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Cooking with Seafood

Mairi MacRitchie meets some of the country's finest cooks and bakers, who share their recipes. In this episode Mairi gathers ideas for using fresh seafood.

Tha Màiri NicRisnidh air chuairt eile tron Ghàidhealtachd is nan Eilean a' coinneachadh ri sàr-chòcairean a sheallas dhi am biadh is fheàrr leothasan a dhèanamh.

Anns a' phrògram seo cuiridh Màiri cuairt air an Eilean Sgitheanach, Uibhist is Beinn na Fadhla a' lorg na dòighean is blasta air feum a dhèanamh dhen mhaorach a tha cho pailt sna h-eileanan. Tha na còcairean is aithne dhi deiseil lem molaidhean fhèin air dè is fheàrr a chòrdas ri daoine. Tha fear an Uibhist a Tuath a' cruinneachadh feusgain sa chladach, a bhios sgoinneil le uachdar is creamh, agus t-èile le a dòigh fhèin airson bonnaich chrùbaig, le feòil gheal nan ìnean.

Cha chuir i cùl nas mò air na seann dòighean air dèiligeadh le iasg - ach cuiridh i dreach ùr orra: kedgeree le aithneachadh de spìosraidh a-measg na deagh chnapan adaig smocte, agus Cullen Skink dèanta le bradan an àite na h-adaig, agus sònraichte blasta.

Mairi MacRitchie is in the Highlands and islands meeting some of the country's finest cooks and bakers, who share with her their favourite and most treasured recipes.

In this programme Mairi is in Skye, North Uist, South Uist and Benbecula gathering recipes using the freshest seafood available on every islander's doorstep. Her cooks are on hand with suggestions that will make any tummy rumble.

She meets a seafood enthusiast in North Uist who gathers his own mussels to create a delicious creamy garlic broth, and a chef who has created her own recipe for crab cakes using local white crab meat.

Mairi also revisits some delicious classic seafood dishes and gives them her own new twist, from a slightly spiced kedgeree with juicy pieces of smoked haddock to a hearty Cullen skink using hot smoked salmon for a delicious but subtle smokiness.

30 minutes

Reasabaidhean - Sreath 8

Reasabaidhean - Sreath 8

Na reasabaidhean bhon t-sreath ùr.

A' Fuine le...

Series in which Mairi MacRitchie meets some of the country's best bakers.