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Cluinneam!/The Switch-On

Documentary following five deaf patients at the Scottish Cochlear Implant Unit as they undergo treatment which will hopefully give them the ability to hear.

Tha leth mhillean duine air feadh an t-saoghail air an claisneachd fhaighinn air ais ri linn 's rud air am bheil cochla fuadain. 'S tha na cl脿raidhean iongantach sin dhe'n thachair nuair a fhuair iad cochla fuadain air sgaoileadh air "you tube" - air am faicinn leis na milleanan de dhaoine.

Anns na coig bliadhna fichead a dh'fhalbh, tha Ionad Cochla Fuadain na h-Alba aig Ospadal Chrosshouse ann an Cill' Mh脿rnaig air cobhair a thoirt do ch貌rr air m矛le is ceithir chiad neach.

Ach thathas dhe'n bheachd nacheil an sin ach earran bheag dhe'n fheadhainn aig a bheil feum air.

Seo sgeulachd ch貌ignear a th'air slighe air leth mh矛orbhuileach - fear a tha'n eisimeil a hlaisneachd airson obair a ghleidheadh, deugaire a bha seinn aon mhionaid 's a chaill a claisneachd ann an seachdainean, agus seanair a tha d矛reach ag iarraidh c貌mhradh a dheanamh ris na h-oghaichean aige. Ach tha meatair 'na luib - dh'fhaodadh e bhith 'na cheum gu saoghal 霉r, air neo a' bheagan claisneachd a th'ac' a thoirt air falbh gu tur.

Half a million profoundly deaf people across the world have had their hearing restored thanks to cochlear implantation, and the extraordinary clips of their cochlear implant being 'switched on' have become popular on the internet - shared and watched by millions.

Over the past 25 years, the Scottish Cochlear Implant Unit at Crosshouse Hospital, Kilmarnock, have implanted 1400 people. But the staff here believe that represents only a fraction of the people who need it. This film follows five patients on an extraordinary emotional journey. From the signmaker whose job depends on the implant working, to the teenage girl who went from competitive singer to profoundly deaf over the summer holidays, and the grandfather who desperately wants to be able to
hear his grandchildren.

The stakes are high - the implant may give them their hearing back, but it could also take what's left of it away.

59 minutes

Last on

Sun 10 May 2020 21:00


Information and Support

To get information and support on issues raised in this programme, for details of organisations that can help.
