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Muhammad Ali

Documentary looking at the life of former boxer Muhammad Ali, featuring archive news interviews with him throughout his career.

Bha ainm Muhammad Ali air bilean an t-sluaigh fad na 60an, 70an agus na 80an. Bha e ag amas air tighinn gu b脿rr agus a dh'aindheoin 's na bha d霉il, chaidh a mheasadh mar am bogsair a' b' fhe脿rr a-riamh, agus tha meas aig sluagh an t-saoghail air fhathast.

Tha an aithris seo a' toirt s霉il air beatha aon de na l霉th-chleasaichean as fhe脿rr a bh' ann riamh; eadar an t-脿m shoirbheachail aige mar bhogsair neo-dhreuchdail nuair a choisinn e bonn 貌r Oilimpigeach gu na sabaidean ainmeil aige an aghaidh Henry Cooper, Sonny Liston agus George is Joe Frazier.

A bharrachd air sin chithear agallamhan a rinn Ali tro a dhreuchd bho thasglann nan naidheachdan. Choisinn Ali cli霉 ri linn a chomasan am broinn a' chearcaill agus a mhodh air a taobh a-muigh: cr脿bhadh, saorsa, ceartas cinnidh agus mar a sheas e airson ceartas seach cothrom. 'S e aon de na l霉th-chleasaichean as aithnichte bhon linn a chaidh.

Through the 60s, 70s and 80s Muhammad Ali became a household name. He was a man driven by his ambition to be the best and went on to become one of the greatest boxers of all time, a sporting legend that to this day is loved throughout the world.

This documentary takes a look at the life and times of one of the greatest sportsmen of all time, from his amateur boxing career and Olympic gold through to his legendary fights with Henry Cooper, Sonny Liston, George Foreman and Joe Frazier. Also included are archive news interviews with Ali throughout his career.

Ali is now highly regarded for the skills he displayed in the ring and the values he exemplified outside of it - religious freedom, racial justice and the triumph of principle over expedience.

52 minutes

Last on

Sun 22 Oct 2017 22:55
