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Taighean Sinc/Zinc Houses

Episode 8 of 18

Documentary telling the story of zinc houses, which have long been a part of the Scottish rural landscape, and how their legacy lives on in modern designs.

Tha taighean sinc air a bhith nam pàirt de chruth-tìre na h-Alba fad iomadh bliadhna. Tha iad rim faicinn sgapte air feadh nan Eilean Siar, an cruth, sìmplidh nàdarrach agus dathan, nam pàirt nàdarrach den àrainneachd eileanaich. Tha an cuid sgeulachd ge-tà nas motha na sin agus air buaidh a thoirt air feadh an t-saoghail.

Tha Eòghainn MacFhionghain na neach-togail a tha à Uibhist a Deas bho thùs, ach a tha a-nise a' fuireach agus ag obair ann an Glaschu. Thug na taighean sònraichte seo buaidh air - math agus dona - agus tha e a-nise a' gabhail cuairt inntinneach a thogas iomadh cuimhne.

Nuair a thòisich iad gan togail anns an 19mh linn deug, b' e an teicneòlas a b' ùire a bh'ann, agus bha an cruth cho tarraingeach 's gun deach togalaichean a dhealbhachadh dha rìoghaltachd, agus cuideachd an reic thall-thairis. Coinnichidh sinn ri cuid a tha fhathast a' fuireach annta, agus cluinnidh sinn mu an iomadadh eaglais agus sgoil a chaidh a thogail à sinc air feadh na dùthcha.
Chì sinn cuideachd mar a tha na togalaichean sìmplidh seo a-nise a' fàgail na dìleib phrìseil aca fhèin, ann an cruthan, adhartach, ùr, 's na taighean sònraichte Albannach seo aig a cridhe - na Taighean Sinc.

Zinc houses have long been a part of the Scottish rural landscape. They can be seen dotted around the islands of the Western Isles - their natural, simple forms and colours fitting effortlessly into the island environment. Their story, though, is a bigger one, that had an impact on a worldwide scale.

Ewan MacKinnon is a builder who is originally from South Uist, but who now lives and works in Glasgow. He recalls how they impacted on his own life - good and bad - and takes a nostalgic and fascinating trip of discovery.

When they started to get built in the mid and early 19th century, it was considered to be the best technology of the day, and the appeal of these designs saw buildings built for royalty and also exported overseas.

We meet those who still live in them and hear about the many churches and schools which were made from zinc all over the country. We also see how their legacy lives on in the form of new modern designs, inspired by these iconic Scottish buildings - zinc houses.

58 minutes