle her with hydraulic jacks capable of lifting 7,000 tons of dead weight. When Sloane gives the signal, will the 18 steel chains that are looped under and around the ship rotate the broken vessel upright?
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- Fri 1 May 2015 22:00
- Sat 2 May 2015 22:55
- Fri 15 Jan 2016 22:00
- Sat 16 Jan 2016 23:00