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Slàinte na Sgìre - Alderney/A Southern Island Practice - Alderney

Episode 9 of 18

Documentary sequel following Dr Donald John Murray as he travels 1,000 miles from the Outer Hebrides to Alderney in the Channel Islands, where he spends half his working life.

Tha Tuath agus Deas a' tighinn ri chèile ann am prògram ùr a' leantainn air soirbheachas prògram Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Alba, Slàinte Na Sgìre a chaidh a thogail anns na Hearadh ann an 2013.

Leanaidh Slàinte na Sgire - Alderney an Dotair sgairteil Dòmhnall Iain Moireach a-rithist, 's an dotair a tha cuideachd na chroitear a' siubhal 1,000 mìle bho a chroit sna h-Eileanan an Iar gu eilean beag Chaolas Shasainn, Alderney, far a bheil e a' cur seachad leth dhe bheatha obrach.

'S e obair dhùbhlanach a th' ann dha dotair sam bith, 's e a' frithealadh coimhearsnachd de 2,000 leis fhèin, agus cuideachd os cionn an ospadail sgìreil le roinn Tubaist is Èiginn na lùib. Obair 24/7 's iarrtas air an dotair fad na h-ùine.

Le an sgothan-seòlaidh, àilltearachd àlainn agus iomadh buaidh Eòrpach follaiseach san dòigh-beatha, shaoileadh tu gum biodh Eileanan Chaolais Shasainn iomadh mìle bho na h-Eileanan an Iar. Ach gu math tric chan eil daoine a' gabhail for air eilean beag Alderney, agus aire air an cuid nàbaidhean a b' ainmeile, Jersey agus Guernsey.

Thar seachdain san ionad-slàinte eileanach eile seo gheibhear a-mach gu bheil barrachd rudan coltach ri cheìle na bhiodh an dùil. 'S e a th'ann an Alderney, ach eilean agus coimhearsnachd a tha a' seasamh còmhla le eachraidh dhùbhlanach, sgìre far a bheil spiorad na coimhearsnachd agus dibhearsain, agus an dotair fhathast aig cridhe na coimhearsnachd. 'S dhan dotair eileanach Albannach tha e follaiseach gur e dachaigh bho dhachaigh a th' ann cuideachd.

North meets south in this entertaining sequel to the previous Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Alba documentary An Island Practice, filmed on the Island of Harris in 2013. A Southern Island Practice returns to follow lively island doctor Donald John Murray, crofter turned doctor, as he travels 1,000 miles from his croft in the Outer Hebrides to Alderney in the Channel Islands, where he spends half his working life.

It's a challenging job for any doctor, single-handedly serving a community of around 2,000 and also managing a local hospital with Accident and Emergency - a 24/7 job where the doctor is never off duty.

With their yachting marinas, fine architecture and affluent and eclectic European vibe, you'd expect the Channel Islands to be a stark contrast to the Outer Hebrides. But the 3-square-mile island of Alderney is an overlooked haven amidst its better-known neighbours Guernsey and Jersey.

As we spend a week in the life at this other island practice some surprising similarities are revealed. A place united by a challenging past, where a sense of fun and community spirit still runs strong and where the doctor is still at the heart of the community. And for our Scottish Island Doctor, its clearly become a home from home.

1 hour