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Pìobairean Beaga Bhaile Ghobhainn/The Wee Govan Pipers

Documentary tracing the first 18 months of the Govan Schools Pipe Band, as they meet legendary piper Rona Lightfoot. Narrated by Ewen Henderson of Mànran.

Tha iad 10 bliadhna a dh'aois. Òigridh à Alba, Nigèiria agus Sìne. Thug na choilean iad deòir gu sùilean am poileasman a tha gan teagasg. Dh'fhaodadh gur iad an ath ghinealach de phìobairean ann am Baile Ghobhainn.

Le gàire agus tarraing pearsa ann am pailteas, tha am prògram a' leantainn a' chiad 18 mìosan de Chòmhlan-phìoba Sgoiltean Bhaile Ghobhainn.

Thàinig an còmhlan seo gu bith le taic bho charantasan ionadail a tha a' strì gus am bi na h-aon chothroman aig sgoilearan bho sgoiltean maoinichte leis an stàite 's a th' aig sgoiltean prìobhaideach an ionnstramaid nàiseanta againn ionnsachadh.

Thig seann-phoilis bho Phìobairean Poilis Ghlaschu, còmhlan a choisinn iomadh duais - a theagasg a' ghinealach ùr ioma-chultarail seo à Baile Ghobhainn.

Tha an ginealach ùr de phìobairean seo ann am Baile Ghobhainn a' togail air dìleab nan Gàidheal a thug pìobaireachd an toiseach a Ghlaschu.

Leanaidh sinn a' chlann a' cur suas a' phìob airson a' chiad uair aig farpais phìobaireachd nàiseanta, a' coinneachadh gaisgeach na pìoba Rona Lightfoot, agus na Red Hod Chilli Pipers.

Air aithris le Eòghann MacEanraig bhon chòmhlan Mànran.

They're 10-years-old and they can reduce a policeman to tears. They could be the new face of piping in Govan. With a sense of humour and buckets of charm, the film traces the first 18 months of the Govan Schools Pipe Band.

The band is the brainchild of local charities, who are on a mission to give pupils at state schools the same opportunity as those in private schools to learn Scotland's national instrument. Ex-coppers from the award-winning Police Pipe Band come in as tutors to give Govan's new generation a chance at the musical big-time.

This new generation of pipers in Govan are following the footsteps of the Gaels who first brought piping to Glasgow. On their journey from picking up the pipes for the first time to playing at a national Pipe Band Competition, the children meet legendary piper Rona Lightfoot and bag-rockers the Red Hot Chili Pipers.

Narrated by Ewen Henderson of Mànran.

59 minutes

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